Chapter 1

still you | baekyeon
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Kim Taeyeon's car pulled up at the usual Starbucks Coffee spot with a rumbling engine that matched the growling in her stomach. She was hungry for more than her usual apple breakfast today. Two weeks of non-stop apples had her craving a change.

Stepping out of the car, she adjusted her cap and headed towards the entrance. Her heart felt heavy, though she tried to act casual. Even though she wanted a warm breakfast, sitting alone in that café didn't sit well with her. Being Kim Taeyeon, the famous Korean entertainment star, had its good and bad sides. One downside was the constant scrutiny of her every move.

With a determined nod, she decided to get her order to go. No need to deal with curious stares from other customers. Her image was her priority, and she wanted to manage it her way. Waiting in line, she couldn't help but wonder why she hadn't brought someone along. A friend, an acquaintance, anyone. But there she was, by herself, surrounded by strangers.

Finally, at the counter, she placed her order, glancing around to make sure nobody was giving her too much attention. The barista didn't seem to care much about her hideous appearance, which was a nice change. As she went to pick up her order, she caught sight of someone entering the café from the corner of her eye. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized the tall figure and distinctive features.

Byun Baekhyun...

She knew it was him immediately. The unexpected sight of him sent a wave of emotions rushing over her. This was not how she wanted her morning to go. She thought about slipping away before he can even notice her, but it was too late. Their eyes met, and for a moment, everything stopped.

"Crap," she muttered under her breath, cursing her luck. She looked away quickly, hoping he didn't see her recognition.

Of all people she's gonna run into, why did it have to be him?

She her heel and practically fled the café, holding her warm cup and the paper bag tightly against the chill she felt.

The encounter left her flustered, and she was frustrated with herself.

Why did I get so worked up over seeing him?

They were just two people who had crossed paths in the past, nothing more.

As she got back in her car, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. It had been a while since she was out in public without an entourage, without someone always by her side. It had felt liberating, but now, sitting there in her car, it felt lonely.

With a sigh, she started the engine and drove away from the parking lot. The encounter with Baekhyun was fresh in her mind, and she couldn't help but wonder how he was doing. It had been years since they last spoke, and she had heard bits of his success through the grapevine. She was genuinely happy for him, but a part of her felt a sense of longing.

Is he happy?

As she drove home, the morning's events played over and over in her mind. The unexpected encounter had stirred up memories she had tried to forget. Memories of laughter, shared secrets, a time when things were simpler. She had gotten used to being on her own that she almost forgot what it was like to have someone to lean on.

"No," she whispered to herself, gripping the steering wheel tighter. She couldn't let herself go down that path. Her career was her focus now, and she had worked too hard to let anything divert her from her goals.

Back at her apartment, she let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. The smell of coffee filled the air, a reminder of the morning's unexpected turn. As she sat down with her breakfast, she made a silent promise. She wouldn't let chance meetings or old memories distract her from her path.


On the other side, Byun Baekhyun's heart raced as his eyes locked with hers, his familiarity with her presence impossible to ignore. Thoughts raced through his mind as he tried to make sense of the surprise encounter.

Is that really her?

The woman who used to be so close, whose laughter and smiles were a big part of his life.

His observations of her actions after their eyes met only fueled his suspicions. The way she looked away, the tension in her body language—everything pointed to a recognition she was trying to hide. It had been years since they last spoke, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the woman he saw was not a stranger.

With cautious steps, he approached the counter, his heart beating fast. The buzz of conversations around him felt distant as he focused on the scene before him. People chatted and enjoyed their coffee, seemingly unaware of the tension in the air.

Ordering an Iced Americano, Baekhyun's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. He needed to clear his thoughts, find comfort in routines that had become his anchor. After his morning jog and a short nap, he headed to the SM building for SuperM's dance practice. Despite his efforts to throw himself into his work, the encounter's weight clung to him, leaving him unusually quiet and introspective.

The hours were a blur of rehearsals and performances for Baekhyun. He tried to pour all his energy into his role as SuperM's leader, immersing himself in dance routines and vocal exercises. However, the choreography that used to come naturally now felt like an enigma he couldn't solve. Frustration built as he watched his fellow members execute the steps he struggled with.

The dance choreographer, noticing Baekhyun's usual prowess, raised an eyebrow. The others exchanged puzzled looks as they tried to support their leader. But Baekhyun's mind was somewhere else, torn between the dance routine and the memories that resurfaced with each step.

They had countless encounters as artists in the same agency, but this was the first time she looked him in the eye.

Anxiety gnawed at him, a nagging feeling that he was letting down his team. He was the energetic, charismatic presence in the group, the one who lifted their spirits during tough times. Now, stumbling through the choreography, he felt like a shadow of himself.

The dance choreographer, aware of his struggles, raised an eyebrow. The others exchanged puzzled glances, trying to figure out what was happening. But Baekhyun's mind was a storm, torn between the dance and memories that had resurfaced.

They had plenty of interactions being in the same agency, but this was the first time she met his gaze.

Anxiety ate at him, a feeling that he was failing his team. He was the one who usually kept the energy high, but now, stumbling through the dance, he felt lost.

He thought about other leaders, like Suho from EXO, who had taken on leadership roles. Now, struggling to find his rhythm, he felt empathy for what they had gone through. The rehearsals continued, but his mind kept drifting back to Taeyeon.

What's wrong with me?

He couldn't shake the feeling that their past had affected her somehow, changed her in ways he didn't understand. Guilt gnawed at him, wondering if he had contributed to her current state.

Was I a reason she withdrew from the public eye?

The hours passed in a blur for Baekhyun. He was determined to focus on his work, but thoughts of Taeyeon kept creeping in. He couldn't help but wonder why she seemed so different now. The solo artist who used to be talkative and lively now avoided variety shows and music programs. He felt responsible for her changes.

Amidst the whirlwind of thoughts, Baekhyun's stomach growled loudly, a reminder that he had neglected to eat lunch. With a sigh, he decided to take a break and head to the cafeteria. His footsteps led him to the familiar space, and he couldn't help but feel

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