the lurking secrets

Whiskers of Destiny
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 Seulgi had spent countless days and nights working diligently, saving up every penny she could spare. All of it was for one purpose, one special surprise for Wendy's upcoming birthday. It all began months ago, when she and Wendy stumbled upon a quaint little pet shop nestled in the heart of the city.


 The moment they had entered, their eyes were drawn to a vivacious ginger kitten with the most enchanting blue eyes. Seulgi remembered how Wendy's face had lit up with delight as they played with the spirited feline. The owner, a kind elderly lady, had informed them that the kitten's name was Irene. "She isn't usually so friendly with everyone," she told them, scratching her head as if she was gripped with confusion. "Actually, you are the first people who could hold her without getting a scratch as a parting gift."


 Seulgi and Wendy had exchanged surprised glances, feeling a sense of accomplishment. The elderly lady continued, "Irene has always been quite skittish around strangers, but it seems she has taken a liking to you both. It's truly remarkable." Seulgi caressed the furry paw that Irene had placed on her arm as Wendy cradled her. The cat was already very protective of the two of them, despite meeting for the first time. Wendy rocked the animal in her arms, making Seulgi stop and watch the two of them. Certainly, she the urge to experience such bliss with Wendy everyday was what she was looking forward to in life. Maybe they could take give Irene the warmest home she could get. 


 From that day forward, Seulgi couldn't get the image of Irene out of her mind. Seulgi couldn't help but notice the instant connection between Wendy and the kitten, as if they were meant to be together. That's when Seulgi made up her mind - she would do whatever it took to make that little white kitten Wendy's birthday surprise. She knew that Wendy shared the same affection for the cat, and the idea of gifting her the little bundle of joy had been planted like a seed in her heart.


 Seulgi worked two jobs, scrimping and saving, so she could purchase Irene as the ultimate birthday surprise. It hadn't been easy, and she had sacrificed many leisurely weekends and late-night outings with friends to make her dream a reality. But with each passing day, the thought of Wendy's smile when she saw Irene in her arms propelled Seulgi forward. Wendy, who had recently wrapped up her third exhibition, one she sadly couldn't join in, was taking her much deserved break from the university. But Seulgi knew. Wendy wasn't one to rest. She knew she would be painting something in the wee hours of the morning, her brushes dancing across the canvas with a passion that couldn't be contained. Seulgi admired Wendy's dedication and talent, knowing that it was this unwavering drive that had brought them together in the first place.


 As juniors in the same university, Seulgi and Wendy had much in common. Like their love for winning debates, their dislike for fruits, their preferences in partner, appreciation for beauty, same group of friends, pizza at 3 pm, never cooking on Saturdays, a soft spot for all animals, etc. All Seulgi wanted was to see her face fill up with adoration for Irene when Seulgi would place the animal in her arms. And she had a good hunch that Wendy would love Irene's company. 


 Finally, the day arrived. Seulgi had saved up enough money to bring Irene home. She had meticulously planned every detail, right down to the pink lace collar she had bought to adorn the cat. It had a small, heart-shaped charm that tinkled with every movement Irene made. Irene's ginger fur was accompanied with darker strips that ran haywire all around her body, her tail the bushy sort. She wasn't exactly tiny but she fit right in the inside pocket of Seulgi's jacket. Seulgi felt Irene cling to her shirt nuzzling her face into the warmth of her chest. It made Seulgi chuckle. Her chest looked quite lumpy in the mirror but it was alright when Seulgi reached out inside the jacket and Irene was quick to swipe her warm tongue all over it. In the subway, everyone wonder why Seulgi was laughing all alone like a maniac.


 Seulgi had decided to surprise Wendy by visiting her unannounced. She hoped the element of surprise would make the occasion even more special. She had been careful not to drop any hints, not wanting to ruin the surprise. As she approached Wendy's apartment building, a sense of excitement bubbled up inside her. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in anticipation. She had butterflies in her stomach, but they were the good kind. Seulgi rang the doorbell and waited anxiously. The door swung open, and there stood Wendy, looking slightly disheveled as if she had been in the middle of something important. But unlike other days, there was no paint on her arms and c

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totally butchered the poster :') i should probably stick to just writing T_T


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Chapter 3: What
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
where are you now😭😭😭
Seulgi_bear_ #3
Chapter 3: Re-reading lol cuz I miss this story already and I just realized Irene would have seen everythingggg once Wendy closed the door and seulgi left💀💀💀
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 3: Thank u so much author nim for update can't wait to see seulgi find out 👀🤍🤍
xeembiote #5
Chapter 3: I'm confused. Isn't irene a white cat with blue eyes? How did she become striped ginger in the middle of the story?
Seulgi_bear_ #6
Chapter 3: So intrigued with how Irene will fit in the picture!
Seulgi_bear_ #7
Chapter 3: Ahhh the poster looks so good! Multi talented author❤️❤️ seulgi is the sweetest, most adorable already, but Wendy is being so sus...
67 streak #8
So hype for this story 🥰🐻🐰
no_face #9
Can't wait 😊
born10966 #10
This sounds interesting. Btw the poster looks good.