I guess that’s life?

Minjeong-ssi to Jimin ssi
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About to start calling this the dilution of discontinues, ALMOST ALL THE STORIES I'M CURRENTLY READING HAVE BEEN DISCONTINUED! :[[[[

So anyway yea, to get over the boredom of having nothing to read I thought to release every draft I have and update them over the next year as boredom killing and mourning over the loss of the stories I've been personally loving...




What is it like to move into your own home? Hectic? Is it hard? Is it stressful? Or is it all of the above?


For Jimin and Minjeong, the difficulty went up. Afterall, going from your parents house straight into moving in with a lover is a drastic change, not to mention keeping a balance in the home, leaving enough space for your lover’s personality to shine through while not letting yours be overshadowed.


Yet, as if it wasn’t already difficult, the two had mismatching work days. Winter would work on weekends, half days on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, leaving half days on mondays and Fridays when she had club.


While Jimin would only have days off on weekends, and even then, she could be summoned back to the office if anything went majorly wrong. 


Which basically meant that on this fine Wednesday afternoon, both girls were stuck in either their classrooms, or their office.


“Jimin, I need you to make sure the collaboration goes well this time, our stock has been on a maintenance level, I made you director to see it rise, not stagnate.” Sighing and nodding to her father, Jimin turns to the door, walking out of her father’s giant office.


Pressing the button for the twentieth floor, the girl would sigh to herself once again, wondering what all this was for.


Upon entering her office however, Jimin would once again smile to herself as she takes a deep breath in. Her office was filled with Minjeong, the diffuser she got from the younger girl as a gift, the blanket the girl bought on their trip together a year ago, a large photo of the two of them at the sea together, one taken by Aeri, framed on her wall, right in front of her desk. 


Her desk that was filled to the brim with files.


“You got this Yu Jimin, finish the work, go fetch Mindoongie, and then you can relax. Hwaiting!” Pumping herself up as she waited for the computer to finally boot up, the woman would create an alarm for 4pm, 4 hours from now.


“ If I get done before 4...I’ll manage to fetch her at about 4:14 , right before the traffic jams. Nice, all to perfection!”





" Shut up! I don't want to hear it out of you! Babe you seriously cheated on me with this little ?" A sigh. Minjeong glares at the two boys in front of her, hoping they'd at least have the decency to just fight outside the classroom


" did you just call me? Say it again I ing dare you." Raising their fists to each other's faces, The two boys would grab each other's collar as they swung down, only for the sound of a high pitched screech to interrupt the first punch.


"Can we just stop it?? I need time to think, so just leave me alone!" Minjeong's eyes would glance over the girl, unable to stop herself from snorting behind her textbook.


"Think? Think about what! You cheated on me, with him! What is there to even think about!?" Silently agreeing, the red haired girl would begin packing her bags, deciding to just move to a seat nearer to the front of the class hall.


" Exactly, you wanna stay with this little -" Slamming her textbook on the table and glaring at the man child, Minjeong would sigh before saying a few curses underneath her breath, loud enough just for the three clowns and her seatmate to hear.


" Fight outside if you really have the balls to fight,if you're in here the professor will just stop you anyway. Acting like ing children." Without waiting for any response, Minjeong decides to walk down the staircase to the side of the classroom, scanning the hall for an empty seat.


Luckily, Yunjin starts waving her down, patting the seat beside her and Zuha.


Finally able to take out her notebook, Minjeong would begin to take notes again.


" What was happening back there? We weren't close enough to hear them clearly but trust me, we could HEAR them." Finishing up the phrase in her notebook, Yunjin would turn to Minjeong, hand running through her orange hair.


"Some stupid relationship thing, it's a pain in the to explain. I don't get why other people behave like that. If they really loved their partner, why cheat? Why resort to infidelity as the first response?" Highlighting the keywords on her notes, Minjeong decides to draw a little cat emoticon beside the formula.


" Well, different couples have different problems I guess? Not everyone gets a rich older woman 5 years older who is romantic and mature you know. Speaking of, tell us who it is already, it's been 2 years, Minjeong." Looking to her right, Minjeong would finally notice Yuri sitting next to her, fingers already copying the next set of notes, Minjeong would begin to do so too.


"It's a secret, she's mine and mine only." Another cat is drawn, on top this time.


"How nice~ I want to have someone bring me to school, movie theatres, give me cute little flower rings and post-it notes on my birthday~ little laptop dates when I don't wanna go out, brings me food if I'm hungry no matter the time~ how nice." Sighing dreamily, Yuri would pout towards her notebook in front of her.


"Why're you stalking my ig-" Pausing to look at the black haired woman, Minjeong begins questioning if she should stop posting the things Jimin and her do.


"I repost them and comment too so that a certain SOMEONE would take note, a DUCK mayhaps." Looking over to her girlfriend, Yuri would sigh disappointedly seeing said girl with her eyes closed, mouth slightly open and drooling on the desk. 


"Minjeong, tell me where you found such a woman..." Transcribing the words of the professor, Minjeong thought back to 4 years ago.




Closing shifts means a customer showing up at the last minute with a huge order, it’s like a routine curse for all fnb retail workers working the night shift.


That would hold true for Minjeong who just spent an extra 15 minutes completing a 14 drinks order for some christmas eve party, after closing time. 


Finally, after counting the cash and machine earnings for the day, making sure everything was tallied, that there weren't any visas keyed as masters, any Nets payments keyed as anything else and all the online orders were sent into the system, Minjeong would finally be able to close up.


And so she would, putting the hook they had to close the shutters of the store within the tiny gap the lid of the metal had.


"Sorry! Can I just have one cup of coffee? Anything at this point, I'm serious. I'll pay triple if it makes it better!" A frustrated sigh would come from the already sleepy Minjeong, turning around to see who exactly was this 'customer'


"Sorry, but we're...closed." Minjeong’s eyes widened, not expecting a woman dressed in a suit, especially not one with her hair wavy, slightly damp from running, with eyes that had dark greyish contact lenses on top of them, lips with a slightly pinkish maroon hue along with a mole right next to them. 


In hindsight, Minjeong would go as far as to say she might have fallen for the older woman right then and there. Especially the way the woman's hair stuck to her nape, the young girl's eyes were practically mesmerised by the slight shine the woman's sweat carried, courtesy of the street lights.


" I know, and I'm being really selfish for this, I know that too, I'm like the world's tiest customer, I know that. But I just got off from a 38 hour work day, and now something went wrong and I need to fix it... within the next 24 hours." Seeing the dark circles around the woman's eyes, Minjeong was getting slightly worried about the wellbeing of the older woman, while also contemplating within her head if she should just it up and complete this order or find it within herself to reject this woman. Who had tears welling up behind her eyes.


Guess that wasn't a hard choice at all then.

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A smol update~~~


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kasterian 0 points #1
Chapter 4: ah i made that mistake before 🥲🥲 bought a desk and it didn’t fit the car so i returned it immediately and bought the model online instead LOL but the worst part? i got the wrong size 😃😃 (it all works out now tho cuz it fits my 2 monitors and PC 😌)
Chapter 3: the last part LMAOOO i cant😭😭💀
Gyeolui #3
Chapter 2: Thank you for writing jmj, authornim 😍
Chapter 1: So cute!! Thank you for making a jmj fluff story! I was getting depressed to see so many stories getting discontinued 😭 you're a lifesaver author-nim!! 🥰
crimson_snow #5
Chapter 1: Their first meet is so cute!! And I love you thank you for writing jmj fluff 🥰