Then Came You


He gave one last squeeze on his arm before Chanyeol let Kyungsoo go, stepping back and feeling a bit disheartened as he saw Kyungsoo lean tiredly against the doorframe.

"Thanks, Chanyeol," Kyungsoo said with a smile but Chanyeol could see that it still wasn't one of his usual cheery ones. He placed his hand on top of his friend's head and patted it gently before walking away, looking back once to see the other wave goodbye at him.

He got into his car and leaned againt the driver seat with a deep sigh. He could see the lights of Kyungsoo's bedroom from where he was parked in front of the house. Chanyeol waited for the lights to turn off then went on to drive home. The clock on his dashboard read half an hour before midnight. He has been with Kyungsoo since 5PM but Chanyeol thought that the hours they spent together were hardly enough to ease whatever it was that was troubling his best friend.

He was surprised when he saw Kyungsoo enter his office that afternoon, when his friend suddenly ran to him and buried his face against his chest. Because honestly, that never happened before. Not when Jongin was around. The three of them were the best of friends but whenever Kyungsoo needed someone to talk to--someone to share things with--it has always been Jongin he went to first. Chanyeol was always the second choice.

Then he became the default when Jongin left for there was no one else. He wasn't hurt by this fact because it has always been like that. Chanyeol knew there had always been a different sort of connection between his cousin and Kyungsoo--they were the best best friends to each other-- so he thought that he could be someone else for the shorter guy. He wished he could be the one that Kyungsoo would fall in love with because most of Chanyeol's life was spent being more than a little in love with him.

So was it bad? Chanyeol asked himself. Was it bad that, despite Kyungsoo's obvious distress and sadness, he felt happy? He was touched that his friend went to him, Park Chanyeol--the second choice, the last to know. He didn't go to Jongin, he came to him. Although, he still didn't know the problem, Chanyeol felt important and needed. And all he ever wanted was for Kyungsoo to need him.

He did his best to make Kyungsoo feel better. Chanyeol took him home and waited for Kyungsoo to open up to him. While waiting, he became the Park Chanyeol that no one has seen for a long time. He tried to joke, tease and distract Kyungsoo from the thoughts that were weighing him down. He talked and talked and talked, non-stop, from the mundane to the outrageous to the irrelevant. His heart felt light when his friend finally smiled as Chanyeol mutilated the vegetables with the kitchen knife while the other stirred the soup in the pot. There was a moment though, when he was peeling a potato, that Chanyeol felt he was forgetting something but shrugged it off when he couldn't quite recall what it was, too distracted by the comforting sight of Kyungsoo in his cotton shirt and denim jeans. They had a nice dinner, where Kyungsoo smiled more and more and even laughed when he took a bite of an unevenly cut carrot, saying it looked like a broken trumpet. Chanyeol still waited for Kyungsoo to tell him what was wrong but his friend remained mum about it so he went on to chatter some more.

They stayed on the living room couch, drinking hot chocolate. It was summer but Kyungsoo has always loved chocolate, especially chocolate pudding. Chanyeol had always known that.

He felt relieved when after a few moments, Kyungsoo started to speak. He told Chanyeol about how the practice and recording sessions with Lu Han were progressing, about how he was a little nervous for the launch party a week from now, and about how Chanyeol should never ever ever try helping out in the kitchen again. Kyungsoo laughed. Chanyeol still waited. But the real reason behind the downturned edges of Kyungsoo's smile remained locked and guarded.

He reached his apartment building soon and was parking Joey when he realized why he was already home but he still didn't know what was bothering Kyungsoo. It hit him then, the reason why he just waited and didn't ask. He somehow knew that the answer would hurt, that the answer was the only thing they didn't talk about but was what mattered the most.

His footsteps were heavy as he walked to the elevators, mind still occupied with thoughts of what happened today. He entered his apartment and was a little suprised when his phone beeped. It was Kyungsoo, calling.

"Hey, everything okay?"

He reached the living room and the lights.

"Yes. I just wanted to make sure you got home safe,” his friend answered.

"Yeah, I got home alright. But are you sure you're okay now? I could go back there if you want—“

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Thanks for staying earlier.”

“Okay, okay. Go rest. I'll see you tomorrow, Kyungsoo. Goodnight."

The call ended and Chanyeol recalled the way the singer clung to him. He felt that it was just the perfect time to make Kyungsoo his. What was stopping him anyway?

Just then he felt a movement to his right and was surprised to see Baekhyun lying on the couch, face hidden behind his knees. He came closer and crouched in front him.

"Baekhyun?" There was no answer. What was the pup doing sleeping here? Was he waiting for Chanyeol to come home again?

"Were you?" he whispered.

It would be a lie to say that the thought didn't affect Chanyeol one bit because he suddenly felt warm and his hand was moving on its own again. He found himself touching Baekhyun's head but had to snatch it back when he saw the guy flinch in his sleep. He still couldn't see the other's face because it was concealed behind his knees and it was sad because he, in some way, really wanted to see the pup's face. It was midnight and it has been more than eight hours since he last saw Baekhyun.

He stood up abruptly because it was late and he was feeling weird again... always... whenever he was with the shorter guy. He went to the kitchen to get a drink because his face was quite burning up and his throat was dry and no, he didn't think of rule number one at all and he didn't miss him. That was just absurd. He was in love with Kyungsoo, didn't he just tell himself that?

He quickly opened the refrigerator door to get a bottle of water but paused when he noticed a few stacks of food containers arranged neatly inside. Did Nonna stop by this afternoon to cook? He frowned in thought. That was unusual. The old lady always came by every morning; she shouldn't have made the trip from the mansion since she'd be in the apartment tomorrow morning anyway. He shrugged and closed the door. He remembered his and Kyungsoo's dinner and had to smile because, despite his failed chopping skills, his best friend was a good cook. Chanyeol knew Nonna taught Kyungsoo when they were younger--when his friend was too fed up with him and Jongin to go out with them.

