Gentle Affection

With Gentle Affection
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The first year of high school was not such a great time for Jung Wheein. Her academic performance is not to be questioned. She’s a straight A student and finished her first year with such a flourish.

But despite impressive performance, something worth commendable, she hated it. She hated how people would be right under her nose even right before classes started. How she’d receive snide remarks to the point that she was able to condition herself to ignore them. How people would push her, make her trip, throw paper at her, call her names, snatch her books and make her run for them, and every possible trick students around her think just to bully her.

She hates bullies.

No one wants to be friends with her. Nobody wants to get bullied like her too.

And in one particular day, she had enough that she couldn’t hide under a strong facade anymore. It was the last day in school and the gym was empty of athletes training. She knew that and headed there. She ran as fast as her short legs would allow her. She burst into the gym and was relieved to see it dark and empty.

With ragged breath and stinging legs, she hid under the bleachers. Her legs could only take her far until they failed her. She fell on her knees, her books dropped on the floor, and with her hands covering her face, she cried because it was too much already. It started with a sob but the pain building up in her chest was just too much. She wailed and screamed.

She worried her mother would be troubled seeing the aftermath of her cry but everything was just too much to handle.

“Why?” she cried. “Why me!? Why is it me that always gets bullied? Why me…” Her voice faded but her cries never stopped.

Unbeknownst to Wheein, someone was inside the gym. An athlete that fell asleep on the bleachers above Wheein after a very frustrating game.

Kim Yongsun woke up to the slamming of the door but instead of scolding the one responsible for waking her up, she just wanted to go back to sleep. Her muscles were still sore and tired to drive herself back home.

She snuggled some more on her bag that was her makeshift pillow and closed her eyes. She only wished for a well-deserved rest but then she started hearing someone crying. She instantly sat up thinking it was a ghost but then heard cries. She heard a student’s anguish cries asking for answers.

“Bullies” she whispered to herself, teeth clenching out of annoyance.

She peeked on the gap between each seat and saw a frail student curling in a ball, shoulders shaking from her cries. She frowned and her eyebrows twitched. Annoyed. She was annoyed at the student.

Sighing, she went back to her lying position. Resting her arm on her forehead, she stared at the ceiling of the gym while listening to the subsiding cries of the student. Her most deserved rest was now gone because of someone’s soul-crashing wails.

Suddenly, the ringing of a phone echoed in the building. Yongsun listened as the student tried her best to stop herself from crying. She heard several deep breaths as the ringing continued to disturb the silence.

“Mom?” the student answered weakly.

The student was unsuccessful in stopping herself from sniffing. It was pretty obvious and Yongsun thought no one could stop themselves from not crying after wailing as hard as the student did.

“No, no,” the student vehemently denied whatever her mother said. “I was just finishing something up. Already packing and I’m on my way home. Yes, yes. I’m sorry. Bye, Mom. Love you too.”

Yongsun peeked under the bleachers again and saw a familiar student. Wheein, she thought that was her name.

That name has reached her ears. A new student that was targeted by the bullies. And Yongsun didn’t want to get involved in those things and wanted to focus on volleyball and her academics. She also didn’t know that it would annoy her this much hearing the bullied crying. It annoyed her to the very core that she’s just mad.

After Wheein scattered to get her bearings, she headed for the door and Yongsun deemed it the right time to go home as well. It wasn’t her intention to grab Wheein’s attention nor intended to be silent either. Her slow movements just happened to be loud in the quiet gym.

Wheein turned around and was shocked to see that she was with company. Her fogged glasses didn’t help her at all to recognize who it was but it rendered her frozen. She was debating between running for the door or asking who it was but she did none of those.

Yongsun brushed her hair with her fingers before grabbing her keys from her bag. Then she climbed down the bleachers and hopped the last step to get to the wooden tiled floor of the gym. She stared at the messy hair, sore and red eyes, and puffed cheeks of Wheein. Her fists clenched once again from annoyance.

Bullies, she thought.

Yongsun stopped a foot away from Wheein. Wheein just stared at her, glasses smudged with her own tears but she could still see the fear in Wheein’s eyes.

Yongsun wanted to sneer but she didn’t want to show it. She just gestured to the door and said, “After you, Jung.”

Wheein flinched at being recognized though she didn’t recognize the owner of the voice. It took her a long time for Yongsun to get irked.

“Do you want to get out or are you staying here?” Yongsun asked, eyebrows scrunching.

“Sorry” Wheein mumbled an apology out of habit. She scrambled to her feet and walked out of the door.

With her head down, hoping that no one could see her other than the student at the gym, she headed for the exit. She only glanced once behind her to see if the student earlier was following her but to her great relief, she was now alone, which was what she preferred.

Yongsun was watching Wheein closely as she was heading for the parking lot. She dropped her duffel bag on the front seat before climbing in her car. It’s nothing fancy unlike the rich ones in their school. A rundown Hyundai Elantra that was passed down from her father to her older sister and then to her now that her sister was attending college. It’s already old but her father helped her maintain it to a pristine condition.

She drove her car to where she last witnessed Wheein. As much as she wanted to head home, she was worried. Annoyed and worried. Bullies have been a part of growing up and she didn’t like it. She was just one of the lucky ones who didn’t get bullied probably because of her athlete status. But along with bullies are consequences and losses. She might not know Jung Wheein other than the new victim and a genius student but she didn’t want another victim, another loss when she witnessed the student cry her heart out.

“Stupid bullies” she huffed under her breath. “Could’ve had my rest now. Annoying.”

While gritting her teeth, she drove to where the bus stop was. She slowed down when she saw Wheein getting in on the bus. Yongsun decided to follow the bus Wheein was on. It wasn’t far from her home, which was convenient.

She stopped as with the bus and searched if Wheein would get out. She’d continue to drive if she didn’t see the student. When Wheein got out, she’d drive ever so slowly to follow Wheein.

Wheein suddenly stopped walking and so Yongsun would stop her car on the side of the road, making sure that she’s a good distance away. Wheein wiped her face and cleaned her glasses, took a couple of breaths, and fixed her uniform. Then she saw Wheein go inside a small diner.

She lowered the windshield and drove closer to hear Wheein say, “Mom, I’m here!”

And with that, Yongsun took off heading for her home. Hoping to be with her bed for her much awaited rest.




Yongsun isn’t fond of school but even so, she still strives to work hard. Be it paperwork or sports. She’s not a genius but she is regarded as smart by her teachers. She was never even a sporty girl but was only convinced to join the volleyball team by her best friend, Moon Byulyi.

Unlike her, her best friend is passionate with the sport, which was why she was selected as the captain on their senior year. Yongsun came second with her dedication. Or her dedication not to get her bored.

Volleyball keeps her preoccupied and healthy. The training is intense and she always loves the challenge. The game? Even more intense. The satisfaction of winning keeps her in the team. And her best friend because Byulyi will surely nag her if she quits the team.

“Hey, Yong!” Byulyi greets her as she enters their classroom.

Some others did too but not as friendly as Byulyi. Maybe flirty is the word, Yongsun thinks, but she ignored them all.

She heads for the seat beside her best friend but something at the back of the classroom caught her attention. Something that smells like bad news.

“We have a chill first week for now but practice starts next week—hey! Where are you going?”

She walks past her best friend to go to the vacant seat right in front of a hunched figure. The seat beside the one she chose is already taken and she swears she heard that student squeal when she found out Yongsun was going to sit next to her. It disgusts her but she is more concerned about the hunched figure in front of her.

The squealing student is only in reverie for a second when Byulyi asks her to move. And nobody messes with a captain. Be it the basketball, volleyball, or soccer captain. Any physical sports really. They are adored. Idolized by many. Something that Yongsun didn’t like that comes along with being an athlete.

