
The better plot


This was a bad idea, a terrible idea actually. Jeongyeon knew she should have never agreed to return, Korea wasn’t a happy place for her and she knew returning would trigger the worst memories. But she had just finished her season, she had about three months until she’d have to start auditioning again, and there was absolutely no reason for her to not return for her sister’s wedding, even less reason for her not to have an extended stay, since she was already going through the trouble of returning. Not to mention christmas in New York wasn’t that glamorous when you don’t have anyone to share the magic with. 


But Jeongyeon wasn’t a very smart woman, everyone knew it, she would give in too easily with those she held close to her heart. This was the reason she agreed promptly once Jihyo asked her to star in a small production while she was in the country. Yoo Jeongyeon, former mediocre model, turned broadway’s rising sensation, sister to pop actress Gong Seungyeon, korea’s sweetheart, would be a great name to include in the project. Truth was, Jihyo was by no means a small name in the Korean film industry, but this was her personal project. It was an indie movie and relatively small production, big names would help hype it up.


The Yoos were more than happy their youngest was home, they didn’t even mind that she had committed to a project during her visit. Seungyeon was busy with her own filming, she could eventually make a special appearance to support her little sister, but that was about it. The ceremony was two days after Jeongyeon arrived, she had already brought her dress from overseas, Seoyeon had sent pictures from the ones her other bridesmaids would be wearing and the exact color she should have it made in. Much like the bride’s sisters, the groom’s brothers would be wearing a different color.


Jihyo called the day after the wedding to tell her friend about the first cast meeting, the following monday, and Jeongyeon was just happy she would have two days to rest, not to mention there was also the lunch with both families at the groom’s family cottage and she was always up for good food she wasn’t paying for. Mrs Yoo, as she did ever since her first daughter got into school, came upstairs to wake her girls and tell them it was three hours later than it really was. Seungyeon was always the hardest to get up on her own, so Jeongyeon went to make sure her sister wasn’t back asleep once she hung up with her friend.


The days leading up to this cast meeting were suspiciously calm, that alone should be raising lots of red flags, but nothing could have prepared her for what she found inside the meeting room. Jihyo was very fidgety the moment Jeongyeon stepped out of her rental car, sure, they hadn’t the best experience back when the older one first got her license, but that was no reason to look that apprehensive, Jeongyeon thinks. 


“I know that we almost died six years ago, but there’s no reason to look like that just because I’m driving.” Jeongyeon says instead of greeting.


Jihyo lets out a very hollow laugh before speaking. “Come here and hug me, you idiot!”


“You know Ji, this is supposed to be my very relaxing and very not working time at home. We could have just met for a meal or something.” Jeongyeon says once they start heading inside.


“It’s great to see you back.” Jihyo says, trying hard to sound neutral. “I’m grateful you decided to do this.”


“Well, we’ve known each other since forever, and you did have my back when I needed to leave back then.”


“I hope the sentiment will continue.” The shorter woman says and opens the door to their meeting place.





Two very familiar voices greet the actress when she steps inside, both voices bringing a feeling of nostalgia and an ache in her heart that she never thought she’d feel. Jeongyeon turns to the voices and is surprised to see those two, but very pleased to see them both. Was this what Jihyo was nervous about? The director knew about these two, but the only one she had seen the face of was Dahyun, Sana had already gone back to Japan when Jihyo came into Jeongyeon’s life.  The taller of the two immediately pulled the actress into a hug that expressed just how much she missed the woman, the younger one smiled fondly and waited for her turn patiently. Dahyun was always a soothing presence, and when Jeongyeon thinks about it, these two would be a perfect fit.


After the heartfelt reunion, Jihyo hurried everyone to take their places so she could begin the meeting. They were listening to the director go on about the schedule and how things would be a bit more fast paced as this was a small production and they didn’t want to extend anything more than needed. Someone loudly opens the door, when she sees the source of the disruption, Jeongyeon can’t help but snap her eyes towards Jihyo, who was already looking at her, and mouth that they would talk later. The director only throws an apologetic look and clears .


“And this is the last of us, let’s begin shall we?!” Jihyo says to the whole room, before restarting whatever she was saying.


“Are you alright?” Dahyun whispers carefully.


“Remember what I told you back when we got together?” Jeongyeon manages to keep her anger at bay.


“How could I ever forget anything you’ve ever told me.” The pale woman, as usual, has this way of putting her love into every single word.


“Well, the one who got me like that back then was the who just came through the door.” The older woman sighs in annoyance and goes quiet after that.


Dahyun studies the woman who just arrived, she was tall, beautiful and was looking at Jeongyeon with an intensity that only a lot of baggage could summon. Sana was curious about the sudden change in the mood, but knew she wouldn’t get any information before this whole meeting was over, so she just slid a note to Jeongyeon asking to grab some coffee after they were done and the older woman agreed promptly, but the sigh that followed was heavier than the last one and that only made the japanese more worried.


Jihyo and the other producer droned on about everything for the next hour and a half before dismissing everyone for lunch and reminding them the first table read would take place at three. Jeongyeon was the first one up, murmuring to her two companions she would wait for them out front and bolted out of the room before anyone could register she was gone. Dahyun and Sana looked at each other in worry, but quickly followed, agreeing that it would be better to be away from here to get Jeongyeon to talk to them, Sana didn’t even remember she had asked the older korean out alone. They only relaxed once the group was seated at a small restaurant and waiting for their meal.


“Ready to talk to us?” Sana asks, her usual gentleness turned up.


“Well, you don’t know because it happened after you went back to Japan.” Jeongyeon huffed. “The last person to arrive? That was the person I dated after you left, things didn’t go well.”


“She’s being shy about it.” Dahyun chuckled lightly. “That woman left Jeong completely broken and they didn’t have a very good split. I’d know, I was the one who helped her pick up the pieces.”


“Oh, so you two-” Sana is a bit stunned.


“We dated, yes.” Dahyun might look all kinds of soft, but she was ruthless in her speech. 


“We had a great run, but I had to leave.” There’s a bittersweet smile on the older korean’s face. 


Sensing it would be good to step away from whatever was building up between them, Dahyun decides to break the mood. “So, you are Jeong’s Sana, then. I heard a lot about you.”


“Don’t believe anything she says.” Sana is quick to say, accepting the change of subject easily. “Jeongyeonnie has always been too sentimental and tends to exaggerate a bit.”


“If you two are just gonna gang up on me, I’ll just walk away now.” Jeongyeon jokes.


“Don’t be like that Jeongyeonnie.” The younger korean coos. “We love you.”


The younger korean clearly means more than what she said, but nobody mentions anything. Dahyun dives across the table to pinch Jeongyeon’s cheeks, Sana laughs heartily but doesn’t move a muscle to help, despite the pleas. When the waitress arrives with their food, the japanese merely pushes the other two back to their seats and helps the woman arrange their order. Jeongyeon sees the food and simply falls limp, she knew Dahyun wouldn’t stop until she was satisfied, and she was really hungry. Sana, the traitor, keeps laughing as she serves the food.


The meal was nice, very lighthearted despite being between exes, and the trio makes their way to the little river nearby. Once they had to return for the table reading, all were very light, Jeongyeon was notably better than when they left. Regardless, the taller woman led the way in and noticed there were nameplates around the table, and she was seated right beside the one person she never wanted to see again, but Sana was on her other side, so she decided to fixate on that. Jihyo made her way in not much later, she threw a cautious glance towards Jeongyeon, but saw nothing but anger and didn’t meet her eyes again.


The first table reading went as well as a first table reading could go, and that’s saying a lot about Jeongyeon’s professionalism. She asked Dahyun and Sana to wait for her once it was over, she really didn’t want to be left behind to fend for herself. The person beside her, who was stealing glances throughout the entire thing, looked like she was waiting for it to be over to say something, but that wasn’t happening, not today. Jihyo was obviously nervous about how this would play out, she knew she shouldn’t have gambled like that, and it would be completely understandable if her main actress stepped out now, but she needed to try.


“Jeongyeon, can we talk?” Came the request as the woman was rushing down the hallway.


“No.” She answered and turned away.