He doubted Baekhyun could match Kyungsoo's cooking even if Nonna taught him, too.

Chanyeol almost dropped the bottle he was holding.

Let's go home early. I'll cook dinner.

He opened the refrigerator once more and felt guilt wash over him as his eyes roamed over the stacks of food again. He reached for one, opened it to find one of his favorite dishes inside. Damnit, Park Chanyeol. He replaced it and took another one. Kimchi soup. Another one of his favorites. Damnit, damnit, damnit.

He closed the door and slumped against it. Baekhyun. How could he even forget? Recalling that the pup cooked and even waited for him all night sent a fresh surge of guilt through him.

But it was for Kyungsoo. Surely, the guy would understand if he told him why he wasn't able to make it. Baekhyun knew he liked Kyungsoo, he even told Chanyeol that the other day. And it wasn't as if he had any obligation to come home early just because Baekhyun cooked dinner for him, right?

Yeah, Chanyeol, keep telling yourself that. He wanted to hit his head again. At this point he doesn't even understand to whom he was frustrated with anymore. At Baekhyun who was driving him crazy with everything he was or at himself for letting the pup do this to him. He doesn't like it at all. He stalked back to the living room with every intention of waking the shorter boy up and asking him why--why Baekhyun was confusing the hell out of him--but he stopped in his tracks when he saw the pup, still sleeping on his side on the couch. Then just like that, all the frustration went out of him. He stood there and all he could think of was I'm sorry, Baekhyun.






Nonna-halmeoni's gaze shifted back and forth between Chanyeol who looked tense and Baekhyun who looked glum. She saw Chanyeol steal a concerned glance at Baekhyun while the other boy's eyes remained glued to his plate. Both were quiet and only answered in short sentences when she asked them directly.

Usually by this time of the morning, she and Baekhyun would have gone on to their third or fourth topic of the day while Chanyeol would have been in his seventeenth attempt to get the shorter boy's attention. She found it really adorable how Chanyeol would interrupt them time and again from their discussion and how his eyes would light up when Baekhyun got distracted and spared him a smile. She thought it was sweet how Chanyeol would get jealous when Baekhyun's attention wasn't on him and how Baekhyun just practically glowed when he was bickering with Chanyeol.

Two people couldn't be more obviously in love so it was really puzzling why both of them were acting weird that morning. What was wrong with these two? God forbid, they didn't fight, did they? She looked worriedly at the two.

"The breakfast's delicious, halmeoni. Thank you," Baekhyun said. He was smiling at her but Nonna could see that it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Of course. I'm the best cook there is!" she joked. "Oh, I saw the food inside the refrigerator. Did you try cooking the dishes I taught you last week?"

There was silence after her question and Nonna was confused of the sudden tension in the air. Chanyeol was staring at Baekhyun who only nodded before returning his gaze on his plate.

"That's great, my dear." She turned to the blonde boy. "So Chanyeol how did our little Baekhyunnie do? Was it good?"

"I--" Chanyeol started but paused and clamped his lips together.

Nonna frowned and got up to get a food container from the refrigerator. She came back, opening it on the way and exclaimed when she tasted a dish Baekhyun prepared. "It's absolutely wonderful," she beamed at Baekhyun. The boy just smiled shyly at her. "But why was there a lot of leftover? Shame on you, Park Chanyeol. If your boyfriend cooked for you like this, you should eat it properly and finish all of it in one sitting!"

Nonna could see Chanyeol flush but he remained silent. "If you cannot appreciate good food like this then I'll go and get them all so your grandmama and I can enjoy them."

Chanyeol looked like he wanted to say something but Baekhyun beat him to it. "It's alright, halmeoni. The food's not really good." He stood up from the table. "I'll have to go prepare for work. Thanks again, halmeoni."

She watched Baekhyun walk away before turning back to Chanyeol and eyeing him narrowly. "What have you got to say for yourself?"

"I didn't do anything," Chanyeol defended.

"I don't know what happened between the two of you. Everything had been perfectly normal yesterday morning." Nonna went on to get the containers and placed them on the dining table. She was packing them all to take back to the mansion and boast how good a cook their Baekhyun is to Mrs. Park. She was about to finish when Chanyeol took the container she was holding.

"Not the kimchi soup," he said.

Nonna barely kept from smiling at the stubborn expression on the young guy's face. "Okay," she said. Done with packing, she gave Chanyeol a hug. "I'll be leaving now. Whatever it is... Fix it, Chanyeol."






"Seriously," Tao muttered under his breath as he caught sight of the sleek white Porsche from his side mirror. The guy had been following him since their last meeting and he wasn't even trying to be subtle about it. Who even uses white car to stalk people? "It's too early for this."

He stepped on the accelerator and predictably, his chaser sped up, too. "What does he even want?" He shifted gears and accelerated once again. He pulled away and away, the distance between them growing until the other was just a speck of dust behind him. "Later," he said smugly.






The drive was too quiet and Chanyeol felt uneasy to say the least. Baekhyun hasn't talked to him all morning except for greeting him when they met at the kitchen. He would have felt better if the smaller boy had been frowning or scowling at him but Baekhyun just didn't speak. Chanyeol wasn't used to this. The pup was supposed to be the one talking a mile a minute, smiling like there was no tomorrow and making Chanyeol want to hit his head again and again.

They were driving to the office and the pup was just sitting there on the passenger seat, looking out the window and not paying him any attention. Now, he was the one who ended up frowning. Park Chanyeol shouldn't be ignored. Even if Park Chanyeol was a stupid who forgot that he was supposed to be home early last night.

