Forever has Eight Letters
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Chanyeol sighed feeling his phone vibrate inside his pocket. Who could it be? Another investor, someone bugging him about the company or his family trying to coax him into marrying someone.

His phone rang a few more times till he ran out of patience and attended it.

“What the hell?”

‘Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.’

It was none other than his half-brother, Oh Sehun. His father’s just another mistake, they called each other. Just another term of endearment for his annoyingly sweet brother.

“What the do you want, Oh Sheun?”

‘A Ferrari and an iPhone would be good but I already have ‘em, you know?’

Chanyeol’s voice went an octave lower, “Oh Sehun.”

‘Alright, relax. I’m at your condo with a tiny human being in my arms.’

“What the , Oh Sehun?” Chanyeol's eyes comically widened. He wanted to laugh not believing the younger's words. 

‘You knocked up someone and your fruit’s here. So, hurry the up!’

Chanyeol stared at his phone as his brother hung up on him.

When he arrived at his condo, he could distinctly clear the loud horrible wails of a baby. Kicking off his shoes, he ran to the living room.

There stood Sehun with his back to him and his arms bouncing as he made weird noises. “Oh Sehun…” called out Chanyeol and the brunet turned.

Chanyeol on seeing the baby boy knelt on the floor. There in his arms was the mini version of his ex-lover, Byun Baekhyun. The baby who could not be more than two years stopped his wails as he stared at the strange man.

“He’s Baekkie’s…”

Sehun observed closer and the closer he looked at the baby, the raven head saw more of Baekhyun in him. With tears cascading down his eyes, the man stood up.

He reached out to hold the baby who looked up at him with teary doe eyes. As soon as he was in his arms, the CEO hugged him close to his chest.

“Where was he?”

“At your door. Had a blanket on him and oh, a letter for you.”

Chanyeol carried the baby to the kitchen where Sehun had kept the letter and the basket with the blanket. “Sehun?” The brunet peeked his head in, “Yup?”

“Did he have anything else on him? Maybe diapers, bottles or something?” Sehun shook his head as a no. “Alright time for shopping.”


“You’re driving, .”

Sehun shot his brother a disgusted glare, “There’s a child, you ducker!”

“Ducker?” The brunet rolled his eyes before grabbing the keys not minding his brother. “What about the letter? Not gonna read it first?”

Chanyeol shook his head, “I need some time to prepare myself and my son needs food.” Sehun nodded as they got inside the car.


Baekhyun caressed the baby’s face with a fond look in his eyes despite his tears being shed. “You know I love you, right? Since Papa loves you so, so much he’s gonna make sure you live the best life, my sweet baby.”

The one, soon-to-be two-year-old, giggled catching his Papa’s dainty finger before chewing on it with his two little front teeth which he proudly showed off every time he smiled.

Baekhyun could not help but play with little Taehyung’s ear. The large dumbo ears- something which never failed to remind him of Chanyeol, every single ing day.

“You won’t hate Papa, right? Please don’t. I have none but you,” he said and the baby loudly squealed feeling the tickles on his ear, “You can’t hate me too, baby. I love you.”

He kissed the tiny knuckles before settling him in the worn-out stroller. It did not take long for Baekhyun to find his ex-lover’s address when he decided to leave the baby with his other parent.

Circumstances had forced him and Baekhyun was desperate. So desperate that he was ready to do anything to make sure his son lived a happy healthy life. He knew in his heart he could never give him that and

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0 points #1
Chapter 6: Don't let him give up Chanyeol. Make him fight 😭😭😭
Beau1996 1378 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 6: Stubborn stubborn Baek - if he won't tell, how can Chanyeol find out the truth??
747 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 5: Thank goodness Chanyeol saw Jongin before he could be escorted out of the building. The next chapter is going to be so sad but Chan is the lifeline that Baek needs right now. Thanks for the little comic relief from Sehun when he saw Jongin rush over to the baby. Thank you for the update.
0 points #4
Chapter 5: Omg 😭 I'm glad Nini found him but I know the next chapter is going to make me cry.
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 5: I want to bite Nini's bicep too!!😁
kworld320 #6
Chapter 4: Seems to be an interesting story. I will watch out for the progress…
747 streak #7
Chapter 4: Thank goodness for Jongin, I can’t wait for him to tell Chanyeol everything. So heartbreaking!
Chapter 4: 😭
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 4: You go Jongin - find that Park!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #10
Chapter 3: Sounds like Jongin and Sehun will be busy trying to get the little family back together!!