The sweetest love

Stolen my heart, that girl's a killer! (JMJ)
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love 119

the sweetest love


“Baby, this question is wrong.” Jimin points at the page Minjeong is working on.

“What? I thought it was right.” Minjeong pouts, using her white-out to erase the answer she wrote.

“Do you need me to explain it again or do you want to try again?” Jimin asks, smiling softly.

“I’ll try again.” Minjeong sighs.


It’s not usual for first-year university student Yu Jimin to be around Kim Minjeong, who is in her last year of high school. They had been going out since Jimin graduated from the same high school Minjeong is going to right now, after the shorter girl bravely confessed to Jimin when she walked down the podium.


At first, Jimin was in a state of shock since she’d never thought Kim Minjeong, who was on the student council and a perfect-graded student, would confess to her. Jimin admits sometimes she makes bad decisions and doesn’t have the greatest track record, aside from her perfect grades. She had a history of being dubbed a playgirl, so people were either wary of her or wanted a piece of her.


Jimin wouldn’t lie and say Minjeong didn’t catch her attention, even though she was a year below her, but Minjeong was a pretty girl and sometimes pretty girls just charm Jimin completely.


“S-sunbae!” Minjeong had called out to Jimin, who walked out of the hall. Jimin turned around and found their beloved student council president standing right in front of her, hands twisting behind her back.

“Kim Minjeong.” Jimin smiles, bouncing on the balls of her feet cheekily. “Are you going to wish me good luck for my further studies?”

“Yes, but also..." Minjeong blushes before looking into Jimin’s eyes with a determined expression. “Sunbae, I like you.”


Jimin’s jaw had dropped and the smile on her face was wiped from her face. At first, she let Minjeong down as carefully as she could but what baffled her was that Minjeong was grinning so brightly after being rejected.


“I just didn’t want to regret not ever saying it.” Minjeong had said.


Minjeong was like a shot of espresso and for the first few days and weeks of studying at university, Jimin couldn’t stop thinking about Minjeong.


So one day, she finished a lecture and found herself walking to her old high school. At first, a huge number of students still remembered her and greeted her. She was overwhelmed by the number of underclassmen and tried to nod and smile all the way until she found a familiar face.


“Ningning!” Jimin calls out through the crowd.

“Oh, Jimin-unnie!” Ningning blinks.


Ningning and Jimin had gone to the same primary school previously and she was also a hoobae she doted on because Ningning was cute and Jimin taught her a lot of Korean when she was still struggling sometimes. Jimin even learned Chinese off of Ningning too.


“Hey, how’ve you been?” Jimin tries to play it cool at first.

“Great. Are you studying hard?” Ningning asks.

“Of course, you know me.” Jimin grins.

"But what are you doing here? Is Aeri-unnie with you?” Ningning blinks but finds the opportunity to ask about Jimin’s best friend, who also graduated from this school and whom she may or may not have a crush on. 

“No, it’s just me; Aeri still has classes. Anyway, do you know where Minjeong is?” Jimin asks, scratching her nape.

“Why are you looking for my best friend?” Ningning crosses her arms over her chest.

“Just, uh, she took something from me and needs to give it back.” Jimin says. “So please, tell me where she is? Or else your parents are going to worry why you aren't home yet if you keep stalling.”

“She’s in the student council room." Ningning rolls her eyes. “You know the way, right? Or do I need to tell you?”
“No, I got it!” Jimin grins. “Thanks, Ning! Love you!”


Jimin presses a kiss on Ningning’s forehead before running away.


“Yah! Unnie!” Ningning grimaces but still smiles.


When Jimin’s making her way to the student council room, she halts for a moment behind the door. She hadn’t really come up with a plan prior to coming here. She doesn’t know what to say, as her mind doesn’t run with any coherent thoughts except for the image of Minjeong’s sweet smile.


It wasn’t a lie to Ningning that Minjeong took something from her and that she needs it back.


Minjeong has taken her mind for weeks on end and she’s been struggling to keep the image of Minjeong away from her thoughts.


Minjeong took her heart and now she wants her to take responsibility.


She slides open the student council room door.


