Unseen Journeys

Curious Cat

Being a catmom was the thing Soojin didn't expect to ever happen to her. But she thinks that the cat distribution system has another plan for her. It all started on an ordinary Saturday morning. Soojin was sipping her coffee, lost in thought as she gazed out the window of her cozy apartment. Her life had always been structured and predictable, revolving around her job at the local library and the occasional social gathering with friends. She had never really considered herself a pet person, content with her quiet, independent lifestyle.


However, fate had something else in store for Soojin that day. As she sipped her coffee, she heard a faint meowing coming from outside her window. Curiosity piqued, she set down her mug and peered out. There, on her doorstep, was a tiny, bedraggled kitten, its fur matted and eyes wide with fear.


Soojin stood on her doorstep, her heart torn between uncertainty and compassion. She had never considered herself a cat person, and the prospect of caring for a kitten was uncharted territory. Her lack of knowledge about feline needs loomed large in her mind. But deep within, Soojin couldn't ignore the plaintive mewling of the small creature before her. It was a voice of vulnerability, a silent plea for help that tugged at her empathy. Despite her inexperience, she couldn't bring herself to turn away.


With hesitant hands, she reached down and cradled the trembling kitten, wrapping it gently in a towel for comfort.




“Damn you, Jinson! Stop peeing on the sofa!”



In just two short years, that once-tiny kitten had morphed into a colossal furball of a cat. Soojin couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer size of her furry companion. It was as if the little kitty had taken a crash course in growing up and graduated summa laude in cat-size expansion.


She'd be spinning a tall tale if she ever claimed that being a cat mom was a breeze, because, oh boy, it was far from it. There were days when her pockets were as barren as the Sahara Desert, leaving her with just enough change for a single meal. Yet, when faced with the choice between her own hunger and her cat's empty food bowl, she would always opt for the latter without a second thought.


Then there were those heart-pounding moments, like the day Jinson had disappeared, or so she thought. Panic had set in as she combed the entire neighborhood, searching high and low for her feline companion. It felt like an eternity, and she was convinced he was off having a wild adventure. But in the end, where did she find him? Nestled comfortably in her closet, as if he owned the place, napping away like he was responsible for paying the bills.


Soojin couldn't help but shake her head and facepalm at the absurdity of it all. Jinson, it seemed, had a knack for getting himself into comical situations.







As Jinson grew larger, he also developed a penchant for neighborhood escapades. Soojin found herself amused by his newfound adventurous spirit, even though he had an uncanny habit of returning home promptly before 10 pm, almost as if he had a self-imposed curfew.


One day, curiosity got the better of Soojin. She couldn’t help but wonder about Jinson’s daily adventures beyond the apartment walls. She pondered whether he engaged in epic cat battles with neighborhood felines, but upon closer inspection, she noticed no signs of wounds or bruises on her furry companion.


Now, her curiosity grew stronger. What exactly was this furball up to during his escapades each day? The mystery of Jinson’s daily adventures had piqued her interest, leaving her eager to uncover the secrets of her feline friend’s world beyond their cozy home.



“MEOOOOOOWWWWWW!” Jinson shouted, his loud meow echoing through the apartment. Soojin, well-versed in the language of her feline friend, instantly understood the message.


“So, are you hungry? Why did you come home so late, huh? I thought you forgot you have a mother.” Soojin quipped with a playful tone, even though she knew Jinson couldn’t talk back. She couldn’t help but chuckle to herself, firmly asserting her role as the cat mom.


“Meooow. Meo, meoww.”


“Sorry? Why? Because someone else is feeding you now and not me? Are you cheating on me, Jinson? Why are you coming home so hungry then?” Soojin playfully teased Jinson, her voice filled with affection. It was moments like these that she found truly endearing about being a cat owner – the unspoken conversations, the meows that carried their own meanings.


In the end, Soojin couldn’t resist Jinson’s charm. His cute kitty eyes and undeniable clinginess had a way of melting her heart. With a smile, she gave in to his demands, fetching his favorite cat food and serving it with a touch of love.


While Jinson happily devoured his meal, Soojin’s curiosity sparked a plan. She pondered what it might be like to experience a day in the life of her adventurous cat, to see the world from Jinson’s perspective. She took a mental note to look at her camera collection tomorrow.




Before lunch was over, Soojin retrieved the tiniest camera from her drawer. Alongside her love for books, she had a penchant for collecting different cameras. With a smile, she attached the small device to Jinson’s collar, making sure it was secure while he remained blissfully engrossed in his meal.


With the camera in place and , Soojin felt a sense of excitement. This was the time of day when her cat typically embarked on his mysterious adventures. She couldn’t wait to see what secrets Jinson would unveil through the lens of his daily escapades, giving her a glimpse into his world as he roamed the neighborhood.


As Jinson ventured outside, just as Soojin had anticipated, the tiny camera she had attached to his collar began recording all of his escapades. Excitement bubbled within her as she thought about the intriguing footage she would soon get to watch.


With a contented smile, she glanced at the shelves lining her cozy apartment, each one b with the promise of adventures yet to be explored. Soojin decided to indulge in one of her greatest pleasures – reading. She picked up a book, settled into her favorite reading spot, and let the pages carry her away to distant worlds and captivating stories.




