Autumn Leaves.

Four Seasons Collection;

Original Story by Yilixia.
Title: Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves. They often remind me of him.

I felt the wind rush against the many leaves on the floor, cascading into one another and creating a rustle of leaves. It felt like it was just yesterday, when he was holding my hand.

I picked up a pale orange leaf among the pile of golden yellow leaves. I twirled it with my fingers, smoothing it carefully. He was just like this leaf, so distinct among the others, so different, so eye-catching...

The wind blew harder, and I lost my grip on the leaf, as it flew away, along with the rustling leaves on the ground. He was just the same. He left me.


I was on my way home, gripping tightly onto my jacket, because I was freezing due to the cold wind. I no longer had his arms to wrap around me and keep me warm, as he would whisper in my ear telling me that he's here for me. All those were the past.

I neared the lake where we first met, and I stopped to recall those fond memories we had. My feet brought me closer to the bank, where pebbles were scattered all around, and the water was as clear as crystal. Upon seeing my reflection, I realized I cried a while ago.

I bent down to pick up a pebble and swiftly, I threw it against the water, as it skipped a few times before sinking into the lake. We used to play with the pebbles when we were younger, and we would compete to see whose pebble would skip further. It seemed so long ago.

Sighing, I continued my way home. I saw a couple sitting on a bench, snuggling close to each other. They both shot me a smile, yet with sympathizing looks on their faces, probably because I was alone. My eyes began to water, and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I quickly used my sleeve to wipe it off, to tell myself that I should be strong. I would have to move on anyway, and not give up on life. That's what I want; or maybe what I need.

The wind started to get stronger, so I quickened my pace and hurried home although I already knew that there was no one waiting for me to come home. I was alone. As I place my hand on the doorknob, my hand froze and I had to rub my palms together to warm it up. I pushed the door with my right upper arm, but the door didn't budge. Back then, he would kick the door....

I pushed harder and the door opened. I scurried inside and I tripped over a yellow umbrella, which was once placed against the wall. Usually he would remind me to watch out for the umbrella, but now there was no one to tell me to watch my step. I placed the yellow umbrella at its usual spot; my gaze lingering at it for a moment.

This was the umbrella he bought when we were walking back home together. It suddenly rained that day, and we both had nothing to shelter us from the storm. He stopped at the roadside to buy an umbrella, and he picked a yellow one, for it was my favourite. Hand in hand, we walked home with the protection of the yellow umbrella, as we shared thoughts about recent happenings. It was a moment I miss.

I averted my gaze from the umbrella once I heard the raindrops falling on my rooftop. I made my way to the kitchen, so I could prepare myself some late lunch. Not to my surprise, the refrigerator was empty, and there was nothing in the cupboards. He was the one who would usually stock everything up for me, while I will just cook.

I've been relying on him too much than I should. Now that he's away from me, I have nothing to do but to help myself. I found some leftover bread from this morning, and I nibbled it hungrily, satisfied to have something to fill my empty stomach. Perhaps I would shop later this evening, when the rain stops. Yet, I wouldn't know where to buy the cheapest items, since I usually spent my days at home, typing away on my computer, writing new chapters for my novel.

I headed to the living room instead, where the old cabinet was filled with our photo albums, and several photo frames were propped against the wall because their legs fell off. The photos have already faded, because we never really took the time to change them. Recent ones were probably in his laptop, which I've never opened since he left. He's left it here with me, and I don't know what to do with it.

I sat on the slightly faded couch, its floral prints can barely be seen. Facing the 18 inch TV, I continuously switch channels, trying to find one that seemed interesting. But nothing is interesting anymore when you are alone, all by yourself. I gave up looking for a proper channel and turned off the television. I finally decided to open his laptop. I had to do something with it in the end anyway.

Step by step, my feet brought me upstairs, to my- no, our room. His laptop was placed on the table, a thin sheet of dust on top. I blew it off, and let my fingers the surface of his laptop. I lightly pressed the 'Power' button, and it required me to enter a password. Surprisingly, I got it right in one shot. It was the date of the day we first met.

It was set on hibernate before I switched it on, and several programs were already opened. I slowly looked through each and every one. The first one revealed an article about cancer. The second revealed one about the treatment for cancer. My eyes watered. The third, was an email from his doctor. Fourth, was an unfinished game of Minesweeper. Fifth, was his Facebook, his last status as: I've never regretted meeting you. I started to sob as I urged myself to look on. Sixth, a novel he was reading- 'The Precious Moments of Life'. Seventh, a 30 second Youtube video, showing an advertisement about a cancer patient. The last one, was an email meant for me, that he failed to send.

My one and only,

I'm deeply sorry, to not tell you a single thing, to not tell you I've left. I was worried about you, because I know you don't handle these things too well and it hurts for me to see you heartbroken. It's not our authority to decide fate; we can only go along as how God has planned. You are a strong girl, you've been through many hardships, and I know, that you can definitely make it through this one. 

I left home without telling you, leaving everything behind as a memory of me for you. If I told you about my serious sickness, you would have purged me to receive treatment, and to tell me to rest at home, when all I wanted to do is to bring you out to have some fun, to cherish our last moments together. 

By the time you're reading this, I have most probably reunited with God in Heaven. I wrote this before my death, and I just want you to remember that I still love you, and I'm watching over you. I know how you adore writing, so I want you to write a new story - the story of us. Tell the world how much I love you, tell them how happy we were, tell them that you've moved on and grew stronger. 

Also, you know the tree we hid our time capsules underneath? I've left something there, it's about

It ended there. I never got to knew what it was about. The tears that formed in my eyes blurred my vision, and I was sobbing and crying my heart out. Now that I know the reason he left me without a word...

I rushed downstairs and grabbed my jacket, sprinting out to retrieve our time capsules and to see what he left for me. I arrived at the park and I was about to search for our tree-

It was too late. The trees were cut down, and it became a construction site, ready to build new buildings. I gaped at the scene, watching the workers build a new house. I would never be able to find or retrieve our time capsules, neither will I have the chance to see what he left for me. I had opened his laptop a little too soon... I could only look at the destroyed place.

A pale orange autumn leaf fell into my palm. This time, I smiled, as I remembered what he told me.

 I'm watching over you.

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Sequel to Autumn Leaves: Winter Snow! Please check it out


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Chapter 1: So sweet :3
shineegirlxx #2
Chapter 1: awww so beautiful :')
this is too good ;^;
This is beautiful!
Exactly what I've been searching for.
A simple oneshot, that's this beautiful and doesn't even need stars as characters to touch people's emotions!! T.T

sorry, I'm not good with words..

congrats! and thank you for sharing this with me :')