Then Came You



Chanyeol grew up under the care of Nonna. He loved her and would give her anything she asked for in a heartbeat. But at this moment, he was sulking because what halmeoni wanted was Baekhyun's undivided attention and Chanyeol was forced to spend half an hour watching her fuss over the pup. Not that he didn't want her to fuss over the older guy but neither halmeoni nor Baekhyun had given him any attention at all since they sat down for breakfast.

He tried to join in on their conversation but it was as if he was invisible. They barely paid any attention to him. He looked on as halmeoni enveloped Baekhyun in a hug again and inwardly sighed. Chanyeol wanted to do that, too. As well as give Baekhyun a proper good morning kiss.

A half hour long good morning kiss sounded just about right.

However, all he could do was fantasize because the other two still acted as if he wasn't there. Chanyeol looked down at his plate of barely eaten food, so intent on grumbling to himself that he didn't hear Nonna call his name.

"Park Chanyeol," the pup called. He glanced up and was startled to see Baekhyun's face close to his own, the boy leaning over the table to get his attention. Baekhyun laughed before he returned to his seat across from him.

"What?" he asked, immediately snapping out of his daze.

"I was calling you earlier but you weren't answering," Nonna replied. "I was going to tell you that since Baekhyun is back, it's time to go to the mansion and visit your grandma. She has been restless lately. Well, you know how she gets."

Chanyeol shifted his gaze to Baekhyun. The pup was looking at him as if waiting for his decision. There was no reason why they shouldn't go today, he thought. Although, it felt like a big step for Chanyeol. Baekhyun would be the first person ever that he would take to the mansion. While the older boy has already met with his grandma a few times, bringing Baekhyun home felt significant.

Except... would the pup be okay with it? Chanyeol already knew about his background and was willing to accept everything about him. But his grandma would want to know more and was sure to ask Baekhyun about his family and his life. Chanyeol wasn't sure if his boyfriend was ready to answer those questions, let alone talk about it in general. Baekhyun hadn't even opened up to him wholly. The younger wasn't certain how the pup would react if he found out that he already knew all about his past.

"Are you okay with it?" he asked Baekhyun.

"Yes," the other said with a nod.

"Okay, halmeoni, please tell grandma that we will have dinner with her later."

The old woman clapped her hands in glee. "Of course I will," she said and then continued excitedly asking Baekhyun what he wanted for dinner. "Oh, goodness! I have to get back as soon as possible. You kids, why did you even let me go on and on?"

"As if you'd let us stop you," Chanyeol muttered.

"Oh, shush you. Alright I have to go now. Finish your breakfast dearies and I'll see you both later!" Halmeoni bent down to give Baekhyun a parting hug.

Chanyeol raised a brow when all he got was a wave from the housekeeper before she left. Baekhyun saw his expression and asked what was the matter.

"Nothing really, just the fact that everyone loves you," Chanyeol said as he scowled.

Baekhyun burst into a short laugh. "Are you jealous?"

Chanyeol probably looked as disgruntled as he felt because the other boy chuckled again. Baekhyun stood up and went to stand beside him. He was a bit surprised when his boyfriend gently patted his head.

"You shouldn't be jealous, you know. Halmeoni and everyone else loves you more," the shorter boy said.

He slipped his arms around Baekhyun's waist and pulled him close. Then Chanyeol leaned his head against the pup's chest. "It's not that."

"Then what is it?"

Chanyeol looked up at Baekhyun. "I'm jealous because so many of them want to be close to you that they cut down on what short time I get to spend with you."

Baekhyun poked his forehead. "What short time? I'm with you most of the day. And I even work where you work. We spend so much time together that you'll probably get sick of my face soon."

"That would never happen." Chanyeol sighed then cuddled Baekhyun closer. "Don't laugh. But for me, pup, every second without you is too long while a second with you goes too fast." He unconsciously tightened his hold on Baekhyun. "I get scared that I won't have enough time to love you," he admitted. "I sound stupid, don't I?"

He expected Baekhyun to laugh but what he got was a gentle kiss on top of his head. The pup tipped the taller boy's face up and playfully rubbed his nose against Chanyeol's.

"No, you don't. But it's actually different for me." Baekhyun cupped Chanyeol's cheeks in his hands. "Time stands still when I'm with you. I don't think about yesterdays or tomorrows. The only thing that matters to me is now. And as long as you never let go, I won't either."

"Really? You promise?"

"I promise."

Baekhyun smiled and Chanyeol felt it all over again. That weird feeling. Except this time he knew what it was. He'd gladly feel this way every day, though, because that meant he was with Baekhyun.