The hours slipped by, and as Soojin lost herself in the magic of the written word, she couldn’t help but appreciate the serendipity of this unexpected free time. While she eagerly awaited Jinson’s return, she was content to let the pages of a good book transport her to places unknown, all while looking forward to the revelation of Jinson’s secret world on the camera’s recording.


“No, no, this can’t be. Why did he do that? Just why?!” Soojin muttered, her tears a testament to how deeply immersed she had become in the book she chose to read earlier. Setting the book down, she acknowledged that the drama within its pages had become too heavy for her, and she needed a break. She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths in an attempt to regain her composure.



“I need to breat—”






Soojin’s eyes snapped open at the familiar, insistent meow. It seemed that Jinson had returned, and it was already 8:30 in the evening – much later than she had realized. His loud meow was a clear indication of his hunger, and she couldn’t help but laugh at his punctuality.


Excitement bubbled within her as she remembered the camera she had attached to Jinson’s collar earlier in the day. She couldn’t wait to see what adventures he had captured on film. But before diving into that, she decided to tend to her own growling stomach. After all, she couldn’t focus on her cat’s escapades if her own hunger went unattended.





With all her evening tasks complete, Soojin settled into her cozy bed. She had taken care of her own dinner, fed Jinson, enjoyed a refreshing shower, and changed into comfortable pajamas. Before getting too comfortable, she made sure to wipe Jinson’s paws, preventing any stray dirt from making its way onto her pristine bedsheets.


Sitting in front of her laptop, she eagerly took the SD card from the tiny camera she had attached to Jinson’s collar earlier in the day. Plugging it into the card reader and then connecting the card reader to her laptop, she couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement. It was time to uncover Jinsom’s secrets.


“On my way to know what you are up to, kiddo.” Soojin whispered affectionately as she glanced at the furball of a cat sleeping soundly nearby. It was clear that Jinson’s daily adventures took their toll, leaving him utterly exhausted.


Soojin hadn’t used the camera in three years, and as she transferred all the videos from the SD card to her flash drive, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity. When she plugged the flash drive into her laptop and saw the 7-hour video, she hesitated briefly, wondering if she could stay engaged for such a long duration.


But as she hit play and watched the footage, she found herself utterly captivated by Jinson’s world. Every step, every meow, and every encounter with other cats or neighborhood sights held a unique charm.


Soojin continued to watch the video, occasionally skipping through less eventful moments and playing it at double speed to cover more ground. She kept a keen eye out for anything unusual or interesting.


As the video began, she couldn’t help but chuckle as she watched her past self waving goodbye to Jinson, knowing that he was on his way outside. Then, the cat took off running, its furry form a blur as it raced through the neighborhood. Soojin couldn’t help but laugh again, imagining Jinson’s exhilaration during this sprint.


Her laughter intensified when she saw the cat pause in what appeared to be the grassiest part of the neighborhood. Soojin had a hunch, and it turned out she was right. Jinson had indeed stopped to take care of business, and she watched as his little paw diligently tried to bury his poop.


The first half of the video, while charming in its own way, showed the life of a typical, sociable domesticated cat with a thriving social life outside the house. Soojin couldn’t help but marvel at how nice and friendly Jinson seemed with the other cats in the neighborhood. She was particularly surprised when a group of four cats appeared in the video, and to her amazement, no fights broke out. It defied the stereotype she had in her mind that male cats always seemed to be in territorial battles.


But as the video continued, things took an intriguing turn. Jinson left the familiar grassy area and ventured into territory Soojin had never explored herself. It was undoubtedly still within the neighborhood, perhaps tucked away in a less-traveled corner.


Soojin’s nerves kicked in as she watched Jinson approach a gate, nimbly hopping over it and making his way to a mat positioned under a stranger’s door. The unfamiliar scene made her heart race, and she couldn’t help but wonder what her adventurous cat was up to in this part of the neighborhood.


Soojin’s curiosity deepened as the door in front of Jinson swung open, revealing a pair of fair-skinned feet and legs. She couldn’t fathom how the person inside had known there was a rather large cat waiting at their doorstep. It almost seemed like telepathy, a mystery she was unlikely to solve.


As the door continued to open, it revealed a person wearing a brown dress. Their attire only visible from the lower part down to their legs. Soojin’s hunch that it might be a woman was confirmed. She leaned in, intrigued by the interaction unfolding before her.


“My pretty big boy! What made you come here again, hmm?” the woman cooed affectionately, her voice filled with warmth and familiarity. Soojin couldn’t help but wonder about the connection between her cat and this stranger.

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1198 streak #1
Chapter 1: Awww this is gonna turn out so cute
64 streak #2
Chapter 1: Jinson is one curious ball of fluff and maybe a secret agent, who knows.

But in all seriousness, good job, author. The story is captivating even without any big mystery or drama. The mystery is where Jinson goes to and who is his other feeder or owner.

Soojin and the other person have seemed to have a liking for the fluffy companion. Attaching a camera to his collar is a good idea, though watching 7 hours of footage might seem boring, it is Jinson we are talking about and watching someone that cute and adventurous seems fun.