Hellfire Oasis
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As the night wore on, Yerim ran as fast as she could, desperate to escape the confines of her mother's palace. The air felt suffocating, and her anger threatened to boil over at any moment. With newfound abilities learned from Azazel, including teleportation, she no longer relied on her bike Stratus to travel.


Yerim found herself in Hogsmead, tears still glistening in her eyes and her gaze ablaze with anger. Demons who crossed her path bowed in respect and fear, recognizing the intensity radiating from her.


Ignoring their gestures, Yerim entered a nearby bar, seeking solace in a drink to numb the pain of what she had witnessed. The demons inside gasped at her presence, quickly bowing in reverence.


“Give me the strongest alcohol you have,” Yerim demanded, her voice laced with authority as she settled onto a high chair.


The demon hurriedly complied with her request, trembling with fear as he prepared the drink for the young royal highness before him.


Yerim drank continuously, oblivious to her surroundings, consumed by the pain and betrayal she felt after witnessing her mother and her Seulgi unnie in an intimate position. The image of them haunted her thoughts, leaving her bewildered and shattered. 


The mere thought of her own mother and her Seulgi unnie together filled Yerim with disgust. She couldn't comprehend or accept what she had seen, the betrayal cutting deep into her heart and leaving her feeling utterly alone in her anguish.


Yerim's heart weighed heavy with the burden of her nightmare's haunting images. She had tried desperately to push them aside, to bury them deep within the recesses of her mind. But now, faced with the stark reality of her mother and her unnie's secret affair, the memories flooded back with a vengeance.


The anguish of her father's senseless death at the hands of her own mother pierced her soul, leaving her feeling helpless and betrayed. And to think that her Seulgi unnie, once a source of comfort and support, could now be complicit in such treachery, it was almost too much to bear.


The demons inside the bar watched silently as the young royal highness unraveled before their eyes, sensing something amiss but hesitant to intervene for fear of reprisal. Their apprehension deepened as they heard the shatter of a glass, their gazes snapping to Yerim as she tightly gripped the broken shards, blood trickling from her wounded hand. 


One brave demon approached, concern etched on his face as he dared to address her. 


“Your royal highness, your hand is bleeding,” he stammered, his words met with a hollow laugh from Yerim, her intoxication evident.


“Damn! This is so good! Give me a bottle of this alcohol. I really like the taste!” Yerim exclaimed, her grin twisted with mischief as she demanded more alcohol. The demons exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to handle the situation.


“B–but your royal highness, you're already drunk—” the demon's protest was cut short as Yerim flung the glass, causing panic to erupt among the demons.


“Just give me a damn bottle!” Yerim commanded, her anger blazing in her eyes. The demon hastily complied, handing over the bottle as Yerim thanked him with a manic laugh.


As Yerim's laughter rang out, filling the room with its manic intensity, her tears continued to fall, a reflection of the inner turmoil consuming her soul.


Yerim stumbled out of the bar, clutching the bottle of alcohol tightly as she continued to drink, her movements unsteady and her vision blurred. She no longer cared if anyone saw her in this state, her mind clouded with anger and despair.


As she walked, her path littered with bowed heads and sidestepping demons, Yerim muttered words of hatred and confusion, her thoughts consumed by the betrayal she had witnessed. She had no destination in mind, only a desire to escape the suffocating confines of her mother's palace.


The thought of returning home was unbearable, she knew her mother wouldn't likely notice her absence, too engrossed in her lip-locking sessions with her Seulgi unnie, leaving Yerim alone to grapple with her emotions. With a bitter chuckle, she scoffed at the irony of it all, resigned to the fact that she was truly alone in her pain.


Yerim's mind raced as she grappled with where to go. She dismissed the thought of Bloomhaven and brushed aside the idea of seeking solace with Joy. Right now, she craved solitude, a place where no one could find her. And there was only one person who came to mind, Eunwoo. 


With a determined nod, Yerim made her decision. She focused her energy and invoked her teleportation abilities, envisioning Eunwoo's home as her destination.


Yerim stumbled through the secluded forest where Eunwoo lived, her steps unsteady as she clutched the bottle of alcohol tightly, drinking it down in one desperate gulp. The effects of her drunkenness weighed heavily upon her, threatening to send her collapsing at any moment. As she approached Eunwoo's house, her bleary gaze fell upon the devastation that had befallen it, prompting a desperate outcry amidst the silence of the forest.


“Eunwoo! Where are you?!” Yerim's words slurred together in a drunken haze. “I'm here, in your house!”


“I need you, Eunwoo, please,” she pleaded, her voice a mixture of desperation and confusion. With blurred vision and dizzy spells, Yerim collapsed onto the grass, her cries piercing the stillness of the forest, echoing into the night.


“I need to escape from here,” Yerim sobbed, the overwhelming sense of despair suffocating her. Alone and overwhelmed, she continued to cry out into the darkness, yearning for someone to be there for her.