“Jimin-sunbae?” Minjeong turns to her with surprise.


Shortly after that, they began talking more and spending more time together until Jimin was completely wrapped around Minjeong’s finger, and Jimin didn’t mind it at all. She finds herself in this situation quite a lot, laying on Minjeong’s bed and playing with Minjeong’s hair as she helps the girl with her school work.


“Unnie, if I finish this all now, can I get a reward?” Minjeong asks, smiling cheekily.

“What do you want?” Jimin chuckles fondly. “I’m unemployed at the moment, so don’t go asking me for something expensive.”

“I don’t need anything expensive,” Minjeong says, shaking her head.

“Because you already have me, right? I’m priceless.” Jimin grins and Minjeong rolls her eyes.

“Ha-ha, but seriously.” Minjeong pouts.

“Okay, what do you want?” Jimin asks again.

“A kiss.” Minjeong says.

“Just that?” Jimin frowns. “I can give you that normally.”

“Give me a good one, then. One that will last since I’ll get busy with my exams.” Minjeong says.

“Okay,” Jimin chuckles, patting Minjeong’s head.


Minjeong focuses hard on her work, desperately wanting a kiss for being good because she doesn’t get to see Jimin often with how busy she is with university and with how busy she’s getting with her upcoming exams that will qualify her to get into Jimin’s university, which is one of the top ones in their country.


“I’m done!” Minjeong squeals.

“Okay, let me check—”
“No, kiss now.” Minjeong pushes Jimin down onto her back.

“Woah, woah, why are we so impatient today?” Jimin chuckles, holding Minjeong close to her but sitting up. 

“I miss you.” Minjeong pouts.

“I know.” Jimin smiles softly. “I miss you too.”

“Kiss, unnie.” Minjeong leans forward.

“Okay, okay.”


Jimin smiles, leaning forward, before pressing a long kiss on Minjeong’s forehead.


“Unnie,” Minjeong whines. “Not there.”
“Where then?” Jimin smiles and she pinches Minjeong’s cheek. “Here?”

“No,” Minjeong giggles, shaking her head.

“Then, here?” Jimin grins, poking Minjeong’s other cheek.


Minjeong shakes her head, bubbling with laughter.


“I think you want it here.” Jimin laughs, rubbing the tip of Minjeong’s nose gently.

“No,” Minjeong shakes her head and takes Jimin’s hand. She folds Jimin’s fingers down with both of her hands until she only has her pointer finger left. She brings it to her face and touches Jimin’s pointer finger to her lips. “Here.”

“Minjeong…” Jimin warns softly.

“Please.” Minjeong pouts, eyelids fluttering cutely and Jimin’s ears burn red.


One thing Jimin was sure of not doing was kissing Minjeong too soon. It’s only been a handful of months into their relationship and Jimin was very careful with Minjeong. Minjeong was someone she wanted to take very seriously because Minjeong is an amazing girl and also because she’s a year younger than her.


Jimin feels very protective of Minjeong and always wants the best for Minjeong.


Jimin didn’t have a pretty track record in high school, but it was because she was scared of turning people down in case they her and said bad words. She didn’t think she was a flirt because she thought she was being friendly, but many people took it the wrong way and she was too afraid to speak, lest no one believe her.


So when sweet Minjeong approached her, Jimin didn’t know what to do. 


Minjeong had approached her with no intentions at all except wanting to confess a crush. When she asked why Minjeong liked her, Minjeong was quite blunt. She had described Jimin for who she was deep down—a kind person who is gentle and carries the lamest jokes everywhere with her. She had said Jimin was a very smart person who was hardworking, and that was one of the things Minjeong liked about her.


From that day on, Jimin was smitten.


And for those reasons, she didn’t want to rush into what she had with Minjeong like other people had done to her.


“Unnie?” Minjeong’s pout was irresistible and Jimin was always falling fast and hard.


Jimin cups Minjeong’s cheek gently, leaning closer. Minjeong’s eyes flutter close and Jimin’s lips just barely brush against her lips when she hears the front door of her house open.


“Minjeongie! Your unnies are home!”


Minjeong’s eyes widen and she pushes Jimin away, who has the same horrified look on her face.


