
Epic fail
"jagiyah I'm bored"himchan said as he was lying down on the sofa."KIM HIMCHAN THIS IS THE 40 TIMES YOU SAID IT!!!"you shouted getting pretty this boy sure can whine alot! "because it's my off day and you decided to clean the house instead of spending time with me"he whined."ok,ok wHat do you want to do?"I finally gave in giving up on cleaning the house.while he was thinking of what to do I said to him"you know you are really good at persuading people to do things you wanna do,like the time where you wanted young guk to give you his-" "cook"he suddenly gave him a are-you-serious-look and he said"since none of us really know how to cook let's try cooking and maybe It would turn out good!" "yah I don't really know how to cook but you can't even boil water how you going to be of any help?!" "please jagiyah,it's either this or the mudflat"he said "cooking it is"you said,see you never really like going to the mudflat,whenever someone suggested to go to the mudflat you would always reject it no matter how much you did not like the other choice either. It was basically your And himchan had to know SO DO YOU LIKE IT? NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE GOING TO THE SUPERMARKET PLS SUBSCRIBE BYE!!:)
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Chapter 2: :O < my face when reading Y U NO TELL MEEEEEEEE
CandyW9220 #2
Y didn't you tell me that you were writing this? O.o