"Ya." Chanyeol flinched at the sound of his own voice because it sounded too loud inside the car. Baekhyun turned his head to look at him questioningly.

Park Chanyeol, now that you got his attention, what do you do next? He cleared his throat, stalling because he really had no idea what he was supposed to say. Should he apologize? But just the thought of him saying I'm sorry makes him want to hang his neck. "Ya," he repeated.

"Yes?" Baekhyun asked.

"I should probably call my grandma and warn her about the food."


"Well, you cooked it and it'll probably give her gas or something." He laughed awkwardly but immediately stopped when he saw Baekhyun's hurt expression. "I was... It was just a joke," he finished lamely.

"Okay." Baekhyun gave him a small smile and a nod before he looked away again. Damnit all, Park Chanyeol.

They remained quiet the rest of the way. He tensed up a bit when they entered the gates of KSE, wary of others who would see them together. He didn't want them to think that Baekhyun only got his job because of him. Chanyeol felt almost relieved when they reached the parking lot. The pup was going out of the car. "Baekhyun," he called. Baekhyun looked at him again and Chanyeol felt lost and he wanted to say I'm sorry for the nth time but what came out was, "Work hard."

Chanyeol dropped his head on the steering wheel when Baekhyun left. Work hard. Work hard?

Whatever it is... Fix it, Chanyeol.

Damnit. How could he even fix things when he needed fixing himself?






Hi, Starling! You reached Kyungsoo's phone. I'm busy or may not be home at the moment but if you could leave a message, I'll get back to you soon!


Jongin here. I called yesterday but you didn't pick up. I tried calling your mobile, too. Did you get my message? Call me.







It wasn't easy growing up with everybody thinking that your father was a mafia boss because everybody would think of you as the mafia heir, especially when you're the said boss' only son. Kris Wu was indeed an heir to a large company and to a seemingly bottomless bank account but he was far from being a mafia boss' son. For one, they weren't Italian, they were Chinese and even though his father was a shark, he did have a legitimate lending business. Kris was sure that his father hasn't had anyone killed. CEO Wu was an unscrupulous heartless bastard, yes. But a killer? Definitely not.

He has tried running away from the image that was upon him since he was born--even changed his name from Yifan to Kris when they moved to Seoul--but he eventually got tired because it never did work. Once the surname Wu was uttered, there was bound to be quaking knees and nervous looks thrown his way. Like his mother, God bless her soul, he didn't want anything to do with his father's company so he took up Psychology (really, of all courses) and graduated...  with a degree in Business Administration. To his credit, he did try to resist but he proved to be too much like his father whose brain was programmed to run a business, no matter what it was.

The difference was he didn't do anything even marginally illegal. Kris ran his own auditing firm. But occasionally he did look into his father's activities and, well, try to straighten things up once in a while. That was how he came to know about the Byuns' loan. The interest his father put on it made even Kris' eyes widen. The Byuns' did a fantastic job in keeping the loan paid regularly and if it wasn't for the unfortunate accident they could've paid it in six years time.

Alas, the loan was left unpaid and Byun Baekhyun was left to shoulder it. It was actually Kris' idea to have the young guy work for them, specifically for him, to pay off the debt and to keep his father from further harassing Byun Baekhyun but Mr. Wu decided to have the boy work for him instead. Kris didn't know that his father tried to kidnap Baekhyun once, not until he had his own men come after him.

He was both glad and intrigued though when, contrary to their belief that Byun Baekhyun was a helpless orphan, he found out the boy was actually being protected by somebody with enough power and influence to hire the raven-haired bodyguard that made short work of Kris' men.

Huang Zitao was unlike anyone he has ever seen. Excluding the fact that he fought with only one hand while holding a cup of noodles in the other (without even breaking a sweat), there was something about the guy's eyes and the way he held himself that had Kris irrevocably attracted. He immediately told his father that he would handle anything that has to do with Byun Baekhyun which had him ending up in his white car, following the guy around. He pretty much turned into a stalker now and has learned the other's habits (and most importantly, his name). It was funny and at any other time he would laugh except Huang Zitao just left him with a cloud of gravel earlier and Kris kind of lost him. Good thing the guy's car was red and it was easy to spot it again a few meters ahead.

The street Zitao turned to was familiar and was getting crowded by the second. He was now driving at a snail's pace as the street was filled by pedestrians and the sidewalks with dozens and dozens of little stores. Wait. Did he just follow the guy into a marketplace? Kris was forced to park his car nearby as he couldn't go further with all the people walking about. He saw the red convertible parked on a corner, too, which meant Huang Zitao was on foot.

Kris was thankful that he took after his mom not only in good looks (as evidenced by the people staring after him) but also in height. He towered most of the crowd and he was mighty glad that the other guy was tall as well so it would be easy to find him. Although, he was beginning to doubt that when almost twenty minutes has passed but he was still unable to catch the boy. Black hair, black suit, he chanted in his head. Black hair, black suit. Black hair, black... There!

He quickly went after him but what the hell, the guy disappeared again. Kris looked around and saw that the side street he turned to has relatively less people. He started to return to the direction he came from when he was yanked back and suddenly, he was on a deserted alleyway and facing a concrete wall. Well, this situation was certainly familiar.

"Why are you following me?"

Kris felt the hair on his nape prickle as the hot breath touched the back of his neck. "Hello to you, too," he replied which ended with a rather pained groan as he was slammed against the wall.

"I asked you a question." Zitao leaned in closer and Kris would have liked the position he was in except his arm was basically twisted behind him and it hurt.

"This is a free country," he answered with a small shrug or what was supposed to be a shrug but turned out to be just a tiny shift of his shoulders because Huang Zitao really had a tight grip on him.