Oh, one more reason that maybe should've been stated first. The reason why Jimin was so reluctant to date Minjeong or even do anything with Minjeong was because she had these five older sisters that would kill for Minjeong—literally.


“Time to go now!” Jimin’s eyes widened, scrambling around Minjeong’s room. She puts on her jacket and looks for her bag. 

“Here,” Minjeong quickly packs all of Jimin’s belongings and helps Jimin put on her bag. “Just go out the window!”
“Again?” Jimin whimpers. “Baby, I don’t want to break my bones.”
“You did it last time,” Minjeong whispers. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Jimin sighs.


Minjeong opens the window and Jimin swings a leg out.


“I’d do anything for you,” Jimin smiles.

“I know.” Minjeong blushes. 

“I’ll see you.” Jimin says this before leaning in to press a kiss on Minjeong’s cheek. 

“Bye, unnie. Be careful.” Minjeong says and Jimin nods before climbing down the roof and rolling into a bush.


Jimin disappears just in time as her bedroom door opens and five heads appear in the doorway.


“Hey, how was school?” Joohyun asks. 

“Good.” Minjeong closes the window and turns around with a smile.


Minjeong actually only has three biological sisters: Joohyun-unnie, who is the oldest; Sooyoung-unnie; and Yerim-unnie. Seungwan-unnie is Sooyoung-unnie’s girlfriend and Seulgi-unnie is Joohyun-unnie's fianceé.


“Sorry, we couldn't be home earlier,” Sooyoung says, wrapping her in a hug. “Yerimmie and I had a bunch of classes back-to-back.”

“It’s okay.” Minjeong smiles, hugging her back.

“Were you studying?” Seulgi asks, seeing the scatter of papers on Minjeong’s bed.

“Yeah, I was doing some homework.” Minjeong answers.

“Aw, what a good baby!” Yerim pinches her cheek. “Want an allowance?”

“You act like she’s so much younger than you,” Seulgi snorts. “You’re only two years older than her.”

“But she’s still in high school,” Yerim coos.

“It’s okay, unnie.” Minjeong grins at the affection.


Ever since their parents passed away in an accident when Minjeong was ten, her three older sisters have done everything to help raise her, even if Yerim was only two years older than her. Minjeong had always been small when she was growing up, which is why her sisters always took so much care of her. Joohyun was already a legal adult at the age of twenty when their parents passed, so she took custody of Minjeong and Yerim. Sooyoung was fifteen, helping Joohyun raise their little sisters and along the way, Joohyun met Seulgi at a bookstore and fell in love with the photographer. 


Joohyun studied to become a doctor and eventually finished her studies, despite how busy her life was, and now she works at a hospital, where she met an intern, Son Seungwan. She befriended Seungwan and ended up introducing her to Sooyoung and those two have been together since then.


Now their lives are steady and Minjeong has grown taller than two of her sisters.


Everyone disperses to go wash up and later Minjeong trudges down to the kitchen to find Seungwan cooking up an easy pasta dinner for them all.

“How was work?” Minjeong asks, immediately helping Seungwan cook.

“It was alright, nothing too bad.” Seungwan smiles. “Joohyun-unnie assisted in a surgery, though, so she must be tired.”
“Really?” Minjeong blinks.

“Mhm.” Seungwan nods.


Seungwan had always been the balance in their family, sometimes more on the peaceful side, alongside Seulgi when Minjeong needed the peace. Minjeong was a quiet kid growing up and her sisters were not when they were all together in the same room. Joohyun was a quiet and reserved person by nature, in contrast to Sooyoung, who was a social butterfly alongside Yerim. Those two chatted a lot and put Joohyun into the mix—Minjeong thinks she’s developed tinnitus from living with her sisters. Seulgi wasn’t too loud, but she often got teased and she is very sweet, so Minjeong likes to hang out with her often.


“So, anything new in your life these days?” Seungwan asks as Minjeong sets out the table.

“Me?” Minjeong blinks. “No, not that I know of.”
“No… boys? Girls?” Seungwan teases and Minjeong blushes.