"You know this promise? We should seal it." He lifted a hand and brushed a few stray strands of hair from Baekhyun's forehead. He let his touch linger there before it settled against the pup's nape. "A thirty-minute good morning kiss should do it."

Baekhyun laughed and rolled his eyes. "Now, how did I know that you'd say something like that?"

"Because you were thinking of the same thing," Chanyeol answered quite cheekily.

"I was not!" Baekhyun moved to pull away but Chanyeol was faster. He quickly drew the pup down into his lap and planted a short kiss on his lips.

Baekhyun stared at him in exasperation but at the sight of his wide grin, the older boy gave in and wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's neck. "Thirty minutes huh? Are you sure you can handle it?"

"I'll survive." Chanyeol hugged Baekhyun close for that kiss he wanted to give since he woke up to his boyfriend sprawled on top of him. He felt a sudden surge of tenderness as he recalled how the pup cuddled into him trustingly. "I love you. You know that right?"

Baekhyun nodded.

And just like the way it was every time they kissed, Chanyeol could feel the world tilt crazily on its axis, feel his heart burst, feel his breath hitch, and amidst the chaos... feel that everything was right where it should be.

As their lips moved tenderly together, he thought that it wasn't right that he should keep anything from Baekhyun. Being honest with him was the only way his boyfriend would give his trust completely. He was nervous. Chanyeol didn't know how to tell Baekhyun that he already knew about his past almost from the start. But he had to tell him.

"I love you, Chanyeol," Baekhyun whispered against his lips.

I'll tell him later, he thought, not wanting to break this precious moment. Or tomorrow. I'll definitely tell him tomorrow.






He felt Yixing's lips graze the side of his neck and Junmyeon couldn't help but clutch the manager tighter to him. His arms went around the other's shoulders and he was pretty sure their clothes were now wrinkled beyond repair. The top three buttons of his shirt were open and God knows where Yixing put his bowtie after he removed it quite hastily earlier.

He wasn't sure how he ended up with his back against his office wall, low and forgetting about his usual morning appointment with Chanyeol. But then again, these past few days, this was exactly what happened when his and Yixing's eyes met across a lobby or when their shoulders brushed against each other on the way to some appointment inside KSE. Junmyeon was at a loss of what this was exactly--of what these clandestine meetings meant--but he couldn't stop to think for more than a few seconds before he eventually gave in to the pull that was Zhang Yixing. He could never seem to resist him.

When the other guy said his name in that broken Korean accent of his, he felt this tightening in his chest, a pain somewhere between a mild fluttering and a heart attack. It only seemed to happen when he was with Yixing like this. Well, in any position actually. Not that they've been in other sorts of positions or anything. Although, to be honest he would kind of like to be.

Junmyeon got distracted from his wayward thoughts by the sudden ringing of his desk phone. He moved to break the kiss but Yixing chose that moment to tilt his head and into his mouth, making him forget about everything else but the hands holding onto him. It wasn't until the fourth ring that Junmyeon remembered where they where and that this wasn't supposed to be happening here or now. This shouldn't really be happening anywhere actually.

"I have to--" he started to say but wasn't able to finish because Yixing's eyes were suddenly staring into his. And it frustrated Junmyeon to no end that despite having him wrapped around him, he couldn't understand what that expression on Yixing's face meant. Even though he was near to memorizing the way his dimple would deepen when he frowned or how his brow arched when he found something stupid, Junmyeon didn't really know him, could never seem to figure him out at all.

The EVP was never one to blindly jump into relationships except, this time, the instant attraction that flared between him and Lu Han's manager was too strong to miss. He didn't have time to weigh the consequences--whatever they were--because he was completely swept away the first time they kissed. Maybe even before then.

He was afraid to admit that he wanted something more. More than these brief interludes where they were so close he could feel Yixing's thundering heartbeat against his own. He opened his lips to try speaking once more but was halted once again when Yixing took a step back and let him go. The taller guy moved away to fix his mussed hair and rumpled clothes. Goodluck with that. Junmyeon cleared his throat and did his own fixing as he walked towards his desk just in time to pick up the phone on its sixth ring.

"Hello?" he said into the receiver distractedly. Half of his attention was still on Yixing who was patting his hair back into place. "Yes, of course I'll be at the appointment. Have the proposal ready by two."

He guessed he should have expected it. He saw Yixing walk towards the door. Not a wave goodbye nor a word. Not even a smirk. He shouldn't feel this disappointed nor this hurt. Because after all was said and done, they were nothing at all.

