Forever Can Begin 🍂🍁

Autumn Love 🍂🍁
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The most beautiful relationship in this world starts with friendship.



That golden season.

That beautiful season. 

That farewell season. 

The gentle Autumn breeze scraped his face and he smiled as he closed his eyes. Autumn was a beautiful season. The leaves change color, and the smell of cider, and Autumn food fills the nostrils. Autumn was more than just a season. It was a goodbye. They say that Autumn is the year's last loveliest smile. They say that Autumn was an encouraging season. They say that Autumn represents people and their many faces. It means their emotions, even those they buried deep inside them. The Autumn season also meant letting go and trying again. 


And what does letting go have to do with anything, right? Or trying again? 

After all, Autumn is only a season.  

Well, the answer was simple. 

Looking deeper into it and analyzing the season, there were many things that one could learn from it. It taught people to let go. It taught people to try again even if they fail for the millionth time. To compare, one could say that it was like the leaves. They live a life, but when it's time to go or let go, they leave gracefully, knowing that they will return or try again. Autumn is a season that wasn't afraid of showing its colors - or emotions in the human world. It showed the beauty of being and it felt as if each leaf had a story to tell. 

Same as people. Each person had a story. Good or bad, it didn't matter. 

It was a story with a beginning and an end, wasn't it? 

But unlike Autumn, showing one's true emotions and feelings was easier said than done. 

For you see, nature had its course and it was always a perfect cycle, but in the human world, things worked differently. They were more complicated. Actions differed from words. Emotions were hard to show and words were often left unsaid. Stories often had no end, or if they did, they were tragic endings or mystery ones, very rarely did they have a happy ending like in fairytales. 

Byun Baekhyun knew that all too well.

But the question is, what is Byun Baekhyun's story?

Why did he love Autumn so much? 

Was it because Autumn allowed him to find peace? 

Was it because it perhaps reminded him of someone? 

Or was it just its beauty?  

Well, there is only one way to find out, right?

In that case, shall we go back and meet Byun Baekhyun and Lee Nayeon?

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Ten years earlier...

Seoul, South Korea

Seoul National University

Baekhyun walked through the university corridors, pushing through the crowd of students to get to his class. Summer vacation was over and it was time to get back to the boring everyday life of university. Something that was hard to do for the past two weeks. Well, for some it was boring, and hard, for others it was not. It actually depended on who you ask. Managing to get to his first class of the day, Baekhyun walked inside only to find Chanyeol, Jongin, and Sehun sitting in the back of the classroom. Upon seeing him, Chanyeol raised his hand and motioned Baekhyun to join them.

Baekhyun adjusted his backpack over his left shoulder and moved toward the back of the classroom. 

“Good morning!” Sehun grinned. 

“Morning…” Baekhyun mumbled as he placed his backpack down and joined them at the table. “Someone’s a happy camper this morning.” 

“Someone has to be,” Sehun hummed. “When the three of you are angry birds…”

Chanyeol glared. "We don't like mornings. It's too early and loud." 

Jongin, instead of responding, grumbled.

"See, he agrees with me." Chanyeol huffed. 

“Or maybe it’s because their girlfriends are stuck at home with the flu,” Sehun hummed. “They’ve been pouting all morning.”

Baekhyun blinked and shook his head. “You three are unbelievable.” 

"Unbelievable. Says a person who hates mornings too… Sheesh!” Chanyeol mumbled, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. 

"Can you all shut up, please?" Jongin mumbled. 

“I can assure you, Baek. If Areum and Eunji appeared, these two would be hyper in a matter of a second!” Sehun commented. 

“No …” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. 

"How does Nari put up with you, Oh?" 

“That’s a question for her,” Sehun winked.

As Jongin's phone rang he pulled it out quickly and grinned. "Excuse me." 

“See?” Sehun hummed. “Around them, the two are never grumpy.”

Baekhyun nodded. “True.”

Chanyeol huffed but not for long because his phone rang. A grin flashed on his face and he excused himself. “Yes, love?” He spoke as he quickly left the classroom.

“At least you guys have someone,” Baekhyun shrugged. 

“Have you tried talking to her?” Sehun asked as he opened a bag of chips and offered it to Baekhyun. 

“No…” He replied, taking a chip out of the bag.


“She is with someone else!” Baekhyun snapped. “She sees me only as a friend and I believe she has pointed it out a couple of times…”

“As far as I know,” Sehun looked at him. “Their relationship has been rocky recently.” 