“We’re taking back seats now? Nice! I’ve been waiting for this since first year” her best friend celebrates.

However, Yongsun lets words pass through her ears as she stares at the lone student.

Feeling her presence, the student finally looks up, lips pouting before they fall down in a frown.

“What are you doing here, Jung?” Yongsun asks, “Aren’t you in the wrong classroom?”

“I got accelerated. They let me skip two years” Wheein answers her shyly.

Byulyi lets out a whistle. “I smell a genius here! That’s nice. Less than two years in high school? That should be fun, shouldn’t it?”

Wheein just shrugs at Byulyi. She offers no other answer. She tries to hide behind her hair but attracting two of the biggest names in the school’s volleyball team isn’t going to help her at all.

Yongsun is having a turmoil. Accelerating to senior year is not as fun as Byulyi thinks. For Wheein.

Freshmen are nothing but petty bullies. If Wheein’s already the underdog in her first year, then she’s nothing but a squirrel with the seniors. This is bad news and Yongsun is already annoyed early in the morning. And it’s just the first day!

“Why did you accept it? You should’ve stayed in your class.” The question came out harsher than Yongsun wants to.

“Yongsun” Byulyi whispers a warning.

Wheein already looks like she’s about to cry and Yongsun is more annoyed than earlier.

“,” she curses under her breath, making Wheein flinch. She glares at Wheein before deciding to take her seat.

Byulyi does the same but leans over to her. “What’s wrong with you? The kid didn’t do anything.”

“Nothing. Just, something that’s annoying me.”

“She did anything to you?”

She deeply appreciates the concern but she doesn't want to deal with it with her best friend yet.

“Nothing. I’ll just mind my own business.”

Byulyi doesn’t look convinced but she lets Yongsun be. It’s easy to irk Yongsun so she stays away despite still being concerned over her. “Okay. I’m here if you need help.”

Yongsun just grunts.

She doesn't know if the senior bulldogs already know Wheein or reach her yet. But she’s sure Wheein won’t survive senior year with Wheein’s fragile state. That’ll be more rounds of heartbreaking cries and just thinking about it annoys Yongsun when it hasn’t happened yet.




Kim Yongsun.

Wheein finally knows the gym girl’s name. And she’s also a bully like anyone else. She thought she was annoyed that she disturbed Yongsun that day in the gym but no. She thought wrong now.

Moon Byulyi, Kim Yongsun’s best friend, is kinder. Wheein thinks she can rely on Byulyi but she has learned not to trust anyone at all.

The two are famous and Wheein discovered that before classes had started. The student that Byulyi kicked out of her seat earlier was now sitting beside Wheein. Wheein learned it from her after being threatened once the two best friends had settled down.

“Don’t you dare mess with the volleyball team’s star players" her seatmate warned.

Great. Just great. They’re even famous.

Wheein hasn’t even done anything yet and now she is already in trouble. Why does she keep attracting bullies? She tried to just be by herself to not disturb others but just her mere silence already triggers them. She’s still reserved over Byulyi but Yongsun surely is one.

Wheein used to listen to music to keep herself busy but not hearing her surroundings taught her a lesson. Do not be caught off guard. Listen to anticipate. One student also cut her earplugs along with her hair and she cried so hard that day. Reading also entices people to call her a nerd. The best thing for her to do is just to wait and quietly observe everyone around her.

Seniors. Wheein is surrounded by graduating students. She keeps forgetting that she’s one of them as well. The offer to accelerate was a ticket to finish high school as fast as she can. She just didn’t realize she’d be surrounded by the “cream of the crop.” The so-called kings and queens of the school. One has outright rejected her already.

She stares at the back of Kim Yongsun. She’ll be the first person Wheein will be distancing herself from.

On her right, Byulyi smiles a lot. Wheein notices that she’s been talking animatedly to her best friend and Yongsun always gives zero to minimal responses. Some of their classmates greet the two but they usually stick to themselves. Only Byulyi will raise her hand to greet the others back. Yongsun barely glances at them.

By the door of their classroom, students by her age try to take a peek inside. Gossiping over the seniors. If Wheein could roll her eyes, she’d have done it. The whispers aren’t subtle at all and she really doesn’t understand how students her age really patronize students. Students that are just like them too.

Just then, students by the door part away and she holds a groan back by drawing a breath and closing her eyes. A group of boys then enter the classroom. She classifies them as the cool kids. Second to her list to avoid in her last year in high school.

Fist bumps and greetings are exchanged and Wheein tries to hide herself by looking outside of her classroom as more students come in. She sighs. One year. Just one more year and this will be over. She’ll be in med school. She’ll forget everything, move on, and never look back anymore.

As the bell rings, Wheein pulls out her pens and notebook. She neatly arranges them on her table. All around her, the seniors run to go to their chairs. One or two students just got inside the classroom right before their teacher came in.

Mrs. Geun, her homeroom teacher, walks in carrying her bag and a few papers.

She has met Mrs. Geun before classes have started. Mr. Chun, her previous homeroom teacher, introduced her to Mrs. Geun as her new homeroom teacher. That’s when Wheein found out that she can skip two years of high school as long as she studies really hard.

She studied over the break to keep up with her Science and Math subjects. As for her other classes, Mrs. Geun assured her that she doesn’t need any advanced reading for those. Still, she reads over the break just to make sure that she can keep up.

Mrs. Geun places her things on the table and scans the room. She spots Wheein and smiles at her while Wheein just nods. She’s too nervous to smile back.

“Good morning” Mrs. Geun addresses the class.

“Good morning, Mrs. Geun,” Wheein answered in chorus with the class.

“It’s your last year in high school already. I’m sure all of you are excited to chase your dreams.”

The class immediately erupts in loud cheers. Even Wheein lets herself smile just a little

One more year.

“As this is your last year, I’m sure you already know each other.”

“Yes” the class responds.

Wheein, on the other hand, gulps hard. She already knows what’s coming, especially when Mrs. Geun’s eyes land on her.

“However, you actually have a new classmate. Wheein—” Mrs. Geun calls her and all of her classmates turn their heads at her.

All except Yongsun.

Most of her classmates regard her with curiosity. Some only spare her a glance. Byulyi gives her a kind smile and Yongsun’s back remains to be directed to her.

“—can you please come here in front and introduce yourself?”

Her reaction is to cover her face with her hair. She tries not to but old habits die hard.

With her head downcast, Wheein takes the agonizing steps from her seat at the very back of the classroom to Mrs. Geun’s side. She glances at her classmates but their gazes seem to pierce her. She just watches her hands fidget with her bracelet.

Mrs. Geun places her arm on Wheein’s shoulder and smiles proudly at her.

“Please introduce yourself.”

Wheein takes a bow before she says, “Good morning. I am Jung Wheein. Please take care of me.”

The last line was said monotonously but to her, she begged for her classmates not to disturb her. She really just wants to have a peaceful last year in high school because her first one was really suffocating.

“Wheein here is two years younger than all of you. She started high school last year but the school board, as per her homeroom teacher’s recommendation, got accelerated to senior year”

A couple of oohs fill the room, which just makes Wheein more nervous. She also hears whispers and she thinks negatively of them. To her, it feels like they have started planning ways to bully her and calling her names, given that she’s obviously weak.

“She’s going to be your little sister so I’m expecting everyone to help her out, okay?”

“Okay, Mrs. Geun.”

Mrs. Geun pats Wheein's shoulder and says, “Thank you. You can take your seat, Wheein”

“Thank you, Mrs. Geun.”

Wheein rushes back to her seat, eager to take everyone’s attention away from her.

“Genius, huh?” someone says on her way back.

“We can use some of that brain” another follows.

She’s sure those came from the male students. It was loud for her to hear but not enough to reach Mrs. Geun in front.