Junmyeon convinced himself that he was fine with it. Let him leave, it's okay. He was going to let him go out the door when he saw the tip of his bowtie peeking out of Yixing's pocket. The red contrasted so much with the black slacks the manager was wearing. Somehow the sight made Junmyeon speak out. "You're leaving?"

Yixing paused on his way and turned to look at him. "Yes," he replied before his hand reached out to turn the door handle.

"You're leaving," Junmyeon repeated. He didn't even know why he was saying what was so blatantly obvious. Yixing was leaving and that was that.

The manager glanced back at him and there was again that expression on his face that Junmyeon couldn't understand. "What is it?"

"Nothing. It's nothing." We're nothing. Junmyeon thought he could easily let it go like that but it seemed his mouth was running faster than his brain. "Let's end it here."

Yixing stilled before he turned to fully face him, his right brow raised. That made Junmyeon feel slighted. What he said wasn't stupid at all. "Let's end whatever this is, right here."

He waited for an answer--any reaction at all--but there was none. The silence was deafening and Junmyeon couldn't stop the words that tumbled out. "I'm not like this. I'm not... this." He pointed at the two of them. "I don't do this. I'm the guy who kisses his date goodnight on the third date. On the cheek. I don't even hold their hand until at least the first month of going out. I don't grab people inside elevators or anywhere else just to make out. I don't... It's just... I don't even like you."

"You don't like me," Yixing said.

"No. I don't." It was a lie. Junmyeon knew it the instant the answer left his mouth. He liked him a lot but he was pretty sure that Yixing didn't feel the same. Just look at how he was able to quickly dismiss Junmyeon from his mind. The image of Yixing coolly walking away after that kiss earlier was proof. "So let's--"

"End it. I heard you the first time," Yixing finally answered. "Sure. It's not as if I like you, either."

Then the evil manager was out the door. Junmyeon had to admit it hurt, a lot. The tightening in his chest didn't ease with the break. It even worsened. He touched his chest. It was confusing because how could it be this painful when it also felt so hollow?

Junmyeon wanted to call Yixing back. He left with Junmyeon's bowtie but he was afraid that it wasn't the only thing he owned that Yixing took away with him.






Slumped on his manager's office chair, Lu Han fiddled with the note Oh Sehun handed him yesterday. It was after the photo shoot for the album when the photographer gave him the white slip of paper discreetly. No, his heart didn't beat fast because their hands brushed and he most definitely did not feel disappointed that it was all Sehun did before leaving. The head didn't even say a word.

Sehun just held out the envelope to him and smiled. But it was enough to give him a long, sleepless night contemplating how to best tear that obnoxious person limb from limb. He had felt tortured during the shoot, Sehun's voice filling his head and unsettling him.

Smile. Beautiful. Perfect, he had uttered.

He said the things that Lu Han expected a photographer to tell him. But the words sounded wrong. It wasn't the same as when they were alone. Sehun didn't need to speak to tell Lu Han what he thought. He just had to frown or nod. Pause and stare. Or stay completely expressionless.

He couldn't believe that the young photographer had the audacity to give him the directions to a gallery. As if Lu Han was a nobody who had all the time in the world to waste on something as lame as an exhibit. He didn't understand the handwritten note at the back of the card, either.

I won.

Won what? He honestly didn't care. What he cared about was that their last photo shoot would be held the day after tomorrow and he should feel relieved that after that he wasn't going to work with that Oh Sehun anymore. Except it wasn't exactly relief he was feeling right now. He was going insane.

He flipped the paper and read the two scrawled words again.

I won.

He would't go. He wouldn't. No.

Just then the door slammed open, startling Lu Han from his thoughts. Yixing entered with a dark cloud hanging above his head, his expression positively livid.

"Who likes who? Ha! Assuming things... not even worth my time!" the older guy stomped towards his desk and stopped just to pace across the room. "And I don't grab people inside elevators!"

Lu Han laughed at his manager. "What's got your twisted?"

Yixing turned to him. He appeared surprised to see Lu Han there. "What are you doing here?"

The singer just shrugged. He was here because he had nothing to do at their dorm and he didn't want to be left alone with his thoughts.

"I thought I told you to rest. You have a full schedule starting on Wednesday and I won't have you getting sick. And you need to catch up on your language classes. The producer said you're still mispronouncing lyrics and--"

"Okay, okay. I will, okay?" Lu Han stood up from the swivel chair and moved to lean his against the desk. "You still haven't answered my question."

