AUTUMN PT 3: with these falling leaves, i remember and fall

seasons and weather
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Jimin doesn't know how or when but all she knows is that she and Minjeong started to communicate through sticky notes - blue for Minjeong, purple for Jimin. She wasn't complaining about it at all, after all, it was a step forward - no matter how small it was, and how different it is during the times when Minjeong doesn't even need to call Jimin, as she would automatically navigate and go to the latter, and vice versa.

The note started with Minjeong - after the breakfast stint, which Jimin thought would never happen again, the girl surprised her on a random night to a leftover take out on the table with the familiar blue note sticking.

Had some extra, you can have it if you're hungry - MJ

Jimin smiles, seeing the Chinese takeout and didn't hesitate to have it for dinner, heating up and hoping for Minjeong to walk out from her room. But it seems like the girl doesn't have any plans on doing so, after all, it's almost 11 in the evening. Jimin was out due to some school requirements, she needed to finish some papers and start some concepts for the major plate she needs to pass by the end of the month.

The peace of being a student was short lived since professors started to give out activities on their second week, tests after tests, papers after papers, requirements, plates - and Jimin couldn't help but to comply, draining the hell out of her. There would be times that she'd forget to eat, skipping lunch and dinner because of exhaustion - so having this Chinese takeout, it's a saving grace for her.

It's been a month and Jimin still hasn't talked to Minjeong properly, just through sticky notes. She doubts a note could carry a whole conversation, but it's better than nothing - Jimin would settle for that. So, without any thoughts, the morning after Jimin prepared some breakfast for two, leaving a note for Minjeong.

Cooked for you, thanks for last night's dinner. Have a good day ahead :) - JM

Jimin swore she contemplated that small smiley face for a good three minutes but decided to just do it, after all, it's just a note. So, as she walked out of their dorm Jimin just hoped that even for a little bit, that Minjeong would appreciate the breakfast - just like how Jimin feels every time the girl would have some extras left for Jimin.

She was already used to having her 3-hour class every morning for twice a week, being a major subject with her degree - even sometimes questioning herself why she chose architecture as her major, and yet here she is. Entering their room, wherein most of her classmates are all busy with their requirement, Jimin quickly sat beside Giselle who's doing the same, the latter simply acknowledging her presence with a nod as she concentrates on her drawing.

Jimin quickly pulls out her materials, not wasting any time until she notices one thing missing - her drawing tube, which includes her own requirements. She cussed out and sighed exasperatedly, looking at the clock only to be stressed out a bit more to see that classes would start in 15 minutes. Jimin did a quick math and she knew that she wouldn't get back in time, and much to her luck, their professor entered the room.

"Good morning, just continue doing your requirement as the deadline won't be extended."

Everyone paid her no mind, and Jimin was on the verge of hyperventilating not until Giselle touched her shoulder, grabbing her attention.

"Hey, you look like you're about to pass out."

Jimin composes herself, this has been one of her flaws - the fact that she cannot properly manage her responsibilities, forgetting important things, and then feeling everything closing in once it dawns on her. "I forgot my tube, I don't know what to do."

She hears Giselle instructing her to take some deep breaths, and god was she thankful having the girl beside her, Jimin wouldn't know what would happen if Giselle wasn't here. "How about you message Minjeong?"


Jimin looks at the girl as if she grew another head, and Giselle simply returns the look. "She might still be there, and I also heard from Ning that their classes will start by 9."

Okay, Giselle has a good point since Jimin saw the time - it was still 8 in the morning, and she noticed that Minjeong would take her time in getting ready every morning, and would leave their apartment 15 minutes before her classes. Jimin is observant, that's basically it.

And yet, one problem is that: "I don't have her number."

Now, it was Giselle's turn to look at Jimin in the manner the latter did earlier. "You, what?"

Jimin groans as she pushes her hair back, "I don't know her number." It was a white lie, Jimin has Minjeong's number but the thing is, it was her number from years before - and she doubts if the girl still uses that. She also doubts that Minjeong has her number as well.

"I don't know what to say but I'll just message Ning to tell Minjeong," Giselle said as she pulled out her phone, quickly typing a message. "You should really start acting as a dorm mate and be friendly, Ji."