Suddenly, Yerim felt a warmth enveloping her and felt a gentle sensation on her face, like tiny brushes against her skin. Slowly, she blinked her eyes open, greeted by the sight of Totori, Eunwoo's loyal dog, her face with affection. Overwhelmed with emotion, Yerim sat up and enveloped Totori in a tight embrace.


“Totori, I missed you so much,” Yerim mumbled through her tears, her voice filled with longing. Totori responded with cute barks, her tail wagging happily in her arms.


“Where's Eunwoo, Totori?” Yerim's voice trembled with urgency as she searched the dog's eyes for answers. But Totori wriggled free from her embrace and darted away, leaving Yerim alone once again. She staggered to her feet, her head spinning with dizziness as she fought to focus her blurry vision.


“Wait for me, Totori!” Yerim called after the fleeing dog, her words echoing into the night as she struggled to chase after him, her determination fueled by the flickering hope of finding Eunwoo.


Yerim followed Totori's lead, her steps uncertain as she navigated through the dense foliage of the forest. With only the faint moonlight filtering through the tall trees to guide her way, she felt a sense of isolation, the wreckage of Eunwoo's home a distant memory behind her. As Totori picked up speed, Yerim pushed herself to keep pace, her head spinning with dizziness.


As they neared the source of light, Yerim's surroundings suddenly shifted, and she found herself standing on a rooftop overlooking the vibrant city below. The sight took her breath away, the bustling energy of the urban landscape a stark contrast to the quiet solitude of the forest.


“Yerim? What are you doing here?” Eunwoo's voice broke through her reverie, his expression a mixture of surprise and concern.


“Eunwoo…” Yerim's voice trailed off as she took in her surroundings, her disbelief palpable.


“Yerim, you need to go back. It's not safe for you here,” Eunwoo urged, his hand reaching out to steady her.


But Yerim's laughter mingled with tears as she shook her head. “I can't believe I'm back here, Eunwoo. Back in the human world,” she whispered, her voice filled with a sense of longing and sorrow.


Eunwoo's heart ached at the sadness in Yerim's eyes, and he knew he couldn't leave her alone in her despair. With a gentle sigh, he pulled her into a comforting embrace.








In the queen's palace, chaos reigned as demons frantically searched for the young royal highness. Irene, upon returning to her and her daughter's room after her secret escapade with Seulgi in the art room, was alarmed to find it empty. Panic gripped her heart as she realized her daughter was missing.


She checked every corner of the palace, from their room to Yerim's favorite garden outside, but her daughter was nowhere to be found. Fear and anger gnawed at Irene's soul as she ordered her demons to search every inch of the palace grounds, their urgency matching her own.


Wendy, Joy, and Seulgi, hearing the commotion, joined the search, their concern evident as they scoured the palace alongside the frantic demons. Each passing moment only intensified Irene's worry, driving her to the brink of madness as she imagined the worst possible scenarios for her beloved daughter's disappearance.


Irene felt consumed by guilt as she realized she hadn't spent quality time with her daughter in the past few days. It wasn't merely due to her busy schedule but because she found it difficult to tear herself away from Seulgi. She couldn't bear the thought of facing the truth, so she unintentionally avoided her daughter for a while. However, every night, she made sure to kiss and embrace her daughter tightly as she slept in their room, seeking solace in those fleeting moments of connection.


As for Seulgi, a similar wave of guilt washed over her whenever Yerim tried to initiate bonding activities. Despite Yerim's persistent invitations, Seulgi often brushed her off, citing her busy schedule. In reality, she was avoiding Yerim to prevent her from discovering the secret affair with her own mother. Each excuse weighed heavily on Seulgi's conscience, adding to the burden of her hidden relationship.


Meanwhile, Joy was awakened earlier than usual by Wendy with the news of Yerim's disappearance. Panic and fear gripped her at the mere thought of Yerim being in danger. Unable to hold back her tears, Joy joined the other demons in the frantic search for Yerim. Sensing Joy's distress, Wendy approached her friend, offering comfort and support in the midst of the chaos.


Despite Joy and Yerim's attempts to keep their relationship secret, Wendy had long suspected the truth. She had noticed the subtle glances and unspoken gestures between them. However, Wendy chose not to pry into their relationship, fearing that if the queen discovered their romantic involvement, it could lead to dire consequences for all involved.


As they continue to search for Yerim, Azazel arrived in the queen's palace and commanded all the devils inside the palace, including Joy, Wendy, and Seulgi, to follow him to the queen's chamber. Upon entering, they found the queen in a state of distress, clutching her head as she paced back and forth in agitation.


Seulgi, witnessing the queen's turmoil, felt a strong urge to comfort her, but she restrained herself, knowing the delicate balance of their positions. Instead, she settled for observing the queen with a mixture of concern and respect, waiting for Azazel's guidance on how to proceed.