Yixing ran his hand through his hair and Lu Han noticed that his friend was actually really agitated. "What question?"

"I asked you what's going on." He wasn't used to seeing Yixing like this. He has always been the cool and composed manager of the Angel of the East. "Is everything, alright?" Lu Han asked concerned.

"It's fine. Nothing you should worry yourself about," Yixing answered but he couldn't quite meet Lu Han's eyes.

"Are you seriously pulling that on me?" the blonde guy asked incredulously. "Come on, man."

Yixing rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay. There's this thing."

"And?" Lu Han crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't want to want it." The dark haired guy began pacing again. "I don't."

Lu Han wanted to laugh at both of them because somewhere between his hatred for Oh Sehun and the red bowtie in Yixing's pocket (where the hell did that even come from?), he realized they were actually facing the same problem. Wanting. "But you can't help it, right?"

Yixing stopped to look at Lu Han. "I can't," he admitted.

Lu Han got down from his perch and went to hold onto his manager's shoulders. "You are the Zhang Yixing. You always know what to do."

He saw Yixing's dimple appear as his friend gave him a half-smile. Lu Han then snatched his backpack from the desk. "Later."

He didn't give Yixing a chance to ask where he was going. His manager wouldn't approve anyway. He was the Angel of the East. He didn’t always know what to do but he always did what he wanted.

The gallery which housed the week-long exhibition wasn't that far from KSE. Within half an hour Lu Han was already walking across its lobby, snapback low on his head and dark aviator glasses hiding most of his small face. He couldn't completely conceal his delicate features, though, and even with his bulky red varsity jacket and denim pants, he still felt eyes following him. He strode quickly towards the large room where the exhibit was being held.

"The 16th Annual Art and Soul Photography Competition" a framed board by the entrance read. Competition? Was this what Sehun meant? He won here? Lu Han walked inside and saw a banner with gold-letters spelling out 2013: Favorite Things.

He scoffed. What kind of theme was that? So amateur. He walked on further, telling himself that he was only there because he was curious why Sehun would tell him to go and not because he was hoping to catch a glimpse of the silver-haired guy. On second thought, he did want to see Sehun and gloat about the fact that he wouldn't have to see his blank face again.

Lu Han was amazed to see the framed photographs though. It was evident that this wasn't just an amateur competition like he first thought it was. The scenes and objects captured in each picture were breathtaking. A lone yellow daisy amidst a field of white poppies. A colorful hot air balloon with the endless blue sky as background. Who knew that a glass of milk and a plate of cookies could be so beautiful?

As interested as he was, his eyes still darted on the description plates beneath each photograph, unconsciously looking for Oh Sehun's name. He reached the end of the spacious room and he found a short corridor which led to a smaller gallery. To his left was a large photo of a cardinal frozen in flight, its wings spread to reveal all of its glory. The plate below it read the photographer's name and the title Red. It won third place.  A few steps to his right and he saw a pair of worn rubber shoes, soles caked with mud, and seemingly thrown carelessly on a doorstep. It was titled Coming Home and won second place.

He felt his heart beat fast and he was almost afraid to see the last frame. He slowly turned and he wasn't prepared for what he saw. After the rich colors of the previous pictures, the one in front of him stood out. It was a close-up picture of him.

His hair appeared golden against the white backdrop and his skin was a pale shade of apricot. Lu Han felt his cheeks flame as he saw the expression on his face. His lips were opened awkwardly as if he was just about to laugh but decided to stop at the last second. There were small wrinkles on the corners of his eyes and a pimple scar on an otherwise smooth cheekbone. He was embarrassed to see himself on display like this.

Damn you, idiot, he thought. He stepped back from the frame. I'm going to kill you. Lu Han glanced down at the label to make sure. There it was. Oh Sehun's name in bold letters. Of course it would win first prize. The singer was about to look away when the title of the photo caught his attention.

That Almost Laugh

He looked up again at his picture and, curiously this time, he didn't cringe. He took off his sunglasses to see it better. His eyes went over his own face once more. He quite clearly recalled when this shot was taken. Think , Sehun had said back then and Lu Han was torn between laughing and punching him in the face. He was feeling the same thing now. He wanted to punch the photographer hard for showing the world what he looked like without his make-up on (and without permission, that little ). He wanted to laugh because if he was being honest, he actually looked beautiful in that photograph. He looked real.

It was the Lu Han he used to see in the mirror when he was just a fourteen-year-old boy dreaming of becoming a singer. He missed him. He missed that Lu Han who wasn't afraid to smile and laugh. Who didn't care if his mouth was opened too wide or if he was being entirely too loud.

