Chapter 10

Hiding the Truth

Seungmin coming over for a visit was not much different from when Jake had visited Jeongwoo back home a while back. He had this time, told everyone in the group chat that Seungmin was visiting so Seobin was able to at least spend more time with Juho instead of feeling obligated to spend time with Jeongwoo because he couldn't speak. Jeongwoo did have his own way of communicating with his brothers, so he reassured the group chat that he'd be fine.


It was how Jeongwoo found himself hanging out with his oldest brother since Jake and Jeonggeun couldn't take time off from their classes. They were currently walking around in comfortable silence, Jeongwoo pretty much leading the way while Seungmin took in the sights of the city.


“You know, it's been a while since I was last here,” commented Seungmin as he walked with Jeongwoo. “I believe that the last time I was here I was here for Jake,” he hummed, thinking back on it. “Jake's matured a lot since the last time I saw him, and so have you it seemed,” he mused, turning to Jeongwoo.


Jeongwoo nodded along, agreeing with Seungmin on Jake's mental state. Ever since he had become a member of Hwon's guard Jake had become different. He was surprised that Seungmin was able to pick up on that fact.


“Just call it a brother's intuition,” was all Seungmin said in explanation.


Jeongwoo nodded in reply, agreeing with Seungmin. He had also picked up on the small things concerning Jake. Seungmin was still a mystery to him, but Jeongwoo would figure him out eventually while he was visiting here.


“I know, you don't know me as well anymore, but I promise you that I'm still pretty much the same person,” reassured Seungmin as he smiled reassuringly at Jeongwoo.


“Jeongwoo!” Shouted a familiar voice as Seobin ran over with Juho behind him.


Jeongwoo and Seungmin turned to Seobin who came to a stop in front of him.


“I-I got new- markers!” Exclaimed Seobin as he showed Jeongwoo. “Jang-Jangjun gave me them!” He explained with a grin.


Jeongwoo nodded, happy for his friend. He had an idea of what this meeting was really about, but with Seungmin there he wasn't sure if they could really speak the truth for the moment.


“He couldn't wait to show you,” explained Juho as he rubbed the back of his neck in sheepishness. “We'll meet up later, yeah?” He asked.


Jeongwoo turned to Seungmin, unsure of what his brother would do.


“Why not go now?” Asked Seungmin as he shrugged. “I'll find my way home, it's not hard,” he explained. “Don't let me keep you away from your friends, I can see they're important to you,” he added.


Jeongwoo blinked, looking unsure as he turned back to Seobin and Juho.


“If you're okay with it mister,” questioned Seobin as he looked at Seungmin.


“Call me Seungmin, and yes,” responded Seungmin as he nodded. “I need to catch up with Jake anyway, so go have fun,” he encouraged, nudging Jeongwoo forward.


Jeongwoo turned, grinning at Seungmin before turning back to Seobin and Juho.


“Thank you mister!” Shouted Seobin before he ran back the way he came with Juho letting out an exasperated sigh before following after him.


Jeongwoo let out a soft chuckle before following after them, making sure to turn and wave at Seungmin before continuing to go after his friends.


Seungmin watched them go with a soft smile before turning and starting the walk back home.




They met up at the bridge again, with Niki and Jeonggeun waiting on them as everyone showed up.


Jeonggeun was the first to speak, making sure everyone could hear him. “Well, what’s the news with Chanyoung?” He asked.


“He’s spiraling again,” grumbled Seobin, speaking louder for everyone to hear. “I don’t know what’s causing this one but it’s getting really bad,” he explained with a sigh.


“Do you think he’ll try something soon?” Asked Niki.


“It’s possible,” responded Seobin as he nodded his head. “But I want to be able to help him,” he added. “I don’t know what we can really do though,” he grumbled, looking down at his feet.


“I think it’s time you told him,” encouraged Jeonggeun as he looked concerned. “I think it’ll be easier on him,” he explained.


“But how do I explain something like that?” Asked Seobin. “This isn’t anything like me being sick and suddenly I’m better,” he explained.


“He’s got a point,” chimed in Niki as he nodded in agreement. “We can stage the intervention, but how can we?” He asked. “We don’t know what his reaction will be, or what he would do to Seobin,” he explained.


“If he cared enough wouldn’t he accept it?” Asked Jeonggeun. “I mean he took care of you all these years, right?” He asked.


“I don’t think so,” responded Seobin as he shook his head no. “I don’t know if you remember how he was back then, Juho but,” he added, sighing a bit.


“No, I remember,” grumbled Juho as he nodded his head. “But I know that after the accident he did try to change for you,” he added. “Jimin really knocked some sense into him back then, and after everything, well,” he mused, sighing at the last part.


“I don’t remember Jimin too well,” grumbled Seobin as he looked down at his feet. “I do remember him being a good person, but not much,” he added, sighing a bit.


“Did the accident mess up your memories at all?” Asked Juho as he looked concerned.


“No, I remember when Jimin was alive, even after the accident, but my mind wasn’t fixed back then so my memories are hazy at best,” explained Seobin as he shook his head. “I remember some parts, but other parts are just either not there or are blocked out due to trauma I guess,” he added.


“Well, let’s just think about how we’re doing this now,” reminded Jeonggeun as he changed the subject. “Because I don’t know if you’re able to convince him without the witnesses, which would be us,” he explained.


“Is there any other news?” Asked Juho as he looked at the others.


“Jangjun said something about my soulmate mark,” chimed in Niki as he nodded his head. “He’s not sure what it is either, but he said he’d get  back to me when he could about it,” he explained.


“Do you think you even have a soulmate mark at this point?” Asked Jeonggeun, looking curious.


“I don’t know,” responded Niki as he let out a sigh. “Knowing how no one looks at me like when they look at someone who lost their soulmate I think this is better, and maybe there’s a chance,” he added.


“We’ll have to come back on that later,” reminded Jeonggeun. “The main priority right now is to check on Chanyoung,” he added.


With that everyone split, going their separate ways back to where they were needed.




Jeongwoo sat at the dinner table with Jake and Seungmin, Jake having taken them out for dinner that night. Seungmin was due back in Japan within the next day or so, so Jake wanted to spend at least the last few hours with him before he was due back in Japan.


“You two are doing well,” remarked Seungmin as he ate his food. “Just keep doing what you’re doing, just don’t forget to visit sometime yeah?” He asked.


Jeongwoo nodded in reassurance, grinning at Seungmin as Seungmin smiled in return.


Jake nodded his head. “I’ll come visit sometime, as you guys need to visit us at some point, yeah?” He asked.


Jeongwoo listened to his brothers bantering about the most random of things over dinner, nodding along as they tried to include him in their conversation. He wished he could provide some input, but at least they were trying for him.




Niki let out a soft sigh as he read the message from Jangjun. He had expected better news, but it seemed like the world wasn’t in his favor this time. He wasn’t sure he was ready to let the others know yet, but someone had to know right? He got up, walking out of his room and down the hall to Juho’s room. He knocked on the door and opened it, walking in once Juho told him to walk in.


“What’s up?” Asked Juho as he looked up at Niki.


“I don’t have a soulmate,” blurted out Niki before looking down at his feet.

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Chapter 13. Time crunch!

Also I swear I'm not dead!


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