“N-no! No way!” She stutters, thinking of the girl who just climbed out of her window earlier.

"Aw, come on, you can tell me.” Seungwan says. “I’m not scary like the other four.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Minjeong says, shaking her head. “My sisters, including Seulgi-unnie, would kill the person and then probably kill me.”

“But seriously, no one’s taken an interest in you?” Seungwan asks, putting the plates on the table.


Minjeong shrugs.


“You’re this beautiful and smart, but you’re telling me no one has come up to confess to you?” Seungwan asks.

“Unnie,” Minjeong whines and Seungwan giggles. “And even if there were, they’d probably be too intimidated or I’d just reject them.”

“Alright, but if there is, you’d tell me, right?” Seungwan asks. “I’m the nice unnie; I won’t tell them about it unless you tell me to.”
“I promise.” Minjeong nods, oddly feeling guilty.


“Wow, what smells good?” Sooyoung comes down first and hugs Seungwan, pressing a sloppy kiss to her cheek and Seungwan doesn’t mind it at all.

“Just some pasta.” Seungwan smiles.


Minjeong smiles at their affection and doesn’t feel grossed out about it all.


Yerim bounces down later and she’s already gossiping to the others about what she discovered in her university batch. 


Minjeong feels warm and happy, but she still feels something hollow in her chest and it has something to do with Yu Jimin.




“You’re going to walk to school?” Jimin asks, one hand on her phone, as she enters her car, ready to go to campus.

“ Yeah, Joohyun-unnie and Seungwan-unnie left the house already because they have an early shift.” Minjeong says. “ And I don’t want to bother Seulgi-unnie; she’s sleeping really deeply. Sooyoung-unnie’s car is in the shop and Yerim-unnie doesn’t drive.”

“Baby, I can come pick you up if you want.” Jimin says.

“No, I don’t want to bother you either. You have classes.” Minjeong refuses. “I can take the bus.”

“No way, I've heard about too many erts on the bus; I’ll take you to school.” Jimin decides. “Just wait for me, okay?”

“ Okay,” Minjeong says shyly. “Thank you, unnie.”


Jimin drives smoothly and it doesn’t take long to reach Minjeong’s house from her apartment, which she shares with Aeri.


Minjeong quickly stands up from the pavement where she was sitting and plays a game on her phone before hopping into Jimin’s car. 


“Hi,” Minjeong beams, leaning forward to press a kiss on Jimin’s cheek.

“Good morning.” Jimin grins, putting the seat belt on Minjeong. “You’re beautiful.”

“Beautiful?” Minjeong frowns. “I always look like this.”

“I know. Always beautiful.” Jimin says it sweetly and Minjeong blushes. “Ready to go now?”


Minjeong slips her hand into Jimin’s and holds their intertwined hands in her lap and Jimin watches her from her peripheral vision from time to time, wondering how she landed such a cute girlfriend.


The traffic isn’t too bad and soon they reach Minjeong’s school.


“Do you need me to pick you up?” Jimin asks.

“I’ll see if my sisters can. If they can't, I’ll call you.” Minjeong smiles.

“Okay, have a good day at school.” Jimin smiles.

“You too!”


Jimin’s late to her lecture but it’s alright; she’s late for a good cause. The good cause being taking her lovely girlfriend to school on time. 


Jimin runs to class with her, holding her bag tightly.


She doesn’t watch where she’s going and runs right into someone, scattering their belongings everywhere.


“Oh god,” Jimin crouches and helps them pick up their stuff. “So sorry!”

"Where are you headed, Yu Jimin?" Sooyoung giggles at the little ball of mess the first-year student is.

“Sooyoung-sunbae!” Jimin nearly gasps.


She just rammed into someone and made all their stuff fall to the ground, and that someone is Sooyoung—none other than one of Minjeong’s sisters.


How bad will her day get?


“Relax,” Sooyoung chuckles.

“Really sorry, but I’m late." Jimin stands up and bows deeply. “I’ll make it up to you!”


Jimin runs off and Sooyoung laughs, finding her cute.


Jimin settles in class and she sneaks into the lecture when the professor isn’t looking and locates her best friend in the sea of people. 