"We agreed to meet every two weeks for you to receive the payments. Beyond that I don't need to see any part of you. Understood? Or else there would be nothing left for your family to mourn after I'm done with you," the guy threatened.

Somehow, everything Zitao said just went over his head and all he caught on was when I'm done with you and Kris thought he would like to have the guy do things to him and vice versa. He was about to reply with something snarky when they heard a gasp and saw a couple, eyes wide as they stared at him and Zitao. He felt the guy behind him step back and he took that as a chance to turn around and snatch him to his chest before directing a smirk towards the onlookers. The couple grinned knowingly and Zitao tensed when he saw the looks. He pushed hastily away from Kris when the strangers walked past.

"You really want to die, don't you?" The shorter boy glared at him. "Stop following me," Zitao said and proceeded to leave.

Kris figured he started this so he might as well see where it would take him (not six feet underground he hoped) so with long strides he caught up with the raven-haired boy and held on to his arm. They were in the main street by then and though Zitao could easily beat him up, Kris saw him hesitate as they were in a public place and he looked like he didn't want to make a scene.

"What do you want?" Zitao said through gritted teeth while trying to pull his arm away.

"Go out with me," he replied and Kris had to smile because for once he managed to surprise the other.

"Get your hand off me."

Instead, Kris pulled him closer then leaned in. "No."

"You're crazy."

The blonde guy was able to shrug for real this time. "I like you so I probably am." For once showing how he really wasn't a pushover, he tightened his hold and dragged the guy with him. "Let's go."






Byun Baekhyun, stop sulking.

Baekhyun slumped against his office chair. Why was he even this sad? He told himself never to expect anything. He told himself that every minute of every day. Chanyeol was in love with Kyungsoo and to the potato he was just a stray pup who was temporarily staying with him. He had no right to feel this way.

It wasn't as if Chanyeol was obligated to come home early and eat what he prepared. It doesn't matter that Baekhyun was a nervous wreck while he cooked or that he slaved over it for more than two hours. It was Kyungsoo and he thought that if he was in Chanyeol's place, he would have done the same thing.

Stop kidding yourself, Baekhyun. If it was Kyungsoo who asked you out to dinner, you would have had a heart attack but if you knew Chanyeol was waiting you'd have come home in a heartbeat. He pouted. It was all true. But it still doesn't change the fact that he was just Byun Baekhyun and Chanyeol possibly even forgot that they were supposed to eat together. He didn't even say anything about it this morning when they had breakfast, not a word about it on their drive to work. Chanyeol just basically forgot and his heart just has to be content and stop hurting, okay?

Also, he had waited all day and it's already past lunchtime but not once was he called to the seventeenth floor to be ordered about by the Ice Tower. President Park was tyrannical and overbearing in the office so Baekhyun was wondering why he was even disappointed that Chanyeol wasn't asking for him. Confusing Potato.

Just then, Team leader Shim peered over the low walls of Baekhyun's cubicle. "Mr. Byun, President Park says he needs you in his office right now."

In an instant, he felt relieved.

On the way, he told himself that he should really stop with the sulking. It wasn't Chanyeol's fault that he loved Kyungsoo. It was Baekhyun's fault that he fell in love with the potato.

He entered Chanyeol's office after knocking and saw the taller guy behind his desk. He was a little disconcerted to see that Chanyeol was actually watching him come closer.

"You called for me?"

"Uh, yeah."

It was certainly awkward, the silence that came after the reply. Baekhyun looked down at his feet and studied his plain black slip-ons. He has got to buy a new pair when he gets his paycheck. He heard Chanyeol clear his throat and he returned his gaze to him expectantly.

"I need you to go to the parking lot and stand beside Joey. Don't go anywhere else just go straight there."

"Excuse me?" This was the strangest task the young president has given him so far.

"You heard me. Go and stand there beside Joey."


"Just do as I say."

Baekhyun was amazed to see Chanyeol fidgeting despite the firm sound of his voice. "Okay." He left but not before giving one last baffled look at Chanyeol. He arrived at the parking lot in no time and easily spotted the car. He stood in front of Joey, still unsure of what Chanyeol was exactly asking him to do.

"Your boss sure is something else," he told the car, seeing his reflection on its shiny hood. "I guess it's just you and me for the meantime, huh?"

Baekhyun looked around. He was alone amidst all the parked cars. "Joey, want me to tell you a story? It's about a really grumpy and hairy potato. Let's call him Park Chanyeol..."






Hi, Starling! This is Kyungsoo's cellphone. I'm not available right now but do leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm free. Thanks!


Kyungsoo? It’s Jongin again. I guess you're really busy? I haven't seen you here at KSE. I, uh, just wanted to ask if you got my message.







This was the moment of truth. It was Friday and the last day of the poll. Minseok counted and recounted the stickers on his board. A definite landslide. He snickered. He stole a quick glance across the table at Jongdae, who was also busy tallying the votes on his board. The other's brows met in concentration. You're so gonna lose.

"Okay, people," EVP Kim said from the head of the table. “I hope everything went well for both of the clubs. We'll finally reach a decision for the official color today and I wish that everyone would be a good sport, no matter what the outcome is, alright?"

Minseok nodded together with the Starling president.

"So Jongdae-ssi and Minseok-ssi, please let us see your boards."

They both stood up and turned the boards for everyone to see.

EVP Kim faced Jongdae first. "Your count?"

The other guy looked smug. "39 for the Sweetest. 363 for the Starlings!"

There was a cheer from one side of the room from people wearing sunshine yellow shirts.

"How bout you, Minseok-ssi?"

He took a deep breath before saying clearly, "41 for the Starlings. 365 for the Sweetest!"

This time there was a loud cheer from his side of the room where pink lightsticks were waved high.

Junmyeon beamed at both of the leaders. "Good numbers, almost even... oh. It is even. It's a tie."

