
SECRET : Third Ending
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Yoong held on Jaeyeonwhile the other kids surrounded Sooyeon who was giving her prayers for Madam Kwon. They decided to visit the cemetery before going to Jeonju. 

“Grandma, you have another great grandson here, his name is Jaeyeon.” Yoong said as he squatted beside Sooyeon who was smiling.

“5 altogether, grandma, we did it. We expand the Kwon clan.” Yoong joked and Sooyeon chuckled.

Sooyeon then placed a bouquet of flowers on the grave before they all stood again

“Bow to your great grandmother.” Yoong said and they all bowed down. 

The family of seven then made their way to Yul’s grave. Sooyeon held Jaeyeon while Yoong paid his respects to his father. Sooyeon stared at Yul’s name. ‘Kwon Yul. If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.’ Sooyeon was the one who wrote that when Madam Kwon was admitted into the hospital and Yoong was busy with Jessica’s funeral. 

“Yul, we were never on good term but there’s nothing more I can say now other than thank you for everything. Thank you for every other thing you did for me that I didn’t know. I am happy now with Sooyeon, and I remember you said her happiness was your everything…” Yoong looked at Sooyeon who shook her head, refusing to say anything.

Yoong nodded and hugged Sooyeon’s shoulder as he let his children put flowers on Yul’s grave. 

“Bow to grandpa.” Yoong said and they all bowed down.

“You can go visit her.” Sooyeon hugged Jaeyeon securely.

Yoong looked at Jessica’s grave which was visible from where he stood. He looked at Sooyeon again. He shook his head and hugged her shoulder. 

“I promised you, didn’t I?” Yoong let Sooyeon go and held his children’s hands.

“Yoong, you can go. I don’t mind.”

“Sooyeon, it’s okay. Let’s go. We don’t want to be late.” Yoong said as he walked away with his children and Sooyeon followed along.


Sooyeon corrected the blanket on Jaeyoung and Jaehyun. She kissed their foreheads and bid them good night. She then went to Sohyun and Sohye’s room. She did the same but stayed longer to watch the twins fall asleep. Watching Sohyun and Sohye, Sooyeon always prayed that the twins would be close to each other and have good relationship. She hoped they will grow up loving each other and support each other rather than competing against each other.

“Mommy love you both.” Sooyeon said and the twins smiled at their mother.

“Sohye love mommy.”

“Sohyun love mommy.” The twins said at the same time.

Sooyeon glinted and kissed the twins again.

“Now, sleep. Tomorrow, mommy will teach you two and oppa too, how to make noodles.”

“Noodles? Spaghetti?” The twins asked.

Sooyeon chuckled and nodded. The twins cheered and closed their eyes that instant. Sooyeon waited for awhile and left the room.


Sooyeon entered the main room, finding Yoong  talking to Jaeyeon, telling the baby how much he loves him.

“Daddy love you so much my baby boy. Daddy apologise for daddy’s behaviour to you, okay?” Yoong planted endless kisses on Jaeyeon who smiled along the kisses.

“You like that? You like that my baby boy?” Yoong laughed too when Jaeyeon made some sound.

“He’s not sleepy?” Sooyeon closed the door.

“I don’t think so.” Yoong shook his head, putting the baby on his lap.

Sooyeon sat beside Yoong and looked at Jaeyeon. 

“I fed him a bottle too…he’s supposed to be sleepy after a bottle.” Yoong said.

“I think because he’s in a new place…” Sooyeon stood and went to her side of the bed. She lied down on her side and lifted her shirt. Yoong understood. He placed Jaeyeon near Sooyeon. The baby who had began to be more active, latched on Sooyeon immediately. Yoong chuckled and lied down on his side too, holding Jaeyeon’s small hand which the baby just learned how to hold things. Yoong kissed the baby’s hand when the baby gripped his fingers.

“My son is still hungry…” Yoong said as Jaeyeon looked focus on latching on Sooyeon’s chest.

Yoong and Sooyeon awed when Jaeyeon made sound while latching. Yoong kissed the baby’s cheek and acted surprised when Jaeyeon let Sooyeon go to stare at Yoong.

“He’s mad at you because you disturb his momentum.” Sooyeon chortled and guided Jaeyeon to feed off her again.

Yoong chuckled as Jaeyeon let his hand go and gripped Sooyeon’s shirt instead.

“Daddy love you, that’s why daddy kiss you, boy.” Yoong kissed the baby’s leg and moved closer.

