
The Wraith And The Chocolate
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The group remained oblivious to Winter's diminished state due to her lack of sleep and rest, affecting the wraith's well-being.


Winter's once-sharp senses dulled, explaining her lack of concern towards the unsettling message she heard earlier. Additionally, the wraith's strength waned, causing her to move slower than usual.


Despite these signs, none of the group members took notice.


After an hour of walking towards the facility with only a brief break, the group estimated it would take three to four more hours to reach their destination, barring any unforeseen obstacles. However, considering the condition of the members, fatigue was setting in, threatening to impede their progress. Nonetheless, they remained determined to reach their destination by day's end or, failing that, to find a suitable temporary base for the night.


"Can we take a break?" Yuna's plea was met with a groan as she bent down, clutching her knees. "I'm tired."


"It's only been ten minutes since our last break. I told you to keep exercising, but all you did was read books." Jaemin scolded Yuna sternly, though he still offered her support.


"Sorry, but we can't afford to waste too much time." he added softly, instinctively feeling apologetic for his reprimand.


"I'm hungry." Mark complained next, a sentiment echoed by the group as they trudged forward, their bodies weary from hours of walking and burdened by the underlying worry and fear.


"Why is it so eerily quiet here?" Yeji's voice broke the silence, her unease palpable as she scanned their surroundings devoid of wraiths and raiders, with only remnants of past violence scattered in the snow-covered landscape.


"Karina, are you okay?" Yeji turned back to check on Karina and Winter, who were lagging behind. Misinterpreting Winter's slowed pace as a gesture of solidarity with Karina's anxious thoughts, Yeji attempted to reassure her friend.


"Karina?" Yeji called out again, halting to wait for them. As they caught up, Yeji gently tapped Karina's cheek, offering a reassuring smile.


"Hey, you okay?"


"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry." Karina replied absentmindedly, prompting a light chuckle from Yeji as she tapped her cheek once more.


"I'm fine." Karina reassured, though her voice betrayed a hint of unease.


"Hey, look. Aren't these bullet holes?" Jaemin's observation caught everyone's attention as he examined a nearby building pole riddled with holes. He leaned in to sniff each hole, prompting a perplexed look from Mark.


"Dude, what the heck are you doing?"


"Bullet holes?! What if someone's hiding and sniping us?! Let's find cover!" Yuna's panicked response sent her scanning the area for any open stores or establishments.


"For heaven's sake, can you all just calm down?" Yeji scolded them, but her voice tinged with fear. The sight of the bullet holes only added to the group's growing apprehension in the eerily silent surroundings.


"These look fresh. Seems like the fight happened just a few days ago." Jaemin deduced, adjusting his imaginary glasses with a serious expression.


"Probably the military? Maybe that's why there's no one around. They might have cleared out the area." Mark speculated, joining Jaemin in examining the bullet holes. Jaemin's curiosity piqued, but he also saw it as an opportunity to allow the group to rest without feeling uneasy about stopping again, considering their haste and concern for Giselle's group.


Meanwhile, Winter had already seated herself on the ground, absentmindedly playing with the snow. Her fatigue went unnoticed, but the toll of her lack of rest was beginning to show on her wraith form.


"Everyone, hide!" Jaemin suddenly exclaimed, pulling Mark and Yuna inside the building. Yeji swiftly followed suit, ushering Karina and Winter along. Only once they were safely inside did they understand Jaemin's urgency as they heard the approaching noise of a helicopter.


The sound faded as the helicopter passed by, leaving behind a lingering silence.


"How did you know there's a helicopter coming?" Mark asked curiously.


"I have a great sense of hearing." Jaemin replied casually.


"Why did we hide? What if it's a rescue?" Yuna questioned, peeking outside.


"You know what, you have a point." Jaemin conceded, earning a smack on the head from Mark.


"You idiot."


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Kannakobayashi09 0 points #1
Chapter 29: Author please we want a happy ending 🙁 I hope they're safe
oofiee 1082 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 29: 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 winter-- but also CHANGMIN SKETCH
226 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 29: I really don't trust changmin. Like really. They we're all unconscious aside from changmin and his men...
addicted03 0 points #4
Chapter 29: Ok the ending has me worried. I hope we can trust Changmin really. Cause yes maybe the guard was passed out from Winter’s waves but also could he have passed out because of something/someone else…? Sidenote: this chapter really is the embodiment of “the power of friendship” 🥹 thank you for this update!
0 points #5
Chapter 29: 💙💙💙🥺
0 points #6
Chapter 29: I hope everyone is okay.

They need to think of an activity for Winter to healthily express her emotions instead of bottling them up. I also find it funny that Karina is like Winter's human teether 😆
0 points #7
Chapter 29: i really love your story!
13 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 29: NOOOOOO 😭
Sakunako08 0 points #9
Chapter 29: Please let them be ok huhu
0 points #10
Chapter 28: holy moly nooo