Shooting star πŸ’«

Surviving on the cursed island🏝️
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The poor lad fainted due to the unbearable pain, and even though Seungcheol gave him painkillers and the medicines he pointed at he still felt worried, he wasn't a doctor or had any idea about a tumor but he was sure that the tumor was getting big enough and needed surgery as soon as possible.

Joshua and Mingyu look concerned.

" Hyung, he's helpless, this isn't getting any better, his medicines will finish before someone comes to save us, besides, he flew from Seoul to Canada which means his surgery is hard," Joshua said feeling poor for the pretty lad, who was held by Seungcheol as he hadn't put him over the bed but kept holding him on his strong arms.

Seungcheol looked sadly at the younger.

" I know, I know that his condition is very bad, but we can't give up on him, miracle happens." He only said that putting Jeonghan on the bed and covered him well.

Stood up and walked out not caring about the rain, he just wanted to chill and think of a way to save the younger and calm his tumor attack.



Jeonghan woke up at 6:30 when it's becoming dark, he looked over and saw no one in the cottage, he got scared, sat up and run out with teary eyes but he saw the three outdoor.

They were just guarding.

" You okay now ?! How do you feel?!"

Seungcheol asked approaching the frail beauty.

" I feel better Hyung, thank you so much I'm very sorry for shocking you." He bowed to the three, was so innocent and he felt bad for shocking them, this seizure happens often.

" It's fine Jeonghan, worry about yourself, kid."Β 
He said patting that hair and Jeonghan's heart fluttering.

Seungcheol pulled off the coat he was wearingΒ and wrapped it around the slim lad.

" Go back in, it's cold, especially since it rained a lot."

Jeonghan smiled shyly, he nodded and held onto that coat.

Went back in and Mingyu smiled to himself.

Look like the boss's really in love.

Joshua noticed the two and blinked.

Pulled Mingyu to the side and whispered.

" Hey, boss's acting weird towards this cutie."

He said surprised, never seen their boss like this.

Mingyu chuckled.

"Come and let's haunt for dinner."

Leaving the two alone, Seungcheol made some warm milk with the coconut and some mixed waterΒ and made Jeonghan drink and he loved it so much, that he smiled sweetly.

" Jeonghan, is it normal symptoms?! The headache."

The man asked looking into those beautiful eyes.

Jeonghan looked at his cup.

" I had it twice now, it looks like my tumor getting bigger."

He smiled sadly, continuing sipping on his milk and the man looked at the poor lad trying to be strong, he bit his lips.

This is hard.

" Jeonghan, do you mind telling me about yourself more ?! I want to know about you."

The man said emotionally.

" I'm twenty-five, I was born in Seoul, I've graduated from an art department and I got a job in a company, it was a perfect job for me but I got fired because I kept getting sick leaves so much."


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1586 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 16: Was wondering if/when these two would get together.

"There is someone who loves you that much idiot." Awwww Mingyu. But Shua loves him back! Mutual pining but they're both idiots, ah. Love it.

Pffft now Jeongcheol are the ones who are the bystanders to another set of lovers. Everyone is loved up! They just kept going. Wow!
1586 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 15: Jeonghan, poor baby. That hurts. He really wanted his father to genuinely care about him. Even if he was used to the treatment, the hope was still there. Cheol is rightly angry, but the best thing he can do is be there for him and love him more to compensate for the love he deserves.

With all the love, certainly feels like they'll make a baby soon! Haha, Joshua and Mingyu feeling so single.
1586 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 13: Joshua and Mingyu really are their biggest supporters haha. It's amazing to see, and a testament to their loyalty and love for their boss that they love seeing him so happy. Jeonghan too. Haha, Gyu's intuition though, stopping Josh. Good call!

They seem to be "practicing" a lot, if they're not actively trying for children! Hehe. It's good to be cautious and plan for a future when Jeonghan would be stronger, for sure. Hopefully they can have children if they both really want them, but in the meantime they can just appreciate their time together.
1586 streak #4
Chapter 12: They've definitely settled into their newlywed life. But Jeonghan was pretending he was completely fine when he was sick. Perhaps part wishful thinking but probably mostly not to worry Seungcheol. Still, it caught up to him, anyway. It's only a blessing that it was unrelated to his previous condition.

And, well, that's one way to help him feel better! A different kind of injection lol. Jokes aside, they're really sweet.
1586 streak #5
Chapter 11: He got to fully enjoy the hot springs this time. Then when Hannie was still nervous and scared about their first time together, he sort of forced himself to go for it even though Seungcheol urged him that they'd take it slow, and he turned out enjoying it by the end. That's somewhat of a relief. He deserves good things and Cheol will no doubt give them to him.
1586 streak #6
Chapter 10: It's really a shame about Hannie's parents. Maybe they'd come around now that he's better, but even if they don't, he has a new family with these three.

He's never been in a relationship but he's confident he'll be a good marriage partner. That's the spirit! Even if he wasn't so confident, Seungcheol would be patient with him, no doubt.
194 streak #7
1586 streak #8
Chapter 9: The surgery was successful and Jeonghan heard him while he was in that comatose state. He returned his confession and they'll live together.

But can't help but wonder what kind of life that will be, will it be dangerous because of Seungcheol's job? Even if he stays in that beautiful house, will Jeonghan always be worried that something will happen to Cheol and he won't return to him.

"Jeonghan, don't be nervous around me, l'm your man now." Wow - how can he not be nervous? Especially because he's his man now, haha.
1586 streak #9
Chapter 8: Punishment for what he did...? That sounds ominous. But maybe part of Cheol's kind treatment towards Jeonghan (aside from being smitten) is somewhat a form of atonement. Or he just really is a gangster with a heart of gold and he, and the other two, only ended up in that lifestyle because of misfortune and somehow didn't let it change their good natures.

It's truly a miracle that rescue finally came, especially with how dire Jeonghannie's condition had gotten, and it felt like tension was growing and an attack from the others could have happened soon. If they need another miracle to make it to a hospital to save him, then of course there can be one. It would be too tragic if help had come but too late, and they still have to confess and live happily ever after!
1586 streak #10
Chapter 7: Hahaha, so cute, even though Jeonghan didn't hear that confession. But the first kiss. Aww. He has so much to live for and so much to experience.