"No, it can't be!" Jongdae and Minseok both exclaimed.

"404 for the Starlings. 404 for the Sweetest."

There were sounds of protest from both sides. This can't be, Minseok groaned inwardly. All the time he spent standing outside and it turns out like this?

"We need a recount!" Jongdae said and there was a buzz as to who was supposed to do it. EVP Kim and his secretary ended up counting and re-counting the votes again but the result was the same. 404 votes for each side.

"I guess we need a tie breaker," Junmyeon said. "Just one vote. Who else here hasn't voted?"

The fanclub members were not allowed to vote, everyone knew that. Minseok was just thinking of where to get that extra sticker when a tall blonde guy entered the room. He didn't know most of the officials here at KStar but he was sure that was Park Chanyeol, the interim president.

"Chanyeol-ssi," Junmyeom greeted his cousin. "What brings you here?"

"I have something important to do. I need you to cover for me," the taller man replied.

"Where are you going?"

"Just... somewhere important. I'll come back later or maybe not, I'm not sure. If you need to talk to me just give me a call. I got to go."

Junmyeon called out to the President's retreating back. "But I thought the board meeting was today?"

"I rescheduled. Just give me a call or message me, okay?" President Park looked over his shoulder and answered quickly, obviously in a hurry. His eyes went to something on the table, though. "Hyung, is that your tumbler?"

"Yes. Why?"

The blonde guy returned and got the tumbler from the table. "I'll borrow this."

"What for?" the EVP asked.

"Hot water, what else?"

Park Chanyeol turned to go again but suddenly a bulb went off Minseok's brain. "President Park!" He was surprised when he heard Jongdae call out to him the same time he did. Oh, no you don't. He hurriedly moved closer. "President Park, just a few seconds please. I just need you to--"

"President Park, you're a Starling, right?" Jongdae cut in. "We just need you to stick a--"

"I have to go," Chanyeol interrupted.

"But President Park--"

"Sir, Please--" This from Jongdae.

"That's right! Chanyeol-ssi, we need your help you just need to--"

"Okay. Alright. Fine, what is it?" Chanyeol demanded.

Kim Junmyeon showed him a board and handed him a blue sticker. "Just stick it to the color you like. Sunshine yellow or bubblegum pink."

Chanyeol snatched the sticker, stuck it on the board and was gone. Minseok didn't even notice that he closed his eyes while the President did it. He slowly opened them, almost afraid to peek at where the sticker was placed. His jaw dropped when he finally saw it.

The blue circle sticker was there smack in the middle of the board, exactly one-half on each side.

His eyes went to Jongdae the same time the Starling president looked at him. Minseok thought he was probably sporting the same expression of disbelief the other was wearing. A few moments of silence then, still staring back at Jongdae, something unexpected happened.

They both burst out laughing.






Tao was staring at the large hand wrapped around his forearm, thinking of how to break those long fingers in the quickest and most painful way possible. Because no one, no one, dragged Huang Zitao about. This crazy blonde guy thought he owned him, taking him here and there, never letting go despite how many times he tried to pull away.

He had to admit that for a skinny guy, Kris Wu was strong (apparent from his strong grip on his arm). He didn't expect that Kris had it in him to subdue Tao, remembering the way he was able to kick the guy's the first time they spoke.

He didn't expect staying as well. The thing was, Kris definitely had him interested... in where he took him that was. For someone who has a thing for ear accessories, Tao had never been in this place before. He had to give it to the guy; he surely had great taste in jewelry. His eyes went to the display case where row upon rows of earrings were arranged. He eyed one intricately molded gold skull earring with a short chain connecting it to a smaller loop that he could wear on the two piercings in his left ear.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Kris whispered against the said ear and Tao stiffened because he was close, too close. He ignored the question and just glared at the offending guy.

"Want to try it out?" The blonde guy persisted and didn't even wait for Tao to answer before asking the store attendant to show them the earring. He was being dragged again, closer to the mirror on top of the glass counter and then he felt Kris' warm hand touching his ear. Tao stepped back in reflex, ready to break the bone on the other's hand but stopped when Kris smiled at him. And at that moment, he looked almost normal (he was still abnormally handsome in his dark blue button up shirt but that wasn't the point), like he was just a guy enjoying a day shopping, like he wasn't Kris Wu, the heir to Wu Enterprise and all the dirt they represented.

"Relax," the taller guy said. And Tao surprisingly did, lulled by the deep timbre of the other's voice. "Let me put it on for you." He felt the hand on his ear again and the cold metal of the skull earring. "Okay, now look." Tao did as he said and glanced at the mirror. The earring did look good on him.  Kris thankfully stepped away, giving him room to breathe.

"We'll take it," he heard the other say.

"Good choice, sir," the attendant answered.

Tao's eyes narrowed on the blonde guy. "I won't."

"But you obviously like it."

"If I want one, I'll buy one!"

"Yeah?" Kris said, a thick eyebrow rising.

That did it. Tao really hated those eyebrows. He jerked his arm free and stalked away. He should have left the obnoxious guy earlier. It wasn't as if he couldn't handle him. Just one jab under his ribcage and Tao could've been free. He didn't understand why he let Kris drag him along.

"Zitao, wait!"

Well, he should have known the guy wouldn't let him go as easy as that. He has been stalking him for more than a week after all. He felt a hand grab onto his shoulder and Tao barely controlled the urge to turn and give the man a well deserved kick.

"Let go," he said quietly.

"I want one," Kris started. "I want one Huang Zitao, where could I buy him?"

"I'm not for sale." He glared. What the hell was the guy talking about?

"But I want you." Kris came closer and took his hand before placing a small box in it. "Don't worry that isn't a ring. I don't propose marriage on the first date."

Tao shoved the box against Kris stomach but the guy caught his hand and returned the box to him. "I'd leave you alone today if you accept it."