“Please, I just want to talk.” The plea becomes more desperate.


“There is nothing for us to talk about, now stay away from me.” This time, Jeongyeon doesn’t wait.


The korean rushes away, grabbing her only two supports by the arm and walking out of the building as fast as she could, without looking rude. Jihyo saw it and tried to rush after her friend, throwing a ‘sorry’ over her shoulder as she passed by the person still standing in the hallway. Dahyun and Sana were looking worried, they knew Jeongyeon wasn’t the type to be that cold and rough with people, but they also knew if the woman was acting like that, it must be something that ran deep. The older woman thanks them rushedly, says she’ll call them later and drives off in time for the woman she left in the hallway to get to the parking lot.


“You do know who that was, right?” Dahyun asked once the car was out of the lot.


“Not really, but I’m guessing you do. Also, you are another ex too.” Sana says, no malice in her words.


“And so are you.” The korean smiled gently. “But how about we get out of here and have dinner, then we can talk about everything.”


“I like dinner. Did you drive here?” The older one agreed easily.


“I did, did you?” Once she gets a negative, Dahyun continues. “Great, then let’s get out of here before those two notice we are still around and decide it’s a great time to interrogate us.”


Sana is a bit confused, but they look towards the entrance and see Jihyo talking to the woman. The director is a bit apologetic but the woman seems angry about something. Dahyun grabs Sana’s hand and guides both to her car, they wait inside the vehicle for a few moments and leave right as the duo gets back inside. While those two were having fun getting to know each other, Jeongyeon drove home thinking things through and decided it would be better to find herself a temporary residence while in this project. She couldn’t get out now, it would be extremely unprofessional, and despite being on the rise, she still wasn’t a name solid enough to bail without consequence. 


Sure, her family had moved and she was certain Jihyo had no idea where the new house was, but better safe than sorry with this. Getting home, it was clear Jeongyeon wasn’t in the best mood, but they were her family, they knew how to handle her. So everyone bid their time, they had dinner, dessert, settled down for the evening and were halfway through an episode of Seungyeon’s newest drama when mama Yoo decided to speak.


“Alright, we let you sulk, now speak up.” The woman said, stomping on her youngest’s , who was laying on the floor.


“Ouch, mom!” Jeongyeon tried to wiggle away but her mother was relentless.


“You know we can’t escape mom, just tell her what she wants to know, Jeong.” Seungyeon says tiredly.


“I don’t know what she wants me to say!” The youngest whines, still trying to get away from her mother.


“You’ve been sulky since you got home, we thought you’d be happy to be working with Jihyo after so long, but that obviously isn’t happening.” Mr Yoo laughed and tapped his wife’s leg to have her stop.


“Well, Jihyo is a backstabber.” Jeongyeon says, sitting up and away from her mother.


“Why are you talking about Jihyo like that?” Mrs Yoo chided.


“Well, mom, remember why I ended up in New York to begin with?”


“How could we forget?” Seungyeon answers, in one of the few moments she’s serious with her sister. “You were destroyed and being here only hurt you more each day that passed.”


“Yeah, so you’ll excuse me when I call Jihyo a backstabber for casting her to be one of my counterparts after everything that happened.” 


“Wait, Jihyo did what?” Mr Yoo, the usually easy going man, looks furious.


“Yeah, I found out today that Jihyo cast her. So excuse me for being pissed that the person who was supposed to have my back, who was there to witness how she broke me, decided it was a great idea to stab me in the back like that.”


“Oh, wow.” Is all mrs Yoo could say.


“Also, I know you guys moved and that Jihyo probably doesn’t know this address, but I’d like to ask you to not tell her anything.” Jeongyeon decides to speak up. “I’ll get temporary lodging while this production is ongoing, but if she calls, don’t say anything.”


“You sure you don’t want to stay here?” Mr Yoo asks thoughtfully.


“Well dad, I’m not putting it above those two to follow me, so I’d prefer if I didn’t lead any of them here. I’ll come over for dinner as much as I can, but I’d prefer to be somewhere else with a bit more security.”


“It’s alright, I’ll stay with her while she’s there.” Seungyeon offers. “Before you complain, I can easily spend the few weeks you’ll be filming somewhere else with you. And I’ll always have your back, little sys.” 


“Fine, you’ll stay somewhere else, but Seungyeon goes with you.” Mrs Yoo decides. “And we won’t pick up if Jihyo or anyone from her family calls.”

“Thank you, guys.” Jeongyeon gets a bit emotional from the support she’s getting from her family. “Also, Sana and Dahyun are in the production too.”


“Wait, you mean YOUR Sana and Dahyun?” Mrs Yoo, ever the gossiper.


“Yup, those two.” The youngest confirms. “They are some potential interests to my character too.”


“Now that is some interesting drama.” Seungyeon rubs her chin. “I’m sure the script is good too.”


Jeongyeon just huffs and leaves the room, they let her go because she was visibly relaxed now and had already talked about what was troubling her. Seungyeon sent a message to her own manager and asked for good options for short term lodging for herself and her sister. They packed the next morning and left right after lunch, mr and mrs Yoo were a bit sad that their daughters were gone, but they also wanted the house to themselves again, plus, the girls would come over whenever they could and Jeongyeon would have another week or two between finishing the movie and going back to New York, so there’s that too.


There would be another table reading this afternoon and tomorrow they’d begin shooting. Sana and Dahyun were still worried, but Jeongyeon explained she had taken a few security measures and as long as neither of them said anything to anyone, they could go to the place she’s staying and have dinner with Seungyeon. Both agreed promptly, but the worry was still there, despite all knowing Jeongyeon wouldn’t step down and this mess was only bound to grow. Jihyo was found pacing in front of the meeting room, waiting for her friend to show up and maybe talk to her.


“You two can go ahead, I’ll handle this.” Jeongyeon told her companions once they stopped in front of the director.


“Alright, just tell me if I’ll be needing my shovel.” Sana giggled.


“If you plan to be messy, do it in the bathroom, it’s easier to clean.” Dahyun added before both disappeared through the door.


These two are all rainbows and cotton candy, but they were completely serious with their offers. Jihyo takes a few moments to gather herself and Jeongyeon just stands there, already feeling her patience thin.


“Look, I know you two had a terrible fallout, but maybe if you talked to her and heard her explanation you’d feel better.” The director tries.


“I don’t know what you might be thinking, Park, but you were there when everything happened.” Jeogyeon’s voice has never been that cold towards her. “But there’s nothing to be ‘heard out’. There is no other side to anything, she was a scumbag cheater, a piece of that will not have any place in my life ever again.”


“C’mon, Jeong.” The younger woman begs. “You’re gonna work with her, she’s one of the romantic interests. Maybe it’s time to get over whatever this is?”


“Listen here, Park Jihyo, and listen well.” Jeongyeon seethes. “I don’t know and don’t want to know what the hell you have with her, but I do not want to get over anything, she is a liar and a cheater and there’s no talking around it. I don’t give a single about whatever you might have heard or how she manipulated you, goddess knows she’s great at that. But let’s make one thing clear, I’ll continue in this production because, unlike you, I’m a professional and will honor my engagements. If you want to salvage the last of the sympathy I have for you, you will drop this and be professional. I’ll deal with you stabbing me in the back after this is said and done.”


There was nothing Jihyo could say to counter that. The director knew her friend could be a bit angry, but she was hoping that the time away would have smoothed things, it clearly didn’t. She will get through today and review her strategy later, but Jeongyeon should really talk to her and let her explain, even if just for closure. Regardless, Jihyo saw her silhouette lingering behind Jeongyeon and decided to say nothing at the time, hoping the older korean would say something good. Well, that didn’t happen, and now she is approaching with the saddest eyes but holding back the tears.


“At least you tried.”


“I’m sorry, Tzu. She seems really angry.”


“It’s alright Jyo, I did lie to her back then.”


“But she could at least let you explain. I mean, behind all the hate in her eyes just now, I can clearly see the sadness and pain.”


The taller woman chuckled wetly. “Exactly, she isn’t showing anything positive, maybe it’s time to let her be. I’ll try again later, but just step away for now.”


