Hellfire Oasis
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Yerim had never imagined she would finally meet her real parents. Raised with love and care by her Nonno, she had found solace in his embrace, yet the curiosity about her biological parents lingered like a persistent whisper in the back of her mind.


Meeting her mother felt like a missing piece of her life falling into place, the warmth of familiarity enveloping her as they embraced. And now, as her father stood before her, gazing at her with tender affection, every detail of his appearance etched into her memory, she felt a sense of completion wash over her. His presence filled the void she had carried for so long, completing the other half of her existence with each heartfelt glance and shared moment.


“We've finally met, my love,” her father said, his voice soft yet deep, captivating Yerim's attention as she feared he might vanish before her eyes.


“D–dad..” Yerim stammered, barely able to utter a word. The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air, every syllable a testament to the years of longing and anticipation.


Yerim etched her father's features into her memory, recalling the dreams where his handsome face had appeared, albeit blurred.  Now, as she gazed upon him with clarity, she noted the depth of his black, expressive eyes, framed by thick eyebrows and luscious eyelashes. His nose, perfectly pointed, added to his striking appearance, and when he smiled, revealing his cute dimples, Yerim couldn't help but marvel at his charm. In that moment, she understood why her mother had fallen in love; he was undeniably a stunning man, both inside and out.


“Of course, you already know me,” her father chuckled, as if still in disbelief that she called him dad.


“Mom told me everything about you,” Yerim replied, smiling at her father.


Her mind drifted back to when her mother had awoken from her dormant state. She vividly recalled the stories her mother shared about her father: how they met, their life in the human world, and his reaction upon discovering her mother's true identity as a devil. Yerim cherished these tales, seeing them as bedtime stories that painted a picture of their enduring love despite the challenges they faced.


But amidst these memories, Yerim couldn't shake the unsettling dreams she had with Sera, the stories she recounted about her father, and the unsettling notion that her mother had killed him. Despite Sera's attempts to manipulate her, Yerim's heart remained loyal to Irene. And maybe today might finally reveal the truth behind Sera's claims.


“I hope your mom tells you all the good things about me and not the bad ones,” her father sheepishly remarked, prompting a chuckle from Yerim.


“Mom always talks about how handsome you are,” Yerim began, laughter bubbling up. “And she's not wrong, you're a gorgeous man, dad,” she said, beaming at him, which elicited a laugh from her father.


“And you're beautiful as well, my love,” her father replied, his tone affectionate. “You've inherited your mother's beauty and my... cuteness,” he added playfully.


Yerim laughed at her father's cheekiness, realizing where she inherited her own playful nature.


Suddenly, silence enveloped them as they locked gazes, the smiles never leaving their faces.


“You've grown up so well, my love. I thank the people who took care of you while your mother and I were not by your side,” her father said, referring to her Nonno and her Seulgi unnie.


Yerim struggled to hold back tears as she looked at her father, who gazed back at her with longing and regret.


“I wish I could be with you and your mother, but this is all I got, just appearing in your dreams,” her father said, his voice heavy with sadness. Yerim felt her breath catch as she held back her tears, realizing that her father was already dead and could never return to them.


“Can I hug you, my daughter?” her father suddenly asked, opening his arms to her. Without hesitation, Yerim ran into his embrace, clinging to him tightly.


Unable to hold back her tears any longer, she wept into her father's shoulder, holding onto him as if he were her lifeline.


“Thank you, my love,” her father whispered, his voice filled with disbelief at the reality of holding his daughter in his arms once again.


“Dad!” Yerim cried out loudly, her voice echoing in her father's arms. She didn't want to leave this place; she wanted to stay with her father so he wouldn't feel alone anymore.


“Take me with you, Dad,” Yerim blurted out, her thoughts overwhelmed with emotions.


Feeling her father suddenly release the hug, Yerim found herself met with his tender gaze as he cupped her face and wiped her tears away.


“You can't, my love. What about your mother? If you suddenly leave her, she'll be heartbroken again,” her father explained gently, prompting Yerim to recall the events before this dream happened.


“Maybe Mom is here too because she won't wake up when I try to rouse her,” Yerim suggested, scanning her surroundings for any sign of her mother's presence.


Yerim knew she was in a dream, she hoped her mother might be here too, completing their family. But her father's words dashed her hopes.


“She's not here, my love. She is waiting for you to wake up, but—” her father paused, a playful smile spreading across his face. Yerim waited anxiously for him to continue.


“Would you like to go on an adventure with me first before I return you to your mother?” he asked, offering his hand with a charming smile, his dimples adding to his allure.


“Of course, Dad, I would love to,” Yerim exclaimed, eagerly taking her father's hand, ready for their adventure together.