“I would’ve known that–”

“No, you wouldn’t,” Sehun shook his head, cutting him off. “She doesn’t want to bother you with her problems.” 

“It doesn’t change anything…” 

“Byun Baekhyun,” Sehun frowned. “You can ask whoever you want and they will all answer the same. The sparks between the two of you are evident. Both of you are free around each other and both of you have so many things in common.” 

Baekhyun sighed, taking another chip. 

“I know that it’s not easy to confess and I know that you are worried about her reaction and whether she will accept it or run away, but unless you say what lies in your heart, you can’t know, can you?” The latter said. “Do you think it was easy for me to confess to Nari? I used to beat around the bush each time until I realized that I was running out of time and if I didn’t do something, someone else would.” 

Baekhyun nodded slowly. 

“Yes, it was hard. Yes, I was afraid of her reaction. Yes, I was afraid of rejection, but I manned up and I did what I had to do, and look where we are now. Tomorrow is our third anniversary.”

“You were just lucky…”

“Cut the bull, Byun,” Chanyeol’s voice echoed from behind them. 

“Just do it,” Jongin jumped in. 

"Nayong will make you work for it and she should." Chanyeol hummed, taking a chip from the bag that was on the table. 

“Considering how long you are taking…” Jongin hummed. “She shouldn’t make it easy.”

"And her personality..." 

“Try and don’t chicken out,” Sehun said.

“Unless you are a coward,” Chanyeol smirked. “Are you a coward?” 

“No!” Baekhyun snapped. 

“Great!” Jongin grinned. “Tonight is the party and there you will have your chance.” 

“Sehun will keep up updated,” Chanyeol winked. 

“You can bet on it!” Sehun grinned and showed a thumbs-up. 

Baekhyun couldn’t but chuckle at the reactions and encouragement of his three best friends, but he knew that they had a point. 

He would try, but there were no promises.

Nayeon yawned and stretched in bed, but the peaceful morning moment didn’t last long once she looked at the time and realized that she overslept. Blinking, she jumped out of bed and started collecting her things before heading for the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready for today. Breakfast was out of the question at this point. 


Hissing in annoyance, she quickly took a shower, and instead of neatly doing her hair, she decided to pick it up into a bun. Once done, she ran back into her room and over to her desk to quickly check the schedule and see what she had for today. Ever since the pandemic was over, going back to University and having classes offline was a bit hard to adjust to and it was exhausting, but it was what it was, and complaining didn’t help. 

After all, it was her choice to stay up late, and no, it wasn’t because she was studying but it was because of arguing with her idiotic boyfriend and then afterward, texting her friends and venting. He wasn’t worth her time or her effort and at this point, the two were one step away from ending their ty relationship. 

She tried, she really did. But everyone has limits, right? Well, so does she. 

She had enough of his lies.

She had enough of his excuses.

She had enough of his behavior. 

She had given him many chances, but what was enough was enough. 

Her friends were right.

She deserves someone better.

Someone who will treat her the right way. 

“Late again, huh?” Yunho, her older brother hummed as she walked into the kitchen. “I’m impressed.” 

Nayeon glared at him. “I am not in the mood for your jokes.” 

“I love you too,” He winked and pointed to a lunch box on the counter. “Since you don’t have time for breakfast, at least eat your lunch. Also, there is an energy drink and a chocolate bar to get you going.”

Nayeon grinned and quickly hugged her brother. “Thank you, Oppa!” 

He chuckled. “Your mood swings sometimes scare me,” He teased.

“Yah!” Nayeon pouted as she smacked his shoulder. 

"That's not my name." He hummed.

She frowned. “I’m out of here. See ya!” 

With that, she grabbed the lunch box and threw her backpack on her back, rushing out of the apartment. As she ran out of the apartment complex, she rushed toward her car and quickly got in. Starting the engine, she buckled up but the sound of her phone stopped her for a moment. Reaching for her phone, she answered the group video chat. 

“My is late again…” She frowned. 

"Don't worry, I will ask my oppa to make an excuse for you." 

“No, really it’s okay, Nari.”

"Nonse– ACHOO!" Areum sneezed. “UGH! Stupid flu!”

"You tell me..." Eunji mumbled as she grimaced in pain.

"Girls, just make sure not to get too worked up it will be worse." Nari frowned.

“That’s easier said than done…” Areum pouted.

"I'll be behind again..." Eunji sighed.

