Chapter 05

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The hospital cafeteria buzzed with the usual midday chaos as Minjeong, Jimin, Aeri, and Yizhuo sat in their usual spot for a quick lunch break. Minjeong looked around, a subtle unease settling in as she failed to spot her doctor's parents. She reasoned that they were likely occupied with their respective professional duties, yet a lingering worry persisted. The emotional conversation with her mother, Taeyeon, had left her pondering whether Taeyeon had shared her sentiments about Changmin's remarriage.


As the four girls delved into casual banter about their day as medical students and the upcoming final test week, Jimin dropped a small bombshell into the conversation. "Hey, I won't be able to join you guys for our study session tonight. I'm having dinner with a friend," she casually mentioned.


Yizhuo, not one to let an opportunity pass, raised an eyebrow. "Friend, huh? Any chance this 'friend' might be more than just a friend?"


"Who's to say? Life is full of surprises," Jimin grinned, responding to her friends with an intentionally vague answer.

Aeri immediately seized the opportunity for playful banter. "Ooh, is this someone we should be aware of? Is he cute?"


Before Jimin could even respond, Yizhuo asked, “Do we know him?”


Jimin chuckled, "Ah, you two are too curious for your own good. Maybe you guys know him, maybe not. He's definitely not bad-looking."

Aeri and Yizhuo exchanged knowing glances, amplifying their teasing. Aeri nudged Minjeong, "Looks like Jimin's got some secrets she's not sharing."

Jimin's eyes twinkled mischievously as she teased them back. "Well, a girl has to keep some secrets, doesn't she? Let your imaginations run wild."

Minjeong, though, couldn't fully engage in the light-hearted banter and was lost in her own thoughts. A subtle disappointment washed over her, and she questioned the source of her feelings. Was it because she anticipated updating Jimin about the recent events—the visit to Minjeong's newborn brother and the subsequent heartfelt talk with her mom? Or was it a twinge of jealousy at the thought of Jimin possibly having a romantic rendezvous? Minjeong questioned her own feelings, perplexed by the unexplained discomfort.

Jimin couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Minjeong's mood. Despite the playful atmosphere, there was a flicker of unease in Minjeong's eyes that she couldn't ignore.

"Everything okay, Minjeong? Jimin gently nudged her.


Minjeong sighed, thinking that she must be out of her mind. She already thought her jealousy over an innocent baby and now, maybe over her best friend having a date.

"If something's bothering you, you know you can talk to us, right?" Yizhuo said.

Minjeong, trying to put on a brave front, offered a half-smile. "I'm just tired from the day, I guess. Don't worry about it." Her answer eerily reminded herself of her mother's reluctance to share her feelings. 'Like mother, like daughter' Minjeong recalled how her father would mention how much she resembled her mother more and more, even in personality. Minjeong started to see it.

Realizing that she had somewhat dampened the mood, Minjeong decided to lighten things up. She flashed a soft smile and said, "You know what, I think I just need a good cup of coffee to energize myself. Is anyone up for a coffee run? My treat."


Aeri, always ready for a coffee break, eagerly agreed. "I'm in! I need coffee."


Yizhuo chimed in with a playful grin. "Well, if Minjeong's treating, I won't say no!"


Jimin still sensed something amiss but gave her a gentle smile, " I could use a caffeine boost. Thanks, Minjeong."



The cozy glow of the apartment's soft lighting enveloped Taeyeon and Minjeong as they settled on the living room couch, cups of steaming hot tea cradled in their hands. The quiet hum of the night outside seemed to create a space for their conversation to unfold.


"So, how was your day, Minjeong? Anything exciting happens?" Taeyeon asked, her voice soft with genuine interest.


Minjeong took a sip of her tea, letting the warmth spread through her body before replying, "It was busy, as usual. Lots of rounds and patient consultations and I had a study session with the girls... except Jimin, she had a date tonight." Minjeong sighed, setting down her tea cup. “I can't believe she still manages to date tonight, of all nights. I don't know how she manages to juggle everything. How can she still find time to date when we're all drowning in textbooks and exams?"


Taeyeon chuckled softly, "Ah, young love. It always finds a way, doesn't it?"


She observed her daughter's expression, sensing the underlying emotions as Minjeong pouted and sunk deeper into the couch. "Why? Is it bothering you that Jimin has a date?"


Minjeong hesitated before admitting, "It's just... I guess I'm feeling a bit... envious?" She shrugged, as if unsure of her own feelings. “I just find it surprising that she still has time for a date when the final test is a week away.”

Taeyeon nodded, filing away Minjeong's reaction for further consideration. "How about you? Are you interested in anyone, Mindoongie?”


Minjeong blushed, caught off guard by the question. "Um, not really. I've been pretty focused on my studies," she replied, trying to deflect the attention away from herself.


“Fair enough,” Taeyeon smiled knowingly but didn't press further. Seeing how her daughter turned red and sulky, Taeyeon mused how her baby had grown up into a young woman but still as adorable as ever. After their emotional conversation the other day, Taeyeon felt a newfound determination to open up to Minjeong. She took a sigh before deciding to talk about her past as she promised. "You know, your dad and I started seeing each other when he tutored me to prepare for my exams.”


Minjeong's interest was piqued. She had always been curious about her parents' romantic history but was too scared to ask considering they’ve d

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Hi! Thank you for reading, it took me a while to continue the story but I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if the back-and-forth timeline is confusing, should I always put the time stamp?


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Chapter 7: nice and well written, i feel so sad for minjeong she has a lot to deal with.
21 streak #2
Chapter 7: Poor minjeong... A lot of things to think and deal about. Just focus on yourself for now
NessieW #3
Chapter 6: Well written theme of the anguish of a profound loss and the unforeseen consequences in this chapter.
21 streak #4
Chapter 5: Were they expecting another baby?
intotheneworld #5
I hope Minjeong got her closure :(
crimson_snow #6
Chapter 3: I completely understand Minjeong. Kids are arguably the ones that are hit the hardest when it comes to broken marriages. Adjusting is never easy, especially when there's a new family involved. She'll keep feeling she wasn't enough for her parents to stay together. I hope Minjeong will get to heal from the pain her parents unintentionally put her through, and I hope her parents give her more time to feel all the emotions she needs to feel before she heals.
plutoooooo #7
Seated. I like this story and your writing. Jimin is so gentle with Mindongie