"It's not like we don't talk," Jimin reasons out, they do talk to each other - maybe two to three words max on each day. Five if Jimin is being generous. "We're just busy with our own business, I guess."

"It's almost been a month, heck two months Ji." Giselle rolls her eyes, "I bet I see Minjeong much more frequently than you do."

"We're just busy," Jimin repeated and in a second, her phone vibrated, receiving a new message. Giselle looks at it and shrugs her shoulders.

"That must be her, I gave Ning your number so that Minjeong could message you." Giselle said and flicked Jimin's forehead lightly, "You be friendly there, now reply."

Jimin was surprised to see Minjeong's old contact welcoming her, and somehow Jimin felt relieved - it's like memories came rushing back to her to the times where they would message each other late at night, having random calls at the most random times. It felt good, even though everything has changed between them, there were still remnants of familiarity that Jimin could have - that she could only know and could cherish.

hey - minjeong kim minjeongie

it's minjeong, on my way there. - minjeong kim minjeongie

Jimin smiles at the childing name, she quickly types a reply saying the room and her thanking the girl. She stares at it for a few seconds, contemplating if she should change the contact name - it's been like that in Jimin's phone that she couldn't even remember since when, and changing it doesn't feel right.

Hell, having this huge distance and wall from Minjeong never felt right to begin with. And so, Jimin decided to let it be - that even through this superficial thought, Jimin could say that she and Minjeong had something, and knew one another better than anyone.

Despite the fact that it's all in the past.

hey, i'm already outside your room - minjeong kim minjeongie

Jimin raised an eyebrow, standing up and whispering to Giselle about Minjeong already being there with her tube. Even Giselle was surprised, "Well, that was quick."

It was quick indeed and Jimin walked out of the room only to see a panting Minjeong - the latter was obviously catching her breath, heaving out as she held on to her knee. Jimin's tube being held protectively by Minjeong as the latter's other belongings were being held haphazardly. It seems like the girl was too busy to catch her breath and Jimin awkwardly clears , successfully grabbing Minjeong's attention.

For the first time in months, this is the most absurd situation that Jimin had with Minjeong. "Hey, did you run here?"

Minjeong takes a long inhale and then an exhale, straightening everything as she stands up properly, "No." she said it with a poker face, with her chest heaving exaggeratedly.

Jimin closes her eyes and fights back a smile, nodding her head - the both of them know that Minjeong is lying, and Jimin was just letting the girl off the hook. "Okay, seriously thanks for doing this."

She said it sincerely and Minjeong simply nodded her head, giving Jimin's drawing tube without any other word. Jimin felt the need to fill in the silence, to say something more - anything, everything, and yet nothing came. All she could muster was a grateful smile, and there was an urge inside her - the bubbling thing inside her, the one where only Minjeong could be the cause of. To see the girl up close, and practically trace the streaks of sweat that was caused by her not-so-running, Jimin wanted to wipe it off.

But she could only tighten her hold onto her drawing tube.

And yet, Minjeong surprised her, "Thanks for the breakfast, it was good." That made Jimin stop staring at the sweat and looked at Minjeong - the girl's eyes staring straight at her, and in this distance, everything just became quiet. The sweet cinnamon and pumpkin spice flooded her senses, along with the soft and unwavering gaze - not the guarded one, but Jimin could tell that Minjeong was looking at her gratefully.

Normally, Jimin would've answered with a chuckle and a pinch on the girl's cheek - telling her that it's no big deal, anything for Minjeong. But the thing is, nothing is normal anymore and so, she answered differently. "You've been having some extras, just wanted to return the favor." she said with a smile.

And wow, that's more than 5 words exchanged - but who was keeping tabs? Not Minjeong. Maybe Jimin, who cares?

"Right," Minjeong nods her head, fixing her hair and Jimin knows that's the end of their conversation, not until Minjeong talks again. "You got time to cook breakfast but completely forgot your tube?"

Jimin couldn't tell if the latter was teasing her, but judging from Minjeong's look - she's really asking a genuine and curious question. "Uh yeah, I have so much on my plate and I do forget things sometimes."

"I see," Minjeong nods her head, grabbing something from her bag and Jimin watches until she is presented with drink. "Here."

"What?" It was strawberry milk, specifically her favorite.