Jihyo wanted to protest, but she too knew it would make everything much worse if she pushed it right now. They entered the room and the tension was back, Tzuyu took her place beside Jeongyeon but, as the previous day, wasn’t even dignified with a single look. The second table reading was much better, and they would start shooting first thing tomorrow. It's not like Jihyo had the budget to spend a month with the crew around a table to ‘get the feeling for the characters’. Jeongyeon was visibly pissed throughout the whole thing, she breezed through her part, however, being perfectly professional, acting out her part in ways the directors and producers could have never imagined.


By the end of the day, the other directors started giving out their schedules and reminders. The set director spoke about how he would be working around the filming areas and asked everyone to not linger around unused sets as he’d be switching those as filming was taking place. Makeup and wardrobe director explained how his team worked, said he would be handing out the schedules to each actor on set tomorrow and asked all who were on for the first filming to arrive at five. Then there were the ones Jeongyeon made sure to tune out because it wasn’t directly related to her, she already heard to not muck around unused spaces, that was all she needed to hear for the moment.


They got a lunch break, in which Jeongyeon asked her two companions to accompany her and they promptly accepted. Everyone made quick work of eating and finding out where they were supposed to be, Jeongyeon was shooting her first scene with Dahyun, which she loved. They would be shooting the ending first, as Jeongyeon’s hair was long and she’d cut it in a bob for the rest of the movie, they’d do a time skip for the ending and Jihyo wanted to keep the mystery by shooting three different endings, one with each of the love interests, so Tzuyu would be the next one with her. At least Sana was the final one, so there was that to soothe Jeongyeon.


“Alright, that will be a wrap.” Jihyo announces.


“Do you want me to wait for you?” Dahyun asks as they are leaving the set.


“No need, you can go on. Sana is the last one, so there’s a silver lining at least.” Jeongyeon shrugs tiredly.

“Sana and I are carpooling, so I’ll wait regardless. I’ll just get out of costume and come back to watch.”


“Thanks, Hyunnie.” The taller woman hugs her friend tightly.


“Alright, Jeong, do you need anything before we go on to the next soothing?” The director asked once the actresses approached.


“I’ll just go to the bathroom and get some water, shouldn’t be more than ten minutes.” Jeongyeon sounds beyond cold.


“Take thirty, maybe get your makeup retouched? We need to reset everything and prepare the snow machine again.” Jihyo tries to sound friendly.


“Alright, I’ll be back soon, then.” The tallest one nods and walks away.


Dahyun follows, not before throwing an apologetic smile to the director. Sure, Jeongyeon was extremely professional and was breezing through everything, but her being this angry at the director couldn’t be good. Regardless, the final test would take place in less than half an hour, Jeongyeon and Tzuyu would be in a romantic scene, which included a passionate kiss. If they could go through this scene, they could get through the whole production, Jihyo was only hoping for no murders on set. 


The thing about Jeongyeon that nobody knew, because she developed the skill away from all of them, was that she learned to perfectly embody the character she was playing. The love scene with Tzuyu went without a single setback, they reshot as many parts as Jihyo needed, the kiss was passionate and showed the perfect amount of emotion, it looked like there was nothing happening behind the scenes. The moment Jihyo yelled cut, however, Jeogyeon took five steps away from her counterpart, looking completely nauseated, waited for any remarks and dashed away once they were dismissed.


Jihyo went to the remaining actress to talk, the assistant director, who had been shadowing the director from the beginning and witnessed everything, went after the one who fled. Dahyun and Sana had been talking on set, one already done for the day, the other waiting for her turn, and didn’t quite see Jeongyeon leave, just noticed that she was suddenly not there anymore. The actress was tucked in a corner between the trailers, she was hunched over a drain and spilling her guts out. The good part about shooting on the street, the assistant director guessed, was that at least there wouldn’t be a mess to clean.


“You don’t have to be here.” Jeongyeon rasped, out of breath. “I know this isn’t very pleasing to witness.”


“It’s alright. Somebody should be here with you.” The calm voice responds.


“Mrs Myoui, you are too kind.” The actress turns around, she looks sickly. “I’m sorry for just running away like that, but I couldn’t hold it in much longer, as you can see.”


“I’m sure there’s much more to the story than what Jihyo told me.” Mina laughs. “And it’s ms Myoui, plus, you can just call me Mina.”


The actress takes the water bottle being offered, rinses and spits it out before motioning for them to, at least, get away from the drain. Mina nods gently and leads the way, both stopping not much further. They were behind the equipment trailers, as the shooting was on location and they needed the lights and cameras and whatnot for it. It was a cafe in the middle of Nusa-ri, the next place would be the bird park nearby but they really only had today in this one location. Jeongyeon took a few moments to make sure her stomach had really settled before speaking.


“Thank you.” The actress means more than just the water.


“My pleasure.” The assistant director smiles gently. 


“Can I take you to dinner later? I mean, we’ll finish here really late, and I’m sure Sana and Dahyun have a date and aren’t really ready to tell me they like each other. Plus, it’s not like I want to buy your fondness or anything, but I’d really like to know you an-”


Jeongyeon’s rambling is cut off by the prettiest giggle she ever heard. 


“I’d love to go to dinner with you.” Mina answers between giggles. “You don’t have to be that nervous. Plus, it’s never bad to get closer to Korea’s next sensation.”


“That would be my sister.” Jeongyeon tries to dismiss.


“And who do you think will introduce me to her?” Mina’s eyes shine with mischief, her crooked smile was so damn attractive.


“I’ll make sure Seungyeon knows she has admirers.” The actress huffs, pulling herself upright. “Now let’s go, the faster I get back to shooting, the faster I can take you to dinner and you can tell me all about how great my sister is.”


Mina thought about protesting, but saw mirth in those eyes that were dead ten minutes ago when she found them, and just shook her head. They made their way back to set slowly, Jeongyeon said she’d go to the toilet really quick, she also needed to brush her teeth before the next shooting. The assistant-director understood, after all, there would be kissing, and it was, at least, very rude to kiss a friend without cleaning the vomit off your mouth before. Mina had been observing everything, she saw how Jeongyeon still held a lot of fondness towards Dahyun and Sana, maybe some unresolved feelings that the older korean hadn’t even noticed herself. It was all good, and maybe things would be properly addressed and resolved during this movie.


Mina waited by Jeongyeon’s trailer, which she shared with the costumes because having one just for herself wasn’t possible, and the taller woman didn’t mind the tight space, as long as she didn’t need to share with Chou Tzuyu, who was sharing with the sound equipment. Regardless, Jeongyeon re-emerges looking much better, minty breath and was that a whiff of perfume Mina caught? Sure, Jeongyeon smelled a bit sour on their way back, nothing to fuss about, but that was on par with the caring personality Jihyo had bragged about so much. Speaking of the main director, the japanese hoped the friends could work things out soon.


Getting back to set, Tzuyu was nowhere to be found, Jihyo was busying herself with resetting everything and the two other actresses were still enthralled with each other. By the looks on Jeongyeon’s face, she was also seeing the same thing Mina was, there was an unspoken agreement to not comment on it unless they were alone. The shoot with Sana was, for lack of a better word, magical. There was a sort of innocent and childish hint to their interactions, mayhaps a reminder of their lost love, Jeongyeon was light and playful, Sana was shy and daring, Jihyo saw a side of her friend she never thought possible. 


Dahyun, well, she was understanding as only she could be, this was Jeongyeon and Sana bringing back old memories and expressing those dearly kept feelings through their acting. She knew what was happening, and much like herself, Sana might still be holding onto the idea of a Jeongyeon they’d known, but there would be time to work through those feelings later, right now she basked on how pure and youthful those two were together. 


“You know, I never thought you’d be able to pull off what you did with Sana back there.” Mina commented at some point during their dinner.


“What do you mean?” 


“Don’t speak with your mouth full.” The assistant-director giggled. “But the shooting with Dahyun was bittersweet and heavy. With Tzuyu, you were perfectly professional, but there was anger lingering the entire time. But with Sana, you were so light and youthful, and playful too.”