As Yerim and her father clasped hands, ready for their adventure, a sense of anticipation filled the air. In that fleeting moment, surrounded by the warmth of her father's love, Yerim felt a surge of hope and excitement for what lay ahead. Little did she know, this journey would not only bring them closer together but also uncover truths hidden within the depths of her dreams. With a determined resolve and her father by her side, Yerim embarked on their fantastical adventure, eager to explore the mysteries that awaited them. And as their figures faded into the dream's embrace, the scene dissolved into a realm of endless possibilities, leaving behind only the echoes of their laughter and the promise of a new beginning.




Azazel scanned his surroundings, the once glorious hell paradise realm now resembling the aftermath of a war. Destruction marred its beauty, evidence of the chaos that had befallen their domain. As one of the high-ranking devils, he and his comrades worked tirelessly to restore its former splendor, obediently following the queen's orders to erase any traces of the turmoil before Yerim woke up.


The queen's fear was palpable as she couldn't bear the thought of her daughter witnessing the chaos she had inadvertently caused upon waking. The queen dreaded Yerim's reaction, fearing she might blame herself for the devastation. It was imperative to shield her from this truth, preserving her innocence and protecting her from unnecessary guilt.


As Azazel continued to walk and observe his surroundings, his gaze fell upon a grim sight, a pile of dead bodies of devils strewn across the ground. He shook his head in disbelief, a sense of sorrow washing over him as he approached the scene. It had never crossed his mind that the royal young highness could wield such power, let alone unleash it with such devastating force.


He knew of Yerim's potential, her inheritance of her mother's formidable powers, but he had never imagined she could be this powerful—powerful enough to surpass any being in the entire realm. The realization filled him with a mixture of awe and apprehension, knowing that her capabilities could reshape the balance of power within their world.


Azazel let out a deep sigh as he began the solemn task of using his power to turn the dead bodies into ashes, a somber reminder of the consequences of Yerim's unleashed power.


“I wonder what will happen after this,” he mused to himself, grappling with the uncertainty of their future in this hell realm.


The once unquestionable dominance of the devil hierarchy now trembled in the wake of Yerim's unprecedented display of power. Fear rippled through the ranks of devils and celestial beings alike, all wary of the queen's daughter and the unfathomable depths of her abilities. As Azazel pondered the implications, he couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for their kind in this new era of uncertainty.


The news spread like wildfire throughout all realms. Yerim, Queen Irene's daughter, was the cause of the catastrophe. Fear gripped the hearts of many beings as they learned of the havoc wrought by the queen's daughter. Some began to plot against her, seeing her slumber as an opportunity to rid themselves of the perceived threat she posed to their realms.


In reality, they trembled not only at the power Yerim wielded but also at the uncertainty of her intentions. She was a force to be reckoned with, far more dangerous than her own mother, especially if her powers remained unchecked. The safety of all realms hung in the balance, and some believed that eliminating the queen of hell's daughter was the only solution. Yet, the decision to target the queen of hell's daughter was not one to be made lightly, for it risked invoking the wrath of Irene herself.


Irene, still grieving over her daughter's slumber, was consumed by rage at the thought of others threatening Yerim while she lay defenseless. Determined to protect her daughter at all costs, Irene vowed to unleash her fury upon any who dared to harm her beloved child. In her eyes, no force in the universe could stand against the ferocity of a mother protecting her own.


The threat of Queen Irene's wrath sent a shiver down the spines of all celestial beings, causing them to back away in fear. They knew all too well the terrifying power she wielded and had witnessed her wrath before; none dared to face it again.


“Sir, we are all done,” a devil approached Azazel, interrupting his thoughts. Azazel glanced around at the now-restored surroundings, the chaos of before replaced by a semblance of normalcy. He nodded to the devil in front of him, acknowledging the completion of their task, and dismissed him with a wave of his hand.


As the devil departed, Azazel found himself alone with his thoughts once more. The weight of recent events bore down on him heavily—the devastation caused by Yerim's awakening, the fear gripping the realms, and the looming threat of retaliation against the queen's daughter.


Deep in contemplation, Azazel pondered his next course of action. It dawned on him that it was time to revisit an old rival, one with whom he shared a complicated history. Despite their differences, they had a common interest in maintaining the balance of power in the realms.


With a determined glint in his eyes, Azazel resolved to seek out his long-time adversary. Perhaps together, they could find a way to navigate the turbulent times ahead and safeguard their realm from the chaos threatening to engulf it.





More days had passed, yet Yerim remained ensconced in her unyielding slumber. Irene's exhaustion weighed heavily upon her, her once indomitable spirit now dulled by the relentless struggle to rouse her daughter. Despite exhausting every ounce of her formidable powers, Yerim remained unresponsive, trapped in a realm of dreams.


Irene's desperation grew with each passing moment. She tried everything—incantations, spells, even the tender touch of a mother's kiss—yet her efforts yielded no result. Even Seulgi, attempted to awaken Yerim with no success.