"You function much better with sweet things," Minjeong shrugs as Jimin accepts the juice. It was weird to hear things like this from Minjeong, to know that the girl still remembers things about Jimin - the small things, everything, the ones that not everyone knows - and it feels warm again, everything about Minjeong feels warm and sweet.

"Oh, thanks. I'll just pay you - "

"No need," Minjeong shakes her head walking away with a dismissive wave, "I bought that for you anyways, have a great day."

Jimin was left there, unmoving even when Minjeong was already out of sight. Everything was too much, and yet Jimin craves for more - the way Minjeong simply said it, like saying the weather for today, as if they're not avoiding each other. Well, maybe there weren't and Jimin was just overthinking it - god, she should really stop doing that.

So, Jimin enters their room in a daze, preparing everything and it took Giselle's voice to snap her out of it. "Hey, you got juice?"

"Uh, yeah," Jimin nods her head, looking at the juice. And then Giselle was reaching out to grab something, pulling what seems to be a blue sticky note. A raised eyebrow and a question on the tip of the girl's tongue.

"It's from Minjeong," Jimin said, quickly snatching the note from Giselle. The latter just laughed, shaking her head. "Obviously."

On that note, Minjeong's neat writing greeted her.

Goodluck :) - MJ

Jimin doesn't know how that simple managed to turn her day to a good one but then, she feels like everything is on its right course for today - it's quite funny how those simple words, mundane and dare she say, surface level words, affect her to this extent. Though questions still linger inside her, those that she refuses to voice out - was it because she doesn't have the right to ask? Or the fact that she has an inkling on what the answer could be? Or was it the subtle ache and deathly truth that she couldn't handle the answer?

Hence, she kept it inside the trunk of her mind - locked and safe, only the whispers of the questions that she could hear within her, seeping out from time to time.

The 3-hour classes went by like a breeze, Jimin and the others were too focused on the task to even check the time, only the loud bell pulled them all out of their zone, and the announcement of their professor - reminding them the deadline by the end of the month. Giselle has asked Jimin to continue their other requirements in the library, and she didn't hesitate to agree - grateful that they have a huge free time before their second class. And so, the two walked to the library, generally talking about other requirements and papers they need to do.

This is one of the things that Jimin liked about college, not the workload but having someone to talk to about the workload - it distracts her mind on the fact that she should be stressed, having Giselle beside her taking almost the same classes as her takes the weight of the pressure. This is also one of the times she hopes that Ryujin and Yeji are with them, those two would always joke and fight one another, and would literally take Jimin's mind off from her own problems even for a short moment.

These three people have been her pillar - the ones that managed to enter Jimin's circle, the circle itself in all honesty.

"You still haven't drunk that yet," Giselle points out as they turn a corner, and Jimin glances at the juice she's holding. It's not like she doesn't want to drink it but more of like she wants to preserve it, and prolong its existence until Jimin actually needs it.

"Maybe later," Jimin answered, playing with the note in her pocket.

"Even Minjeong is being much more friendly with you," Giselle rolls her eyes and the teasing tone is very loud in her voice, "You should be ashamed."

"I cooked her breakfast, shut up."

Jimin saw the way Giselle stuttered in her steps, and she already knew what would come next. "You cooked her what now?!"

"Breakfast, I had extra time, it's not a big deal." Jimin replies, hoping that Giselle would brush it off as a simple gesture.

"No, Jimin. But, you cooking breakfast?"

"Gi, seriously stop being - "

"Who cooked what now?"

Jimin mentally groans, okay she did say that she misses Ryujin and Yeji but now is not the right time - but there they are, approaching Giselle and Jimin and has obviously heard their discussion based on their curious faces.

Damn ing hell.

"Jimin cooked for Minjeong." Giselle said, beating Jimin to it. And of course, the two had the same exact reaction as Giselle - surprised and curious, and Jimin just wants to go back to their dorm and forget that all of this is happening.

Jimin could only save herself by hastily entering the library, taking three huge steps and pushing the glass door open. She could hear the loud whispers of the other three behind them, mostly about Giselle sharing Jimin's antics earlier and the fact on what she shared minutes before. Jimin shushed the three when she saw the stern stare of the librarian when they entered - as much as she wants to go back, Jimin also needs to start on some of her papers.