“I think it might be because of who they are to me.” Jeongyeon puts down her chopsticks and wonders. “What you said you felt regarding each of them, has more to do with the relationships I had with them than you might think. But we should be closer friends for me to spill all about my tragic past.”


“I don’t mind getting closer.” Mina wiggled her eyebrows greasily.


“Ew, don’t ever do that again.” The taller woman pretends to be offended. “But yeah, we’ll work on that. Now, eat your food before it gets cold.”


“Fine, I won’t push. Now, is your sister really making a cameo?”


Jeongyeon can’t help but laugh, loud. “If you are such a fangirl, why don’t you come over next time we have a day off? Sana and Dahyun are planning to visit then too.”


“And here I thought you would introduce me on my own.” The younger woman pouts a little.


“Like I said, we should get closer if you want special treatment.”


Mina can’t help but laugh, and they continue their dinner in that light and teasing mood. It was nice, Jeongyeon had been slightly on edge since her shoot with Dahyun finished, Mina had picked up on that and decided to do something about it, since the main director was part of the source of the problem. Once they were done, both bid each other good nights and see you tomorrows before entering their cars and heading their own ways. Seungyeon was sitting on the couch and reading her script when her little sister got home.


Jeongyeon greeted her sister and proceeded to shower and change into her pajamas, before grabbing her own script and making both some tea before settling on the couch. Seungyeon felt her sister had something to say, but waited a bit before questioning her. The younger Yoo was like a horse, or so the older sister would claim, and spooking her would cause distancing and avoidance, it was never a good thing to tackle Jeongyeon head on about anything.


“You can ask now.” The younger one says some time later. 


“Alright, then tell me what got you all weird like that?”


“We started shooting from the ending today.” 


“And? Many projects do things like that.” Seungyeon wasn’t getting it.


“Well, in order to keep the ending secret, Jihyo had me shoot a different ending for each love interest.” Jeongyeon sighs deeply.




“Yeah, oh. I had to kiss three exes today, and one of those ruined my mental health so much I had to move to a whole new continent to heal.”


“I’m sorry, Jeong.” The older Yoo immediately slides to her sister and engulfs her in a hug.


“Also, I made a new friend today. The assistant director, Mina, came after me when the shoot with Tzuyu ended and was very patient.”


“At least someone is looking after you.”


“Yeah, she really did help ease things. Waited around for me to finish throwing up and even took me to dinner after, it helped take my mind out of things.”


“Do I sense another romance blooming?” Seungyeon teases, still holding her sister.


“Maybe for you, she’s like a hardcore fangirl of yours.” Jeongyeon huffs in fake annoyance. “I told her to come along and meet you on our next day off. Dahyun and Sana wanted to come and see you too, so might as well get them all over at once.”


Seungyeon starts sniffing the air, going as far as rising from the couch. “You smell that? This smelly smell that smells smelly.”


“Seung, I’m really going to smack you.” 


“No you won't, I’m your older sister. Also, I smell jealousy.” 


The older Yoo laughs, then yelps when she is hit with a pillow. It seems Jeongyeon had full intention of making good on her promise of smacking her older sister. Seungyeon tries to retaliate, but she forgot Jeongyeon was the best among the three at running away around the furniture. By the time the older sister was close enough to actually hit the other, Seungyeon was too tired to lift a finger, it only made her angrier when Jeongyeon laughed and dropped on the couch beside her, not even breathing heavily.


It was nice, half an hour later, when Jeongyeon was tucked in and cozy, just about to sleep, her phone rang. This specific ringtone meant she had to take it, this one was for her agent in the US and she knew that it had been too long since she last talked to the woman. Jeongyeon cursed under her breath, wiggled out of her comfortable cocoon and grabbed blindly for her phone. Seungyeon did complain, but she was in her own room and seemed to have fallen asleep not long after.


“This better be important.” Jeongyeon gumbled in lieu of a greeting.


“Greet me properly and I’ll let this one slide because I know you must be tired.” The voice on the other side chided.


“Oh great Im Nayeon, my beautiful agent, best friend and biggest supporter, what do I owe the honor of hearing your voice?” The actress complied, but her bad mood was clear.


“Well, at least you tried. Now, today was your first day, tell me about it.”


“You remember back when we first met and you had me tell you my entire life story?”

“How could I forget, you were a wreck back then. Not to mention it made me force you into therapy before I could start getting you any auditions.” There’s a fondness in Nayeon's voice.


“Yeah, my three exes are in the movie and all of them are my romantic counterparts. Today we shot the ending and since the director wanted to keep it secret, I had to kiss the three of them.”


“Oh, wow.” The agent is understandably stunned. “I had no idea about the casting when we agreed to this, I swear.”


“Don’t worry, I know. And Jihyo, the director, kept it hidden that the ex who wrecked me had been casted until the very first meeting. Plus, Sana, my first ex, moved away before I met Jihyo, so she wouldn’t know it was her. But the other two, yeah, completely on purpose and quite underhanded, if you ask me.”


“I can pull you out of it, if you really feel that bad.”


“No need, the worst part was already over with today. There’s but one kiss scene and it’s the final scene.” Jeongyeon explained tiredly. “I already got through those today, so it isn’t that difficult to get through the rest of it. Plus, I’m not big enough to just drop out like this.”


“Sure, you aren’t that big of a name yet, but I can still manage if you really need to leave.” 


“It’s alright, Yeonnie. I’ll get through this and our hard work will pay off. I promise, I’ll be fine.”


“I trust you. But don’t hesitate to call me if you need, I’ll pull you out instantly.” The older woman sounds scolding, but there’s nothing but love behind her words. “Call me again when you have time, alright?!”


“Will do, thanks Yeonnie.” Jeongyeon says with just as much love.


They hang up and the actress can’t help but smile. Sure, Im Nayeon could be loud and demanding, she needed to be cutthroat in this business if she wanted to make it, but she was a very caring and loving woman, she took care of and protected her own fiercely. All the talents under Im Nayeon loved her with all their hearts and would go to war for the woman just like she would for them, that kind of loyalty was hard to come by in the best of situations. Jeongyeon trusted her with her life, and if Nayeon hadn’t done everything she did when the aspiring actress first arrived in the US, Jeogyeon was sure she wouldn’t have a life at all right now.


Dark as it might sound, it’s how bad things were back then but that was four years ago. The next day of filming, they had to move to the bird park. It was a bit colder, but this would be the scene where her character would meet her lost love again, the beginning of the scene they filmed yesterday. At least, there were no more kiss scenes, but Jihyo was looking at her like she had something to say again, this tension was annoying but wouldn’t disrupt the morning shoot. Their afternoon shoot would take place a bit later on, when the lighting reached the correct point again, Jeongyeon figured she might be confronted during said break.


“Can we talk?” As predicted, the director approached her. “After this we’ll have about four idle hours, could you come with me and talk?”


“Sure.” Jeongyeon responds curtly, she WAS getting her makeup retouched.


Jihyo looks like she was about to say something else, but Mina calls for her before she can. Jeongyeon releases a breath she didn’t know she was holding and the makeup artist chuckled. The actress raises an amused eyebrow.


“This is getting more interesting each day.” The artist says. “I’m sure there will be a lot of mess until the end of this project.”


“I’m very sorry, I can’t seem to remember your name. I’m Jeongyeon.”


“We weren’t really introduced and you arrived looking like you were sleepwalking.” The woman giggles. “I’m Park Chaeyoung, no relation to Jihyo at all, though.”


“I’d say lucky you, but that would be another point for gossip. It’s nice to meet you, properly, I mean.”


“Pleasure is all mine. Now stop talking so I can fix your lipstick….” Chaeyoung pauses a bit. “Not like I won’t be fixing it all morning.”


“A kindred soul, I see.” Jeongyeon smirks. “I hate this shooting three endings thing too. It’s very annoying, but at least I can cut my hair again after this.”


“But you look hot with long hair.” 


“Maybe I’ll take you to dinner and show you how hot I look up close, then.” The actress flirts back. “But make sure to not say anything for now, I’ll give you my number next time I stop for makeup again.”

“Why not right now, gorgeous?” Chaeyoung makes a point to be absolutely greasy.