He should just walk away, he told himself. The blonde guy wasn't in any position to bargain anyway. Tao could beat him up any time to stop him from following him around. But he shocked even himself when he nodded. "Fine."

Kris' smirk was back in place. "Okay. See you tomorrow."

"You told me you'll leave me alone." Eyes narrowed once again.

"I said I'd leave you alone today. Not forever."

"I don't have time for this," he said tightly. "I have work to do." Tao walked past Kris, hitting him on the side with an elbow. He gave a satisfied grin when he heard the guy gasp in pain.

He paused on his way, however, when the guy said, "You can work on me."


"Or you can let me do all the work."

Tao just stared blankly ahead.

"It'll be good," Kris said with a teasing laugh.

Goaded beyond belief, he looked over his shoulder and said, "One more word from you and I'll make you cry."

"That could work, too."

It was fortunate that Tao's back was on Kris because if he had seen the way the blonde's eyes followed and traced his form, someone would've been dead by now.






Hi, Starling! This is Kyungsoo's cellphone. I'm not available right now but do leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm free. Thanks!


Um, do I already sound like a stalker? Ha, I probably do. Just call me if you got the message okay?







"... so the fairy said if you don't change your ways, you potato, and you keep on breaking the little puppy's heart, you'll be forever hairy and no one will ever like you even if you're cute and tall and smart and--"

"Baekhyun, who are you talking to?" Chanyeol looked curiously at the shorter boy who jumped guiltily at the sound of his voice.

"Um, I was just telling Joey a story."

"Oh. Get in." Chanyeol opened the car door and quickly entered; dropping the plastic bag he was holding at the back seat. He saw Baekhyun hesitate before following inside.

"Where are we going?"

He couldn't answer that yet because frankly, Chanyeol wasn't entirely sure where he was taking the pup to so he just grunted and ordered the other to fasten his seat belt. It was quiet inside the car just like that morning. Chanyeol was loathed to admit it but he was kind of nervous. He felt better, though, when he saw a familiar turn. He took it and they ended up in a public park. It was past three and the sky was clear but not too hot, just perfect.

"Uh, I think you made a wrong turn," Baekhyun said, pointing outside the car window. "We're in a park."

"No, I didn't," he replied. "Follow me." He was probably confusing the hell out of Baekhyun--he was even confusing the hell out of himself--but Chanyeol has never been good with words so the pup just had to deal with it.

He grabbed the black plastic bag from the backseat and waited for Baekhyun to go out before locking the car doors and walking towards a wooden park bench some yards away. He looked back once to ensure that the guy was following him. "You could walk faster," he said. He winced inwardly when he saw Baekhyun's brows knot. The pup was most likely cursing him to hell.

They reached the bench and Chanyeol motioned for Baekhyun to sit down, the boy's features still marred with confusion. "Chanyeol? What are we really doing here? Because I wasn't able to tell Leader Shim that I was going to go out and Jongin may be looking for--"

"I'm hungry," he blurted out before sitting down awkwardly. The bench wasn't that long and there was just barely enough room for two grown men. He placed the plastic bag he was holding on the small space left in between them and began to rummage through it. He took out Junmyeon's tumbler, two cups of instant noodles, chopsticks, a few packets of chips, and a stick of gum.

"You brought us here because you're hungry?" Baekhyun asked, bewildered. "You couldn't have just eaten at the office?"

"I wanted to eat out. And I'm the boss. I'm--"

"Law. I know." Baekhyun eyed the food. "I'm pretty sure halmeoni will get mad if she sees this. Looks like you raided the office vending machine."

It wasn't the most excellent of choices but Chanyeol didn't have much to work with. It wasn't as if he planned to take Baekhyun out when he woke up that morning. He was plagued by what halmeoni said and it wasn't until after two in the afternoon that Chanyeol came up with this idea. Baekhyun's made him home-cooked dinner so he thought to do the same for him. The thing was, Chanyeol knew next to nothing about cooking but he has seen Zitao eat cup noodles enough to know how to prepare it. Maybe.

He opted not to answer and went on to open the cup noodles. What to do next?

He turned the lid of the tumbler and started to pour the hot water on the noodles.

"Wait!" Baekhyun said, holding his palm up. "You should get the packet of flavoring out first before pouring the water in." The shorter guy tried to take the cup from him but Chanyeol took it out of his reach.

"I'll do it," he said.

"Do you even know what to do?"

"Of course," Chanyeol replied with a frown. Of course, Park Chanyeol.

He took out the packets from inside, opened another cup of noodles and did the same thing. All the while surreptitiously looking at the instructions printed on the lid. Damnit, why were the letters so small.

He stole quick glances at the boy beside him, too, and he felt embarrassed because Baekhyun was looking at him as if he was out of his mind which he almost certainly was. Mercifully, the pup kept quiet while he watched Chanyeol make a fool of himself. He poured the hot water on both cups and waited. He likely put too much, damnit.

Two more minutes, he thought. Come on, faster, he urged the innocent noodles. He thought he heard a faint chuckle but when he looked up, Baekhyun's face was devoid of any emotion. His eyes went to his watch. Three, two, done! He took the cups and offered (more like shoved) one towards Baekhyun. "Eat."

He was right. The noodle soup tasted like water and the vegetables weren't even close to being soft enough. Damnit, really. This is nuts, he groaned to himself. "On second thought, don't eat," Chanyeol said before trying to take the cup back from the pup. But to his surprise, Baekhyun didn't let go.

"It's perfect," the brunette said and Chanyeol thought he should give props to him for being able to lie with a straight face.

"It's awful and I told you never to lie to me," he grumbled.

"Okay. Not exactly perfect but... unique, then." Chanyeol's eyes rounded when Baekhyun continued to eat. "You told me you're hungry. You should eat, too."

