22: Ending It

The Pact
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Chapter 22: Ending It

Luhan walked into school, feeling nervous. He saw Sura by her locker. He was far away enough that she didn’t notice him though, thankfully. He needed some time to re-run his plan through his head.
He had thought about it all night. ‘End it with that Sura girl,’ his grandfather had demanded.
He couldn’t bring himself to do it when she had gotten home last night. He had pretended everything was normal. He had stayed awake all night with her in his arms.

He debated over two methods: Telling her he liked her. But he had to marry Dasol. And maybe in about 10 years, after his grandfather was dead, he could divorce Dasol and then go back to her.
And then the other method: telling her the pact was unneeded. The holiday season was over and the girls were no longer crazy for a boyfriend.


The first one wasn’t fair to Sura. If he told her he really liked her, then what if she wouldn’t move on? He didn’t want her to move on, but even he wasn’t that selfish.
The second one… It would hurt her more.

Either way, though, she’d get hurt.


“Luhan!” Sura shouted happily, noticing him as he got closer.
She noticed he didn’t look very happy to see her.

“We, um… We need to stop this.” He said grimly.

“This? What are you talking about?”

“The pact. The deal we made… Let’s just stop. I got my share out of it, and so did you.”

She stared at the floor, trying to take in what he was saying. “Why end it now?” She asked, glaring. Her cheeks were hot and she was holding back tears.

“I mean, better now than ever. I’m not chased down by freakish girls. And I got laid. When would be a better time?”

She felt dirty like a used napkin. She had ing lost her ity to him for goodness sake. Before she could stop herself, she felt her hand whip across his face.
She rushed into the girls’ bathroom. She sniffled away her tears. It didn’t make sense. Everything had been going so well. She couldn’t just believe Luhan suddenly hated her all of a sudden.

She made sure her face looked presentable and her makeup wasn’t running before she came out of the bathroom. She wanted to talk to him again, set things straight.
She found him at his locker and bravely tapped his shoulder.


His eyes widened in shock and anxiety as he realized she was back. His cheek was still stinging from her slap. He had deserved it though.

“I don’t believe you. Tell me the truth. I’m your fiancée for ’s sake. I know you better than this!” She shouted.

He took a deep breath. For a moment, he was going to give in and tell her the truth, and ask her to wait for him. Don’t be selfish, Luhan, he told himself. Letting her go would be the one last act of kindness he could do for her.
“You were my fake fiancée.” He felt his cold words slip out of his mouth almost too easily. “You think you know me? Yeah right. Our relationship was built on a lie.”

“This is too

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will update later tonight I promise~~


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Chapter 35: This was such a cute and nice read! Thank you for this story. 🥰
1883 streak #3
Chapter 11: that was a nice defence lu
1883 streak #4
Chapter 10: naughty luhan
1883 streak #5
Chapter 9: "This was the potential i saw" lmao luhan eye-- 😭😭
1883 streak #6
Chapter 8: lmao the last line 😂😂😭😭
1883 streak #7
Chapter 7: luhan's so into the roleplay xD
1883 streak #8
Chapter 6: ahh they're so funny xD
1883 streak #9
Chapter 5: you not only deliver us beautiful chapters but also teach us mandarin hehe
1883 streak #10
Chapter 4: Lmao that other girl is so annoying ajjksjk