Chapter 39

Our Little Deal
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The dress he picked out was simple yet it was elegant. You twirl around and look towards your own reflection in the mirror to make sure everything was looking fine; you tied your hair into a bun and sigh deeply. He didn’t even talked to you since that conversation you guys had during breakfast.



“What’s taking you so long?” he knocks on the door

“Just a second!” you shouted; obviously frustrated with him



You step out of the bedroom to see Kris in a simple fade blue collared-shirt which made it look nicer than it’s supposed to but at that time; to your eyes, he looked normal. He looks at you and grabs the keys as he made his way to the door.



*What? No compliments?* you puff your cheeks *Fine, if this is how he wants to play it.*

“I expect you to not do something stupid around them, please, be as matured as you can.”

*Whatever.* you roll your eyes and followed behind






“Kris!” a man in his 50’s greeted the both of you as you entered the lavish restaurant

“Mr.Soo.” Kris bows and shakes his hand

“Glad you could come.” a woman stood up with a smile

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Kris said with a smile on his face

*Yeah right, you’re Mr.All-Smile when you’re with them, fake.*

“Who’s this?” another man asks

Kris smiled and turns to you “This is Lee Hyo Ri, she’s…”

“A friend.” you speak out with a smile

“Friend…” Kris looks at you; trying to hide his real expression

“Friend? Oh, what a beauty, are you two close?” a woman asks

“Well, we do know what we need to know about each other.” you chuckle lightly “And thank you, you have a stunning dress yourself Ms…”

“Emma.” she finished with a perfect smile

“Ms.Emma.” you smile at her

“I thought she’s your girlfriend Kris.” an old man chuckles “Well, everyone, meet my daughter who’ll probably be taking over my company since the old man is just too old.”

“Dad, you’re never too old.” a girl with a long light brown hair appeared with a charming smile

“Oh darling, sadly I am.” the father said

“Hello everyone, I’m Soo Hyo Min, the only daughter of Mr.Soo who’s my beloved appa.” she smiles up to her dad

“She’s lovely.” a woman smiled

“Beautiful, just like her mother.” another went

“Well everyone, let’s sit down then.”

*Too lovely, she seems to take everyone’s at

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1883 streak #2
Chapter 5: her ex ticks me off too😤
haha that "bi-ch face" part xD
1883 streak #3
Chapter 4: haha kris is indeed tall as a ladder 😂😉
1883 streak #4
Chapter 3: omg i hate her bf💀
1883 streak #5
Chapter 2: i guess he really don't like her?? or he indeed is shy as heck 😳
Chapter 50: Okay minji is so annoying now
Chapter 78: I Enjoyed myself. I think I'm fan of yours now
Chapter 78: This got so angsty but the ending was cool.