Into a New World

Hearts of Flowers

Victoria sighed as she her passport ID, raising it at arm's length so that its rounded corner partially blocked the sunlight that streamed through the San Francisco airport windows. "Park Jooyeon", it read. She squinted, partially dazed by the fact that this was what she had been called before she came to America. The name felt so unfamiliar, unfitting, like a whole unknown word to her. But then, she hadn't used it for the past 10 or so years. It had been used less, and less, until it had been completely forgotten. But in her new life in Seoul, Korea she would need it a lot. Her current name, 'Victoria', would need to be forgotten. She knew she would have to move on.

Yes, she would have to move on, to change completely. And to do this she would have to leave everything behind. Her life, her friends, her everything until now...





The outfits:



*Click click FLASH Flash~*


"That's the end for today!"

"Good work, Victoria and Jessica!"

"Well done as always, you two!"


"Good work to everyone too! Thankyou! Have a Merry Christmas too!" Jessica and Victoria chorused as they respectively broke away from their professional poses and stood up from the Christmas-themed set they had just been pictured in. Briefly patting down the checkered A-line dress she was modeling, Jessica hurried over to Victoria and beamed up at her playfully.

"Hey Victoria, my outfit looks better than your one does! Hehehe~" she teased, casting a playful sweeping glance of disapproval over the other's maxi dress.

"Aish! Well my one was better in the photoshoot we had yesterday!" Victoria defended.

"Then let's see who'll get the prettier outfit in the next one! Loser treats winner to lunch after?" Jessica suggested, offering a smile with a dose of aegyo that was supposed to prompt Victoria to agree.

Victoria laughed, immune to, yet still amused at the aegyo of the already-hungry Jessica. After-all, they had just had breakfast and she was already thinking about lunch. *Lunch. So that was her motive for comparing our outfits.*

"Okay, you gluttonous reindeer." she gave in, turning around and walking off the set. Momentarily stunned by what she had just been called, Jessica stared at the disappearing back of her best friend. *A... reindeer? Oh, my outfit? Oh, the nerve of Victoria.*

"Wait...HEY! You um... BIG, BILLOWY THING!" 

Victoria tilted her head back to let out another amused chuckle at Jessica's feeble comeback as she continued approaching her beige shoulder bag on the shelf. Reaching it, her fingers closed around a familiar soft, black case. Reassured, she smiled, a faint sense of nostalgia tingling through her fingers. It was still there.

Just then, a vibration reached her through the folds of her bag. Victoria snapped out of her reminiscing, startled. *Oh no, our manager must be calling!* She checked the time. 5 minutes behind schedule. *Oh dear. Jessica and I will need to work extra hard on our next project if we want to have enough time for lunch today.*

"JESSICA!" she hollered. "Get changed! We need to go now!"

"What?! Already?!" Jessica started moving towards the dressing room. 

"Yes! Or we won't have much time for lunch!"




"Jessica? Did your stomach just grumble?"

"Ehh........uh..let's just hurry. Or we won't have enough time for lunch!" Jessica blushed.



*~End flashback~*



Victoria sighed. Those days were over. 

A spark of static electricity went through the airport speakers as it started up. "Calling for passenger Park Jooyeon for Flight 0935 to Seoul. We repeat: calling for passenger Park Jooyeon for Flight 0935 to Seoul. Please board immediately."

Victoria lowered her passport ID, brushing her thumb over her imprinted details. *I really need to get accustomed to my new identity* she thought, looking at her ID. "Park Jooyeon. I am Park Jooyeon. Park Jooyeon..."


Reality struck her.

"WAIT... PARK JOOYEON? THAT'S ME! UWAAHHH!!" Victoria panicked as she hurriedly gathered her luggage to make her way to the plane. 


*Yes, those days really are over- those days when I was called Victoria* she thought as she stepped onto the plane, oblivious of the fake smiles the flight attendants had plastered on their faces, *I'm Park Jooyeon now. Who's Victoria? Nobody that I know of. My life for the past 10 years, from now will be, must be...erased.*

Settling down in her seat, she gazed out of the airplane window as the city of San Francisco gradually shrank and blurred.

*It's all disappearing* she thought, as the city blurred even more. *Everything that I worked hard for, everything...*

A wave of sadness and longing suddenly swept through her as she reached a depressing epiphany. *I won't be here anymore. No. This can't be true. NO. Wait why am I leaving? Why did I even get on this plane? NOO. Why did I leave? WHYY?* She pressed her face closer to the window pane, her eyes searching, trying to see what she was leaving behind at least one more time. The Golden Gate City, the apartment block she had lived in, Jessica...-anything would do. She craned her neck more, her cheek pressing against the cold surface. She couldn't see anything.

It took her a few moments to realize. *My.. my cheek. What's this, it's wet?*

Another tear fell onto the window sill. *, I can't be crying. My vision cannot be blurred. I want to see it again! Just once! No, this cannot be...* Regret filled her as she realized she had no chance of seeing what she had left behind anymore. She lingered one moment longer, a dull string of hope still hanging in her heart as she looked through the window for the last time. As if on call, the blue sky got replaced by white mist as the plane entered a cloud. The tears spilled as she realised *There's no hope left*. 

"Goodbye, Victoria." she whispered lifelessly, as her many emotions spilled out in wet trails across her cheek.





Hehe ^^ finally kickstarted my fanfic! ^0^ I'm experimenting more with the graphics. They're so fun to make! Hehehe >.<

And also, about the maxi dress picture, I edited it really REALLY roughly and quickly so it's not very good =( (SORRY! >.<) But you get the idea of what it looks like, right? ^^ 

Well hope you liked the first chapter~^^


*At awesomekpopper and DO_IT_CHU: Yay! I fulfilled my promise to post it today! ^^ *


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i wanna poster :)