She tries to see who said that but her eyes only meet the penetrating ones from Yongsun, glaring at her. She quickly averts her eyes, holding her breath and wishing no one will do anything on her way back to her seat.

There were too many occasions already of her classmates tripping her. Anticipating and walking in caution never helped her at all because of her bad reflexes.

When she is able to reach her seat with zero flops, she releases a huge breath of relief. If senior year will just be like this everyday, she’ll be very happy but of course, it’s just the start.




Yongsun left her duffel bag in the locker room before heading to the volleyball court. On her right hand is her pair of shoes while on the other hand is her water bottle and towel.

First week went uneventfully but as the second week rolled, her schedule was packed with practice and training. Yongsun has been looking forward to breaking off some sweat. School is uninteresting to her without the challenge.

The gym holds both the volleyball and basketball court. Currently, the basketball athletes haven't started training yet but it doesn't mean the gym is empty. Students that aren’t athletes occupy the bleachers to watch players practice; to which Yongsun deems it pointless.

She was the last of their team to enter the gym. Students from the bleachers call her name and Yongsun finds that annoying. She just clenches her teeth and heads for the bench to place her things.

“Nice of you to join us” Byulyi teases.

“Got held up.”

She had to make sure that the accelerated student left the school unharmed.

News spread like wildfire of Wheein’s status. Wheein’s former classmates never ceases the opportunity to but the boys from their class have started calling her names too. She hates it and is annoyed by it.

“That’s fine. We haven’t started yet. Why don’t you wave to your fans?”

Unlike Yongsun, Byulyi takes all the screams and shrieks in a stride. She lets her feed it to her confidence. Yongsun knows her best friend’s head hasn’t blown up with ego yet, which is why she’s still best friends with Byulyi. Just that the students idolizing Byuyli annoys her because they are together most of the time. It affects her one way or another.

After Yongsun places her things, she sighs as Byulyi turns her around towards the bleachers with ear-shuttering cries of their names.

“Wave, Yongsun. Wave” Byulyi whispers to her while waving and smiling at the students.

Yongsun just stares blankly towards the bleachers before raising an eyebrow at Byulyi.

Byulyi just laughs at her face, making her sigh. “Cold, Yongsun! So cold blooded, but I think it’s effective. A lot more people like you.”

“I don’t care.”

Byulyi guffawed as she patted Yongsun’s back. “Classic Yongsun. If you just throw them a smirk, it’ll surely make their day. After all, they’re here for that.”

Yongsun ignores her best friend and starts her routinary stretching. She starts with the legs and then her arms before taking off doing a couple rounds of jogging to warm up.

Yongsun usually doesn’t join the team in their own routine of stretching and warming up. She has her own to condition her body. Their coach learned to let her be as she's one of their top performing players. But also, no one wants to mess with the school president’s niece.

Yongsun has never used that status. But with her cold nature, everyone around her never messes with her. Only Byulyi talks to her. And the rare occasions of students being grouped with her for team projects.

The whistle blows, signaling for the players to gather around. They all stand by their coach, Mr. Chang, to get instructions.

“Last year, we had a great performance. Winning second was an accomplishment but the goal is always to be the champion.”

“If only Jia wasn’t hungry for the ball…” Byulyi whispers under her breath, only for Yongsun to hear. “You had a great opening…”

Though it wasn’t as low as she wished when their coach threw her a look.

“Let us all move on,” Mr. Chang reminded them while still looking at Byulyi, “and just focus on this season, okay?”

“Yes, coach.”

Last season was very frustrating. They were tied to two sets with their opponent. Yongsun was open for a clean spike in two consecutive games but their then setter, Min, were friends with the other hitter, Jia. She tossed the ball to Jia instead of Yongsun who could’ve given them a win. Jia was hungry for credits and cost them the game.

Yongsun was too tired and mad to argue with everyone then and instead, stormed off. Spent the day hitting balls one after another. Locked herself in their gym until she was too tired to go drive herself home.

It was also the day she found Wheein crying under the bleachers.

“Let’s volley to warm up and then I’ll group you into two for a practice match. With the new addition of players, we need to figure out the team’s new dynamics this time. Byulyi, can you lead them?”

“Yes, coach.” Byulyi then faces the team. “I need you all to pair up. Seniors with the sophomores and juniors with the freshmen just so we can all get to know each other. I’ll mix us up once again for the practice match. Now, scramble.”

Yongsun pairs up with Joy, one of their blockers. Joy is about Wheein’s age but Yongsun sees Joy as a good kid. She’s eager to play volleyball like Byulyi too. Might be the next captain upon Yongsun’s assessment.

“Unnie, you’re classmates with Wheein now?” Joy asks as they are heading for a lesser occupied space in the gym.

“Yes. Why?”

“I think it’s great. Our classmates always bully her.”

Yongsun’s jaw clenches but she tries to hide her irritation.

“I just wish she won’t encounter any more trouble. My friend and I tried to stop our classmates but they just worsened. I always feel bad for her.”

Why does everyone think a child like Wheein will be okay with the seniors? It’s like feeding a helpless deer in a den full of lions.

Yongsun and Joy volleyed. Yongsun really tried her best to calm down but after hearing Joy, it was harder to control her emotions.

During the practice match, she crushed their opponent. The new players were scared of her. Byulyi scolded her for being too aggressive. Yongsun just thought Byulyi was mad because their team was losing. Didn’t even care when Mr. Chang told her to loosen up. She hit the ball really hard, it was impossible to receive her hits.




For lunch break, students would have to go to their cafeteria to get their food. Freshmen to seniors line up to fill their trays with whatever is served for that day.

All except Wheein

When she was still a first year student, eating in the cafeteria meant she had to eat with other students. She didn’t know anyone except for her classmates but nobody wanted to sit with her. Others were okay with her but their tables had no more vacant seats for her. She had to eat outside which was not bad. But one time, a student blocked her foot and she fell to her knees. Her tray slipped out of her hands and all her food got dumped on the floor. They all just watched her.

She vowed never to eat in the cafeteria after that.

She does the same now that she’s a senior. Students are on their feet, excited to be the first ones in line at the cafeteria. Wheein, however, just calmly places her things back in her bag, hoping that no one will notice her staying back.

Other than Wheein, Yongsun doesn’t look like she has plans on going out. She leans her arms on her table and lays her hand on them, releasing a sigh before closing her eyes.

It was only Wheein and Yongsun inside the classroom.

Thinking that the coast is clear, Wheein grabs the lunch her mother packed for her this morning. It’s not as many as they serve in the cafeteria but Wheein is sure it’s tastier. Ten times better, in her opinion.

The first bite made her hum. The second made her dance on her seat. She’s alone with a sleeping Kim Yongsun. She can enjoy lunch all she wants.

“Yum yum” she mumbles to herself while still chewing her food.

Not even a minute into her lunch and a bunch of her classmates get back in. Did they even have lunch already?

The humming and dancing stopped. Wheein watches them warily, already frowning when they seem to be going to her seat. She confirms it when they all look like they have devil smiles on their faces.

“Was wondering why you weren’t at the cafeteria” one of them, Jongsu, she thinks his name is, says. “We wanted you to join us for lunch.”

From Wheein’s observation, Jongsu is the group's leader. They are a bunch of two girls and two boys in their group, including Jongsu. They always act tough and keep on annoying their classmates and some other seniors from the other class.

Wheein knows they’re bullies so she never trusts anything they say.

“Really?” she asks. She places her chopsticks down now that they surrounded her.

“Yeah!” Haewon sounds so genuine that for a second Wheein believes her but she remains apprehensive. “Why don’t you share your lunch with us?”