Surprisingly, the library seems to have much more students than she expected. With the high ceiling of the place, along with the wooden shelves that hold hundreds of books - it's quite surprising to see this place to be this crowded.

"Is it just me or are people really into studying these days?" Ryujin whispered, which earned quiet chuckles from Jimin and the other two.

"Come on, there might be a vacant table at the back." Jimin said and sauntered off, roaming around quietly and looking for a free table that they could use. Giselle and the others did the same, a conversation here and there, with Ryujin and Yeji sharing that they have free time as well, coincidentally seeing Giselle and Jimin.

And when Jimin was about to lose hope, she felt someone pulling her - Giselle was grabbing her arm, making Jimin turn to the direction she's waving at. She squints her eyes to see a familiar girl waving at them - Ningning.

"Look, they have that table all to themselves." Giselle said and when Ningning gestured for them to come, Giselle just pulled Jimin with her. "Okay, we'll sit with them."

Ryujin and Yeji followed right behind Jimin, "Oh, is that Minjeong?" Ryujin points out. That's when Jimin noticed another presence right in front of Ningning, the familiar clothes she saw earlier during her first class - the oversized shirt cocooning the owner, along with the plaid shirt protecting her from the cold. All buried deep in a book that Jimin was not familiar with.

"Oh, that's Minjeong?" Yeji questions, and walking a bit forward to get a good look, "That's the one you cooked dinner for?" she asked, directing the question to Jimin with a glance.

"Breakfast," Jimin corrected.

Yeji chuckled, "Got you." she said and Jimin just rolled her eyes, there's no use of denying it with them. As they've approached their table, Ningning quickly fixes some of her scattered papers and pencils, various sketches and drafts.

"Hey, you want to sit with us?" Ningning said, gesturing to the empty space beside them. The four didn't hesitate to accept the offer, with Ryujin and Yeji already taking the seats beside Minjeong - Jimin ignored the disappointment that bubbled inside her, hiding it by pulling the seat beside Giselle.

"How long have you guys been here? It's packed today," Giselle whispers, asking Ningning.

"Oh, our first class ended earlier than expected and we just went here to do some work," Ningning answered, nodding her head to Minjeong's direction - the latter still not lifting her head as she wrote down things on her paper with her brows furrowed. "She's been at that book since we've arrived."

Jimin looked at Minjeong, the familiar scene - mannerisms of whenever the girl is concentrating, mainly because she's trying to grasp and analyze the book, lost in the world of various words written on the page she's at, the way her lips would move in a pace as if whispering each word she's reading, pursing it and rereading once again when she got lost in her thoughts failing for her to understand. It was these familiar things that showed her once again that Minjeong is still the same old Minjeong she knows.

"Hey, Minjeong. We have company," Ningning whispers, nudging the girl under the table with a kick, "At least say something."

That's when Minjeong lifts her head up, noticing the other people at their table - she gives Giselle, Ryujin, and Yeji a smile. And if Jimin notices the way Minjeong looked at her, a second or two longer, glancing at the still untouched juice right beside her hand, and nodding to acknowledge her presence, Jimin brushes it off. The same way she gulps down the expectation to receive a smile from the girl.

"Hi, sorry I was reading," Minjeong apologizes softly, "I don't really notice my surroundings when I'm too deep in a book." she explains.

Jimin looks at the book, checking its cover to see a withered tree and a silhouette of a lady kneeling, Wuthering Heights - Jimin was familiar with it, a classic book that she once wanted to read but never had a chance.

"Oh, it's fine. We're used to that since Jimin is very much the same," Yeji reassures, offering a hand to Minjeong, "I'm Yeji, by the way." she smiles, her very toothy and friendly smile that no one could help but to return with their own.

Minjeong shakes the hand gently, "Ah, right. I'm Minjeong," she introduces and glances at the other girl, looking at her with expectations. "And you're Ryujin, right?"

Jimin shakes her head when she sees how Ryujin excitedly nods her head at Minjeong's acknowledgement, she just focuses on what she needs to do - pulling out her laptop and checking the papers that she needs to start. She could hear the faint conversations the others were having, Minjeong being asked by Ryujin on what's the book about, Giselle having her own with Ningning as she skims through the rough sketches that were scattered earlier - and then there's Yeji, and Jimin looks up from her laptop screen to see the latter staring at her with a raised eyebrow.