The frustration gnawed at Irene's soul, threatening to consume her. The image of her daughter, serene yet unresponsive, tormented her every waking moment. As the most powerful being in the realm, she felt powerless in the face of her daughter's plight.


Her heart heavy with despair, Irene's resolve wavered. The anguish of seeing her daughter lying there, seemingly lifeless, pierced her to the core. She longed for nothing more than to hold Yerim in her arms once more, to feel the warmth of her daughter's embrace and hear the sound of her laughter echoing through the halls of their realm.


But for now, all Irene could do was wait and hope, clinging to the faint glimmer of possibility that one day, her daughter would awaken from her slumber and return to her loving embrace.


Joy's visits to Yerim's chamber were both a source of solace and heartache. Sneaking stolen moments with Yerim, she dared to believe that her kisses held the power to awaken her slumbering love. Yet, despite her unwavering devotion, Yerim remained ensnared in her dreams, unresponsive to Joy's tender affections.


The chamber, heavily guarded by the queen's protective enchantments, was a sanctuary for Yerim, shielded from any threat to her safety. Only a select few, including Joy herself, were permitted entry under the queen's watchful gaze.


Joy found comfort in the queen's trust, grateful for the opportunity to visit Yerim without the need for clandestine maneuvers. Each stolen kiss was imbued with a desperate hope, a silent prayer for Yerim's awakening.


But as the days stretched on and Yerim's slumber persisted, Joy's heart grew heavy with sorrow. The possibility of true love's kiss proving futile shattered her spirit, leaving her to grapple with the painful reality of Yerim's continued absence. Yet, despite the heartbreak, Joy remained steadfast in her vigil, refusing to abandon hope for the day when Yerim would open her eyes and return to the world once more.


Meanwhile, Wendy's mysterious disappearances to the queen's palace puzzled Joy. Though Joy occasionally caught glimpses of Wendy visiting Yerim, comforting her with gentle words and tender gestures, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease whenever Wendy vanished afterward.


Joy couldn't fathom where Wendy disappeared to after her visits to Yerim's chamber. Despite her attempts to follow her friend's movements, Wendy always managed to slip away unnoticed, leaving Joy with unanswered questions and a growing sense of apprehension.


Then one fateful day, as Joy approached Yerim's chamber once again, she noticed Jinyoung standing at its entrance, seemingly attempting to gain access. However, the queen's protective enchantments prevented him from entering. Joy's curiosity piqued, she raised an eyebrow at Jinyoung's presence. Why would he defy the queen's orders, knowing only a select few were allowed entry?


“What are you doing here, Jinyoung?” Joy asked, her eyebrow raised in suspicion.


“Are you trying to enter Yerim's chamber?” she pressed on, noting Jinyoung's nervous chuckle.


Though Joy hadn't taken a liking to Jinyoung when Wendy first introduced him, she didn't harbor any ill will toward him. She had seen firsthand the care and affection he had for her friend, which tempered her feelings toward him.


“I'm just looking for Wendy,” Jinyoung replied, surprising Joy.


Joy's surprise was evident as she processed his response. Wendy's mysterious disappearances had become a familiar occurrence, but the fact that even Jinyoung was unaware of her whereabouts piqued her curiosity further.


“She's not here, Jinyoung. You don't know where she went?” Joy asked, noticing a flash of anger in Jinyoung's eyes before he quickly masked it, appearing to grapple with his thoughts.


As Joy contemplated Wendy and Jinyoung's mysterious situation, her focus remained on Yerim, her worry for her friend deepening.


“I think you should find Wendy outside the queen's palace, maybe she's just somewhere,” Joy suggested sympathetically. Jinyoung nodded his thanks and began to walk away.


Unbeknownst to Joy, a surge of anger consumed Jinyoung at the thought of Wendy, driving him to the brink of madness.







Wendy felt exhausted by the ongoing turmoil surrounding her, and now, unexpectedly, she found herself entangled with a celestial being she had never anticipated encountering.


“Wendy, how can I see Yerim?” Eunwoo's persistent inquiry elicited a deep sigh from Wendy. This wasn't the first time Eunwoo had asked the same question, yet Wendy's response remained unchanged.


“I've already told you that you can't see her. You're not allowed to enter the queen's palace. And if you try, the queen will sense your presence and may kill you instantly,” Wendy explained, her tone tinged with weariness as she attempted to convey the seriousness of the situation. But Eunwoo's frustration only seemed to grow, adding to Wendy's mounting stress.


Wendy found herself once again in the human world, atop the rooftop where Eunwoo resided. Their clandestine meetings had become a regular occurrence since that fateful encounter in Hogsmead. Wendy had been innocently buying sweets and chocolates for Yerim when Eunwoo had unexpectedly whisked her away to the human world.