Jongsu gets the spoon and grabs the container of kimchi without Wheein’s permission. He takes a spoonful of the kimchi while out of nowhere, Chul, the boy on Wheein’s right, steals Wheein’s chopsticks and feeds himself shrimp before passing it to Daeun, the other girl in the group.

Passive aggressive. To Wheein, this is scarier than being straight out rude. She’s not sure if they’re genuine or they just want to bully her. And even if she tries to find the good in people, they just consistently fail her.

She watches in horror, speechless, as slowly her lunch is taken by the four. She can’t fight them, given that there’s four of them. She can’t even raise a protest even if she wants to. So she bites the inside of her cheek and tries not to cry in front of them. She learns crying will only make them more satisfied.

“Bring us lunch too, Wheein. Your food tastes better than in the cafeteria” Jongsu says while still chewing a mouthful of her Mom’s braised chicken.

Suddenly, her table slid to her right, almost toppling over if Chul wasn’t able to stop it. All of Wheein’s lunch scattered on the floor as with the containers.

“Yah! What did you do!?” Jongsu screams at her.

Wheein hurriedly denies with a shake of her head and Jongsu isn’t having any of it until a new voice comes in, interrupting them.

“So, so noisy…” Yongsun sighs in irritation. She stands and comes face to face with Jongsu. “Jongsu…” She says his name in a condescending manner. “Why are you here? Can’t you see I was sleeping?”

Wheein expects Jongsu to answer back. He’s a head taller than Yongsun but she never thought Yongsun could silence Jongsu.

Yongsun sees the scattered food on the floor and clicks her tongue. “What a mess…”

“I—it was hers.” Haewon points at Wheein.

Yongsun drags her gaze to Wheein, looking uninterested and still sleepy. “What are you waiting for?”

Wheein isn’t sure what Yongsun wants her to do.

“Clean up your mess.”

Seeing how Yongsun was treated superior by the four students, she stands up and picks up her food containers. The five laughed at her but thankfully, they all left to get lunch from the cafeteria.

She lets out a few tears when she’s sure she’s already by herself. She has been called insulting names by her classmates last year. They blocked her foot. Nobody wanted to talk to her. Plucked her hair or maybe pushed her. But hearing her stomach growl after only taking two spoonfuls of her lunch feels way too much than before.

Things back then were something she could tolerate and ignore until it felt too much and so she cried. But they’re just at the start of the year and she’s already crying. Maybe she shouldn’t have accepted accelerating to senior year. The name-calling and occasional teasing felt better than this.

She doesn’t like Jongsu and his little group. But above them all, she hates Kim Yongsun. Kim Yongsun was the greatest bully.

After cleaning, she heads for the restroom to wash her hands. She fixes her glasses and gets rid of tear stains on her face. She can’t go to the cafeteria because that will only entice more teasing. Instead, she goes to hide in the school garden, bringing her water bottle.

Students are not allowed outside of the school premises during class hours so she can’t buy food outside. She just lets water stop the grumbling of her stomach, thinking of bringing and hiding snacks tomorrow if the same incident happens again.

What if I transfer to different schools? She contemplates. But she was already promised a free ticket to pursue med if she graduated here. If she declines that, she surely knows they can’t afford the financial demands of pursuing medicine. With just her and her mother, they can’t make it. Her Mom’s restaurant was their only means to provide for them. What if I delay pursuing medicine and just save up first?

Her thoughts were broken when she heard heavy footsteps going towards her. When she sees Yongsun coming to her, she wants to run but her gaze stops Wheein in place. She just wants to cry.

Yongsun stops in front of her to draw a breath. “I’ve been looking for you.”

I’ve been hiding away from you, Wheein wants to retort. She just wishes Yongsun will just ignore her. She stares at Yongsun with a frown, hoping that it isn’t obvious that she cried.

Yongsun glances at her watch before taking a step closer to Wheein. “You still have ten minutes.”

Wheein glances at her own watch and finally understands what Yongsun meant. Ten minutes left of lunch break. Now, what does Yongsun want from her?

Yongsun places a wrap on the bench beside Wheein. “Finish up or you’ll be late.”

Wheein was confused. “What is this?” she asked but Yongsun was already walking away from her. Yongsun never even acknowledged her question.

Wheein opens the wrapper to find that Yongsun gave her an egg and ham sandwich. Her eyes darted to where Yongsun was but Yongsun already left her.

She thought of not eating it because it came from Yongsun, but her stomach. It growled when the smell of the sandwich invaded her nose. She hesitantly takes a bite and finds it delicious, finishing it before she runs back to class.

She doesn’t understand Kim Yongsun.




Yongsun lazily stares at the clouds through the classroom windows. They're currently having a literature class but Yongsun is bored. She still has her ears listening to her teacher but she’s rather mesmerized by the moving clouds.

“I need you to form groups of four. Since there’s twenty-seven of you, one group shall only have three members. You have to choose a literature you all have read and discuss among yourselves the characters, plot, character development and elements in the story. Prepare a report to discuss your chosen literature next week. Understood?”

“Yes, Mrs. Lee.”

With a sigh, Yongsun raises her hand, catching her teacher’s attention.

“Yes, Yongsun?”

“Me, Byulyi, and Jung”—she points behind her—“will form the group of three, mam.”

Some of her classmates look at her, hearing her choice of group members. Most particularly, she notices Jongsu somewhat glaring at her from the corner of her eyes. She got him first.

“Okay. The rest of you, form groups of four.”

“We get to have Jung Genius?” Byulyi whispers beside her, already smiling wide. “Nice!”

It's a given that the two best friends will always team up with each other. Yongsun would rather do the activity by herself but she doesn’t want to leave her best friend behind. She decides to add Wheein and no one else.

Both Byulyi and Yongsun turn their seats to Wheein, who looks so utterly surprised.

Yongsun stares at Wheein. Wheein’s bangs cover her forehead already and sometimes, she makes an effort to cover the rest of her face with her hair. That paired with the huge frames, Yongsun thinks Wheein is just inviting anyone to bully her. But the girl is just shy so she really can’t fault Wheein.

Byulyi, being a captain and a natural leader, starts leading the trio.

“I guess we have to start with choosing which literature to take. What have you read already?”

“What have you read?” Yongsun asks the question back.

Byulyi playfully glares at her to which Yongsun only responds with a raise of an eyebrow. Byulyi stares back but later on admits defeat as she clears .

“Just give me something that’s easily done.”

“Thought so” Yongsun mumbles, making Byulyi glare at her again.

“So, Wheein,” Byulyi turns to Wheein, “any suggestions for me to read?”

Wheein watches the two back and forth, looking so confused. Yongsun notices the pout on Wheein’s face and unintentionally furrows her eyebrows at it. Wheein takes this differently and averts her gaze from Yongsun and just looks at Byulyi.

“Didn’t you want me to make the project? Isn’t that why you asked to team up with me?” Wheein asks hesitantly.

“What? Of course not! Who does that?”

Seeing that Byulyi was sincere in her question, Wheein answered her honestly. “My classmates before,” Wheein shyly admits.

Now, Yongsun is definitely glaring. She hides her clenched fist under the table and stares back at the moving clouds. Yongsun quietly listens to the two discuss which story they shall choose. They’d often ask her if she had read this or that story and she would just respond with a nod or a shake of her head.

They have finally settled with The Little Prince. Yongsun thinks it’s such a common choice but for Byulyi who is never a reader, it’s a good start. They just have to dive deeper into the metaphors of the story.

“We have practice every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday,” Byulyi says. “We can meet to discuss maybe next week Wednesday?”

“Finish it this weekend then we’ll discuss on Monday” Yongsun says, speaking for the first time after she bickered with Byulyi.

Byulyi frowns at Yongsun.

“We have a game on Friday,” she reminded Byulyi.

“Fine. We’ll discuss it on Monday. We can meet after class.” She throws a smile at Wheein. “Is that fine with you?”