"Your majesty, the young royal highness was seen earlier at Hogsmead," Azazel announced with a tense expression, knowing the queen's wrath could be unleashed at any moment.


Irene, upon hearing the news, froze in her tracks, her mind racing with worry over why her daughter would be in such a place in the middle of the night.


"Why is my daughter there? And why was I not informed of her escape? I explicitly instructed to all of you to keep a close watch on my daughter!" Irene's voice reverberated through the chamber, dripping with anger and authority. The other devils present cowered in fear, accustomed to the terrifying presence of their queen when she was in such a state.


Azazel hesitated, weighing the risk of divulging further information in the face of Irene's dangerous anger. However, duty compelled him to continue speaking, despite the potential consequences.


“The young royal highness was in a bar, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. She even caused a ruckus there, throwing and breaking glasses,” Azazel reported, his voice tinged with concern.


Irene's worry deepened at the revelation of her daughter's reckless behavior, her mind racing with questions about what could have prompted such actions.


Meanwhile, Wendy, Joy, and Seulgi exchanged concerned glances, their minds consumed with worry over Yerim's well-being and the sudden change in her behavior.


“I'm going there now, to fetch my daughter,” Irene declared, her maternal instincts kicked in. But before she could take action, Azazel interjected.


“I'm sorry, your majesty, but the young royal highness disappeared after leaving the bar, and no one has seen her since,” Azazel revealed, his words sending a chill through the chamber as the gravity of the situation sank in.


They all watched and waited in unease for the queen's reaction, as she absorbed the weight of Azazel's words. In an instant, turmoil erupted outside the chamber, mirroring the storm brewing within the queen. Rage simmered beneath her composed exterior, her eyes unleashing a cold and piercing gaze that sent shivers down the spines of those around her. She was seething with anger. 


As chaos reigned in the chamber, Irene's mind raced with fears and possibilities. Despite knowing that angels no longer existed in Hell, the mere thought of them infiltrating their realm and abducting her daughter sent shivers down her spine. The very idea of Yerim being in the clutches of an angel fueled Irene's growing sense of madness.


“Azazel, find my daughter,” Irene commanded in a chillingly cold tone, her voice laced with danger. “If you catch sight of her with anyone, especially an angel, bring them to me immediately,”


Azazel nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. He signaled for everyone to follow him, and without hesitation, the demons scattered, each determined to carry out their queen's orders.


Meanwhile, Wendy, Joy, and Seulgi stood amidst the panic, unsure of what to do next. Their minds raced with worry for Yerim and concern for the safety of their realm.


“Wendy!” A familiar voice broke through the chaos, and Wendy turned to see Jinyoung approaching, his expression filled with concern.


“I'm going to find the young royal highness. Are you okay here?” Jinyoung asked, his eyes searching hers for reassurance.


Wendy nodded, her heart heavy with worry, knowing her man is the leader of the queen's soldiers.


“Yes, Jinyoung. Just be careful, okay?” 


Jinyoung leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before rushing off to join the search, leaving Wendy to watch him depart with a mixture of concern and fear.


As the trio watched the queen stride out of the chamber, their minds struggled to comprehend the unfolding situation regarding Yerim. Joy, who had been with Yerim constantly, hadn't noticed any change in her behavior, adding to the confusion.


Seulgi, unable to sit idly by, made the decision to follow the queen despite the delicate timing.


“Where do you think you're going, Seulgi?” Wendy interjected, stopping her in her tracks as she noticed Seulgi preparing to follow the queen.


“I'm going to talk to the queen,” Seulgi replied simply, her determination evident in her voice.


“Are you out of your mind? The queen is not in a good mood right now. She could lash out at you if she wants,” Joy interjected, her annoyance palpable.


But Seulgi, no longer afraid of the queen's wrath, remained resolute. Though Wendy and Joy were unaware of their relationship, Seulgi felt compelled to speak with the queen and offer comfort.


“I'm still going to talk to her, Joy. Don't worry, I can handle this,” Seulgi assured them as she strode purposefully after the queen.


Wendy and Joy exchanged incredulous looks as they watched Seulgi retreat, a mixture of concern and uncertainty clouding their expressions.


Seulgi entered the queen and Yerim's room, taking in the grandeur of the space for the first time. Despite its elegance, she couldn't help but feel the warmth and comfort that enveloped the room. Her gaze fell upon a portrait of Yerim that she had sketched, elegantly framed and placed on the bedside table. A smile tugged at Seulgi's lips, knowing she had gifted the portrait to the queen.


“What are you doing here?” The queen's voice cut through the silence, her tone cold and distant. Seulgi turned to face Irene, who stood by the grand window with her back turned, yet seemingly aware of Seulgi's presence.