Was this how Oh Sehun saw him?

"Oh my gosh, excuse me, are you... Lu Han?"

Lu Han was startled to see a teenage girl expectantly looking at him. He abruptly his back and put his glasses back on. "Um, No. I'm not."

"Oh," the girl said disappointedly. "Then you must be the person in that picture, right? He looks like the Angel of the East, too."

"Yeah," he replied. He was about ready to escape from there when he heard the girl speak yet again.

"At first I thought it was Lu Han in that picture but the smile looks too different. But you still look pretty there," she said earnestly. "Is the photographer your boyfriend? His favorite thing is your almost laugh. It's so sweet."

It felt like a kick in the gut when the words finally registered. That idiot. "No, um, he's--"

"It was nice talking to you but I have to go now." The girl giggled. "I'm going to tell my friend she just missed seeing a Lu Han look alike. She's like a hardcore Sweetest. Too bad cameras aren't allowed here." She gave another giggle before leaving Lu Han alone and more confused than ever before.

Lu Han felt a prick in his eye. He wasn't touched. He wasn't going to cry over some silly photograph. His heart wasn't affected at all. It was just beating this way because... because... He was angry. Yes, he was. That stupid photographer didn't even ask for his permission before having Lu Han's face on display like this. He should really go and kick his to hell. He told himself that was the only reason why he was almost running to get to Oh Sehun.

Only that, of course. Nothing else.






He was debating whether to knock or just barge into Junmyeon's office. From the corner of his eye, he saw the EVP's secretary watching him. Why wouldn't she? He had been standing there for close to three minutes now, refusing to have her inform her boss about his presence. Zhang Yixing, just open the damned door.

He had been too distracted (thinking of Junmyeon, not that he would admit it) to notice that he had the EVP's red bowtie in his pocket all day. It wasn't until he saw his reflection on a glass wall on his way to a meeting that he saw the flash of red. He took it out and saw that he accidentally pocketed the thing.

He remembered seeing Junmyeon wearing it this morning and it was all he could do not to drag him into a dark corner and have his way with the EVP. It was never in his plan to follow the other guy into his office nor to back him against the wall and kiss the daylights out of him. But it happened. It wasn't his fault that Junmyeon looked particularly irresistible that morning. Or all the other times they ended up making out. Hell, he looked irresistible every time.

Yixing was surprised when Junmyeon said they should end whatever it was going on between them for he thought it was okay--he was silly enough to think the feelings were mutual. He never did relationships and it had been so long since he went out on actual date. He was too busy building Lu Han's career to even think about it. This was the first time in a long while that he was even tempted to kiss another person. Yixing didn't have room for anything else and he didn't hear any protest from Junmyeon when this started. He didn't expect that the other guy wanted more. That's what it was, wasn't it? Junmyeon wanted something Yixing couldn't give right now.

It was fine with him, ending it. Now if he could just open the door and return the stupid (cute) bowtie to its demanding (cute) owner then he could be on his merry way. With newly found resolve, he reached for the door handle. He was a bit startled, however, when the door opened and he saw Junmyeon standing there, eyes also wide with surprise.

He watched the shorter guy shake his head and absently step back to let him in. Yixing closed the door behind him, vaguely wondering why he did. He told himself earlier that he would just hand the bowtie over and leave. He didn't have to go further inside the room and stare at Junmyeon. The EVP moved to stand beside his desk, his fingers softly tapping against the surface. Was he nervous?

"I just came here to return this," Yixing said as he held out the bowtie. "I didn't notice that it was in my pocket until a few minutes ago."

"Oh. Thank you." Junmyeon lifted his palm up to receive it. Yixing had this crazy thought that it was too impersonal. Junmyeon sounded as if he didn't have his hands all over Yixing that morning. He didn't know why he suddenly felt annoyed and affected. Definitely affected.

So instead of just handing the bowtie and getting the hell out of there, Yixing advanced towards Junmyeon until they were standing just a few inches away. He felt Junmyeon tense as he lifted his hands and wrapped the bowtie around the EVP's neck, tying it himself.

"I--I could do that. You don't have to." The manager thought Junmyeom sounded a bit breathless. He was feeling a little bit lightheaded himself. It must be because they were so close. Not enough air.

He couldn't bring himself to pull away, though. Even after he had finished putting the tie on (it was crooked but Yixing hadn’t done this before, okay?) he still didn't step back. He couldn't. Because if he did then it would really be over. He wouldn't be able to touch Junmyeon again. He wouldn't be able to watch his eyes darken after every kiss.