“I’m glad daddy love Jaeyeon this much.” Sooyeon touched Yoong’s hair, running it through her finger.

Yoong knew what Sooyeon meant.

“I am thankful that everything went well…” Yoong kissed Sooyeon’s hand as he pulled it to his lips.

Sooyeon beamed and put her focus on Jaeyeon again who began to close his eyes but still latching on her.

“Dim the light.” Sooyeon said and Yoong did as told. 

Yoong lied down again when Jaeyeon let Sooyeon go, finally asleep. He put small bolster around Jaeyeon, marking the baby’s territory from him and Sooyeon. Sooyeon and Yoong slept on their side facing Jaeyeon who was in the middle of them.

“How was this house before the rebuild?” Yoong inquired softly, his hand reaching for Sooyeon’s, caressing it.

“Hmmm, just a small house with 2 bedrooms, an outside bathroom and outdoor kitchen.”


“We don’t have beds. We only have the thin mattress I remember my mother bought from the neighbours when everyone was transitioning to a bed.”


“Even so, I was still happy because I got my own room.”

Yoong smiled and kissed Sooyeon’s fingers.

“And when did you learn how to cook?”

“I think since I was 9…I took over the kitchen. My mother had to work until night, I remembered at first, she worked at the nearby wood factory but then when I was 11, she stopped working there and started selling noodle soup. That’s when I learned how to make noodles from scratch.”

“You have decades of experience. No wonder you make the best noodle soup ever.” Yoong commented and Sooyeon chuckled.

“That’s the only thing I am good at…making noodles.” Sooyeon was suddenly solemn.

Yoong was oblivious as he was staring at the ceiling.

“At least you are good at that…” Yoong suddenly said after a few seconds.

“Hmmm?” Sooyeon who was falling asleep opened her eyes again.

“I’m not an expert in anything…even in my studies, I didn’t excel as much as I should…I played too much.” Yoong heaved a sigh and looked at Sooyeon who suddenly played with his hair.

“Kwon Yoong, you’re the CEO of an international company.”

Yoong kept his stare on Sooyeon.

“You are the most responsible man I met, a loving husband and father, a hard worker, and a philanthropist too.” Sooyeon scratched Yoong’s head playfully and Yoong beamed.

“Philanthropist is a funny word.” Yoong took Sooyeon’s hand and kissed it.

“Kind of.” Sooyeon chuckled and Yoong grinned.

“It feels nice talking to you, Sooyeon.” Yoong let Sooyeon’s palm glued to his cheek.

“And Mr. Kim is actually asking to see me.” He added.


“I don’t know what’s the reason. I can’t think of any.” Yoong kissed Sooyeon’s palm.

Truly, he missed Sooyeon. It had been 4 months since they got together.  She delivered and Yoong knew she needed time to heal. It was a miracle too that she didn’t need Caesarian. 



“Am I too much for hating him?”

“Honey, no. Your hatred is justified. He did something he shouldn’t have. Even I was shocked when they told me about what they did to you. When I was driving to Jeonju to persuade you, all I could think of was why would they abandon you? Like, all they needed to do was make a phone call. That was it. Or, maybe reach out to Yul before the case hearing. I don’t mind you hating him. He made your life miserable.” Yoong hoisted himself up and kissed Sooyeon’s forehead and lips.

“Next month, okay?” Sooyeon said and Yoong nodded.

“I can wait. Don’t worry mommy.” Yoong said playfully and they intertwined their fingers before they finally fell asleep.


Sooyeon stood behind Yoong as the man cleaned the grave belonging to Sooyeon’s mother. Sooyeon was holding Jaeyeon while the other kids stayed at home with their nanny. As the cemetery in that village wasn’t taken care of, with bushes here and there, it was best to leave the kids at home.

Yoong trimmed grass around the tombstone and washed it a bit with the tissue and water Sooyeon brought. 

“Hello, mom. I am here again with you youngest grandson, Jaeyeon. Not one day goes by without you in my mind. I hope you are happy to see how I turned out today. I have a family on my own, mom. Your son in law is a good man as well. He take care of me, he loves me, I am really lucky to have someone like him.”

“I am lucky to have her by my side too, mother in law.” Yoong chimed in as he has cleared the grave.

“Yoong, can I be here for a little while?”

Yoong nodded and took Jaeyeon before walking back to his car. He stood by his car, observing Sooyeon from afar. He watched Sooyeon talking to her mom, even crying silently. Yoong looked at Jaeyeon and kissed the baby’s cheek.