So they ate the worst instant noodles in the face of the planet in silence. Chanyeol was having that weird feeling in his stomach yet again. It's just the noodles, right?

It was roughly a quarter of an hour later before they finished. And what the hell, he forgot to bring drinks. Good job. Seeing the tumbler, he opened it and offered it to Baekhyun who gave him a smile before accepting. The hot water undoubtedly tasted better than the noodles.

Baekhyun returned the water to him and he was about to drink but he remembered that the pup just drank from it. He didn't notice which part of the tumbler he put those lips of his on. Chanyeol could feel heat creep across his cheeks because what if he drank on the side Baekhyun drank from? Wouldn't that be an indirect kiss? Ya, Park Chanyeol are you a schoolgirl or what? Getting worked up about things as silly as that. Shame on you, man.

Nevertheless he decided not to risk it because he felt queasy enough. He replaced the lid and sat there. And sat. Because what else was he to do?

"Should I call the press?" Baekhyun asked and Chanyeol thought the pup looked like he was laughing at him again. He should be offended but wasn't this what he wanted? Even though it was on his expense, the older guy was smiling again.

"For what?"

"Park Chanyeol, interim President of KSE just cooked for me." And this time, Baekhyun's lips spread out into a full-fledged grin.

He thought that wasn't allowed at all. Baekhyun shouldn't smile like that because damnit, Chanyeol couldn't breathe. "Stop smiling." You make me want to do things, feel weird things.

"But I'm happy," Baekhyun answered. He turned serious after, though. "I forgive you."

Chanyeol sputtered. "Forgive me for what?“

"Wasn't this because of last night?" Baekhyun pointed at the empty cups. "You were sorry for not coming home early that's why you did this."

Yes, basically he did but Park Chanyeol wasn't about to admit that. "I didn't. I told you I was just hungry."

Baekhyun looked skeptically at him. "So you were just hungry?"

"Yes!" He quickly stood up and walked away, leaving the other to gather the tumbler and the packets of chips.

"Hey, potato-ahjussi, wait." He heard Baekhyun call after him but he was too flustered to stop.

They went further into the park. There were some students passing by on their way home from school, a few couples taking leisurely strolls and the occasional people riding bicycles. Chanyeol sensed Baekhyun getting nearer even without turning to look because the weird feeling was back. He forced himself to slow his pace until the pup was walking beside him. 

"I didn't... I wasn't apologizing. And didn't you make that dinner to apologize to me?"

"I did?"

Chanyeol could feel Baekhyun's eyes on his face. "Yes. You said you'll cook dinner to make up for not listening to me when I tell you to do something."

"Really, I said that?"

He glanced at the shorter boy. Chanyeol glared. "Why are you laughing?"

"I'm not." Baekhyun denied but there was still that mischievous light in his eyes. Chanyeol chose to pay no heed to the guy.

They were walking up on a short bridge, a small stream running below it.

"President Park--" The pup was looking up at him and didn't see an oncoming cyclist going down towards them. He would have been hit if Chanyeol didn't grab onto his wrist and pull Baekhyun against him.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" he shouted angrily at the teenager who didn't even stop to say sorry. He gazed down and realized Baekhyun was close and why was it so warm in here? He immediately stepped back. "And you, too! Aish, watch where you're going."

He continued on his way but his hand somehow couldn't let go of Baekhyun's wrist. And so what if the hand slid down and ended up covering Baekhyun's smaller one? Chanyeol told himself it was because the pup obviously was prone to accidents and he was just doing his responsibility as the pet owner.

At that moment, a kid with his dog walked by. The small, furry creature was attempting to run further than his leash would let him, almost standing in its enthusiasm to run towards Chanyeol.

"So cute," Baekhyun said with a laugh.

Yeah, you're cute, Chanyeol thought. Just like a dog, he corrected himself. Then all of a sudden, his hand felt empty as Baekhyun pulled away and went closer to the energetic animal. He heard his laughter again and Chanyeol felt breathless, his heart thumped so hard. He stood there frozen while he watched Baekhyun pet the dog before waving goodbye to it. How can the pup even do this to him?

Park Chanyeol, get a grip.

So preoccupied with his thoughts, he didn't hear Baekhyun calling his name and was late to notice that the shorter guy was back by his side.

"Chanyeol, shouldn't we go back to the office?"

Yes, they should but Chanyeol couldn't seem to say it.

"Maybe we should start walking back to the car," Baekhyun added. The president remained rooted there even as the other strode away. He was waiting, asking for help from anybody up there to please wake him up from this trance he was currently lost in.

Noticing that Chanyeol wasn't with him, Baekhyun looked back. "Chanyeol?"

"I--" Whatever it was he was about to say was cut off because he felt something wet hit his nose. Then his eyes, his head and soon all of him was getting wet.

"Hey, potato-ahjussi! It's raining, let's hurry!" In the short time that Baekhyun went back to snatch his hand and tug at him, the sky darkened and opened up, unleashing a completely unexpected downpour.

But Chanyeol's mind couldn't seem to wrap around the fact that they'd drown if they don't get out of this deluge. He was too caught up with something else. He asked for something to wake him up but that wasn't what he got. Instead of being distracted by the wet and cold biting into his skin, it seemed the rain just washed everything away and there was nothing left, no one left except Baekhyun.

The guy was drenched and perhaps even shivering but he didn't look perturbed at all. His dark brown hair was plastered on his head and Chanyeol could see the tips of his nose getting red with the cold but his lips were spread into a grin and damnit, every single thing he stopped himself from noticing were going at him all at once. He couldn't prevent his eyes from staring at Baekhyun because he was heart achingly beautiful and Chanyeol was helpless to deny it.