“I like you.” Jeongyeon chuckles. “But Jihyo is looking over here and waiting for you to finish so we can get on with the shoot.”


“Fine, I’ll back off for now.”


Jeongyeon laughs, with a few more , Chaeyoung finishes the lipstick, and shooting resumes. Now, Yoo Jeongyeon may be a woman unbelieving in love, but she still had needs and still made sure to fulfill those to the best of her abilities. Going out, and maybe having fun, with this beautiful woman tonight was just that, fulfilling her body needs. It didn’t mean a romance would arise from that, the actress would make sure she was very clear about it during dinner, and it also didn’t mean it would happen again. Sure, it was a possibility, but Jeongyeon will wait and see how it plays out, the last thing she’d want was to get more problems.


The shoot was alright, Jeongyeon only remained somewhat tamed because of the huge amount of coffee she’d had during the day, but certainly she would stay awake for too long. Well, that will be Park Chaeyoung’s problem later, the makeup artist could help with the sleeping issue. Right now Jeongyeon was wrapping up her scenes with Tzuyu, who was the first one today, and didn’t seem to mind as much since the hardest hurdle had already been over with the day before. The taller woman was a bit confused, but just enjoying the lack of verbal hatred was enough for now. At least Jeongyeon was just looking at her with nothing but hate today, and not hearing all the woman surely had to say was a win for Tzuyu.


Their off day finally came and Jeongyeon made sure to talk to Mina about meeting her sister. Sana and Dahyun were already making the craziest of plans in their excitement, fueled by Seungyeon, who loved pissing off her sister and feeding into the insanity. The older Yoo knew very well those two would drive her little sister crazy if she hyped them up just enough and that was exactly what she was doing. Mina was watching all of that and feeling absolutely amused by it all. Today they didn’t need the main character to do anything but show up in the background, so Jeongyeon could be pissed off and it wouldn’t hinder shooting at all. Maybe the second director was having way too much fun, but it wasn’t too bad.


“Myoui!” The actress in question called. “You said you wanted to meet my sister, right?”


“Seungyeon? Yeah, I wanted to meet her. It’s been so long that I kind of forgot we even had this conversation.”


“Lucky you, I don’t forget my promises.” Jeongyeon has the cheekiest of smiles. “Tomorrow is our day off, and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?”


“Oh!” Mina gets excited. “Sure I will! Just tell me when and where.”


Jeongyeon pulls out her phone and sends Mina the address for the apartment she was renting with her sister. “There you go. Just get there whenever. i’m sure Sana and Dahyun will be there first thing in the morning.”


“I’ll probably get there around mid morning, I should get groceries before that.”


“We’ll be waiting.” 


The actress, then, goes to her trailer to get her makeup retouched. Dahyun was already on standby for their scene. Things went without a hitch, and ending the day with Sana was just great, Jeongyeon felt very relaxed, didn’t even mind Jihyo trying to get her to talk (again). The next morning starts early, muh like Jeongyeon had predicted. Sure, she never thought those two would actually arrive at seven and wake her up, but she should have known. Sana was, well Sana, a ball of energy bouncing on her heels and ready to have fun. Dahyun, as she does with people she likes, was pretty high energy as well and fed the japanese woman’s madness to no end.


“Jeongieonnie!” Sana squealed when the door opened.


Jeongyeon grunts and goes back inside, letting herself fall on the couch, fully intending to keep sleeping. Which, obviously, didn’t work as Sana promptly let herself fall on top of her and Dahyun followed. The older woman grunts, but makes no move to change the situation. Seungyeon heard the doorbell and the commotion, but opted to get herself changed and ready for the day before going out to greet the girls. The eldest Yoo was already awake, just opted to stay in bed and browse her socials. She knew Jeongyeon would be very grumpy and still too sleepy at this time of day, the younger sister had spent too long reading her scripts last night.


“You two know she is going to fall asleep again regardless of the weight, right?” Seungyeon says as she enters the living room.





Both women greet enthusiastically and scramble to get off Jeongyeon’s back to hug their favorite unnie. The younger Yoo takes the opportunity to go and change, she knew sleeping again was completely out of the question, and she kind of smelled a little. While Jeongyeon was taking a quick shower and changing, Seungyeon and the energetic duo prepared breakfast for all while catching up with each other. They had been sitting in the living room and talking when Jeongyeon got a text and said she was going to get Mina. The second director was stepping out of the elevator when the actress stepped out of the apartment.


“I thought you’d be staying with your parents, not in this classy apartment.” Mina observed.


“Well, I didn’t want people knowing where my parents’ house was, and Seung said she’d keep me company while filming.” Jeongyeon shrugs.


“Good thinking. You didn’t hear from me, but two people had been talking about following you.”


“I figured they would. It’s not like her to wait around when she decides something, plus the bretrayer also looks like she has something to say.”


“Play nice, now.” Mina chides without real bite.


They enter the apartment laughing and Seungyeon raises an eyebrow, but says nothing because the other two clearly have some things to work with her little sister. The group ends the day with satisfied smiles and friendships restored between the old ones and a new bond being created with Mina. It was nice, the second director excused herself earlier, they had an early morning and she had to be there even before the cast. Sana and Dahyun decided, after not much encouragement from Seungyeon, to spend the night and just leave early with Jeongyeon. Around two in the morning, the younger Yoo, who was the first to fall asleep, got up for some water and found her younger ex on the balcony.


“I thought we had an early morning.” Jeongyeon says softly.


“We do, but I’m the first to go and Sana is right after me, so I can just call it a day earlier and sleep then.”


“Oh, so tomorrow I’ll have a terrible day, got it.” The bitterness is palpable.


“You could get out if you wanted, you know.”


“I’m not big enough for that. Plus, I’d hate to let Jihyo win this one.”

“Sometimes I wonder how can you be so petty and not petty enough at the same time.” Dahyun chuckled and went back to looking through the window.


“It’s a gift. But talk to me.” The older woman continues at the surprised look. “We still know each other, it’s not like we got erased from each other’s lives just because we broke up.”


“Fair. I keep thinking about you. About us, I mean.”


“And then you can’t help but think of the what ifs and don’t seem to be able to move on and honestly open yourself up to Sana.”




Jeongyeon laughs. “Like I said, it’s not like we suddenly don’t know one another anymore.”


“Alright, I’ll bite. Sana is just-”


“She is, isn’t she?” The actress smiles brightly. “You two are better suited for each other than you think.”


“Oh, I know.” Dahyun can’t help but agree. “Don’t get me wrong, but with her I feel something even stronger than what I felt with you. And you certainly spoiled dating for me.”


“I’m happy to help, then.”


“You certainly didn’t. But still, I can’t help but think about us because I still see you everyday.”


“How about you just let it all out? I’ll hear everything still bottled up and you can finally move on. I know we left a lot of open ends, with me being the mess I was and all.”


“Don’t blame yourself!” The younger woman scolds. “You were deeply hurt and I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. But if you don’t mind my ranting, then I’ll let it all out and you can give me your honest answers.”


“Give me everything you got. It’s past the time we had this conversation.”


They talk through most of the night, not that it mattered much to either woman. This conversation was past due and they came out of it happier, closer and lighter than they’d been ever since the breakup. Sana was the first one up and found the two sleeping on the couch, her heart squeezed a little seeing them holding each other and smiling like that. Maybe she should talk to Jeongyeon after all. The japanese took a moment to collect herself before waking them up and all moved around quickly to get ready for the day. As they had intended to sleep over from the beginning, Sana and Dahyun had brought a change of clothes for the next morning, but both still stole shirts from Jeongyeon, more to mess with her than anything.


The day dragged along painfully, the scenes were dull and more of fillers than anything. As they had finished the endings, Jihyo said they’d begin with the storyline, that meant shooting the same thing with the three had ended, so they all had more flexible schedules now. Sana and Jeongyeon would have one scene in the morning but they had the rest of the day free, Dahyun had the next day entirely free and had already said she fully intended to spend it sleeping. This was the japanese’s chance to take the one who got away on a date, and maybe have the talk both needed so much.