“Yes… but if you have practices, I can just do the—”

“We’ll discuss on Monday” Yongsun cuts her off before turning around, leaving no room for arguments.

“Try not to annoy her, Wheein. She’s really short-tempered” Byulyi whispers to Wheein but Yongsun can still hear her.

She wasn’t able to hear what Wheein said back. And so, she went back to watch the moving clouds. She was bored once again.




Classes come in full swing and Wheein still feels she needs to catch up. She’s still trying to catch up on her math classes. She has the basic foundation of math down to the tee but skipping two years was such a huge gap for her. Her work in summer wasn’t enough so she needs to double her efforts to maintain her As.

Unlike other students, Wheein is not involved in any clubs, sports, or groups. Socializing is really not her thing and most of that involves having to talk to people. She chose to focus on her studies instead.

An assignment in two of her classes has her going to the library to borrow books. The Internet is also a great help but she finds it easier to make her assignments if she has more than the Internet’s help.

She left the library carrying three heavy books with her frail arms. She still has to drop by her locker to grab one of her notebooks before she could head home.

One good thing about being a senior is that most of her classmates are busy with their clubs, groups, and respective activities. It’s the year where they have to sell themselves so universities will accept them for college. There’s also the SATs. Everyone just wants to focus on their careers.

And that’s good news for her since most of the time, she was just ignored. The bad news? If the bullies act up, it’s ten times worse than her freshmen experience.

Just like how Jongsu suddenly appears on her side as she grabs her notebook from her locker. She tries to ignore Jongsu but he has her cornered.

Wheein is shorter than Jongsu. Way shorter. Jongsu stops her from walking around by pushing a finger on Wheein’s forehead. It had Wheein leaning back until she had to step back to avoid being out of balance.

“Not too fast, dwarf” Jongsu sneers.

“What do you want?” Wheein asks.

Jongsu laughs at her, making her flinch. “Getting tough, aren’t you?”

Wheein just stares at the floor, hoping that Jongsu will ignore her.

Jongsu drops a notebook on the stack of books in Wheein’s arms. “Math’s a bit too hard for me but not for you, right?”

Wheein frowns. She knows where this is heading.

Jongsu drops another notebook on her stack, startling Wheein. “And why don’t you do Physics too since you call yourself a genius?”

“I didn’t say that,” Wheein whispers but Jongsu still hears it.

Jongsu pushes her and Wheein falls down on the floor with the books scattered around her.

This caught some bystanders' attention but they just watched them. Nobody would dare step up for a helpless kid like Wheein to a bully like Jongsu. Jongsu bullies anyone he possibly can but he seems to have a fascination with Wheein. Prying on the vulnerable ones like Wheein.

“Don’t you dare talk back to me!”

Jongsu then kicks her leg hard. Wheein swallowed a wail because she knows it’ll annoy him more.

Wheein bites back her bottom lip so she won’t cry. She’ll just sleep late tonight to make both of their assignments without it being too obvious that she did their assignment. She much rather accepts it than being kicked by Jongsu again.

Arms hold Wheein and push her up to stand. She staggers but she places a hand on the lockers to avoid falling. Then on her side, Yongsun is now standing with one of the books she borrowed from the library.

Yongsun turns the book around, inspecting it. She glances at Wheein before looking at Jongsu. “What did you do?”

“Little genius here just wants to do my assignment for me, Kim”

That’s the first time Jongsu talked back to Yongsun. Wheein is still apprehensive of Yongsun. She doesn’t know what to make of her. Yongsun gave her a sandwich once but she knows Yongsun doesn’t like her at all. That girl seems to be irritated by Wheein’s mere existence.

“I see…” Yongsun hands the book to Wheein and Wheein, on impulse, accepts it. “Ah, but the thing is, Wheein is already my personal nerd servant. Right, Jung?”

Yongsun was already glaring at her so she immediately nodded even when it’s such a lie.

“If she does mine and her assignments, now added yours, she won’t have time anymore. I definitely want mine done before yours, to be honest.” Yongsun grabs the remaining books to give it to Wheein before picking up Jongsu’s notebooks. “I suggest you find your own nerd to do your assignments. Jung’s already doing mine.”

Jongsu looks like he wants to clap back but for some reason, he holds himself and just flares at Yongsun.

Wheein doesn’t understand how a big bully like Jongsu doesn’t want to fight Yongsun, who is again, a head smaller than him.

“Excuse me” Yongsun says before walking away, leaving Wheein and Jongsu in the hallway. She suddenly turns around to glare at Wheein. “What the are you waiting there for, Jung? I have practice and you still haven’t prepared my water. Do I have to tell you to follow me so you’ll move along?”

Wheein rushed to Yongsun despite limping on her feet while whispering an apology.

She still hates Yongsun. But between a guy who shouts, kicks and pushes her and a girl who shouts curses at her, she’ll pick Yongsun any day.

Once they are out of anyone’s earshot, Yongsun slows down to match Wheein’s pace. Wheein isn’t sure why she’s following Yongsun. She knows Yongsun lied earlier but is she supposed to do Yongsun’s assignments?

“Have your leg checked at the clinic?”

“It’s okay… I ca—”

“Don’t be stubborn and have that checked” Yongsun snaps so Wheein agrees.

Byulyi did remind her not to anger Yongsun since Yongsun has a short temper.

Yongsun hands her a bill. “Then buy me water. You can stay in the library to study. You can tell Mrs. Kang that I lend you my space.”

“You have your own space?” Wheein wasn’t able to stop herself from asking.

Yongsun gives her a look and she immediately regrets asking.


“Stay there until practice ends. That’s 7pm. Then come back to the gym bringing another bottle of water.”

“Okay. I’ll hand in your assignment by then.”

“I’ve done mine.”

Wheein stops to stare at Yongsun in disbelief. Amazed and confused.

Yongsun continues walking. “Don’t make me late for practice, Jung.”

Wheein hurries to Yongsun’s side again. “I thought you want me—”

The look Yongsun gives her effectively shuts her up.


Yongsun stops right where they have to separate. Yongsun faces her and Wheein stares, still wondering. “Go to the clinic. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

With that, Yongsun left Wheein while Wheein kept on wondering what was happening.

At first, she’s sure Yongsun hates her, with the incident at the gym and during the first day of classes. Yongsun made her clean her lunch on the floor that Yongsun was responsible for. But now, Yongsun has given her a sandwich and now that she thought about it, she realized that Yongsun saved her from Jongsu.

“I still don’t like you, Kim Yongsun” she whispers to herself before heading to the clinic.




“Wheein’s your ‘personal nerd servant’? What is this that I hear, Yongsun?” Byulyi confronts her before she can even prepare for practice. “She does you assignments—You don’t even want to work with anyone, let alone do your assignments for you”

“That fast, huh?” Yongsun closes her locker, bringing her shoes before sitting on a bench.

“So, it’s true then?”

“What’s true?”

“Stop being so cryptic and just answer my questions.” Byulyi sighs, regains her composure before she loses it on her best friend. “What did the kid do to you for you to make her your servant?”

“She annoys me” Yongsun simply answers. She heads for the door to go to the gym, Byulyi following her close.

“You are annoyed by everybody but you have never done anything except glare at them. She’s just a kid, Yongsun!”

Yongsun finally stops walking, scowling at Byulyi. Byulyi has hit her nerves and she swears she won’t hesitate to hit Byulyi or even drop volleyball if Byulyi will annoy her even more.

“Jongsu pushed her to the ground and kicked her. You expect me to stand and do nothing?”

“But why make her your nerd servant? Did you actually ask her to make your assignments?”

Yongsun glowers at Byulyi but refuses to answer her question. She’s not that kind of person. She never portrays herself as someone kind. She does get annoyed easily, which is what she feels towards the accelerated senior. She’s annoyed by her all the time.

