
Pick Up
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"Hey, so my boyfriend's friend is interested in you." Serena said as she and Kierra settled in the cafeteria for lunch.

Kierra sighed after swallowing her food.

"You are the third person that has told me that today."

She shot her friend with a slightly annoyed look.

"Is this friend of your boyfriend also friends with Linna and Melanie's boyfriends, too?"

Serena chuckled with a nod.


She swallowed her food before speaking as well.

"He must really like you if he's asking our boyfriends to ask us in trying to get to you."

Kierra scoffed with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, Jake just needs to ask me himself and to stop beating around the bush."

"I think you make him nervous." Serena teased as Kierra scoffed again.

"Doubtful when he talks easily with others that I've witnessed."

"Well, maybe you're different."

"I'm the same with everyone."

"Maybe that's why because he thinks you don't like him more than that."

"Well, I don't because I don't really know him enough to see if I actually like him though."

"But do you think he's cute at least?" Serena inquired, giggling.

"Yeah, he's cute, but I need more than that to pursue a guy though."


The two shared a laugh as Serena continued the topic.

"Besides, how do you know it's Jake?"

"He's kinda obvious about it, that's why."

"How so?"

Kierra chuckled, recalling Jake's obvious interest in her.

"First of all, his face lights up whenever he sees me."

Kierra recalled how Jake reminded her of a golden retriever, but dismissed that thought.

"Second of all, his eyes always seem to follow me, too."

She recalled how he would follow her every move and when she was out of sight, he pouted, and when she appeared, he would smile. Yeah, he really reminded her of a happy-go-lucky dog. Kierra once again shook those thoughts away.

"Third of all, I always catch him staring at me."

She scowled. Jake would stare and then shifted his attention elsewhere when she would catch him, but he avoided eye-contact whenever her eyes set on him.

"And lastly, but not the least of it all, he giggles every time any of the stuff I just mentioned happens and turns shy and whatever. He's a giggling mess."

Serena chuckled with a shake of her head.

"I did not notice that. Wow, you got him whipped."

"Please, I do not. I think he just has a grade school-like crush on me and it doesn't mean anything."

"But you never know though." Serena reasoned.

"He could actually like you, but doesn't know how to approach you yet."

"Well, none of us will know then." Kierra said with an indifferent shrug.

"Well, what do you want me to tell Heeseung?" Serena asked, amused.

"I'm pretty sure he'll ask me about it when I see him again."


Kierra prented to think about it before responding.

"Tell him what I told Melanie to tell Sunghoon and Linna to tell Jay."

"And that would be?"

"For Jake to talk to me on his own accord and not through others."

"I'm so sorry." Kierra apologized to the person she had just run into just now.

"It's okay." He assured her as the two of them gathered up their belongings.

Once the pair stood up to face one another, Kierra noticed that it was Jake that she had actually bumped into. This was the first time encountering one another without their friends or other fellow schoolmates around.

"Oh, hey, you."

Jake grinned, a bit nervously.

"Hi, to you, too. By the way, it's Kierra."

"Kierra. Nice name. I'm Jake."

"Thanks, and I know."

She flashed him a small smile as Jake grinned.

"Oh, so you know who I am."


"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"I can't really say."

Kierra flashed him another smile as she tried to side step around him, but he blocked her path.

"Wait. What was your name again?"

Just as Kierra was about to answer, Jake spoke again.

"Can I call you mine?"

"Yeah, no." She rejected his pick up line, pushing past Jake to continue on to her next class with a shake of her head.

Jake chuckled, embarrassed as he rubbed his neck, watching her disappearing figure.

"So, that didn't turn out as I expected."

Ever since that day however, Jake has been using various pick up lines on Kierra every time they happened to come across each other. She wasn't sure if she should be impressed with his persistence or highly annoyed with how much he has already used on her and seemed to come up with even more than she could ever imagined there could be. Then again, when Kierra did complain to her three friends about Jake's constant pick up lines, they reminded her that she wanted Jake to approach her on his own accord and this was the outcome of it. So, now she just had to deal with it.

"Do you have a map?"

"Not really. Why?"

The two ran into one another as she was on her way to the library and Jake seemed to follow after her.

"Cause I got lost in your eyes."

"I see. Please, take your phone and find directions to leave me alone, please."

Jake thought he had impressed her, but he seemed to have annoyed Kierra instead as she rejected him once again. She continued to head towards the library while he stopped walking and headed elsewhere

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Chapter 1: I loved it! ^^