It was a simple date, Jeongyeon took Sana to their favorite park back then. Sure, they were children and it was in their old neighborhood. And sure, Jihyo’s sister saw them and probably told the director, but it was alright, neither cared much at the moment. After their picnic, which Jeongyeon cooked for them with much care, they walked around a little, traveling down memory lane and reminiscing on their younger days. Sana saw a gazebo, which wasn’t there back in their days, and suggested they take a seat out of the sun for a while. Jeongyeon followed, happy that there were benches and she wouldn’t have to sit on the ground. Not that she was icky or whatever, but she had hit her knee the day before and sitting on the floor had become a hard task for her.


“I think it’s time we had a conversation, huh.” The korean prompted.


“Seems to be.” The younger one agreed. “I know we didn’t really date, at least we didn’t define our relationship back then. But maybe that is what makes this, whatever we had, so much harder.”


“It is very hard. I think it’s because you were my first love.” Jeongyeon’s confession came out so easily. “I loved you with all my heart and it broke me when you moved.” She smiles gently.


“I was a mess back then too.” Sana smiles back. “You were my first love too, you know. And you are just such a good person, Jeong. It’s so easy to love you.”


“I think I’ll always love you. There will always be this bittersweet memory about what we could have been.”


“I sense there’s a but that I won’t be able to disagree with.” The japanese chuckled. “You always make too much sense when you speak from your heart.”


“It’s just that I think carefully before speaking. That, and you always make it impossible for me to be anything but completely honest.”


“Charming. But don’t get off topic.” Sana chides without malice.


“Right, back to topic.” Jeongyeon clears . “Sana, you are my first love and you’ll always have a place in my heart. But like I told Dahyun, it’s no good for us to keep clinging to the past and wondering about what could have been. There is someone that I believe would fit you so well, and I know that you are holding yourself back because of your memories of me.”

“I’ll always love you too, Jeongie.” The younger woman sniffs. “And you are right, I’ve been clinging to what we had. But that was puppy love, we are both completely different people who lived completely different lives after we separated.”


Jeongyeon smiles gently and lovingly, places a hand on Sana’s cheek and kisses her. There was nothing more to the action. Just a long overdue kiss between people who loved each other but wouldn’t be together romantically again. Sana understood everything the other couldn’t say on that kiss and put all her unspoken feelings too, which were received promptly and properly. They break their chaste but meaningful kiss and stare at each other for a moment, Jeongyeon tugs the other woman towards her and they hug each other tightly. Sana knew there was so much more she wanted to say but had no words for, but Jeongyeon understood her like no one else, they knew what the other was thinking without having to say it aloud.


Seoyeon, Jihyo’s sister, was returning from her outing and passed by the two under the gazebo. Not that either noticed her, they were clearly focused on their conversation. The girl took a picture and sent it to her sister, then got back home so she could call Jihyo and talk about this. They knew Jeongyeon and what happened back then, and to see the woman looking this intimate with someone was a surprise. Speaking of the two, they continued their conversation, airing out everything they had held back for so many years. 


Their acting was different after that, both Jeongyeon, Dahyun and Sana were different. It’s not like they were lacking, very far from it. The three acted more mature, freer, around each other and the taller actress’ mannerisms was also different around her two exes. This change was great, the movie would come out even better for it, but Jihyo was very irritated, she knew that meant they had all talked and solved all their pending past. It also meant Jeongyeon still wasn’t willing to talk to Tzuyu at all and said actress got even sadder when she noticed she was still the only one being avoided.


It is what it is and Tzuyu knew she would have to just take it and finish the project, forcing a confrontation while Jeongyeon still had scenes to shoot with her would just be disrupting the project and possibly driving the older actress to quit when they are over halfway through already. Sure, she also knew Jeongyeon wasn’t the type of woman to go back on her word like this, and that she could have walked away on the first day but didn’t because she had already promised Jihyo she’d do it. Tzuyu could only sigh, Yoo Jeongyeon was too much for her own good. Too kind, too giving, too understanding, too honest, too earnest, too loving. And Chou Tzuyu just HAD to it up wth her.


By the time their scenes together were finished, Tzuyu had mustered the courage to confront Jeongyeon. The older woman would be wrapping up along with her and disrupting production wouldn’t be a problem anymore. After today, there were only a few filler scenes with secondary characters and the project would completely move on to post production. Sana and Dahyun had wrapped up two days before, and had set camp at the Yoo sisters’ apartment since. Today would be the day Tzuyu risked it all, there was no more time left. Sure, there would be a wrap up party, but the chances of Jeongyeon actually attending for longer than the initial greetings were minimal, not to mention they’d have to pose for pictures and shake hands with sponsors before doing anything else during the event.


“Looks like you’ve got a tail today.” Chaeyoung remarked as she was helping the actress remove her makeup and hair pieces.


“Today is our last day on set, she must be desperate to actually talk to me about anything that isn’t work.” Jeongyeon chucked with disdain.


“Well, good luck with that, then.” The makeup artist laughed.


“Yeah, yeah. Just help me out here.”


“No need to be crabby. Also, I’m done.”


Jeongyeon huffs and banters a bit more, they’d gotten close after spending the night together. Chaeyoung had been a bit saddened, but the actress had been very clear about what was happening and gave her the opportunity to end things at just dinner. They worked it out, and the playful flirting between them helped Jeongyeon get her mind off of things many times during production. They say their goodbyes, knowing the next time they’d see each other would be at the wrap up party, and Jeongyeon takes her time finishing packing up, she really didn’t want to have to return for a forgotten item and all that she brought over was still needed.


“Alright, we’ll talk at the park. You can meet me there, I know you drove too.” Jeongyeon tells the waiting woman as she leaves her trailer.


Tzuyu followed silently, she knew exactly where the other woman meant. It was the park they had their last goodbye at. Jeongyeon happened upon the restaurant where Tzuyu was meeting with someone, that someone was her fiance who she was trying to hide from the woman, but it was impossible to say much when the older woman saw her kissing him. Sure, it was unusual for such demonstrations to happen out in the open like that, but the man had been impatient, he had flown over from Tainan just to spend some time with her. It wasn’t like Tzuyu didn’t love Jeongyeon, she did with her whole heart, but she had been engaged from the moment she had finished highschool, and couldn’t really oppose the marriage.


When she got there, Jeongyeon was already sitting on a bench near the place they last saw each other. Tzuyu could only sigh, gather herself and power ahead. This was the conversation she’s been begging to have from the moment Jihyo told her Jeongyeon would be back in Korea and playing the main character for her movie. The younger woman had pulled all the strings she could to get the part, going as far as putting Jihyo on the line just for this one chance to close to her again. They sit there for a little while, but Jeongyeon isn’t so kind nor patient with Tzuyu anymore, the younger one had lost those a long time ago.


“You wanted to speak.” The tone is cold and unwavering. “Either you say something or we go our separate ways and I get to never look at your face again.”


Tzuyu sighs deeply but speaks up. “I am sorry, I need you to know that.”


“No, you aren’t. You never thought of me as anything but your puppet, a plaything for you to fill your lonely days.” Jeongyeon scoffs. “You knew exactly what you were doing and relished it.”


“You will never believe that I never meant for any of it to happen to you, will you?” 


“Why should I? You were engaged, Tzuyu. You knew nothing would ever come out of our relationship. You let me fall deeply for you, love you in a way I had never loved anyone before and you knew it! you ing knew there was already a shiny, young fiance waiting for you back in Tainan!”


“I was hoping to get out of it before you found out.” The younger’s voice was tearful. “I thought I could undo all those deals and then everything would be fine!”


“No, you don’t get to cry!” Jeongyeon was seething. “You lost any right to that years ago! You led me on until I found out on a sports day that you were engaged to him, I even had to hear him talking about how you weren’t that energetic the night before because you were tired from training. So no, Tzuyu, you aren’t sorry for .”


“What did you expect me to do? He was my fiance!” Tzuyu exploded.


“Exactly.” Jeongyeon chuckles bitterly and gets up. “Now don’t bother to try and reach out to me again. I don’t intend on being this nice.”