Mr. Kim stared at the picture of his family. Jessica was always so cheerful in pictures, she was photogenic they were told. Mr. Kim then looked at his late wife’s face. How he missed her badly. When Mrs. Kim passed away, Mr. Kim fell into depression. He was finally accepted her death a year later. He made himself busy with work until he accidentally saw Yoong and his family at a mall. It wasn’t Yoong that caught his eyes but Sooyeon who was at that time holding both of her twins.

Mr. Kim felt as if Jessica was alive again, and the twins, the small twins, they were so adorable. Mr. Kim had to muster his courage to meet Yoong again at his office only to be told that Yoong has started working from home since the start of the year because of Sooyeon’s pregnancy. Mr. Kim chuckled at the thought of Sooyeon having 5 kids because he knew very well that Jessica would only settle with one. He knew his daughter so well. Mr. Kim had to wait until Sooyeon has delivered before trying to see Yoong and his kids.  Mr. Kim felt a sense of belonging to the kids, for he he was technically Yoong’s ex future father in law.

Moreover, Sooyeon is like the daughter he never taken care of, it won’t be any issue if he wanted to reach out to her and perceives her as his daughter, along with her kids as his grandchildren. Mr. Kim didn’t have anyone else anyway. None of his family and relatives were fond of him too. Except for his niece, Kim Minjeong.


Mr. Kim looked at the door and smiled at the young woman. Minjeong was one of his nieces who was in good terms with Jessica. Often Mr. Kim got a glimpse of Jessica and Minjeong chatting during one of their many banquets.

“Ah, Minjeon. Come, take a seat. I met Kwon Yoong the other day, but he was occupied with his wife.”

“Oh…” Minjeong who was the CFO of Mr. Kim’s company took a seat.

“But don’t worry, I have told him I need to see him. He would reach out soon.” Mr. Kim commented and Minjeong smiled brightly.

“I mean, it would be a good business venture between KJ corporation and Kwon Industries.”

“Of course, uncle. Kwon Industries would certainly boost our margins.” Minjeong agreed.

“You should see the twins. They really look like Jessica when she was a kid…seeing them the other day, I was content. It would be a joy if I can spend some time with them…” Mr. Kim looked at his family’s picture again.

Minjeong beamed and nodded.

“Uncle, didn’t I tell you? You will get to spend time with them whenever you want if our plan succeeds. Be patient and follow the flow. In no time, the kids will call you grandpa!” Minjeong said and Mr. Kim grinned happily.


Jaeyoung took the letter in his hand and showed it to his mother. Sooyeon smiled at the 9 years old boy and read the letter.

“Oh my, congratulations Jaeyoung!” Sooyeon hugged her son as the letter stated that Jaeyoung was chosen to join the school’s official team.

“I promise to ace all the test, mommy.”

“I know you will. Go and show daddy.” Sooyeon was then in the bedroom, nursing Jaeyeon.

“Okay mommy.”

“I am proud of you.” Sooyeon kissed her son’s cheeks before the boy went to his father in the living room.

It was after dinner and Yoong was spending time with the twins and Jaehyun in the living room, watching a movie.


Yoong corrected his tie as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He glanced at Sooyeon who was standing beside him with Jaeyeon in her arms. Yoong smiled and kissed Jaeyeon’s cheek before kissing Sooyeon’s forehead.

“I think I’ll be late today. Is that okay?” Yoong played with Jaeyeon’s small hand.

Sooyeon nodded. 

“We’ll be fine, daddy. Don’t worry. It had been 8 months you have work from home. It’s a

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jjsooyoung 0 points #1
Chapter 18: Yes yoong send back the cruse to minjeong 😤
jjsooyoung #2
Chapter 17: I'm curious about what Soyeon has to sacrifice to get the curse off 🤔
Chapter 17: Black magic fight now 🔥🔥🔥
1130 streak #4
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Damn now you believe her? You know your words to her earlier are hurts her feelings but luckily she did take it to heart...oh uh I don't have good vibes with what the old woman requires for the payment of her helping Sooyeon
jjsooyoung #5
Chapter 16: Minjeong won't stop bothering yoong and sooyeon 😤
1130 streak #6
Chapter 16: Damn* Jessica really won't let him be even in his dreams she started hunting him...
solaris17 #7
how to continue reading chapter 15?
Helarmonk #8
Chapter 16: Any hint for password?
Chapter 16: Its become mythical thriller now 😆
Thought minjeong was dead but her grudges kept her alive 🤣
Thx for the update author