“I always make notes for you two,” Nayeon said. “At least from the classes I am not late to.”

"You are an angel..." Eunji mumbled. 

"A savior. We should make her into Saint one day..." Areum jumped in. “But that’s not why we called you.” 

“We wanted to see how you were doing… last night…” Nari sighed. 

“I’m fine,” Nayeon said, her eyes focused on the road. 

“Nayeon…” Eunji called out. 

“Last night was the last straw,” She replied. “I’ve had enough of him and his ! If he wants to flirt and date other girls, then it’s fine with me, but we are over. There is nothing more that can be said or done. It’s time I moved on with my life and focused on what matters. My friends and my studies.” 

“And?” Eunji hummed.

“And what?” Nayeon asked as she came to a stop at the intersection. 

“You are forgetting someone…” Areum filled in. 

“His name starts with the capital letter B…” Nari chuckled. 


“Mhm,” The girls hummed. 

“We are just friends and–” 

“So friends look at each other with lust?” Areum asked. 

“Or get jealous if someone else is around?” Eunji followed.

“Or hiss at others?” Nari grinned. 

Nayeon rolled her eyes. “When did I do that all, huh? When?” 

“Girl, we ain’t blind,” Areum spoke. “We saw those looks.” 

“That spark between the two of you is ready to explode any second!” Eunji replied. 

“So don’t play stupid with us,” Nari raised a brow. “When will you two–” 

“Oh, look! I reached my destination!” Nayeon said, cutting them off. “I must run! Bye!” 

Before the girls could reply, Nayeon ended the call. Every time they would start the topic, Nayeon would do everything in her power to avoid it or suddenly come up with something she must do. Byun Baekhyun was her best friend… but true, around him, she felt strange. He made her heart beat strangely. He made her blush when she didn’t want to.

She liked the attention that he was giving her.

She liked the small gestures he did to make her day.

She liked the way he talked.

The way he smiled.

The way he walked. 

The way he looked.

But he was a friend and nothing else… or at least that is what she kept telling herself.

She huffed. “What is with everyone recently?! There is nothing between us and there never will be!”

Shrugging her thoughts away, she pressed on the gas pedal and sped down the road. 

What happened that night? 

Was it a success? 

Or another failure? 

The music played in the back as the gentle breeze with the scent of cider grazed Baekhyun’s face. The latter kept looking at the bonfire in front of him. The colors combined and danced in front of his eyes as if the bonfire was trying to tell its story. Taking a sip out of his beer, he sighed. His mind was all over the place as he thought about the best way to convey his feelings in words without sounding strange or awkward… that was the last thing he needed. Chanyeol and the others gave him a few examples and told him to be blunt about it, but he couldn’t just do it out of the blue.

“You know, I like you… for some time now…” 

He blinked at himself and shook his head.

“No, no,” He mumbled. “I need a better one… Aish…” 

Scratching the back of his head he took a deep breath. “Listen, I like you… No! That’s too blunt, you idiot!” 

Ruffling his hair, he huffed in frustration. 

“Nayeon, I don’t consider you just a friend… I like you like a man likes a woman...." 

He sighed. 

"Really? Byun, you are a lost case..." 

Nayeon stayed silent as she stood behind him, amused as she watched him and drank her beer. 

“Why is it so hard?!” He scolded himself. “Why can’t I man up? Okay, okay. Calm down, and try again.”

She raised a brow but decided to not make her presence known. 

“Lee Nayeon, I want us to be more than just friends…” He said, lookin

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it was so beautiful!!❤ I really loved it!! It was a oneshot but it was so fulfilling I really liked this😭💖
Chapter 1: First, I just want to say thank you so much for the heart felt A/N you left for me. ❤️ You are one of my closest friends on here and I appreciate your touching message 🥹💕

Second, I loved this oneshot! I love it when the couple breaks up and at the last minute the man realizes that he needs his woman and goes after her! Absolutely love that trope!! Baekhyun and Nayeon were always meant to be together and even though they were separated for a little bit, the Autumn 🍂 was able to bring them back together 🥹❤️

Thank you for such a beautifully written birthday present!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 1: Such a sweet and lovely story 🤍
Awww! I see so many friends to lovers when the female is confessing to him I’m excited to see the reverse
This sounds lovely!
*overly fangirls*
I can’t wait for my birthday so I can read this! 🤭 This story looks promising and I love how pretty/anesthetic your foreword looks! The autumn atmosphere really pops!! 🍂 Love it!! 😊❤️