
That Corner in The Library

Taemin was sitting alone on the floor in the corner, with his headphone and a book. The first day in university was not bad. He managed to avoid most people.  


Library definitely the most quite and comfortable place. His headphone was not even on. However it was such an odd thing, when a certain someone with such a fine face walking in his direction, Taemin suddenly heard guitars playing somewhere in the back of his head.


The tall athletic guy started to look for a book. A few minutes searching, seems like he didn’t find the book? The guy looked at Taemin.


“Are you reading that book or not? Because I need it.” The guy said, voice very low.

“I’m not.” The guy took the book with a low ‘thanks’.


The guy left along with the guitar sound. But when Taemin got up an hour later, passing the bookshelf, Taemin found the books that guy was looking for, many of them. Then why did he ask the one Taemin had? Taemin smiled at the thought that perhaps the book was just an excuse so that he could talk to Taemin. 




The next day Taemin found the same spot only that there was the same guy sitting there.


That guy looked up when Taemin stood right in front of him. 



“Can you move a little. I need this very corner space for myself.” Taemin asked, face flat.



There they were sitting side by side. One was busy reading, one was daydreaming while humming quitely. 


“Why do you even come here?” The guy asked with a confused face.

“Why do you ask?”

“Don’t you read?”

“I don’t. I just like it here because it’s quite?” Taemin hummed again.

“Are you listening to music?”

“No. It’s just something playing in my head.”


That day they learned each other’s name. That tall attractive guy named Minho. He was a student in his final year.


“Minho, are you sure you are a student?” 

“Of course, I am. Why?”

“I mean, you look like a bodybuilder.” Taemin said after observing Minho’s bigger figure.


Minho laughed almost too loudly and ruffled the younger’s hair. Taemin didn’t dislike it.



Some days Taemin went to the library and met Minho, some days they went there without seeing each other. Some days they spent few minutes, some days they spent hours. Some days they talked, some days they did nothing. But that particular space has been marked as theirs ever since the first meeting.


“You didn’t come yesterday?” Minho took out a book from his backpack.

“I did. You probably already left when I came.” Taemin also took out a book from his backpack.

“Oh? You read book?”

“This is manga, Minho. It’s different kind of book you usually read.”

“Are you an otaku?”



Taemin talked a lot. He told Minho how he liked every detective manga, satanic manga, sports manga, literally everything but romance. He watched anime and animation movies. He even had an anime OST playlist in his phone. So Minho concluded that Taemin was definitely an otaku.


It amazed Minho how Taemin could talk that much, eyes sparkling with excitement. He told Minho every characters and reasons why Minho should read manga as well. 


“But you know what, that girl in 3 o clock has been stealing glances at you.” Taemin said, face on his manga.


“I bet she likes you.” Taemin looked up to Minho. “Well, you look so boyfriend and all.”

“You think so?” Their eyes met.

“Yeah. Like bodybuilder boyfriend or something.” 


Minho laughed. Seriously he rarely laughed out loud, but he did many times whenever Taemin was around. 



 That day was different, something changed. Minho felt uncomfortable to find Taemin, a red rose tucked in his ear, talking to a guy in his and Taemin’s spot. 


“Tae?” Minho approached them.

“Is this the bookworm you are talking about?” Kai eyed Minho.

“Yeah.” Taemin answered.

“I’ll get going then. Thanks for helping me.” Kai left with a bow to Minho.


Minho claimed the space that supposed to be his. He wanted to ask who was that, but he was distracted by the red rose. 

“What is that?”

“Ah, this?” Taemin seems to forgot that he still had the rose on. “My friend gave me this, and painted me with this thing in my ear.” When Taemin was about to pull the rose, Minho caught Taemin’s wrist. 



“Looks good on you.” Minho stared for a while.




There was this sport festival that Kai participated. He made Taemin promise him to come and support his soccer team.


Taemin was definitely not into sport. But he was there in the first row, tried to show his face to his friend.


Kai ran to Taemin. “You came. Don’t worry, it’ll be fun.” Kai smiled wide. 


Taemin was unfocused, until he saw someone staring from the field. It turned out that Kai’s opponent was Minho.


Taemin couldn’t help but watch the whole match. Kai’s team played well but Minho’s team was better. During a short time out, Kai ran to Taemin again. 


“What’s wrong?”

“Give me some water.” Kai said, breathless.


Taemin was sure that they already prepared water for each player. But Taemin still gave Kai his water, without asking any further.


What Taemin didn’t know, Minho saw everything and he hated it.


The match was over and Minho’s team won big. Taemin wanted to congratulate him, but felt sorry for Kai. 


“If you want to make me feel better, have a movie noght with me?” Kai asked before Taemin leave.

“Definitely no.” 

“Come on. I’m totally sad right now.” Kai whined.


Kai and Taemin were good friends. They went to the same school since they were kids. So there was nothing weird about having a movie night between friends. But Taemin really only enjoyed watching movie alone. He didn’t give any answer to Kai yet.


Kai was gone to change his clothes. Taemin found an exit door when Minho called him, back leaning on the wall.





Minho dragged Taemin to the nearest empty changing room. The grip on Taemin’s wrist was really tight. 


“Minho?” Taemin was surprised when Minho slammed the door behind them. The room was dark, but they still could see each other.


“I need to kiss you right now or I’ll die.” Minho said, both hands on Taemin’s shoulder.

“What?” Taemin was trapped between Minho and the wall.

“I’m not even joking.”


Before Taemin even had time to protest, Minho already pulled him in to a kiss, a hard one. It was almost automatically that Taemin’s hands pushed Minho’s chest just a little to let him know. 


“Slow down, Minho. Why are you so…” Minho captured his lips again. He couldn’t get enough of it. 


Taemin didn’t seem to have much choice, so he kissed back, let Minho lead the kiss. 


When they parted, Minho smiled so brightly like a child that was rewarded with his favourite candy. 


Minho wiped Taemin’s glossy and wet lips. “How was it?” He asked.

“I’ll say, that’s such a weird way to ask for a kiss.”


Minho laughed and hugged the younger, stole a kiss on Taemin’s neck. 

“Are you done?” Taemin would be very embarrassed if someone came in suddenly.


“You want to kiss some more?” Minho asked teasingly.


“Fine.” Minho kissed him again and Taemin kissed him back.

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Inspired by: Bruno Major - Like Someone in Love.
Thanks for reading 😊


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969 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wow!
Minho had to stake his claim before someone steals Taemin.
misc13 #2
This is adorable!!
64 streak #3
Chapter 1: This was very sweet to see how their love progressed from friendship to romance. Taemin was used to be alone, headphones on without any music while he was sailing in the islands of daydreaming. Until Minho came and asked him for the book he was reading. Only to have that specific book all around him. That was the very first hint that something was building between them.

Then they started spending time together and not being awkward around each other. Until Jongin came and made Minho jealous.

but the rose really looks good on Taemin. It enhances his beauty.

How it turns out, Kai is in opposing team of Minho. So Taemin could watch Minho also play and get Mimho jealous of his interactions with Kai.

The way minho confessed was a little weird but definitely his way of confessing and hey, things worked out in the end. So everything is good.