He took a shaky breath and surrendered. Yixing pressed his lips against Junmyeon's ear. "We'll go on dates. Okay."


"Everything you want. Dates. No kissing, no holding hands, no touching until the third one. I haven't done this since forever and this is a warning. I don't like going to movies but if it's necessary I'd only go to see action ones. No mushy love stories or anything as stupid as that."

Yixing straightened and looked Junmyeon in the eye. "No grabbing in elevators or anywhere else. Although, I'm telling you, you'll certainly miss it," he ended.

Junmyeon just gaped at him. Yixing wouldn't acknowledge it but he was nervous-scared as hell. He was basically asking the EVP to be his boyfriend knowing it would bring a whole lot of complications to his life but at this moment all he could think of was Junmyeon has yet to answer. "Well?" Yixing asked impatiently.

"I--Okay," came the short reply.

Yixing was finally able to release the breath he was holding. He instinctively leaned in to kiss Junmyeon but had to stop when he remembered he wasn't supposed to. Mentally groaning, Yixing turned his face away so he wasn't prepared when Junmyeon abruptly pulled him back and gave him a deep kiss. It wasn't a short or a chaste one in any way. He was enjoying it entirely too much and moaned when the EVP into his mouth. Was this a test? He'd certainly fail.

It was hard but he forced himself to break the kiss. "I thought you said--"

Junmyeon grinned and Yixing thought he had never seen him smile like that. "We've been working together for almost three months now. I think we've passed the third date rule."

It was his turn to gape at the other guy.

"And I'm not into mushy love stories either. The more blood, the better." Junmyeon gently touched Yixing's lower lip. "I heard there's a new horror movie showing this weekend."

He was royally screwed-- there was no turning back, but he didn't mind.

"It's a date," Yixing whispered before he went in to claim Junmyeon's lips once again.






Sehun had been staring at Lu Han's photographs the whole day. He had so many reprints of them; he could probably cover his entire studio with the singer's face. It would be creepy but Sehun was close to actually doing it.

He'd finish working with him on Thursday. And unless Sehun could find another thing to unknowingly blackmail him with, they'd go their separate ways. He should be used to it. Whenever an assignment ends, he'd go jump excitedly into another. It was strangely difficult for him to move on from Lu Han. He didn’t want to.

He liked him. There was no going around that fact. Although he wasn't sure up to what extent, he liked him. He had never felt this way before. He didn't know what to do. Sehun thought that he'd get over this unexpected infatuation soon enough. He didn't count on wanting more time to know where it could go.

He was certain Lu Han felt something for him, too. But he was the Angel of the East, no matter how Sehun asked him to be himself, that role would always be a part of Lu Han. Sehun didn't think they had enough between them to actually make the singer want to overcome his insecurities and believe in him. He fervently wished there was time--just a day or two more--but there wasn't.

He held up a print of his entry in the competition, stared at it in quiet longing. If people would look at Sehun at that moment, they wouldn't have a clue that something was troubling the young man. Except for the almost imperceptible tightening at the corner of his lips, they wouldn't know that for the first time ever, he was wishing he wasn't alone and a certain violent and sharp-tongued blonde singer was beside him.

Maybe making Lu Han go to the exhibit was a mistake but he couldn't bring himself to regret it. If the blonde singer went ahead and attended, he'd realize how much Sehun really liked him. It was a lame attempt at a confession but the worst that could happen would be Lu Han laughing at him on Thursday. However, if he was right--if Lu Han really liked him back--then the unbearable nerves twisting in his stomach would be worth it.

He sensed a presence behind him and Sehun his heels to find Lu Han looking extremely beautiful and furious.

"You!" he exclaimed as he stalked towards the photographer. "You can't do these things. You can't just make me feel things and make me confused and--" Sehun felt a finger jab painfully against his ribs,"--how dare you put me on display like that? How dare you make me feel beautiful? You're such a big idiot!" Lu Han chest heaved, his eyes were filled with anger, disbelief, and a flash of fear. "You can't do this!"

Sehun let him continue with the accusations and the hits. He thought he deserved them anyway. He never meant to but it was obvious that in some way he had hurt Lu Han. The singer looked lost. Sehun couldn't have prevented himself from gathering him into his arms and pressing his cheek against his chest.

"You really can't," Lu Han said tiredly, burrowing his face closer.

"I love you," he whispered against the smaller guy's temple. He shocked even himself. But it was true. Having Lu Han holding onto him made him realize he didn't just like him. It was more than that. Always have been.

Lu Han pulled away to look up at him. "You can't."

