Debt men ?

Happy three brothers πŸ¦‹
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He was alone the next day and woke up alone knowing his brothers were out working, he hugged the teddy bear and looked out the window noticing it was pouring like hell, got up slowly, and went to wash up after he sat on the sofa doing nothing.

" I-i wanna go sh-school."

He murmured, eyes teary. When he suffered from bullying, and due to their poor condition he had to give up on school, he sniffled, remembered the bullying he got because he was sick and couldn't read or write well, had a weak brain since a young age and the trauma of losing their parents made him worse.

While he was lying like that he heard the door click and was surprised that his brother had come back, it was Seungcheol.

" H-h-hyung."

He runs to him.

" Hi Hannie, Hyung got kicked from his job," Seungcheol said and laughed there trying not to make the lad sad.

It looked like he got into a fight seeing his scratched cheek, the man sat on the sofa and Jeonghan sat close looking at the man before he notice that Jeonghan's eyes reddened under the lid.

" Were you crying?!"

The boy shook his head eventually.

Seungcheol hugged the poor boy.

He kind of knew why he's crying.

He must be lonely spending so much time alone.



Mingyu came back home and found Jeonghan and cheol in the kitchen making dinner.

Jeonghan was trying to cut vegetables for salad and he looked so cute while he try.

" I'm home."

He said and cheol turned.

" Welcome back gyu, you must be hungry, go wash up while I get the rice ready."Β 
Mingyu smiled softly.

" Okay Hyung, I'm surprised you're home early and why is there a bandage on your cheek ?!"

He asked curious.

" I got fired from my afternoon part-time job."

Mingyu flinched.

" What the hell Hyung , did you get into a fight again ?!"

This wasn't actually the first time it happened.

" I'll find other one tomorrow don't worry."

Mingyu looked at Jeonghan looking at him whenΒ he yelled and his eyes got teary.

He sighed, didn't want to scare the poor boy.

" I'll deal with you later Hyung."

He walked away.

" H-Hyung m-mad."

He pouted.

Seungcheol placed the bowl on the table.

" He's not Jeonghan don't worry."



The three were eating together by the coffee table, Jeonghan was holding his teddy bear while eating, his plushie that he doesn't ever leave, the only thing from his parents.

Meanwhile, cheol has a necklace from his mother and Mingyu has a bracelet from his father, all those things are precious to them.

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