Ever so slowly, the frown on Byulyi’s lips lifts into a smirk. Yongsun ignores her and heads for the gym.

Byulyi catches up to her and whispers, “Admit it. You got a soft spot for the kid.”

“I don’t.”

“This tough exterior, Yongsun, I’ve seen through this already. It’s also the same reason why you tolerate me”

Yongsun turns to Byulyi so fast that it catches Byulyi off guard and raises her hands up. She points a dirty finger at Byulyi with all the students in the gym to witness. “Say one more word and you’ll watch me walk out of this gym without ever coming back.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”

The smile on Byulyi’s face still annoys Yongsun. She promised to herself she’s going to wipe it off during the practice match.

Practice always starts with Yongsun warming up. And as usual, she does her own routine of stretching and jogging around.

Rumor runs so fast, especially in their school. It even reaches her even when it doesn’t concern her. This time though, she’s one of the subjects. She didn’t think that what she did in the hallway of their classroom would elicit such attention. Due to how she always detaches herself from her surroundings, she forgets how students have given her unwanted attention.

This is bad news.

She has watched other students picking on Wheein, especially Jongsu. She intervenes as much as she can. Sometimes, she lets them be if she knows it’ll just be harmless like petty name calls. But what Jongsu did earlier was just too much. She has to step up, which is really annoying because this is already taking up so much of her time.

And now, it’s much worse because the students are now giving their attention to Wheein, which is unintentional.

Right after they volley for warmups, she watches as Wheein timidly walks into the gym. Her presence is meek and usually, she doesn’t gather anyone’s attention. But when one person noticed and pointed at her, the rest followed.

Yongsun sighs and thinks of trying to solve this.

Before she can come up with one, a group of three girls go over to Wheein. This stops Yongsun from going over to her team, stopping the entire team to proceed with practicing.

“Yongsun” their coach calls.

The three girls said something to Wheein, which Yongsun couldn’t hear. Wheein then handed to them a bottle of water, making Yongsun glare at them, especially at Wheein. She doesn’t understand why Wheein did that. Then the three girls, in all their smiles, went to Yongsun.

“Are you asking for water, Yongsun?” the girl who is holding the water asks.

“We have it here for you” the other girl says.

The other girl just watches with a weird smile and Yongsun doesn’t even know a single one of them. Didn’t even see them before at all.

Yongsun looks past the three girls and watches Wheein leaving the gym. Her fists clench but she thinks it’s better than to attract more.

She turns to her coach and points at the three girls. “Can we get them banned from coming here, sir? They’re distracting and annoying. Irritating, to be honest”

Mr. Chang sighs while Byulyi tries to hide a laugh behind their coach.

Yongsun has been so unpredictable but has always been a consistently determined player. She was also very honest to their coach that she wants nothing to do with volleyball if not for her best friend. If the team loses Yongsun, they will also lose their chances of winning this season.

“We can’t get them banned but we can politely ask them to leave. Girls, please leave. You’re distracting the players” Mr. Chang says to the three students.

“But what about your water?”

Yongsun then walks to her team’s side of the court, ignoring the girls. She stands beside Byulyi, who has turned red from trying not to laugh.

“But what about your water?” she asks, mocking the student.

“Shut up. If we weren't teamed up, I would’ve crushed your face.”

“Lucky me then.”

Once Mr. Chang cleared the court of the three girls, the team started the practice to device plays for this season. But Yongsun can’t help but glance at the door, hoping for someone to show up but ends up disappointed.




Mrs. Go is such a scary lady but she’s kind, nonetheless. At least to Wheein. She lets Wheein stay undisturbed in the library. If Yongsun has a dedicated space, Mrs. Go leaves a table dedicated to Wheein. It’s close to Mrs. Go’s table so students just ignore her. Nobody wants to sit in front of the librarian. For that, the library has always been Wheein’s safe haven.

She collects a couple books and brings them to her table. Mrs. Go gives her a smile, which she returns before taking a seat. She opens her notebook and one of the books to start her assignment.

A particular History assignment has been bugging her. She has searched through the Internet and the books she initially borrowed but she only found so little information. The paper must be turned tomorrow and she barely got anything done.

They have to make a report about a certain dynasty in their history but due to war and the incidents that time, only little records remain to this date. Their history teacher, Mr. Jang, said during their class that with proper research, they’ll be able to make the assignment. However, Wheein hasn’t found the right material.

She groans in frustration and buries her fingers in her hair, pouting at the book in front of her.

“Anything wrong, Wheein?” Mrs. Go asks her.

“Nothing, Mrs. Go. Just an assignment.” She smiles at the librarian before going back to her assignment.

Another trip to the shelves and three more books in her stack but Wheein still hasn’t made progress with her assignment. She just pouts at the books spread in front of her with a barely written notebook.

The chair beside her gets pulled back before a thick old clipbook gets dumped in front of her with a thud. She glances on her right and finds Yongsun sitting beside her before Yongsun deposits her bag on the empty seat beside her.

“You’re looking at the wrong book,” Yongsun says.

Wheein carefully flips the book open due to its brittle quality. The first page says “57 BCE Silla Dynasty.” She quickly glances at Yongsun but Yongsun is already fast asleep. Wheein remembers they’ll have a game tomorrow and so she chose not to disturb her. After all, Yongsun and Byulyi were the first real groupmates Wheein ever had. Groupmates that actually work with her and not let her do all the work.

Their discussion on their chosen literature, The Little Prince, was surprisingly productive. Byulyi really isn’t much of a reader but she contributed way more than Wheein’s former groupmates. Yongsun, however, seems to be aloof and uninterested in class but Wheein found out that she’s actually smart. Their report was something their literature teacher complimented and Wheein was happy about it.

Just ten minutes into the book that Yongsun gave to her, Wheein already filled three pages of her notebook with information. It reached a point where her right arm hurts because of too much writing, but she was finally done.

Yongsun was already awake when she closed the book, careful just as she opened it.

“You done?” Yongsun asks.

For the first time, Wheein can’t help but smile gratefully for Yongsun’s help. “Just need to arrange my notes properly and I’m done. Thank you for your help”

Yongsun… Wheein doesn’t hate or dislike Yongsun like how she initially felt about her.

Yongsun just stares at her. She wasn’t glaring, scowling, or frustrated. Just a blank stare that shakes Wheein’s smile.

Yongsun hands her an open notebook. Yongsun’s notebook. “I wasn’t sure” Yongsun says softly.

It was their Chemistry assignment and Wheein thinks Yongsun wants her to review her answers.

She scans through Yongsun’s work, reviews the numbers, and makes sure the equations are balanced. She already did her assignment but hasn't memorized it so she’s relying on reviewing the numbers.

“Yeah… I think this is correct.”

Wheein was about to return the notebook but Yongsun stopped her.

“Hand it to me in class tomorrow.” Yongsun carries her bag as she stands up. “We have a game tomorrow. Bring me water. I’ll pay you after the game. And don’t hand it to someone else”

Wheein was being stared at intently, making her frown. “Sorry.”

With a grunt, Yongsun leaves Wheein in the library.

Wheein watches Yongsun leave before she discovers that other students were staring at her. She hurriedly stacks the books in a neat pile for Mrs. Go, places her things back in her bag, and leaves the library before students crowd over her.

Yongsun is famous. She has established that from the very start of their classes. Being associated with her would mean asking unwarranted attention by her classmates and maybe by the rest of the school. She isn’t sure if she wants that.




“Are you worried? Nervous?”

Yongsun looks at Byulyi and thinks that Byulyi is the one that’s worried and nervous. It’s their first game and she understands why her best friend is acting up. She just hopes she won’t be acting up by the time they’ll be out in the court.