"I already do," he replied helplessly.

"I'm this close to punching your face," the singer threatened.

"I still love you." Sehun cradled his cheek in his hand.

Lu Han swiftly tiptoed and closed his lips over Sehun's, running his hands against the soft silver hair and pulling the photographer to him. He didn't tell the taller guy that he loved him back but Sehun could feel it in the way Lu Han fitted their lips together. A moment later he drew his mouth away from Sehun's with a soft suction that kept their lips clinging until the very last second. He saw Lu Han's eyes drop to his lips and Sehun could feel the floor shift a little.

"I don't beat people up when I'm occupied," Lu Han said hoarsely before he pressed himself nearer. "You have three seconds."

Sehun was embarrassed to admit that it wasn't until the shorter guy rolled his eyes at him that he got what Lu Han meant with that. He stood frozen in place.

"Time's up," the blonde boy sighed and began to disentangle himself from Sehun.

In a burst of speed, Sehun wrapped his hands around Lu Han's slender hips to stop him from moving away. He swung Lu Han around and lifted him to sit on the table, sending most of the pictures and negatives to the floor. Lu Han grabbed two fistfuls of Sehun's cotton shirt to anchor himself and tilted his chin up to stare at him.

One hand let go of him and he felt Lu Han's touch travel down his throat, over his collarbones and across his chest. Sehun leaned down and bit gently at the singer's mouth, causing his head to fall seductively back. His hands dropped down to Lu Han's knees and pulled them apart. He immediately filled the space he created for himself. Lu Han's thighs bracketed his hips and he felt the heat of the other's body surrounding him. Sehun tasted him with every slow glide of his tongue. Lu Han tried to tip his head up further and tugged at his neck to deepen the kiss but Sehun ignored the insistent pulling. He had all day to kiss him.

"You shouldn't throw ultimatums like that," he said against the skin of Lu Han's neck.

"I'm the Angel of the East, I do what I want," the other answered before he heard him let out a needy moan.

"No, you're Lu Han." He stopped kissing him all together and looked into Lu Han's eyes. "And you can do anything you want with me."

"Anything?" the singer asked seriously.

Sehun nodded and he felt that twist in his heart when Lu Han hugged him. Just hugged him. "Oh Sehun?"

Sehun had to smile at the sudden teasing tone that entered his voice. Lu Han turned Sehun's face towards him and there was a mischievous glint to his eyes. He should have known that he wouldn't stop at just that. "Yes?"

"Think ."






"And this was Chanyeol when he joined the Junior Ferret Club," Grandma Park pointed at a framed photograph on top of a large wooden drawer situated along one side of the mansion's spacious living room.

Baekhyun grinned widely at the sight of a plump 11-year-old Chanyeol, wearing nerdy eye glasses and holding up a confused looking ferret.

"Grandma," Chanyeol grumbled behind them. "If Baekhyun breaks up with me it'll be your fault."

"Stop complaining. Little Baekhyun wouldn't break up with you unless you do something stupid then I myself would turn you out the streets and adopt him officially." The old lady hooked her thin arm around Baekhyun's. "Don't you worry. Any time my grandson bullies you, you come to me."

Baekhyun threw a laughing glance at his disgruntled boyfriend. "I will."

"Good. Now, here's my Chanyeollie when he got his first boy scout badge--" Grandma Park continued to point out at all the pictures there. There were photographs of Jongin, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol during high school graduation--all three of them looking young and happy. There was some of EVP Kim, too and their parents.

It had been a relatively simple dinner, or as simple as a five-course meal could be. Grandma Park regaled him with funny and entertaining stories about Chanyeol and her other grandsons' shenanigans. She pretended to find fault with them though it was apparent in her tone how proud of them she really was.

There was a tense moment when the old woman asked Baekhyun about his family and his past. He tried to be as honest as possible, saying he was already orphaned and that he was a year short of graduating. Chanyeol must have sensed his discomfort for he distracted his grandmother with talks of HJ Entertainment and their upcoming group. He felt grateful yet he also felt a little guilty. He should really tell Chanyeol about his past. There was no reason not to.

He felt a nudge at his back and he turned slightly to look back at Chanyeol. The tall guy closed his eyes and pretended to fall asleep because of Grandma Park's never-ending chatter. He tried to frown at him but the potato looked so ridiculous, Baekhyun could barely hold his laughter in.

"Park Chanyeol, don't think I can't see you." Grandma Park gave Chanyeol a swat on his arm.

"Grandma, isn't it past your bedtime?" Chanyeol asked.