Jimin mouths a 'what' to the girl, frowning in confusion. Yeji smirks slightly, shaking her head and Jimin was about to kick the girl under the table only to be stopped when Ryujin suddenly called her, discussing the work the two of them need to do. Jimin looks at Ryujin who was pulling her phone for Yeji to look at, then her eyes - without her knowing, navigated to the person next to Ryujin: Minjeong.

Jimin ignores the stutter in her chest when black orbs are already looking at her, connecting with her own - a soft intensity that only Minjeong could do to Jimin, as if the girl is reading her like a book, staring right into her soul without any hesitation, studying Jimin as if she were an abstract art piece. Jimin felt bare at that moment, not knowing what to do - should she smile, nod her head, or ignore and continue  what she was doing earlier?

Thankfully, Minjeong saves her from that dilemma as she tears her gaze away from Jimin, now focused again on the book and where she left off. But Jimin was still looking at Minjeong, her mind reeling her to say something - look at me, see me, analyze me piece by piece, and tell me what you see.

And yet her conscience whispers: Someone who has caused her pain.

Reluctantly, Jimin tears her gaze as well - only for unwavering and daring black orbs haunting her mind.

The table was filled with silence, rustling of papers, murmurs, and keyboard clacking were heard - Giselle would ask Jimin for input from time to time, and vice versa. Ningning on the other hand, would scroll through her phone for inspiration and would sketch once she thought of something. Ryujin and Yeji simply wrote their outline on a piece of paper, quietly discussing what they need - and Minjeong, she's rifling through each page of the book she's reading.

In the midst of silence, stolen glances were thrown - and not one did they catch the other doing the same.

"Hey, Jimin," a deep boyish voice calls out, making Jimin look up to see Taeyong approaching her. The older guy has been her friend, well much more of an acquaintance if she's being honest, "Aren't you a good student today?"

"Shut up, Yong." Jimin said, annoyance she didn't even try to hide. "We're busy here."

"I could see that," Taeyeon chuckles, showing her boyish charms in the process - if other girls saw it, they would surely swoon right then and there. But Jimin and her friends were so used to Taeyong that they just ignored the guy most of the time. Though she and Taeyong did try to date, they've made an agreement after two dates that they were better off as just good friends.

"So, why are you here?" Giselle questions, and Jimin glances at the two younger girls - of course, their attention is already away from their work and now on Jimin and Taeyong.

Taeyong just clicks his tongue, "Party later tonight, hosted by Mark."

"We have so much to do and that's the least of our priority here," Ryujin comments, and Taeyong just chuckled, nudging Jimin.

"Don't be lame, I bet Jimin's thinking about it," Taeyong said and looked at Jimin, and honestly, she was thinking about it. "I'll message you the details, goodluck with that." he said and patted Jimin's shoulder as he walked away.

Jimin then sees Yeji looking at her questioningly, "Are you seriously thinking about it?"

"I just think that we need to let loose from time to time," Jimin shrugs her shoulders, "They've been giving us a hell ton of workload."

"Can't we do that with just watching some netflix?" Giselle sighed, "I told you to cut off your partying."

"And this is the first time since then," Jimin reasons out, "I'm just thinking about it, I'm not sure yet."

"Yeah, sure," Ryujin sighs, standing up once she saw it was almost time for their next class. "Just message us when you've decided, heaven knows you'll get wasted." she said and Yeji followed suit, bidding goodbye to them. Giselle sighs, looking at Jimin before continuing what she was doing earlier.

Jimin didn't return the look, but there's one urge she couldn't hold back - glancing at Minjeong's direction, she saw the latter looking at her. A look she's very much accustomed with and yet, it never fails to affect Jimin to the core, especially when it's coming from the said person.


Jimin looks away - and in that moment, reading it all very wrong as she didn't see the flash of worry that flooded Minjeong's features.

Jimin and Minjeong became two peas in a pod, one cannot be seen without the other - and if it happens so, people would always see the other one just from a distance. Jimin likes this, to have Minjeong by her side - to have someone that Jimin could talk to everyday, share her thoughts, no matter how random it was - and it doesn't feel right if it's not Minjeong.