Mr. Chang gives the team a little pep talk before all hands are in as the team shouts a chant. Yongsun puts her hand in but lets the rest do the shouting for her.

Altogether, they march into their school gym. The first game of the season is held in their school and their opponents are the ones visiting. It’s as if the entire crowd screamed when they walked in.

The school band was playing, uniting all the students to cheer for them. Students are also wearing their school colors. Some of their teachers are in to support the team. Even Yongsun’s uncle, Kim Eunjeong, was out of his office to support the team and her niece.

Eunjeong walks to the team and gives Yongsun a pat on her shoulder. “Good luck. You too, Byulyi. I know you can do it.”

“Yes, sir.” Byulyi smiles at the school president but Yongsun can see her shaking.

“I’ll leave you two to warm up. I’ll be here cheering.” Eunjeong smiles at Yongsun, which she returns with a nod, before joining the other teachers on the stand.

Yongsun does her stretching first before volleying with her teammates. The other team looks determined and Yongsun is up for a challenge. That’s one of the reasons why she stays in the team. She always loves a good challenge.

At the whistle, in about five minutes, the game will start. All players gather to their respective benches for final pep talks.

Yongsun pans her attention out of her coach and insteads, looks around the gym for a particular student. She scans the benches, both the benches designated for the school and their opponent, but fails to sight Wheein.

“You look worried. Are you nervous?” Byulyi whispers beside her.

“No… Just looking for someone.”

“Who?” Byulyi starts looking as well to help Yongsun. “Who are we looking for?”


“Did you ask her to bring you water again?”

Yongsun hums her affirmation not noticing the look Byulyi is giving her. Yongsun scans the crowd one more time but comes up disappointed.

On their first set, Yongsun is a little sloppy. She was not jumping on the right time, hitting the ball a little off, and using lesser power than usual. It was a surprise that their coach let her stay for the rest of the set. Byulyi and Seulgi stepped up but it was not enough for them to take the first set.

At the end of their first set, Yongsun sits down disappointed. Mr. Chang sees that Yongsun isn’t doing well so he lets her sit for the second set.

While everyone is focused on the second set, Yongsun feels someone tapping her shoulder. She turns around and finds Wheein crouching down as she hands her water. Yongsun feels pleasantly surprised at finally seeing her.

“Where were you?” she asks, ignoring the water bottle Wheein is holding.

“I was at the back. There’s so many people.”

Yongsun just stares at Wheein. Instead of wearing the school colors, Wheein was hiding behind her hoodie. Yongsun could barely see Wheein’s fingers poking out of her sleeves.

“Please have your water, unnie.”

Yongsun's eyebrows furrow. Unnie?

She grabs the bottle from Wheein but also invites her to sit beside her.

“Oh, no. I don’t think I can. Only players can sit here.”

“Sit down. You look like a thief crouching down there.”

Wheein knows not to anger Yongsun so she sits beside her while Yongsun takes a drink.

“Is it always this loud?” Wheein asks.

Yongsun was about to scold her but then realized that Wheein isn’t really a social person. She just hums and nods as she drinks more water.

The second set ended with them losing once again. If they lose the third set, that’ll lower their chances of winning the championship.

Byulyi didn’t expect to see Wheein sitting beside Yongsun but it’s a good surprise to her. She smiles and waves at Wheein, even greeting her despite losing the set.

To Yongsun’s surprise, Wheein has another bottle of water to give to Byulyi. Wheein also calls Byulyi “unnie” and Yongsun isn’t sure if she likes it. Before Byulyi can get it, Yongsun steals the bottle from Wheein’s hand, prompting the two to look at her.

“You’re here to only give me water.”

Wheein pouts as she says, “Sorry.”

Yongsun then glares at Byulyi while Byulyi innocently raises her hands. “Find one for yourself.”

“Alright. Sorry.”

Byulyi tries to study her best friend’s behavior. With the way Yongsun looks so frustrated and annoyed now but peaceful when Byulyi was approaching them. And the sudden impulses and changes of her mood every time Wheein is involved. Byulyi feels like she knows what’s happening but she has to focus on the game first and deal with her best friend later.

Mr. Chang asks Yongsun to come in for the third set. Yongsun will be playing with Byulyi, Seulgi, Joy, and two other juniors who had consistent performances during the last season.

Before the third set started, Yongsun felt another tap again and turned around to see Wheein already standing up.

“Can I go back now?” Wheein points at the back, pouting a little.

“No. Stay there.”


“I said stay there and have my water ready.”

“Okay” Wheein relented, sighing and hiding behind her hoodie.

Yongsun played significantly better in the third set than in the first one. Her spikes were powerful. The angles were all perfect. Her dynamics with Byulyi and Seulgi made their team somewhat unstoppable. Joy was also blocking hit after hit. It was what made the team dominate the third set, the fourth set, and most especially, their last set.

The players crowd over Yongsun and they all want to give her a hug but she doesn’t want any of that. She just wants to have some water.

Seeing the mild irritation on her look and knowing that she’s a little short-tempered, the players and other students who joined the circle made way for Yongsun. She receives her uncle’s congratulations first before going to Wheein.

She did not expect to be welcomed with a smile as she grabbed the water from Wheein.

“Congratulations, unnie” Wheein says.

Yongsun only nods, unsure how to react. She distracts herself by drinking water.

“I should probably go. Congrats again, unnie.”

From a distance, Byulyi watches her best friend look over at Wheein until Wheein is out of their sight. She giggles at how Yongsun tries her best to cover a smile with the water bottle Wheein gave her as she drinks some water.

“Silly” she whispers to herself before joining the others to celebrate.




Wheein receives an unexpected call from Yongsun on a fine Saturday morning. They have exchanged numbers, including Byulyi, for their Literature class but that’s already done. She isn’t sure why Yongsun is calling her even on a weekend.

She clears , feeling unsure, before answering the call. “Hello?”

“I’m heading to your house now.”

“What?” Wheein stands up, almost kicking her chair down. She looks at her messy study table, her unmade bed, her stack of books on one side of her room, the collection of plushies and toys she finds cute. It’s a mess. Her room is a mess. “Why are you coming here, unnie?” she asks and runs to her bed, fixing it with just one hand.

“I just finished jogging and I remembered I haven’t paid you for the water.”

“Oh, no need for that. It’s fine.”

Wheein was relieved but only for a short second.

“I’ll be there in five minutes. Be ready.”

“What?” she stares at her phone, mouth agape, because Yongsun already ended the call.

Wheein places her phone on her nightstand and drops her body on her bed with a light bounce. “Surely Kim Yongsun won’t come here. Does she even know my house? I don’t think so.” She pushes herself up and goes back to making her assignments. “She won’t come here. It’s just a threat. She’s scaring me. I mean, she always does. But no, she isn’t coming here.”

The talk was good. It convinced Wheein into believing that the phone call was a hoax despite answering the call herself and finding Yongsun’s number in her call logs. Nope, it is not true. Yongsun is not coming to Wheein's house and that’s what Wheein believed.

The knocks on her door make her take a pause from doing her assignments. “Wheein?” her Mom calls from the other side of the door.

“Yes, Mom?”

“Someone’s here for you. She says she’s your classmate. Her name is Yongsun.”

“What!?” Wheein stares at her door, wide-eyed.

“She’s waiting for you downstairs.”

Wheein runs for the door and opens it before her Mom can get away. “Is she really here, Mom?”

Her Mom looks at her weirdly but she smiles at her daughter. After all, it’s the first that a classmate of Wheein comes to their place. She’s happy her daughter is making friends, much more in her senior year. She often worries about Wheein and Wheein can see that, so Wheein just tries to be the best in her studies to lessen her mother’s worries.