Despite the intrigue of their encounters, Wendy couldn't shake the underlying fear of being discovered. Meeting with an angel in secret was a dangerous game, one that could cost her life if the queen ever found out. And then there was Jinyoung, whom she had been avoiding lately, fearing his reaction if he were to uncover her secret rendezvous with Eunwoo.


“I really want to see Yerim...” Eunwoo's voice was filled with sadness as he whispered his longing.


Wendy's heart ached at Eunwoo's sorrowful whisper. She could see the anguish in his eyes, the longing to see Yerim weighing heavily on him. Eunwoo, deprived of the solace of sleep upon learning of Yerim's slumber, yearned to be by her side, yet his status as an angel rendered him powerless to do so.


Wendy felt torn, torn between her desire to ease Eunwoo's pain and her loyalty to her friend Joy, who also harbored deep affection for Yerim. As much as she wanted to help Eunwoo, she knew that intervening could jeopardize the delicate balance of relationships surrounding Yerim.


“I wish I could help you, Eunwoo, but I can't. I'm sorry,” Wendy murmured, her voice tinged with regret. She hoped that Eunwoo would understand the complexity of their situation, even as her own heart ached for his unfulfilled longing.


As the silence enveloped them, Eunwoo couldn't help but ponder over Yerim's plight. He was filled with a deep sense of sorrow, not only for Yerim but also for Wendy. He couldn't fathom how Yerim had ended up in such a dormant state, wielding such immense power. The overwhelming urge to see Yerim had driven him to desperate measures, leading him to drag Wendy into this precarious situation.


Eunwoo couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for involving Wendy in his plight. He understood the risks she was taking by accompanying him, knowing full well that her life was on the line. The thought of the queen punishing Wendy for her involvement weighed heavily on his conscience. Despite their brief acquaintance, Wendy had shown him kindness and compassion, even though he was considered an enemy to her kind. Eunwoo felt a deep sense of gratitude towards Wendy for her unwavering support and comfort during this trying time.

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Hellfire Oasis is complete! Four intense days of writing the final chapter with 12k words. It was so hard, but oh so worth it. Huge thanks to all of you for your unwavering support to this story!♡


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0 points #1
Chapter 35: 😍😍😍😍
percydary 0 points #2
Chapter 33: congratulations for finishing this beautiful story, how can u be a newbie, when u got hooked us in every chapters, u are so good! and the ending feels like u wanted more haha. Really cant wait for the book 2, I know its already amazing just like hellfire oasis
Chapter 33: 🥺🙏
sunnysideup01 #4
Chapter 33: i forgot that Seulgi was task to document everything in the hell realm through her drawings and writings, and the scenes on the last part describing Seulgi's book, it was amazing omg! This is so cool! I love everything about this story. You're amazing authornim, really cant wait for your other stories 😭
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: my heart! I'm crying, the part where Jinyoung began to dissapear, my heart broke for Wendy, that was so painful and the part where Irene is on her knees begging for Yeri 💔💔💔 Irene will be crazy if she knew the god wiping all her daughter's memories and Seulgi being missing 😭😭😭

Congratulations author for finishing this story. This is so beautiful, we will gonna support you on your other future works and can't wait for book 2!!
Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhh its so goodddddddd 😭😭. Now its time for Seulgi's story I can feel it with the cliffhanger in the end. Damn , the lengths that Irene will do just to protect and find Yerim. How she was willing to go down on her knees just to be with her daughter 🥺🥺. Now that Irene got her daughter back, I hope they will find Seulgi soon 😔.

I can't wait for Book 2!! For a new writer you really did amazing with this story and got us hooked each chapter! Have a nice day author-nim! 😊😊😊
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 33: Congratulations author nim for ending book 1 , u done a very great job and can't wait for book 2 😭🫶🏻🩷🩷
I'm soooo scared everytime i refresh my aff and see new story updated in my notification 😭 I don't want this to end yet 😭😭
velvet5evr #9
Chapter 32: You cant really miss the small details on this story, like the portrait of the woman that Yeri wants Seulgi to draw and the picture of young Jinyoung that Yeri left in their room in purpose so that Irene would know where she is and all the subtle hints in other chapters. For a newbie writer like you this is already amazing and Im kinda sad that this will be the end or not? but I'm very thankful to you, because you written an amazing story for our girls and of course to our baby Yeri as a main character, thank you ma'am for this, I'm looking forward to your future stories. Hellfire Oasis jjang jjang!!

Looking forward for the book 2 🫂
Chapter 32: idk how to feel while reading this chap, im afraid they all gonna fall apart especially the friendship of wenri and Seraphine was obsessed to take Yeri away from Irene but in the end she got Seulgi instead and knowing Seulgi's soul was really meant to be in heaven omg this is gonna be so good! I smell angst here 😭