O3: Learning the Ropes

The Pact
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Chapter 3: Learning the Ropes

Sura quickly put on her shoes and ran out the door. Luhan had been honking his car horn repeatedly for the past five minutes, and she was afraid he would wake the neighbors at 7:30 in the morning.


She got into the seat besides him.

“Ready to start your day as my to-be wife?”
Luhan didn’t even wait for a reply. “It doesn’t matter if you’re ready or not. You better play the part.”


Sura sighed. Luhan was being a little devil first thing in the morning. She nodded, thinking of the fact that because she quit her job, there was no backing out on the deal.

“Well, then you better play your part well too.” Sura snapped, reminding him of his side of the deal.

Luhan smirked. Did Sura actually think that he could possibly fail at making Himchan jealous? Stupid girl, everyone is jealous of me, he thought smugly.



Luhan parked in his specially reserved spot and unsurprisingly, there were a small group of girls already waiting for him at the parking lot.

“Stay.” He ordered.

Sura nodded obediently and watched as Luhan came around to open her door. He held out his hand and she took that as her cue to hold it. He led her out of the car as if he was presenting her to the world.


The girls began to howl in anger. They ran up to Luhan and Sura, demanding to know what was going on.
“Are you still with that girl, Luhan Oppa*?!” Dasol screamed. She was the self-appointed captain of Luhan’s personal cheering squad.
She looked at Sura in disbelief. Sura was the library nerd!


 “She’s my fiancée. Say hello to Moon Sura.” Luhan was unable to hold in his smile. The looks on their faces were priceless.

“Fiancée?!” Dasol shrieked.


Sura just stood by his side awkwardly. He had his arm around her waist lovingly and oddly, it felt kind of nice. Himchan had never really shown much affection.




Word spread like wildfire of Luhan’s engagement.


“Dude, it’d be nice if you told us you were engaged… And to someone as cute as that.” Kris whispered, nodding in Sura’s direction.
“Yeah, I thought we were your friends…” Chen pouted, pretending to be offended.

“Sorry, sorry. It was last minute.” Luhan felt bad keeping it a secret from his closest friends, but he didn’t want to take any chances. He’d tell them after the holidays were over and the girls calmed down.

“I have to commend you on your choice, Luhan,” B

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will update later tonight I promise~~


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Chapter 35: This was such a cute and nice read! Thank you for this story. 🥰
1883 streak #3
Chapter 11: that was a nice defence lu
1883 streak #4
Chapter 10: naughty luhan
1883 streak #5
Chapter 9: "This was the potential i saw" lmao luhan eye-- 😭😭
1883 streak #6
Chapter 8: lmao the last line 😂😂😭😭
1883 streak #7
Chapter 7: luhan's so into the roleplay xD
1883 streak #8
Chapter 6: ahh they're so funny xD
1883 streak #9
Chapter 5: you not only deliver us beautiful chapters but also teach us mandarin hehe
1883 streak #10
Chapter 4: Lmao that other girl is so annoying ajjksjk