Chapter 1: The encounter

Arts and Sports
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In the bustling halls of the university, Freen and Becky epitomized the stark contrast between art lovers and sport enthusiasts. Whispers echoed through the campus, claiming that these two worlds would never intersect. Freen, with her passion for art and creativity, was a senior deeply engrossed in her own world of colors and imagination. On the other hand, Becky, a spirited sporty girl, found joy in the thrill of the field.


One fateful day, as Freen carried her precious art materials to the club room, destiny took an unexpected turn. Becky, caught up in a spirited soccer game, accidentally sent a ball soaring towards Freen. The collision left Freen sprawled on the floor, her art supplies scattering like confetti.


Becky rushed towards Freen, concern etched on her face. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" she exclaimed, extending a helping hand.


Freen, fuming with frustration and covered in a messy palette of paint and water, glared at Becky. "Watch where you're kicking that thing!" she snapped.

Undeterred, Becky insisted, "I didn't mean to. Let me help you up and get cleaned. I'm really sorry."


Freen hesitated but reluctantly allowed Becky to pull her up. As they walked towards the dorm room, Freen attempted to free herself from Becky's grip, but the sporty girl held on firmly. "It's okay. I won't do anything to you. I'm just trying to help," Becky reassured.


The two girls made their way to the showers. They both had a long, hot shower, washing away the stress of the accident. Becky waited patiently outside the bathroom, and when Freen stepped out, her long, dark hair still dripping wet, Becky was immediately taken aback. She thought Freen looked breathtaking.


Freen was surprised to see the other girl waiting for her, her eyes filled with adoration. For the first time, she felt a pang of guilt. She had lashed out without knowing who the girl was.


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1198 streak #1
Chapter 2: You added the same scene twice btw! It's cute however I wonder what cased Freen's hesitation
1198 streak #2
Chapter 1: Awww let this be cute pls lol