Chapter 8

Hiding the Truth

Seeing Chanyoung again after he returned from his sessions this time was different than before. Chanyoung was colder than he had been personality wise. Something had definitely happened to make him seem that way. Seobin couldn't stay around Chanyoung for long, and found himself staying with Jeongwoo again.


Jeonggeun was being a better older brother figure at this point, but Seobin wouldn't admit that to Chanyoung's face. Chanyoung was trying his best, and that was all Seobin could ask for in his situation. He just wondered when Chanyoung would stop being so cold towards him and would actually talk to him again.


Meeting Jangjun was something else, as during one of Seobin's walks around near the bridge before meeting up with the others for their weekly talks on the bridge was when he finally met his brother's savior.


“You must be Seobin,” greeted Jangjun as Seobin stopped in front of him. “Chanyoung talks a lot about you,” he remarked, tilting his head to the side in question.


“You- you know big brother?” Asked Seobin as he blinked in confusion.


“I've met with him before yeah,” responded Jangjun as he nodded. “I am the one who helped your brother get through his sessions,” he explained.


“Oh!” Exclaimed Seobin as realization hit him. “Thank- you for keeping an eye on big- big brother!” He added. “Jang-Jangjun right?” He asked.


“Yes, that's me,” responded Jangjun as he grinned in a friendly way. “You're headed to the bridge right? Mind if I tag along?" He asked.


Seobin blinked, his eyes widening in wonder.


“I know your secret kid,” reminded Jangjun as he nodded his head. “Don't worry, your secret is safe with me,” he added.


“Am I that obvious?” Grumbled Seobin as he let out a sigh.


“Jeonggeun told me,” explained Jangjun as he shook his head. “You're not that obvious, I'm guessing you had years to keep it up?" He asked.


Seobin let out a soft sigh as he nodded his head. “I guess I'm not as good at hiding it as I once was,” he grumbled before continuing his walk, turning and motioning for Jangjun to follow him.


Jangjun followed after him, falling in line beside him as he did so. He wasn't the leader of his once squadron, that title belonged to someone else, but he was aware enough to know when someone wanted his presence or not.




When they got to the bridge Niki was there, leaning back against the railing as he waited on the others to arrive. He nodded at Jangjun, not too surprised to see him before turning to Seobin who leaned against the railing once he was beside Niki.


“Before you ask, I haven't seen Chanyoung lately,” grumbled Seobin. “I haven't been back in the dorms for a while now,” he explained. “I don't know what's up with him, his personality has completely changed,” he mused, looking thoughtful.


“I may have an answer for that, but we shall wait until the others get here before doing so,” reassured Jangjun as he nodded his head. “I have reason to believe he wasn't supposed to live the day I found him,” he mused, looking thoughtful.


Jeonggeun soon arrived with Jeongwoo, the both of them nodding at Jangjun who nodded back at them in greeting.


“Now that everyone's here, let's start this meeting,” started Seobin as he turned to face the others. “Anything new with my brother?” He asked.


“Not recently, no,” sighed Niki as he shook his head. “Juho had to go visit family, otherwise he'd be here,” he added, shrugging. “I don't know what he's been up to honestly,” he confessed, letting out a resigned sigh.


“Sounds like he's not in a good place, again,” mused Jeonggeun as he looked thoughtful. “From what you've said in the group chat he's changed a lot, mentally,” he added.


“I may have been the reason for that,” explained Jangjun as he shook his head in exasperation. “Your brother was really not in a good place this last session of his,” he added. “I don't think he would've tried something but when I stopped him from potentially doing something really stupid, well,” he explained letting out a sigh. “I was only there to check on him and nothing more,” he explained. “And I ended up causing him to stop what he was going to inevitably end up doing,” he added.


“So you think because of you stopping him he's pissed off and is lashing out at everyone?” Asked Seobin.


“It seems like it," responded Jangjun as he nodded his head. “But I can tell he didn't want to give up his life for your sake,” he explained. “So even when he was ready to end it all, the reminder that he was all you had left kept him going,” he added. “Allen tells me that Chanyoung has calmed down a bit so you can head back to the dorms,” he explained as an afterthought.


“Do you think we should do something about it soon?” Asked Jeonggeun as he looked at Jangjun with his head tilted to the side in question.


“I think so, but that's up to the kid here,” responded Jangjun as he nodded at Seobin.


“I think we should do something about it soon, maybe stage an intervention,” mused Seobin as he looked thoughtful.


Jeongwoo nodded in agreement, having a feeling about how much this was really affecting his friend. There wasn't much that they could do right now, but he was sure that Seobin would feel better about himself if they staged an intervention.


“I'm not sure what will happen next, but wouldn't telling him about you be a bit better than just leaving him in the dark?” asked Jeonggeun.


“I'm not going to do that just yet,” grumbled Seobin. “I'm not ready for that yet,” he sighed. “I'll explain it sometime, but not right now,” he explained. “He's not- not ready to face the truth yet,” he added.


“How are you sure he's not ready yet?” Asked Niki as he looked exasperated. “If he's not ready now, he's never going to be ready to face the truth,” he remarked with a sigh.


“I agree with the kid,” spoke up Jangjun as he nodded his head in confirmation. “The kid's brother isn't ready yet, there's something about him that makes me hesitant to even try to tell him the truth,” he explained.


“Something about the grief still keeping hold of him?” Asked Jeonggeun as he looked thoughtful. “Like if something triggers something else about this grief he'd snap or something?” He asked.


“Yes,” responded Seobin. “As much as I want to keep him in the dark, I will go to him in my own time,” he explained.

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Chapter 13. Time crunch!

Also I swear I'm not dead!


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