“You’re lucky he didn’t notice,” Aeri snorts. “Why are you late?”
“I drove Minjeong to school.” Jimin says and Aeri rolls her eyes.

“Whipped.” Aeri says it, and Jimin doesn’t refute it.
“I know.” Jimin shrugs happily. 



Classes finish and Jimin fishes out her phone to call Minjeong, since it’s her ending time too.


“ Unnie!”

“Hey baby.” Jimin smiles when she hears Minjeong’s voice.

“Gross…” Aeri gags and Jimin shoves her. 

“Do you still want me to pick you up?” Jimin asks.

“Oh, Ningning and I are going to hang out together today, so we’re going to take the bus together.” Minjeong answers.

“Are you two going out?” Jimin asks.

“ Nah, we’re just going to play games at my house. My sisters are all out, so it’s just us.” Minjeong says. "Unnie, you should come too!”
“ You two should be studying instead of playing games,” Jimin smirks.

“ But we need to take a break sometimes too!” Minjeong whines.

“Okay, okay. I’ll bring Aeri too.”

“Aeri-unnie is coming?!” Jimin hears Ningning’s voice.

“We’ll be at your house soon.” Jimin chuckles.


They arrive at Minjeong’s house and when the younger girl opens the door, she runs into Jimin’s arm immediately.


"Woah!" Jimin laughs, holding tight to Minjeong before walking into the house. “I guess you missed me?”

“I did.” Minjeong giggles, snuggling into Jimin.

“Aeri-unnie, come help me with this level!” Ningning drags Aeri upstairs.

“Uh, okay.” Aeri blinks.

“ Whipped…” Jimin whispers when Aeri walks past and the girl glares at her.


“Are you hungry, unnie?” Minjeong turns to Jimin.

“Just peckish.” Jimin smiles. “We should take snacks to feed those two idiots too.”


They gather an armful of snacks before heading upstairs to Minjeong’s room. 


“We’ll play games after we study, okay?” Jimin says.

“Aw, unnie!” Ningning whines. “I don’t want to!”

“You have to or else you won’t go to a good university,” Aeri chuckles and that shuts Ningning up right away.

“Okay, unnie.” Ningning smiles sweetly and Minjeong rolls her eyes.


Minjeong gives up her bed for Ningning and Aeri as she sits at her desk with Jimin, having pulled an extra chair from Yerim’s room to use.


“Like this?” Minjeong asks, solving the question.

“Good, it's right!” Jimin nods, impressed. “Baby, at this rate, you won’t even need my help anymore.”
“I’ll always need your help." Minjeong grins, leaning on Jimin’s shoulder. 

“I’ll always help you too.” Jimin grins, pressing a kiss on Minjeong’s temple.

“You guys are gross!” Ningning complains and Minjeong gives her a middle finger.


After finishing their homework, Jimin lies on the bed beside Minjeong as Aeri and Ningning sit on the floor with game controllers in their hands.


“Ah! I’m going to die!” Ningning whines.

“I’ll revive you; where are you?” Aeri squeals.


Minjeong rests her head on Jimn’s outstretched arm as they lay on their sides, looking at each other. Jimin smiles, blowing air on Minjeong’s eyelashes.


“It tickles,” Minjeong says softly, squinting.

“You have pretty long lashes, you know?” Jimin chuckles. She leans forward and presses two kisses on each of Minjeong’s eyelids.

“Is it bad I want you to kiss me like you should’ve last time?” Minjeong whispers.

“Our best friends are in the room,” Jimin chuckles.


“And we can hear you!” Aeri gags.

“Shut up!” Jimin kicks her and Aeri punches Jimin’s foot.

“Unnie, I died.” Ningning pouts.

“Oh, sorry, Ning.” Aeri smiles sheepishly.


Minjeong giggles before scooting closer to Jimin, tucking herself under Jimin’s chin. Jimin sighs softly, closing her eyes briefly as she wraps her arms around Minjeong.


Her eyes open when she hears a jingle of keys.


Minjeong sits up quickly and Ningning pauses the game.


“What was that?” Aeri blinks.

“, I think someone’s home.” Minjeong gets up and Jimin follows.