As if planned, Nonna entered the room. "Mrs. Park, I already prepared your bedtime tea."

"You all treat me like I'm some invalid," the old lady complained, making her look exactly like her tall grandson.

"We're about to go home soon anyway, grandma. We still have work tomorrow," Chanyeol said cajolingly. He gave the woman a peck on the cheek. "Thanks for the dinner."

"Only if you promise to be here this weekend. Bring Jongin and Junmyeon, too. And Kyungsoo. I want everyone here."

"We will, grandma. Now go rest." Chanyeol enveloped her in a short hug.

"Fine," Grandma Park turned to Baekhyun. "You, too, Baekhyunnie. Kiss grandma goodnight."

Baekhyun also gave her a kiss and a hug. He felt happy as he watched the two old ladies walk away. They made him feel right at home. He suddenly missed his parents. Good thing Chanyeol was there to pat him in the head and distract him from being sad.

"We're going?" he asked the taller guy.

"In a while. I want to show you something," Chanyeol answered. He then held onto Baekhyun's hand and dragged him towards a set of steps and corridors, finally ending up outside a blue door.

Baekhyun looked questioningly at him. Chanyeol opened the door and pulled Baekhyun in.

It was a fairly large room, much bigger than Baekhyun's. The walls were cream colored and gray carpet covered the floor. A tall shelf separated the sleeping area from the doorway where a loveseat and a low couch were placed. Chanyeol directed him further in until they were standing beside the queen sized bed.

"Let me guess, this is Jongin's room," Baekhyun teased.

Chanyeol chucked him in the chin. "Wrong, guess again."

Baekhyun looked around. It was a pretty room, clean and the color patterns were cool to the eyes. It wasn't what he imagined Chanyeol's childhood room would be like though. Based on Grandma Park's stories, young Chanyeol was an active child who was into cartoons, music and well, ferrets.

"You look disappointed," Chanyeol said as he slipped his arms around Baekhyun. "Looking for something?"

"Not really," Baekhyun smiled sheepishly. "I just thought that there would be... more?"

The potato laughed and squeezed Baekhyun tight. "There's more but it's not here. I'll show it to you later."

"Then what are we doing here?"

"Do you really need to ask?" Chanyeol playfully pushed him down the bed and jumped in after him. Baekhyun ended up on his back with the taller boy hovering above him. "I always dreamed of bringing someone to my room and doing all the kissing I see in movies."

The potato bent down and placed his arms against Baekhyun's chest before putting his chin on top of them. He was almost completely on top of Baekhyun and looked like he was absolutely enjoying himself. The older boy sighed. "You, Park Chanyeol, are by no means light."

"Hmmm, what if I just spend the rest of my days here?" Chanyeol laid his head on him and sighed contentedly. Baekhyun moved his hands through his boyfriend's raven hair.

He lost everything three years ago when his parents died and his life crumpled before his very eyes. But now fate stepped in and handed him the world. He still found it hard to believe that the tall young businessman he impulsively kissed at the bus stop a few months ago was now lying in his arms and telling Baekhyun he loved him. He always thought that Park Chanyeol was out of reach. He never thought that the potato would reach for him, too.

"We can do the kissing now," he whispered.

Chanyeol straightened and crawled higher until they were face to face. "Isn't there something you wanted to tell me first?"

Baekhyun felt his heart slam in his chest. He did want to tell him a lot of things. About his parents and the debt. Everything. But he still felt scared of how Chanyeol would react. He trusted the potato but he wasn't quite ready yet. "I already told you I loved you this morning," he said instead.

He saw something in Chanyeol's eyes but it rapidly disappeared before he had the time to wonder what it was. "But this is my dream. In my dream, you have to say you love me. Take two."

Letting out a long-suffering sigh, Baekhyun said, "Chanyeol, I love you even if you're--"

But Chanyeol already caught his lips and was kissing him, holding him tightly as if his life depended on it. Perhaps it did because Baekhyun felt the same.

I'll tell you everything tomorrow. All of it. Tomorrow.












an: so yeah two weeks turned into three.. I am sorry?
ive just been so busy with school and stuff. like really. REALLY
im so behind on things OTL just ask how I beg twitter ppl to link me things ;AAA;
but yeah enough about my drama.
so this ties up (kinda) hunhan and sulay.
and up next will be the last two pairs
and ofc the never-ending drama of baekyeol
im sorry, I seem to have forgotten how to write
and to English, please excuse the dumb you read.
AND THE TITLE.. pmsl because im lame like that and because OOLAY



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ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10