I'm Home now
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"Was it good to be back?" Mina slowly looks out the window of the car as she passes by the location where she used to live.

It's been 15 years since she left the province and returned after achieving her dream. Mina is now a renowned doctor in the city of Korea, her elegance and being a neurologist being her biggest achievements.


And it's been 15 years since she left and never came back, scared to know that her first love might have found someone else. Mina looks outside again and sees how different the town she left before is now—no more trees, but more houses and buildings.


"Will I be ready for the answer?" Mina asks herself, clutching her bag as she remembers her past, or more specifically, a certain person: Dahyun, her first love.

"Dahyun, did you find somebody else?"



A knock interrupts Mina's breakfast, and her parents exchange glances before opening the door to find Dahyun with a shy smile and her parked bike.


"Good morning, Aunt and Uncle," Dahyun greets them, handing the newspaper to Mina's father and a loaf of bread to Mina's mother.


"Aww, Dahyun-chan, that's so sweet of you. Come, you should eat breakfast. Mina is still in her uniform," Mina's mother says.


"It's okay, Aunt. I already ate. I'm just here to pick up Mina," Dahyun shyly responds, eliciting some giggles.


"Mina, your girlfriend is already outside!" Mina's mother yells, and Mina shouts back, "Okay!"


"Let's get going now, Mom and Dad," Mina says, kissing her parents' cheeks before heading to Dahyun, who waits with her bike.


"Aigoo, these kids with their puppy love," Mina's mother comments, as Dahyun puts Mina's bag in the basket of her bike.


"Alright, we're off now, Aunt and Uncle," Dahyun waves, ringing her bell before starting to pedal, with Mina hugging her from behind.


"And good morning to you, baby!" Mina greets Dahyun, who blushes despite being in a relationship for years.


"Stop it, I'm pedaling, Minari," Dahyun says as Mina keeps poking her side, earning a laugh from Mina.

Mina sighs contentedly, leaning her head as Dahyun continues to pedal. They were 15 years old when they got together, and much to their surprise, both sets of parents supported them. They had known each other since they were 7 years old, becoming best friends, and it took them a while to realize they both liked each other.


"And here we are, Minari," Dahyun says, stopping pedaling as Mina gets off and watches Dahyun park her bike.


"Don't forget tonight, okay?" Mina reminds Dahyun, who nods in response.


"Of course, I'll never forget."

*End of flashback*

"It's been 15 years, Dahyun. Do you still remember me?" Mina whispers under her breath, trying to hold back her tears and not wanting to catch the driver's attention.




"Baby, hey!" Mina calls to her girlfriend, who's now wearing a cuddly jacket and holding a paper bag containing their snacks for their movie night.


"Did you tell Aunt and Uncle that you'll sleep over here?" Mina asks Dahyun, who is removing her shoes.


"Yup, they even told me that you can keep me here for days. I bet they're tired of seeing my face," Dahyun pouts, earning giggles from Mina before she pinches Dahyun's cheeks. Every Friday before Mina and Dahyun became a couple, they had an agreement that Friday would be their rest day. So, they decided to have a movie night and sleepover to ease their stress from school.


"Mom, Dad, Dahyun and I will go upstairs," Mina calls to her parents, who nod in acknowledgment. Dahyun politely greets Mina's parents before following her girlfriend to the bedroom.


As Dahyun settles on the bed, she immediately opens her arms, which Mina accepts before lying in Dahyun's arms. Dahyun wraps her arms around Mina's body contentedly as they watch the movie. Sometimes, Mina gives Dahyun a chaste kiss or pokes her nose.


"Say, Minari, what do you think about the future?" Dahyun asks.


"As long as I'm with you, I'll be fine," Mina answers, earning a squeal from Dahyun before she hides her face in Mina's neck.


"Aww, baby, we've been in a relationship for years, and you still act like it's the first time I've said it," Mina teases Dahyun, who only chuckles before looking at Mina.


"Me too. I'd be fine if the future is with you."

*End of Flashback*

"Will the future change if I choose to stay? Will I still be the doctor that I want if I ever come back?" Mina asked herself, the sight of their town nearing flooding her mind with what-ifs, none of which were helping her.


"Dahyun, if I ever come back after I graduate, will you still choose me?" Mina remembers it too well. She promised that once she graduated, she would come back to their town. But the news crashed Mina's world when she heard from their classmate Bambam that Dahyun was already in a relationship with someone named Sana.

Mina remembers how her world crashed and how she wanted to scream at Dahyun for lying. But who is she to say that when she remembers that Dahyun wanted her to achieve her dream? To end their relationship. And Mina remembers her decision when she promised she would never come back and forget Dahyun, even though there was no truth behind the gossip that Bambam spread.


"Dahyun, sorry."




In their usual class in high school, Mina was beside Dahyun, who was busy spinning her pen, trying to divert her boredom from their subject.


"As a graduating student, what course do you want to pursue?" Dahyun stopped spinning her pen and looked at Mina, who was still deep in thought. Dahyun almost forgot that they were graduating soon, which meant they would go their separate ways to achieve their dreams.


No one talked about it, but both Mina and Dahyun felt the weight on their shoulders as they went to the field, enjoying the sight of kids playing while some couples were dating on the side. One of those couples was Mina and Dahyun, with Dahyun lying on Mina's lap.


"Minari, what do you think about our teacher's question?" Dahyun asked, making Mina stop combing her hair. Even Mina didn't know what she would do because, up until now, she was still torn between choosing to stay or go far away.


"I-I don't know," Mina stuttered.

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Chapter 1: 💟