“What? Who?” Jimin asks.


Minjeong peaks out of her window and sees Seulgi’s car.


“It’s Seulgi-unnie.” Minjeong panics when she looks at the time. “God, I didn’t even realise the time, which means the others might come home soon!”

“Okay, quick, pack up,” Jimin says.


Minjeong helps Jimin collect her belongings and her bag. 


“How are we getting out?” Aeri asks. 

“The window," Jimin says.

“The window?” Aeri’s eyes widened. 

“I always go out with it.” Jimin shrugs. “You go first.”
“What if I fall?” Aeri complains.

“You won't; it’s not that far of a drop!” Jimin hushes Aeri.


Minjeong opens her window and Aeri climbs out first, climbing down and landing feet first but she tucks herself into a roll.


“Wow, that was kinda hot.” Ningning snorts and Minjeong rolls her eyes.

“Bye baby.” Jimin grins, kissing Minjeong’s cheek.

“I’ll see you soon.” Minjeong smiles. “Text me when you get home.”
“I will!” And then Jimin climbs out, but at the last moment, she slips and rolls into the bush again.


Minjeong closes the window.


“Damn it,” she groans. She gets up and dusts herself but suddenly, someone grabs her arm and her eyes widen.

“Who are you?!” A flashlight comes into her face and Jimin shields her eyes with her hand.



“Minjeong! Ningning! Both of you come downstairs now!”


Minjeong and Ningning head downstairs and they see Seulgi first.


“Unnie! What—” Minjeong’s eyes widen when they reach the bottom step and see Jimin being caged between Sooyoung and Yerim.

“Which one of you does Yu Jimin belong to?” Yerim is very unimpressed.


Jimin smiled apologetically, her body losing control as Yerim and Sooyoung both locked an arm into Jimin’s.


“Uh, unnies!” Minjeong chuckles nervously. “You're home early?”


An eerie silence settles into the house and Ningning and Minjeong share a look of panic.


“Yerim and I just got off the bus and we were walking home and we saw that Seulgi-unnie came home,” Sooyoung recounts. “Seulgi-unnie walked through the door and then I noticed something strange in our bushes.”

“W-we were just studying! We asked Jimin -ssi to help us study.” Minjeong lies.

“Why’d she launch herself out of your window then?” Sooyoung deadpans.

“I was—”

“Jimin, shush.” Yerim hushes her and Jimin clamps her lips shut.

“Well…” Ningning winces, not sure how to escape this.

“So, I’m going to ask again, which one of you does Jimin belong to?” Yerim asks.


When would Minjeong get another opportunity like this to tell her sisters about her relationship? She’s been afraid of even saying anything because she knows how scary her sisters are. One time, when she was thirteen, a boy asked her out and her sisters followed her on the date until the boy got uncomfortable and cried. So after that fiasco, she rarely told them of any crush she’d have because she didn’t want a repeat of that.


When she was crushing on Jimin, she didn’t tell anyone, not even her best friend Ningning. She only told Ningning when Jimin and she were dating for two weeks and Ningning was gobsmacked at how she could hide that. Good thing Jimin didn’t go to high school with her anymore.


And now, here is Jimin helplessly standing in her living room as her sisters press them for an answer. What better time to confess than now?


“She’s mine!” Ningning raises a hand and Minjeong’s eyes widen.

“I told her to come over, but we were only studying!” Ningning lies. 

"It's good that you were only studying.” Seulgi stares down at Jimin and she wants to run away. 

“I’ve heard stories about you, Yu Jimin,” Yerim says. “You better not be preying on these two. Especially my sister.”
“I–I know—I promise!” Jimin stutters.

Good, now you wait here while I call your parents, Ning.” Sooyoung smiles.

“What? Don’t call my mum, unnie!” Ningning whines.

“Jimin, go home," Yerim says.

“O-okay.” Jimin nods, scrambling.

“But—” Minjeong holds her tongue.


Jimin smiles at her sheepishly before leaving the house.


Minjeong sags onto the couch with Ningning.


“Why’d you do that?” She whispers.

