Public Meltdown

The Diva's Assistant
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“Winter!” A woman calls out from the distance, approaching the coffee table that Minjeong was sitting by.


“Oh! NingNing! It’s been a while!” The blonde greets back before standing up and giving her old friend a hug.


It had been ages since the two friends have met up but seeing a familiar face again, Minjeong couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth as she embraced the girl who she calls her very best friend in the world.


The two go way back, having met in a university club in their first year. NingNing was an international student and didn’t speak the native tongue very well. Noticing this, Minjeong went to the woman straight away, hoping to help the younger out as much as she could to make her feel more comfortable. Their personalities clicked then and there, allowing the two to become one of the closest of friends.


That all happened around 5 years ago, and to this very day, you can still catch the two women seeing each other to maintain their closeness every month or so.


Although recently, it had started to feel like every 3 months or so, given that NingNing finally made it into the psychology field, just as she had always wanted.


And with Minjeong’s hectic life managing one of the world’s most successful actresses, their schedules just didn’t align like they used to.


But nevertheless they still managed to find time for each other, despite each respective woman’s jam packed lifestyles.


Finally sitting down after ordering coffee, NingNing enquires about Minjeong’s newfound schedule. “How’s the new job? I heard you finally got that promotion?”

“I’ll hardly call it a promotion, more like a complete change of scenery.” The blonde responds, sipping her drink as she did so.


“Don’t sugar coat it, I know you're managing a celebrity. Spill already which one is it”


It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but despite the two friends not having enough time in the day to catch up, that didn’t mean they don’t constantly update each other via SMS on a daily basis, where Minjeong may have dropped hints here and there that her new job involved managing a celebrity who was a pretty big deal.


But she never dropped the name. Deciding it was best to tell NingNing in person than anything.


“I would tell you, but I don’t think you would believe me?”

“Oh come on, don't give me that smug look of yours. Just tell me already, you’ve been gatekeeping this information for months!"


“Alright but you have to promise you’re not going to freak out” Receiving a promising nod from the other, the blonde gestures NingNing to come closer, so she could whisper the answer into her ear.


“Yu Jimin!?” NingNing immediately stands up from her seat “You mean to tell me you manage THE Yu Jimin-“ The woman quickly places her hand over at the site of Minjeong’s raised expression, realising that she had unloaded that information way too loudly that made a few heads turn within the cafe. “Are you for real?” She whispers out, more self aware of her volume now.


With a small smile, Minjeong said nothing else, but only answered with a nod.


Squealing, NingNing plop right back down on her seat. “I can’t believe it Minjeong! That’s awesome! She’s the real deal right there too! Wow I’m happy for you!”


“Thanks” The blonde chuckles sheepishly


"Going from a movie setup crew to managing a star, that's really quite the promotion isn't it?... although I heard.." Her words trailed off as she looked deep in thought.


"Heard what?"


“Oh no- It's just that I’ve heard rumours that the girl is actually a relentless diva." NingNing brings her beverage to her face "Now that you’re literally interacting with the source, would you care to confirm?”

Oh geez tell me about it, that girl is a straight up DDD with two sharp little horns


Is what Minjeong would’ve said if NingNing had asked at the very beginning of when she became Jimin’s manager…


But call it a protective mechanism..


The blonde no longer wished to taint Jimin’s name any further than it already has been within the industry.


Not since everything that has unfolded with the actress…


Because, to put quite frankly, she no longer believes it deserves the bad reputation her name carried.


A Sour Patch Kids gummy is what Minjeong liked to refer to Jimin. She might’ve been extremely sour on the outside, but once you penetrate through, even if it’s a little bit, you start to see that maybe the candy wasn’t as sour as one may have thought.


Although she can’t exactly say for sure how sweet Jimin was underneath... their interactions are still kept at a certain distance afterall… but at the very least, from her own personal experience, she can at least say,the woman wasn’t as unbearable as she once thought and is somewhat tentative in her own unique right.



Either way, she’s nothing like how everyone in the industry has portrayed her, well, not entirely anyway. Definitely not an evil, devilish woman with two horns, that’s for sure.


And perhaps hearing that there are rumours spreading around now by her very own best friend, may have even agitated Minjeong a little bit.


It’s her job to keep the actress in check afterall, so these rumours don't run around freely.


That’s why she was concerned…




“Look she has her moments, but every celebrity does, it’s normal, so don’t listen to everything you hear on the media. People just like to start things over nothing.”


“Oh- yeah alright” NingNing responds, but she couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the weird vibe the blonde was giving off, being someone who works in psychology, the girl has learnt to pick up on various details that can reveal more than one leads on… but she chose not to press further.”

“That’s enough about me already, tell me more about you NingNing, or should I refer to you as doctor NingNing instead?”


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0 points #1
Chapter 42: I will surely miss waiting for your update 😔😔 Thank you so much for this masterpiece 💕
BamBamOnce 0 points #2
Missekie 0 points #3
Chapter 4: wish i read this sooner oh my gosh, i just love the dynamice between the two. and jimin giving the hoodie to minjeong made me flutter lmao
75 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 42: I love the ending!! Thank you for giving them the ending that they deserved! 🥹

Thank you author-nim for sharing this masterpiece to us! Please take care of your health and I hope you feel better soon! ❤️
WenRene_77 14 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 42: Such a masterpiece author-nim. Thank you for this wonderful fic. Please be well always take care😊
luhhhh14 0 points #6
Chapter 42: omg. the ending huhu thank you for writing this story author! 😭👏
KLXRYU 0 points #7
Chapter 42: I know i just had to leave a comment, i stumbled upon this fic because of the promotion a few weeks back and I’ve been hooked since. It’s honestly vert heartwarming, very fluffy, a bit angsty but not over the top. The story is cliche but still very entertaining and enjoyable. It got me engaged more than I thought it would. You worded the story beautifully that it felt more relaxing having to read this piece. 40chapters could have been long for an au but this honestly made it still feel short because it was truly something i wanna keep reading, like a comfort novel after a tiring day. Overall, I can’t thank you enough for sharing this piece with us. You have a talent for writing and i’ve become your fan.
13 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 42: Chapter 42: The ending... A happy ending that they deserve 😭

How I wish that this fic will never end. Thank you so much authornim for writing this, it was a fun rollercoaster ride of emotions.

We'll be waiting for your next ff, please take care.
shipper_jmj 0 points #9
Chapter 42: Nauuuuurrr. Already over??? Still wanna know their next story. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😔
HakunaMatata01 0 points #10
Chapter 42: So sad to see this story come to an end, though I’m so happy Jiminjeong got the ending they deserve. Thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful story and as always, can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next!