The Mall

Counterfeit Hearts
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Karina stifled a yawn as she trailed after Winter through the bustling mall, weaving between throngs of shoppers and trying to keep pace with the redhead's brisk strides. It was barely 11 AM on a Thursday, but Winter had insisted on an early start to their "couple's shopping spree."

"Remind me again why we're here at this ungodly hour?" Karina grumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Winter glanced back at her, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Because, my dear fake girlfriend, we have an image to maintain. And that image requires coordinated outfits and public displays of affection."

Karina groaned, dodging a harried-looking mother with a stroller. "I thought the dress you bought me for Ryujin's party was a one-time thing. I'm not a dress-up doll, Winter."

Winter smirked, slowing her pace to link her arm through Karina's. "Oh, but you make such a pretty doll, Yu. Besides, we need to be prepared for any and all couple-y occasions. The family reunion is at a resort, remember? We'll need matching swimsuits, coordinated outfits for dinners, the whole shebang."

Karina snorted. "Right, because nothing says 'committed relationship' like matching bikinis."

Winter waved a dismissive hand. "Details, details. The point is, we need to look the part. And lucky for you, your Sugar Mama is feeling generous today."

Karina raised an eyebrow, a reluctant smile tugging at her lips. "Sugar Mama? I don't remember agreeing to that particular arrangement."

Winter winked. "Well, we are dating, aren't we? What's mine is yours and all that jazz."

As they entered a high-end boutique, Winter immediately began pulling items off the racks, piling them into Karina's arms. Karina eyed the growing stack of designer labels warily.

"Winter, these are all way too expensive. I can't let you buy all this for me."

Winter scoffed. "Nonsense. It's a small price to pay for a believable cover story. Now go try these on, I want to see how they look on you."

Karina obediently ducked into the fitting room, grumbling under her breath about pushy fake girlfriends and their questionable shopping habits. As she shimmied into a particularly tiny bikini, she couldn't help but marvel at how easily she and Winter had slipped into their roles.

What had started as a simple favor had snowballed into a full-blown charade, complete with pet names, coordinated outfits, and now, apparently, a shared wardrobe. It was all so absurd, and yet...

Karina shook her head, pushing the thought away. She couldn't afford to blur the lines between pretend and reality. This was all just an act, a means to an end. Nothing more.

She took a deep breath and stepped out of the fitting room, bracing herself for Winter's reaction. The redhead looked up from her phone, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of Karina in the skimpy swimwear.

"Wow," she breathed, her gaze raking appreciatively over Karina's form. "You look... amazing."

Karina ducked her head, feeling a blush creep up her neck. "Thanks. It's a little more revealing than I'm used to, but..."

"But nothing," Winter interrupted, stepping forward to smooth her hands over Karina's shoulders. "It's perfect. We're getting it."

As Karina tried on outfit after outfit, each one more luxurious than the last, she couldn't shake the feeling that they were treading on dangerous ground. The more time she spent with Winter, the more natural it felt to lean into her touch, to banter with her like they were a real couple.

It was all just pretend, she reminded herself firmly.

But as Winter laced their fingers together, tugging her out of the boutique with a bag full of new clothes and a grin on her face, Karina couldn't help but wonder how long she could keep telling herself that.


They were just exiting the store, Winter chattering excitedly about their next stop, when a familiar voice cut through the bustle of the mall.

"Winter? Is that you?"

Karina felt Winter tense beside her, her grip on Karina's hand tightening almost imperceptibly. They turned as one to face the speaker, a pretty blonde woman with a curious expression on her face.

"Chaewon," Winter said, her tone carefully neutral. "What a surprise."

Chaewon's gaze flicked between Winter and Karina, her eyebrows raising slightly. "I'll say. I didn't expect to run into you here. And with a... friend?"

The way she said 'friend,' with just a hint of skepticism, made Karina bristle. She lifted her chin, meeting Chaewon's assessing gaze head-on.

"Girlfriend, actually," she corrected, lifting their joined hands for emphasis.

Chaewon's eyes widened, falling open in a small 'o' of surprise. "Girlfriend? Wow, Winter. I had no idea you were seeing anyone."

Winter shrugged, her expression unreadable. "It's a recent development. We've been trying to keep it under wraps, you know how it is."

Chaewon nodded slowly, her gaze still flicking between them like she was trying to solve a particularly tricky puzzle. "Right. Well, congratulations, I guess. I'm sure Yunjin will be thrilled to hear the news."

There was a definite edge to her voice now, a sharpness that made Karina's hackles rise. But Winter remained unfazed.

"I'm sure she will be," Winter said evenly. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have some more shopping to do."

As Chaewon walked away, Winter let out a shaky breath. Karina gave her hand a gentle squeeze, trying to offer comfort without words.

"Are you okay?" she asked quietly. "Who was that?"

Winter waved a dismissive hand, but Karina could see the tightness around her eyes. "Chaewon. She's one of Yunjin's friends. We used to run in the same circles, back when... well, you know."

Karina felt the realization dawn. Back when Winter and Yunjin were still together. Back before whatever had happened between them to leave Winter so wary and guarded.

She wanted to ask more, to peel back the layers of Winter's defenses until she understood what made her tick. But she sensed now was not the time.

Instead, she gave Winter's hand a gentle squeeze, trying to convey all the comfort and support she could in that one simple gesture.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "That must have been really uncomfortable for you."

Winter shrugged, but there was a hint of gratitude in her eyes as she met Karina's gaze. "It's fine. I'm used to it. Yunjin's friends were never my biggest fans, even when we were together."

Karina frowned. "Why not? You're amazing."

The words were out before she could stop them, hanging in the air between them like a confession. Karina felt her cheeks heat, but she didn't look away.

Winter blinked, something flickering in her expression too quick to catch. Then she smiled, a real smile this time, soft and a little surprised.

"You think so?" she asked, her voice uncharacteristically shy.

Karina nodded, emboldened by the warmth in Winter's eyes. "I know so. Anyone who can't see that is an idiot."

Winter laughed, the sound bright and genuine. "Well, I won't argue with that." She gave Karina's hand a final squeeze before letting go, turning back to the bustling mall with a determined set to her shoulders.

"Come on," she said brightly, "we still have a lot of shopping to do. I refuse to let one run-in with Yunjin's attack dog ruin our day."

Karina grinned, falling into step beside her. "Lead the way, oh generous sugar mama."

Winter snorted, bumping her shoulder against Karina's. "Watch it, Yu. Or I might just max out that cre

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pinkishsky #1
Chapter 7: Loving this :')
Chapter 7: skskskkss neeed mooooore
Chapter 7: Hahahahaahaha... can't wait for the next chapter
kariselleheart 14 streak #4
Chapter 7: i love this story. im big on angst so i wonder how itll be once karina or winter breaks 😭 my guess is karina but ahhhhh!!! looking forward to the next update

for pobs i think i like makestar, soundwave or ktown4u. this tweet has a thread of the pobs!
jushshhh 13 streak #5
Chapter 7: Dr.Yu what are you doing on the floor~ lol 😹
fanficethusiast #6
Chapter 6: this is so good 😭
899 streak #7
Chapter 6: hskshsjhdjdh
Chapter 6: 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 4: wow this fic's actually soooo goooood. can't wait for more chapters
Elatedbliss #10
Chapter 4: Ohhh be careful now I guess both are catching feelings already. I can’t wait to see how their relationship progresses in the next chapters. Thanks for the update!