“I just saved your .” Ningning whispers back. “Can you imagine if Joohyun-unnie was here? She would’ve killed Jimin. Luckily, Aeri-unnie escaped easily. I sacrificed myself because Jimin was sacrificed.” 

“Thanks.” Minjeong chuckles.

“Yeah, now I’m going to get yelled at.” Ningning pouts.

“I’ll tell your mum the truth.” Minjeong assures her.

“Thanks, bestie.” Ningning pouts and Minjeong hugs her.






“Babe, can I go?” Sooyoung whines to Seungwan, who’s packing her and Joohyun’s lunch for work.

“I don’t know, Soo…” Seungwan is a bit wary.

“Yerim is going too!” Sooyoung pouts.


Minjeong comes downstairs in pyjamas and rubs her eyes.


“Where are you guys going?” Minjeong yawns.


It’s 7 a.m. on a Thursday and Seungwan and Joohyun are meant to be working a long shift, while Minjeong has school and Yerim and Sooyoung have classes.


“There’s a party tonight.” Yerim says, stuffing some leftovers in since Sooyoung had classes to go to. “She’s trying to convince Seungwan-unnie to let her go.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you; it’s that I don’t trust the people around you.” Seungwan says.

“But I’ll be good,” Sooyoung says. “I’ll come home early with Yerim.” 

“...Fine.” Seungwan sighs.

“Yes! I love you!” Sooyoung kisses Seungwan’s cheek.


Seungwan chuckles and Sooyoung bounces around the house before she reaches Minjeong.


“Morning, puppy.” Sooyoung walks over to kiss Minjeong’s cheek too.

“Morning, unnie.” Minjeong responds sleepily.

“Did you sleep well?” Joohyun comes downstairs in her work attire and ruffles Minjeong’s hair.

“I slept okay.” Minjeong nods.

“Hey, Jeongie, do you want me to heat some pasta up for you?” Yerim asks.

“Just a little bit, please.” Minjeong heads over to the dining table and takes a seat.


Seungwan packs her bag and Joohyun puts on her shoes, holding her car keys in one hand.


“Be good at school and get ready soon. Don’t be late.” Joohyun tells her. “Wake up Seulgi, too! Don’t let her sleep in and make her drive you to school, okay?”
“Okay!” Minjeong nods. “Have a good day at work!”

“Have a good day at school, love you!” Joohyun says walking out.

“Love you too!” Minjeong beams.

“Bye, Minjeong-ah!” Seungwan waves at her and Minjeong does too.



Minjeong eats her breakfast and when she finishes, she cleans her bowl before heading upstairs to get ready.


Sooyoung and Yerim run around before heading to Minjeong’s room.


“We’re going to take the bus now! Get to school safe!” Yerim says.

“Yes, unnie.” Minjeong chuckles.

“And remember, no more people going out of windows!” Sooyoung says.

“Yes! Have a good day, unnies!” 


And then Minjeong’s left a

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154 streak #1
Chapter 1: Lol the way Ning had to cover up for Minjeong had me crying. The dynamic between Minjeong and her sisters is completely heartwarming. I absolutely loved this one as, it’s fair to say that I’m obsessed with everything you do author-nim
maxiclaine #2
Chapter 1: Ung fluff all the way lang talaga.😭
maxiclaine #3
Chapter 1: Woiii!😭 Ang cute!😭😭
Chapter 1: Soooooooo cute omggg
Genniee #5
Chapter 1: got me feeling all giddy!! they're so cute ><
poka_dots #6
Chapter 1: omg they're so cute together. i'd be climbing out of windows too...
Taitai84 1225 streak #7
Chapter 1: Haha they obviously acted out of habit during the double date studying in the room… why did they have to climb out of the window
maxiclaine #8
Grabe naman yarn! Thank you for another story!😭
cleofierayne 26 streak #9
Chapter 1: My heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️ so cuteee 🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰
I hardly ever read pure fluff but yours is just so PURE 🥹 it's like holy water, it cleanses my soul. I specially love the time that you usually post these, is just before work for me, so I have something nice saved up for myself for when I get back home exhausted, I look forward to it all day. Thank you for writing authornim 🫂