He saw him getting closer and closer, not knowing that it was actually him who was walking towards Baekhyun. Then there he was in front of him and he felt himself being swept away--floating, falling and landing hard. But no, it can't be. I don't love you.

Baekhyun laughed again, his eyes almost closed with the raindrops clinging onto his lashes. "You look like you've seen a--"

He tried but he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. He closed the remaining distance and then his lips were grazing Baekhyun's forehead. He wanted to run away and press closer at the same time because this wasn't enough but it was also too much.

"--ghost," the smaller boy ended in a whisper.

He could feel Baekhyun take a shuddery breath. "I--"

He wanted to say a lot of things but all that came out was a "Thank you."

Baekhyun slowly looked up and their gazes met, and Chanyeol thought the rain was no match for the pup's dark brown eyes because he was drowning in their depths as it was. He looked and looked and saw more than a flicker of surprise and uncertainty.

"Um, what for?" Baekhyun asked hesitantly.

"For last night's dinner." And I'm sorry, Byun Baekhyun, because I was an idiot to forget.

The pup shook his head. "Oh, it's nothing. Really!"

But there was that damned smile again, wobbly and unsure but more beautiful than ever.

Stop it, please. I felt bad and I wanted you to smile at me again but now, look, Im a mess. Ya, stray pup, stop looking at me like that.

"Potato-ahjussi, should we go home?" Baekhyun beamed at him.

Someone, help me.






Jongin's phone. Yeah, leave a message.


Jongin? It's Kyungsoo. I got the message. I'm sorry but I'll be going with Chanyeol to the party. I'll just see you there? Um, okay, then.







Baekhyun grimaced as he entered Chanyeol's bedroom. There was a violent bout of sneezing from the giant on the bed and he felt bad for the potato. He got out unharmed from their outing this afternoon but that wasn't the case with Chanyeol. The tall guy was now down with the colds and a fever.

He started sneezing when they got home about two hours ago. Baekhyun told him to go shower but the potato was being stubborn and insisted that he go first. He went about it quickly but Chanyeol was already pale and shivering when he got out. Now, he was burning up and turning out to be the worst patient ever. Sick Chanyeol was maddeningly cranky Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol? Here's the medicine--" He nudged at the guy who was lying face down on the bed.

"I don't want it. Go awaaachoo!"

"You'll get worse if you don't take it." But the guy just replied with a muffled grunt that suspiciously sounded like I don't care, pup. He nudged Chanyeol again. "Come on, take it."

The guy turned his head and Baekhyun could see how flushed his face was. "No."

He touched his hand on the potato's forehead. "You're burning up. Hurry, turn over so I could put this compress on your forehead."

Another grunt.

"If you don't do what I say... I'll... I'll call Grandma Park!"

The threat worked. It was torturous but Chanyeol managed to turn and sit up with his back pressed against the headboard. "Don't. You. Dare."

"Okay, I won't. Just take this medicine." He went on to put pillows behind Chanyeol's back so he'd get more comfortable, one eye watching if the potato took the tablet he gave.

"So bitter, ack."

"Wait 'til everyone finds out that the Ice Tower is actually a crybaby," Baekhyun teased.

"I'm not," Chanyeol retorted weakly before leaning back.

He felt bad seeing the guy sick but he couldn't help from smiling at this side of him. This time with Chanyeol wouldn't last and he'd get all the memories he could to keep him company when he leaves.

"Where were you anyway? What took you so long to come back?" Chanyeol muttered irritably.

What? "I wasn't even gone three minutes. What are you saying?"

"It was five minutes and some seconds. I was looking at the clock."

And of all the things that could make Baekhyun melt, the potato just had to pout. He rolled his eyes but inside he was jello. It was awful.

"Isn't there a better nurse that-- Hey, where are you going?"

"Leaving." He could pout, too.

He was by the door when Chanyeol spoke seriously. "Stay."

Baekhyun went back because, really, how could he even resist when Chanyeol needed him?

He sat on the bed and watched Chanyeol's breathing even out as he finally fell asleep. Baekhyun gently ran his hand across his forehead, careful to sweep his blonde fringe to the side before replacing the damp towel.

He touched his fingers to his own forehead, on the spot Chanyeol kissed. Thank you, Chanyeol said. It was just a thank you. He wished that it was for something different, something along the lines of I love you but who was he kidding?

He felt a bit miserable but there was an unwilling smile tugging at his lips when he remembered how Chanyeol failed at preparing the noodles. He sensed by then that the potato was trying to make up for last night, more so when he didn't let Baekhyun help him with it. The noodles was barely cooked, the soup tasted like beef-flavored water but Baekhyun wanted to cry because Park Chanyeol did it for him. So it would be the most special instant cup noodles he has ever tasted. Always.

"You said thank you but you didn't even say you're sorry. Too much for Park Chanyeol to handle, huh?" he whispered, laughing silently at how ridiculous they both were. "You're the absolute worst. I don't think I like you at all."

Really funny, Baekhyun.

"I just love you so much."







An: so okay guys. This time I REALLY AM UBER SORRY. u__u
Our net connection had to be fixed so I wasn’t able to update last week.
I missed a week of fangirling I cry so much.
Also, it’s a super long chapter.. bc I rewrote chap 11 to include a part of chap 12 so well…
um.. idek what to say tbh lol
In this chap, I hope u figured out the difference between c
han’s feelings for baek and kyungsoo..
Its there somewhere… XD
AND YAY FOR TAORIS. i wanted to write kris in a way that he would deserve my special Zitao
so I hope I was able to fo that… (lol I failed.)
But I really don’t know how to make a proper an
THE UPVOTES. I shriek every time I see those orange notifs…♥
(also will try to edit further if i have time. orz)
PS. ALMOST 10K for you Kristy. u__u




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ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10