She made friends soon enough but Minjeong never left the picture, whenever they would have breaks - Jimin would either go to Minjeong's room or have the latter in hers, talking about their day, or sharing their snacks together. Minjeong would always share some stories about the books she has read, or even updates on their garden.

And Jimin would be lying to herself if she said that wasn't the best part of the day - because spending time and listening to Minjeong talk was soothing for her. Especially when the girl would always say random things, and would end it with: 'this reminded me of you'

"I saw a cute kitten yesterday, it reminded me of you."

"I started reading this cute book, it reminded me of you because you said you wanted to build a house."

"I've checked the lilies, nothing much happened. It just reminded me of you."

"I bought you your favorite juice, can't help it. You're the first one I thought of."

Jimin wonders, how many times did Minjeong think of her in a day for her to say those things?

She's not complaining though.

Spending days and months with Minjeong, years after years, seasons turning and changing - then soon enough, it has been four years already and it was the fourth autumn with Minjeong. The lilies they've planted before had bloomed and withered, and it was their fourth time planting, all dirtied up and full of sweat - laying under the tree at Jimin's front yard, watching the leaves fall slowly.

They've grown up - with Minjeong having longer hair tied in a bun, while Jimin still having and maintaining her shoulder-length one. "It's been four years since we've met, right?"

Minjeong hums, "Yeah, why?"

"Nothing, just thought of it. It's been so long and you're still here."

Then Jimin sees Minjeong sitting up, putting a little bit of weight on her left arm as she makes it as a support and looks at Jimin. "Do you want me to go?" she teases.

Jimin rolls her eyes, "Whatever," and throws some fallen leaves to Minjeong earning a loud laugh. "Don't you get tired, it seems like you're only spending time with me?"

It's a genuine question and curiosity, Jimin noticed it with Minjeong, the way the latter will go straight to Jimin's house to go together to school, spending time with Jimin during their break time, and then going home with Jimin. Then during their long breaks, Minjeong would always have Jimin at their house, and vice versa - heck even their parents know each other already and would sometimes spend the holidays together.

Jimin for most part was perfect and satisfied with it but she just needs to know because Minjeong might want to go out there - because if the girl is not with Jimin, then she would be buried in a book.

"I do spend time with my other friends," Minjeong rolls her eyes, "I don't get tired spending it with you most of the time."

"Why?" Jimin asked curiously, and Minjeong grinned at her.

"Because you might miss me."

And Jimin threw another handful of leaves as Minjeong dodges it with a laugh, laying down with Jimin again. "Have you thought of building a treehouse?"

Jimin blink at the question, it's no surprise for Minjeong to think about the most random things on a quiet day. She takes a second before answering, "Sometimes, I just think it'll be cool."

"Why don't we build one?"

"Min, sorry to break your bubble but we literally can't because - "

"Oh please, our parents love us. We can just charm them," Minjeong grinned, "It'll be like our secret hideout."

Jimin lays on her side, turning towards Minjeong as she stares - the girl was grinning, probably thinking about her idea. "I sometimes wonder how your mind works, it's too random sometimes."

"I bet you can't keep up with my mind," Minjeong laughs, turning and looking at Jimin as well, "So, about the treehouse?"

"I doubt they'll agree."

"Will never hurt if we try, right?"

As Minjeong said, they did try and surprisingly Jimin's dad agreed without any hesitation along with Minjeong's parents support. That was probably the only thing they did during their long break, with Minjeong and Jimin helping their parents build the treehouse. As expected, they decided to put it in Jimin's backyard since the tree there was strong and huge enough to support it.

So, Minjeong and Jimin helped the adults though they did hire some professionals to ensure its safety. Jimin's sister, Eunchae would sometimes join them to help but then it would end up with Minjeong playing with Eunchae. It's no surprise that her sister became really fond of Minjeong, the girl is a walking sunshine and Eunchae is like a sunflower - they just blended well together.

"Seriously, I don't know my sister's age but it feels like she's still 5 mentally." That was Mingyu, it was the last day of building the treehouse and Mingyu decided to help. Jimin laughs at his comment, watching Minjeong playing with Eunchae with the unused wood.

"Yeah, I can say the same." Jimin replies.

"I'm betting that Minjeong's the one that thought of the treehouse?"