“She’s downstairs.” Knowing that her daughter is shy, she links her elbow with Wheein. “I’ll go with you downstairs.”

Wheein is not ready for this. Why, of all time and day, will Yongsun visit her? She still has assignments to do. And, she doesn’t know what to do and what Yongsun wants from her. She said she wants to pay for the water but why can’t she do that on Monday and went all the trouble to pay Wheein today.

She finds Yongsun standing inside her Mom’s small diner. Yongsun is wearing some yoga pants and a jacket. Her hair is still a little wet, which means that she really might’ve come from jogging. Yongsun is looking at the menu. Wheein thinks she’s studying it way too hard for someone so uninterested in things like Yongsun.

Upon seeing their entrance, Yongsun bows again at Wheein’s mother. “Good morning, mam. I’m really sorry again for bothering you.”

“It’s fine. Any friend of Wheein is welcome here at our house.”

Wheein pouts at her mother. She doesn’t want to lie but she chooses to keep shut.

She really can’t say she’s Yongsun’s friend. Yongsun did call her her personal nerd servant. Though the name doesn’t quite fit what she does. Never has she done any work for Yongsun other than giving her water during her game. And so far, that only happens once.

“I actually want to ask your permission to take your daughter out. I owe her something and I was hoping to repay her.”

“Oh, it’s really not much, unnie. It’s fine if—”

“Nonsense!” her mother cuts her off, making her frown. “You can go out all day if you want.”

“But who will help you here later?” she argued.

Their diner isn’t much but it’s famous among the locals. Dinner on a weekend is usually its peak time and Wheein goes down to help her mother manage their diner.

“I’m fine! Go out with your friend.”

Her Mom pushes her to Yongsun but she dodges getting closer to Yongsun and hides behind her mother.

“I haven’t had a wash yet, Mom” she whispers to her mother, making her mother laugh.

Sadly for Wheein, Yongsun heard what she said. “I can wait.”

Her mother claps her hands, startling Wheein before pouting at her mother. “Why don’t you invite her inside, Wheein? I still have to prepare before opening the diner.”

There’s nothing that she can do at this point. She agreed to take Yongsun upstairs. She offers the couch to her in the living room. She tried offering snacks, juices, and water but Yongsun declines them all. Wheein promises to be quick before leaving Yongsun to take a shower.

“She really is here. I thought she’s only going to pay me. What does she want from me now?”

She’s not mad that Yongsun was there. She just doesn’t know what to do having someone at their place. Her mother doesn’t have friends over at their place. Wheein most definitely hasn’t invited anyone ever. She’s awkward about it.

When she left her bedroom to go to their shared bathroom, Yongsun was just sitting on the couch with her eyes closed. Wheein doesn’t want to disturb her so she quietly heads for the bathroom. After showering, she goes back to her room to change and finds Yongsun already leaning back on their couch, almost lying her upper body down, with her eyes still closed. When she was finally ready, Yongsun was already lying down on their couch fast asleep.

Yongsun did tell her that she had just jogged earlier.

Wheein debates waking Yongsun to let her sleep in her bed or letting her be. The couch isn’t really comfortable with Yongsun folding herself in a fetal position. It’s either be scolded by Yongsun now or deal with a Yongsun in a bad mood.

She thinks that the former is easier to deal with than the latter. She softly taps Yongsun’s shoulder. Just even the single tap already wakes up Yongsun.

Yongsun takes a deep breath and blinks the sleep away. “Are you ready?”

Wheein shakes her head. “Do you want to sleep first before we go out?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“It’s okay, unnie. I can wait. I also have to finish my assignment.”

Reluctantly, Yongsun agrees. Wheein helps Yongsun up before guiding her to her bedroom.

“Which assignment?”

“Math. Are you done with it?”

Wheein pulls up the blanket and lets Yongsun lay down, even tucking her in as Yongsun gets comfortable.

“Yeah…” Yongsun whispers as she closes her eyes.

Wheein leaves Yongsun to sleep before she goes back to her study table. She glances at Yongsun and she can’t believe herself but she’s smiling at the senior.

Yongsun always arrives at unexplainable times with perfect timings. She’s not kind in nature but Wheein can see kindness in her. She’s short-tempered, that Wheein knows. She gets annoyed and frustrated so easily but Wheein tried to make sense of Yongsun’s actions. Wheein comes up with one single conclusion; a conclusion she can hardly believe.

Yongsun is constantly saving her from bullies.

Since the start of senior year, she’s been bullied. Even accused Yongsun of being one, but that was before. The name calling is still there but nothing worse has happened. Only because Yongsun is always at the scene. Her senior year is a lot lighter than her freshman year.

Yongsun was still asleep when Wheein finished her Math assignment.

Just then, her mother knocks on her door before opening it. Wheein signals to her mother not to make a noise as she points at Yongsun in bed.

“Was wondering what took you a long time.”

“Unnie’s sleeping, Mom” she whispers carefully.

“You must’ve let her wait for too long.”

Wheein pouts at her mother while her Mom just chuckles at her. “She just finished jogging before coming here. That’s why she’s tired.”

“Is she an athlete?”

“She’s on the school’s volleyball team.”

“She’s famous in your school then?”


“Oh,” her Mom cooes, “my Wheenie hanging out with famous students now?”

“That’s not true.” Wheein pushes her mother out before her Mom could wake up Yongsun. She steps out of the room with her mother, gently closing the door behind her. “Don’t wake her, Mom. We’ll go down once unnie’s awake.”

“Tell Yongsun to join us for lunch. You can go out afterwards.”

“Are you sure you don’t need my help?”

Her mother smiles fondly at Wheein as she cups Wheein’s cheeks. “This is good for you. I’ve never seen you going out with your friends like a normal kid does.”

She frowns at her mother. “I always prefer spending time with you.”

Her mother suddenly ruffles her hair, messing even more her messy hair and bangs. “My baby’s big now.”

Wheein urges her mother to go down so her mother won’t see that she’s already tearing up.

It’s only Wheein and her mother. They have created a tight-knit bond helping each other out. Wheein’s dream of becoming a doctor seems difficult for her single mother but she never feels unsupported. They both have their own struggles but they always face it together, being there for each other.

Yongsun is already awake when Wheein goes back to her own bedroom. Yongsun’s rubbing off sleep from her face while Wheein stands awkwardly by the door, not sure what to do. She just waits for Yongsun, nervous because her mother might’ve woken her up.

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Thank you!
I think I did a decent one-shot. Getting used to it now hehe


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Chapter 2: "I think I did a decent one-shot. Getting used to it now hehe"
Decent? It is great! ;)
Keep em coming =)
Chapter 2: awesome story. i enjoyed it very much 😊
Chapter 2: This story is simply incredible, I can't believe I read it at the right time and when I needed all the softness that these two gave me. I hope I can see you again soon and with more adventures together 💞
whee_inthesun #4
Chapter 2: Aaaahhhhh love it authornim!! It's just a perfect one shot 🫶🏻
Ichig02101 #5
Chapter 2: Its another masterpiece from u authornim 😍👍
Alwiz waiting for ur new stories.
I love this story sososososo much🥰
Tq authornim for the lovely story 😘
Chapter 2: Always a pleasure to see your nickname on the latest stories. I liked this one shot a lot even if I wanted to curse at Yongsun in the beginning for being rude 😂 It was fun seeing Wheesun’s relationship dynamics as high schoolers too, the whole part about being or not in a relationship after confessing was hilarious.
Thank you for writing 💙
whatwhatmoo #7
Chapter 2: OMG i really love this story!
Chapter 2: oh nooo now i want to see their college days to working to having their own family. 😭
Chapter 2: okay what if they are both wrong? it's actuly yellow
Chapter 2: It’s a sweet happy ending I need ❤️ but I still wanna know if it’s actually blue or red 😆