“Yerim will definitely come back,” Seulgi began, her voice gentle yet firm. Irene remained silent, her eyes fixed on the world outside. Seulgi took a step closer, closing the distance between them.


“That's who she is. When something troubles her or she faces problems, she tends to withdraw, keeping it all to herself. But eventually, she'll return to you when she can no longer bear it,” Seulgi continued, offering words of reassurance to the queen. She knew Yerim well – stubborn and independent, yet always finding her way back home.


“Of course, you knew her well. You're her older sister,” Irene said in a strained voice, unable to hide the hint of jealousy simmering beneath her words as she kept her gaze fixed on the outside world.


“Don't be jealous, Your Majesty. I simply want to offer insight so that when Yerim returns, you'll know how best to approach her,” Seulgi replied, her tone gentle yet tinged with nervousness as she chuckled softly.


“Thank you, Seulgi,” Irene murmured, her gratitude evident despite the turmoil swirling in her mind. She couldn't shake the relentless worry for her missing daughter, her thoughts consumed by questions of Yerim's safety and well-being.


As for Seulgi, she stood by the queen's side, offering silent comfort in the midst of uncertainty. Though words may fail to ease Irene's worry, Seulgi's presence served as a steady anchor, a silent reminder of the unwavering support she had to offer.






Yerim and Eunwoo sat together on the rooftop of the building, their eyes tracing the bustling activity below. For Yerim, there was a sense of belonging in the human world, a feeling of returning to where she truly belonged.


Eunwoo silently accompanied her, sensing the weight of her thoughts and the turmoil brewing within her. He knew there was something troubling Yerim from the moment they met earlier, and he couldn't shake the nervousness that gripped him knowing that Yerim had found a way to enter the human world at will—a fact that could incite the wrath of the queen of hell, Yerim's mother.


“I wonder if humans can see us,” Yerim pondered aloud, her words tinged with a hint of drunkenness that was slowly dissipating.


“No, Yerim. To humans, we are simply ghosts in this world,” Eunwoo replied, her expression laced with a playful grin, thou

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Hellfire Oasis is complete! Four intense days of writing the final chapter with 12k words. It was so hard, but oh so worth it. Huge thanks to all of you for your unwavering support to this story!♡


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0 points #1
Chapter 35: 😍😍😍😍
percydary 0 points #2
Chapter 33: congratulations for finishing this beautiful story, how can u be a newbie, when u got hooked us in every chapters, u are so good! and the ending feels like u wanted more haha. Really cant wait for the book 2, I know its already amazing just like hellfire oasis
Chapter 33: 🥺🙏
sunnysideup01 #4
Chapter 33: i forgot that Seulgi was task to document everything in the hell realm through her drawings and writings, and the scenes on the last part describing Seulgi's book, it was amazing omg! This is so cool! I love everything about this story. You're amazing authornim, really cant wait for your other stories 😭
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: my heart! I'm crying, the part where Jinyoung began to dissapear, my heart broke for Wendy, that was so painful and the part where Irene is on her knees begging for Yeri 💔💔💔 Irene will be crazy if she knew the god wiping all her daughter's memories and Seulgi being missing 😭😭😭

Congratulations author for finishing this story. This is so beautiful, we will gonna support you on your other future works and can't wait for book 2!!
Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhh its so goodddddddd 😭😭. Now its time for Seulgi's story I can feel it with the cliffhanger in the end. Damn , the lengths that Irene will do just to protect and find Yerim. How she was willing to go down on her knees just to be with her daughter 🥺🥺. Now that Irene got her daughter back, I hope they will find Seulgi soon 😔.

I can't wait for Book 2!! For a new writer you really did amazing with this story and got us hooked each chapter! Have a nice day author-nim! 😊😊😊
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 33: Congratulations author nim for ending book 1 , u done a very great job and can't wait for book 2 😭🫶🏻🩷🩷
I'm soooo scared everytime i refresh my aff and see new story updated in my notification 😭 I don't want this to end yet 😭😭
velvet5evr #9
Chapter 32: You cant really miss the small details on this story, like the portrait of the woman that Yeri wants Seulgi to draw and the picture of young Jinyoung that Yeri left in their room in purpose so that Irene would know where she is and all the subtle hints in other chapters. For a newbie writer like you this is already amazing and Im kinda sad that this will be the end or not? but I'm very thankful to you, because you written an amazing story for our girls and of course to our baby Yeri as a main character, thank you ma'am for this, I'm looking forward to your future stories. Hellfire Oasis jjang jjang!!

Looking forward for the book 2 🫂
Chapter 32: idk how to feel while reading this chap, im afraid they all gonna fall apart especially the friendship of wenri and Seraphine was obsessed to take Yeri away from Irene but in the end she got Seulgi instead and knowing Seulgi's soul was really meant to be in heaven omg this is gonna be so good! I smell angst here 😭