The older woman leaves before the other could say anything, she didn’t need to hear it. No, Chou Tzuyu could go to hell for all she cared. Jeongyeon finally felt like she closed this door for good now, she was certain there was nothing Tzuyu could ever say to justify what she did, and there was nothing Jeongyeon wanted to say to her anymore either, they didn’t need to see each other ever again and it would be too soon. The older woman took her time getting home, she needed to let her anger seep out a bit before reaching the apartment. Sure, Seungyeon, Sana and Dahyun would pick up on her mood the moment she stepped foot inside, but she wanted to be able to not explode when talking to them.


Sure enough, it only took the three to hear Jeongyeon sigh to know she wasn’t alright at all. They sat down and talked about what had happened, the younger Yoo just said she felt it was great that she could lock that door for good now. Seungyeon agreed, but the look Sana and Dahyun shared told her they knew more than they had been letting on. And the Yoo sisters needed to get to the bottom of it immediately, there was no way these two would remain under their roof (even if a rental) if they didn’t come clean about everything. And they meant absolutely everything.


“You two have ten minutes to tell us absolutely everything.” Seungyeon declares, leaving no room for arguments.


“Alright, fine.” Dahyun is the first to give in. “Look, Jihyo and Tz- her told us their story and asked us to help out. I can’t say about Sana, but I was there to help you pick up the pieces and flatly refused the moment they floated the idea to me.”


“I heard them out, but I didn’t know they were talking about you when I did!” Sana is quick to say. “It was before the first table reading, both spun a sob story about how she had a girlfriend she loved very much but couldn’t get out of her engagement and they ended up having a bad breakup. It was only when she arrived at the first reading that I put the pieces together and didn’t even talk to them anymore.”


“What do you say, Jeong? Should we give them the benefit of the doubt?”


“Well unnie, how about we believe them for now.” The younger sister sighs. “But the moment I hear any of you had anything to do with them, I promise you’ll wish you never met me again.”


“Alright, we’ll take your word for it.” Seungyeon shrugs, following her sister’s decision. “Now, how about we have dinner and watch my drama to unwind.”


The two girls only agreed, the Yoo sisters could be absolutely terrifying when they were angry. Neither was really worried, however, as they told them the truth and really refused to betray Jeongyeon like that. Sure, Jihyo and Tzuyu made a compelling story, the taiwanese would look like the ultimate victim if one didn’t know the other character in their tale. But both knew Jeongyeon really well, no matter how long it had been. In another part of Seoul, Jihyo headed to her parent’s place after she got a call from Tzuyu saying she couldn’t even talk properly. The director didn’t know the Yoos had moved long before and nobody really knew where to.


The Parks still had mr and mrs Yoo’s phone numbers, they offered to try and contact them for their daughter and try to find out where Jeongyeon was. It was no use, though. Mrs Yoo, the one who decided to answer mrs Park’s messages, told her husband to ignore the attempted contact and that she would handle it. The woman proceeded to ask what mrs Park wanted and was as polite as possible when telling mrs Park she would not be divulging their new address, as Seungyeon recently came back to live with them to run away from her fans and they wouldn’t release any information that could be used against their eldest, even if by mistake of carelessness.


Mrs Park then asked if Jeongyeon could come to the phone and talk to Jihyo, only to be told their youngest was staying at a rental apartment, exactly because she didn’t intend to reveal their home location and people knew she was Seungyeon’s little sister. So it wouldn’t be possible to contact their younger daughter through them, so Jihyo should be patient and wait until Jeongyeon responds to her. That was that, there wasn’t anything else mr or mrs Park could do about the Yoos. To be fair, they were right. There had even been a few headlines about sassengs harassing actress Gong Seungyeon to the point the actress had to move out of her apartment even when she was living at a gated community.


Jihyo was frustrated, but what could she do. Jeongyeon had her bases covered, to the point she had even resolved whatever there was between Sana, Dahyun and her, the director knew the other two actresses were staying with the younger Yoo, she heard them talking about it on their last day of filming. Now, one would ask ‘why is Jihyo risking one of her oldest friendships for the sake of Chou Tzuyu’, and it’s a good question. You see, the Chous saved her a while back when she was trying to get a project off the ground and they invested in it, the thing exploded and they made three times what they invested, but it was the project that launched Jihyo into the great leagues.


When Jihyo was trying to find funding for the project they were working on now, Chou Tzuyu reached out and told her that her family would fund it again. Once the director learned her old friend was coming back, she reached out and asked if Jeongyeon could act for her. Being the ‘leave no debt unpaid’ type, Jeongyeon promptly agreed and put her agent in contact with Jihyo’s crew to settle the terms of the contract. One afternoon, luckily before Jihyo had started sending out invitations to the actors she wanted, Tzuyu asked her out for lunch and begged to be the one to play Yoo Jeongyeon’s interest. Jihyo couldn’t really say no when she was promised the debt for this project would be waived as long as the young heir could be in the movie, they made a contract and that was that.


The big reason why Jihyo was trying to have the two talk was because she was told Tzuyu’s ‘tragic’ story and believed every single word. Things became clearer as production progressed and she started paying attention to Sana and Dahyun’s conversations. The director would grasp bits and pieces when they were talking on set and Jeongyeon had left in a hurry to do whatever she always did after a scene with Tzuyu. Mina also seemed very friendly with the actress, and when questioned, she just said they became friends and Jeongyeon even fulfilled her fangirl dream to meet Seungyeon. The assistant-director failed to mention she too had been camping out at the Yoo sisters’ apartment and gotten really close with everyone, especially younger Yoo.


All Jihyo could do now was wait for the wrap up party in three weeks. She knew it was fruitless to try and track down Jeongyeon. Sana and Dahyun were refusing to divulge any information and hadn’t been to their own homes in days and Mina was busy in post-production, so they weren’t even in the same locations anymore. The party itself was pretty standard for the first few hours. Everyone was present, Jihyo made a speech, then the other directors, then the actresses. After that, everyone went around shaking a lot of hands and smiling to potential sponsors. The main cast and Jihyo spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to woo the network directors for a tv release later on. It took hours, but everyone was finally done. Even the press had been gone for hours already, they all had enough pictures and quick interviews to write their articles.


The moment she was released, Jeongyeon started making her way out. She had an escape plan and her best friends knew it, the two would stay a bit longer, then head back to Dahyun’s place, which was closer to the venue. During the days after Jeongyeon was done shooting, the two didn’t remain in the apartment much longer, and their tall friend told them they should just go for it as they were saying their goodbyes. And what are they going to say? No? Sana and Dahyun already knew they liked each other, both had been hesitant in the beginning because of their pending closure with Jeongyeon, but once they had that, there was no reason for them to not be together. 


Jihyo, however, made sure to keep an eye on her old friend, if she could still call Jeongyeon that. The moment the director saw her target leave the venue, she followed promptly. The actress was standing by the door, the valet nowhere to be seen, likely fetching the car, this was the one chance Jihyo had, and she was going to take it. Jeongyeon had already noticed she had company, but wasn’t going to acknowledge it if the other woman didn’t make a move herself. It didn’t take long until the director started talking.


“I’ve been trying to talk to you.”


“Mom told us.” The actress is curt.


“Look, I know you and Tzuyu had a terrible past b-”


“And yet, you put me and her as romantic interests and never bothered to tell me about it until I found out myself.” The disbelief and anger are clear in the actress’ tone.


“If you gave her a chance to talk to you, maybe-”


“Look, Jihyo, I stuck by your project because I’m a woman of my word. I gave her a chance to talk and she did nothing but confirm what I already knew.”


“Then you should know-” Jihyo tries again but gets interrupted.


“I know she is human garbage, that I was played for a fool and that you rather stab me in the back for a couple of bucks than to be a good friend. Look, I was thankful for your help back then, but after this we are even.” Jeongyeon spits with disdain.


“What right do you have to say we are even?!”


“The same right you thought you had to make me kiss the woman who destroyed me emotionally and almost led me to take my own life.” It was clear this last part was news to the younger woman. “Now, we are even and I hope our years of friendship were worth this pathetic show you’ve put on. The movie better not  end with me and her. Be sure I’ll sue if it does.”


