O6: Body Image

The Pact
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Chapter 6: Body Image

Sura yawned. The clock on the wall read 12:56AM.
“…” She muttered, finally putting away her homework. “I love getting 6 hours of sleep.” She whispered sarcastically to herself.
She saw Luhan sleeping on the bed peacefully.
“If only you were this cute when you’re awake…” She said with a dry smile.

She stole a pillow from his bed and a beach towel from the closet. The floor would be her bed for tonight. The carpet was pretty fuzzy and she wasn’t a little princess who needed the softest mattress to fall asleep.






Luhan woke up at 6:45 sharp. He stretched and threw off his covers. He sleepily moved to the edge of the bed, getting ready to stand up and stretch again.
“Holy !” He screamed, realizing he nearly stepped on Sura’s head.
“What is she doing on the damn floor?” He griped, taking a careful step to the side.


He stared at her for a little while. She was completely covered by his beach towel like a corpse or something.
I’m probably going to step on her if I leave her here…
He sighed. It was way too early to do any heavy lifting, but it had to be done.
He knelt down by Sura and picked her up. “Ugh, what do you eat?” He groaned.


He debated on how he should put her down.
Who cares?
He simply dropped her on the bed, startling her awake.


“You …” Sura muttered angrily as she squirmed around uncomfortably.

“Just be glad I didn’t step on your face.” He retorted.


Sura threw a pillow at his head before he went into the bathroom. She plopped back onto the bed and covered her face with his blanket.
Gross, it smells like him…

She supposed it was a good idea

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will update later tonight I promise~~


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Chapter 35: This was such a cute and nice read! Thank you for this story. 🥰
1882 streak #3
Chapter 11: that was a nice defence lu
1882 streak #4
Chapter 10: naughty luhan
1882 streak #5
Chapter 9: "This was the potential i saw" lmao luhan eye-- 😭😭
1882 streak #6
Chapter 8: lmao the last line 😂😂😭😭
1882 streak #7
Chapter 7: luhan's so into the roleplay xD
1882 streak #8
Chapter 6: ahh they're so funny xD
1882 streak #9
Chapter 5: you not only deliver us beautiful chapters but also teach us mandarin hehe
1882 streak #10
Chapter 4: Lmao that other girl is so annoying ajjksjk