
The Wraith And The Chocolate
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Winter remained silent, almost unresponsive, after a full night of crying in Karina's arms. They found temporary shelter in a barber shop nestled in a small alley. Haechan spent the night analyzing the map, while Jaemin stood guard at the door. Exhausted, Jeno fell asleep immediately after carrying Winter on his back for so long. Meanwhile, Giselle and Ningning tended to the group's wounds, especially Karina's, who had received deep scratches from Winter during her emotional outburst.


As the sun slowly rose, they prepared to leave at Haechan's signal. They waited a bit longer so Karina could get some much-needed rest after caring for Winter all night.


Initially unsure whether to trust Daehyun's instructions, they debated returning to the mountain house. However, Haechan argued that if people were after Daehyun, they might target Winter's house too. It seemed safer for the group left behind if Haechan's group took Winter with them.


With no clear destination in mind, they decided to follow the map Daehyun had given them. According to it, they needed to reach a subway, follow the train tracks, and find a hidden door leading to a tunnel. It would be a long journey into the unknown, but they had no other options.


Karina stirred and groaned, feeling the pain all over her body. Winter sat in front of her, quietly munching on the last piece of chocolate. Giselle checked Karina's wounds while Ningning offered water and a biscuit.


"I'm not hungry." Karina protested, but Giselle insisted she eat. Despite lacking appetite, they knew they needed energy to continue. Their thoughts lingered on Taeyeon, Seulgi, and Wonbin, hoping they were safe. But they had to press forward for everyone's sake.


Once ready, they prepared to depart, hoping they had lost their pursuers and praying for the safety of those they left behind.


Winter remained silent, no longer crying but still holding Karina's hand tightly, unwilling to let go even for a moment. Jaemin noticed parked bicycles at a rental place while patrolling before sunrise and decided they would be faster and quieter than walking to the subway.


There were enough bicycles for everyone, but Jaemin had to carry Jeno on the passenger seat at the back, just like Karina with Winter. Giselle and Ningning would share a bicycle since Giselle couldn't ride one. Fortunately, Winter cooperated, sitting behind Karina silently, hugging her waist and burying her head in Karina's back. Haechan and Giselle distributed the bags so Karina and Jaemin could ride with their passengers easily.


Haechan led the way, and they observed their surroundings, encountering no one on their journey. Occasionally, a helicopter passed nearby, but they went unnoticed. They reached the subway without incident, leaving their bicycles at the entrance and descending with their flashlights.


Inside the dark subway, they moved cautiously, using their flashlights to navigate. With no electricity, darkness enveloped them, adding to their sense of isolation. As they walked along the tracks, they seized the opportunity to search dead people's belongings for useful items. Jeno pried open slightly ajar train doors, hoping to find more supplies. Though they found few items, they silently apologized to the deceased and thanked them. Unfortunately, they found no chocolate or sweets for Winter.


They continued until they reached the mark on the map. Haechan consulted the map again while the others searched for the indicated landmark. Eventually, they found a small alleyway, nearly hidden by a protruding wall. Inside, they discovered a small door, so tiny they had to crouch to enter.


The door unlocked, and they entered one by one, crawling for a few minutes until they reached a section where they could stand and walk normally. They found themselves in a maze-like tunnel, with Haechan leading the way using the map to navigate carefully. The tunnel was narrow, allowing only one person to pass at a time, so they formed a single-file line.


As they walked for an hour, the lack of conversation was palpable, with only necessary exchanges being made. The group couldn't shake off their worries about Taeyeon, Seulgi, and Wonbin, as well as their companions at the mountain house. They feared it might also be targeted by their pursuers seeking Daehyun.


Concern mounted for Winter, who seemed weaker and slower than usual. They hoped her condition was merely due to hunger or fatigue, fearing another tragedy. They were exhausted, mentally and physically, yearning for an end to their ordeal and the safety of their loved ones.


They silently agreed not to mention the trio left behind, especially Taeyeon, to avoid triggering another outburst from Winter. While they were ready to comfort her, they didn't want her to exert herself further. Haechan suspected that Winter's emotional turmoil drained her strength, especially after her night of crying.


The map revealed other destinations, likely related to their main goal. They decided to explore those later and focused on reaching the priority location marked in red, indicating its significance.


Upon reaching the end of the tunnel, they were puzzled and surprised to find an elevator. Their confusion deepened when they noticed a lock on the elevator door, with a password panel below the buttons requiring a handprint. Whose handprint it needed remained a mystery.


"What do we do with this? It's probably Daehyun's handprint. We should've brought his hand or somet

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I'm slowly losing confident writing, but your comments helps and encourages me to keep going. So, thanks a lot! ♡


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Kannakobayashi09 0 points #1
Chapter 29: Author please we want a happy ending 🙁 I hope they're safe
oofiee 1081 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 29: 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 winter-- but also CHANGMIN SKETCH
226 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 29: I really don't trust changmin. Like really. They we're all unconscious aside from changmin and his men...
addicted03 0 points #4
Chapter 29: Ok the ending has me worried. I hope we can trust Changmin really. Cause yes maybe the guard was passed out from Winter’s waves but also could he have passed out because of something/someone else…? Sidenote: this chapter really is the embodiment of “the power of friendship” 🥹 thank you for this update!
0 points #5
Chapter 29: 💙💙💙🥺
0 points #6
Chapter 29: I hope everyone is okay.

They need to think of an activity for Winter to healthily express her emotions instead of bottling them up. I also find it funny that Karina is like Winter's human teether 😆
0 points #7
Chapter 29: i really love your story!
13 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 29: NOOOOOO 😭
Sakunako08 0 points #9
Chapter 29: Please let them be ok huhu
0 points #10
Chapter 28: holy moly nooo