“It’s you and Sana.” The director reveals defeatedly.




That is the last thing Jeongyeon says before the valet steps out of her car. The actress leaves and Jihyo can’t do anything but look. She knew Jeongyeon hadn’t drunk a drop of alcohol that evening, probably already thinking of leaving immediately. There was nobody there but the young valet. The director headed inside, stopping at the bar and taking a seat after ordering a drink. Jihyo knew this was it, she wouldn’t talk to Jeongyeon again before the older woman wanted to see her. It wasn’t worth it. It never would be. She just saw her oldest friendship end over money, and she was the one making the choices.


There was nobody who knew her troubles that was paying attention to her either. Sana and Dahyun were dancing and lost in each other, Tzuyu had brought her fiance (who had come from Tainan just for this party) and was busy entertaining him, Mina was talking to the big names in the industry, the assistant-director needed to make more connections and this was the perfect place to do that. Jihyo only sighed and downed her drink, ordering two more. She needed to be much less sober if she was going to finish this event. And she was the one responsible for it all, it’s not like she had a choice about staying.


Jeongyeon and Seungyeon had already gone back to the Yoo family home. Once Sana and Dahyun had gone back to their own places, the sisters saw no more reason to keep it. Knowing for a fact that she wouldn’t be followed, the younger Yoo stopped by a drive through and got the for of them some takeout, Seungyeon would never say no to a late snack, and she knew her parents would be waiting for her to return from this party. The youngest Yoo got home and was ushered to shower and change by her mother, while her father took the bags off her hands and her sister was already opening her dress to speed things up.


Jeongyeon couldn’t be more grateful for her family.


The press conference came about two months later, Jeongyeon would attend virtually. She had gone back to New York long before and was already in the middle of the audition season, there was no way she could just stop everything for a week to go to Korea again. Nayeon had already discussed this back before they even signed any contracts, the woman left no loose ends, even specifying the time and date for the press conference, as well as the demands for equipment to make sure Jeongyeon would have the best transmission possible.


They started with introductions, there was a little gag about Jeongyeon attending and the tv being wheeled in, and then there was a little speech by Mina, introducing the project and all the technicalities. Then Jihyo gave a little speech, saying how not even the actors knew the ending, they showed some funny behind the scenes clips, the actors commented on them and then the official trailer was shown. Jeongyeon took notice that all three endings were hinted at in the trailer, but it showed just enough to instigate, not enough to actually give any answers. Then they opened the mic for questions from the audience.


There were some questions for the directors, and the first question towards the actors was for Jeongyeon. A young man wanted to know why she wasn’t present but attending virtually. The actress chuckled and explained she was already in the middle of audition season, and there was no way she could leave for a week and go to Korea, else, she’d probably miss a callback and lose the part. Everyone understood, it was known she was on Broadway now and there things tended to move really fast. There was another question about whether Seungyeon would be making a cameo, but she explained her sister had been shooting the finale for her own drama and couldn’t fit it into her schedule.


After that, there were a few questions for the whole cast, but Jeongyeon didn’t have any other one directed at her, specifically. Easily enough, they arrived at the last three and the actress couldn’t wait to say goodbye and disconnect. Then, as things were heading to a wrap, there was a last question Jeongyeon was hoping nobody would ask, but she figured it was bound to come up at some point.


“Yes, you in the white cardigan.” Mina pointed.


“Hello, I’m Yoohyeon from Munhwa Ilbo.” The young woman introduced. “My question if for everyone.”


“Go ahead.” Mina allowed.


“There are three love interests, did any of you have a preferred ending?”


“Well, I obviously want it to be me.” Dahyun said and wiggled her eyebrows.


“Nah, my ending is the best.” Sana cut in.


“We can only hope, though.” Tzuyu added, mostly for the sake of it.


“I know which one it is, but any favorites, Jeongyeon?” Jihyo prompted.


“Oh, I have my own opinions, but I’ll leave you all guessing for this one. I don’t think it would be very fair to any of my co-stars to choose one.” The actress teased.


“That’s obviously because she wants me.” The pale woman says quickly.


“Whatever you have to tell yourself, sweetie.” Sana dismissed.


There was a generalized laughter in the crowd and Mina hurried to wrap everything up. The moment they said their goodbyes, Jeongyeon waited for everyone to start leaving the stage and turned off the call. It was tiring, to say the least. Despite everything, there could be a possibility for Jeoneyone to return to Korea for the launch party, but she wasn’t really feeling like it. Nayeon did say she could go with her and take the opportunity to make an appearance on tv for those who said she would never amount to anything. Tempting, but the actress said she would have to think carefully about it.


One month later, Jeongyeon was preparing to begin her next production. She had been selected to play Rosalina in the new rendition of Romeo and Juliette that has been all the rage lately. To her surprise, there was a very familiar face in the staff, one Nayeon knew about but decided to let her friend have a surprise. And surprised Jeongyeon was when she saw Myoui Mina standing behind the director. The woman was giving her the biggest gummy smile and a little shy wave. She figured she’d have a talk with Nayeon later, but now this was exciting. They would have time to talk once this meeting was over.


“This is a nice surprise.” Jeongyeon says as she approaches.


“I thought you’d be happy to see me.” Mina pouts a little.


“The happiest.”


“Nayeon helped hook me up with some directors here, and your name got me into this production.”


“I’m glad I could help.” The actress couldn’t contain her excitement. “When did you get here! You should have told me!”


“Just a few days ago. Nayeonnie helped me find an apartment and I’ve been busy unpacking.” The younger woman’s gummy smile was the most adorable thing.


“How about I take you out and show you around town, then?” Jeongyeon gets excited.


“Oh?! Finally making a move on me?” Mina taunts, they did have a lot of between them. “I thought we would have a bit more of push and pull.”


“Nah, we are past that.” Jeongyeon says confidently. “I like you, back then were just too many emotions to work through and I didn’t want you caught in the crossfire.”


“And now?” The younger one gets closer.


“Now I’ve worked through all those open ended situations, tied all the loose ends and moved past the what ifs.”


“That’s nice. And what do we do? Where do we go, now?”


“Now, I take you out to dinner, you give me your new number so we can keep talking. And then we see where this leads us.”


“I like that.” Mina steps forward and clashes their lips together.


Jeongyeon is quick to respond, hugging the other woman tight and losing herself in the moment. Nayeon did get an earful the next day, which she laughed heartily all the way through, but Jeongyeon thanked her for the surprise. The agent said it was alright, she was just doing them a little favor and giving them a little push. Mina also thanked the older woman immensely, she not only got her debut overseas, but also managed to get the girl in the end. The three agreed to go to the launch party, Mina had already negotiated for that when she entered the production and the director had already decided they wouldn’t have a show that week.


Nayeon indeed went as Jeongyeon’s date for the event, wearing a beautiful red dress and being the most obnoxious she could during their red carpet walk, much to Jeongyeon’s annoyance, who was busy answering the questions and clarifying this was her agent, not her girlfriend and pointing out the woman was very much married and absolutely not to her. It was a bit of a headache, until Mina arrived, marched directly to her girlfriend and kissed Jeongyeon in front of the cameras. Their most shown picture was the couple kissing with Nayeon hollering in the background.


The party was great, the next time those three would be seen in the east again would be for Sana and Dahyun’s wedding, this time in Japan and Nayeon had her wife with her, there was no misunderstanding then. Jeongyeon and Mina had been engaged for while by then, and were deciding where they should have the ceremony. Probably Hawaii, because Mina liked it and Jeongyeon couldn’t say no to her. Tzuyu had returned to Tainan and gotten married after their movie, there was a side note about the wedding and how the actress was retiring, but nothing more. Jihyo had been invited to the wedding, but didn’t go, she knew she would be completely out of place there.


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Chapter 1: I loved this! At the end I wanted there to be more, but at the same time I didn't really feel like there was anymore. I felt like you gave us an ending that told us where all the characters were going without it feeling like you had wrapped everything up too neatly. As an author who struggles with ending, my hat's off to you for that! ^_^
1197 streak #2
Chapter 1: But happy?