O9: Sura's Potential

The Pact
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Chapter 9: Sura's Potential

“Sura, wait up!” Luhan called as he saw the familiar small back figure walking away.
But she didn’t hear him and he had to run to catch up to her. She stopped walking when she got to the bus stop.

“Geez, are you deaf?!” He shouted, panting. Maybe he should have really ran every day like Coach Sung told him to.

“L-Luhan…” She murmured in surprise. She looked around.
Sure enough, there were plenty of kids in their uniform waiting for the bus with her. And of course, they were staring. That meant it was time to act.


“Uh, hi, sweetie.” She said, faking a smile. She was very unproductive at the library and after the talk with Joohyun, she really wasn’t in the mood to act, but she did it anyway.

Luhan forgot they were dating for half a second and looked confused, but he quickly remembered. “Hey, I came to pick you up. Let’s go home.” He grabbed her hand and stuffed it into his pocket.
“Your hands are cold.” He said with a grin.

He usually wasn’t this flirtatious when faking their relationship, but he noticed that two of the guys waiting for the bus were part of Himchan’s little posse – Daehyun and Zelo, if he was remembering correctly.
And he made sure they were watching as he kissed Sura on the cheek.


Sura stared at Luhan. He was being too affectionate, even for pretend. She got into his car, continuing to wonder why he was being so kind – like an actual boyfriend.

“You’ve been staring at me for five minutes. You might want to take a picture instead.” He asked smugly.

So much for being kind.
Sura glared and looked at the road in front of her.


“Why did you wait for me?” She asked suddenly. She knew Luhan had finished practice around an hour ago.

He paused, unsure of what to say. He definitely wasn’t going to tell her the truth about his conversation with Joohyun. “I, erm, was chilling with

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will update later tonight I promise~~


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Chapter 35: This was such a cute and nice read! Thank you for this story. 🥰
1883 streak #3
Chapter 11: that was a nice defence lu
1883 streak #4
Chapter 10: naughty luhan
1883 streak #5
Chapter 9: "This was the potential i saw" lmao luhan eye-- 😭😭
1883 streak #6
Chapter 8: lmao the last line 😂😂😭😭
1883 streak #7
Chapter 7: luhan's so into the roleplay xD
1883 streak #8
Chapter 6: ahh they're so funny xD
1883 streak #9
Chapter 5: you not only deliver us beautiful chapters but also teach us mandarin hehe
1883 streak #10
Chapter 4: Lmao that other girl is so annoying ajjksjk