"Obviously," Jimin laughs, earning a chuckle in return. She doesn't talk much to Mingyu since he's older than them, and obviously has different hobbies and a group of friends. But the guy never fails to spend time with them when he has a chance, Jimin feels like he's a big brother to both her and Eunchae.

"Hey, what are you two talking about?!"

"Speaking of the devil," Mingyu mutters, earning a giggle from Jimin, then out of nowhere he puts his arm around Jimin, "Nothing that you should know." he teased.

And if there's one thing that always triggers Minjeong, it's when Jimin is involved. One thing led to another, and Mingyu and Minjeong were already in their usual state: fighting and throwing air punches like cartoon characters. Jimin and Eunchae were simply watching them.

"Wow, I'm glad you're not like that, unnie." Eunchae breathes out in her cute voice, "I don't want to look stupid."

And as if on cue, Mingyu and Minjeong stopped and whipped their heads towards their direction - glaring. "Hey, we heard that!"

The night welcomed them and the treehouse was done, Minjeong did not hesitate to knock on Jimin's house - already wanting to try the treehouse. Mrs. Yu as usual just let them be, it's not like the treehouse was on the other side of the country. Jimin watches Minjeong climbing up the ladder without a hitch, and she gulps - she's not sure if she can actually do it, seeing that the tree was obviously too high for her liking.

"Hey, what are you doing there? Come on, go up the ladder, it's so great here!" Minjeong exclaims, walking around and Jimin could hear the rustling from where she was standing but she just stood there.

"I think it's already late, Minjeong, why don't we just do this another time?" Jimin reasons out, grimacing at the evident wavering of her voice.

"Don't be silly, Jimin. It's just 7, we don't sleep until 9." Minjeong laughs, peeking her head out from the opening, and Jimin doesn't know if it was painted on her face that she's scared. But Minjeong obviously realized it as she looked at Jimin and her laughter died slowly.

"Oh, I'll go down and let you climb first," she said and quickly went down, not pointing out the fact that Jimin was scared.

"No, what are you - "

Then Minjeong was already beside Jimin with a soft look, gently holding her hand as she guided Jimin to the ladder. "I'll just be right behind you, come on. Don't look down, okay?"

Jimin glances at Minjeong, the obvious worry and fear all over her face. "I'm scared, sorry."

"Why are you even saying sorry, it's fine.," Minjeong chuckles, "Trust me."

"I might fall."

"I'll catch you."


"By heart." Minjeong whispers, "Just right behind you."

And Jimin did as instructed, she never looked down, instead she focused on each step she did looking solely at the ladder until she reached the treehouse. Pulling herself up and flopping down, she released a relieved sigh and squealed. "Hey, Minjeong! I did it!" she said, looking down and already sees Minjeong climbing up the ladder.

"I knew you could do it," Minjeong chuckles as she reaches the treehouse, ruffling Jimin's hair. "Good girl."

Jimin pouts, "Hey, I'm older than you!"

Minjeong laughed and quickly pulled Jimin, well the treehouse was just that - a simple treehouse. Though they did put a huge blanket so that they could sit on the ground, it's mostly an empty space. But if there's one thing that Minjeong specifically requested, it's the fact that they could have a space just like a balcony outside that they could lay down on.

"Come on, let's go there." Minjeong said, pulling Jimin outside, she quickly laid the blanket and sat on it, patting the space beside her. "Here, I thought of you."

"What do you mean?" Jimin asks, laying down instead.

"Well, you were into constellations lately and I just thought that this would be great," Minjeong shrugs, adjusting herself so that Jimin could lay her head on her lap. "I'd like to hear you talk about them."

Jimin was then again surprised with Minjeong, she didn't know that the girl was listening to Jimin whenever she talks about it since Jimin would always just say it in passing. Also, she remembers that she would just say it whenever Minjeong was busy reading a book. "Oh, I never thought that you -"

"I always listen to what you say, Jimin," Minjeong laughs, "Even if I don't want to listen it's like I've been programmed to do it even so."

Things like this just warms Jimin up, and Minjeong does it like she's not even aware. She watched the sky and then looked at Minjeong, the latter was simply looking at the sky as well. No words exchanged between them, and yet that was enough - this silence was just the thing they needed after a long day.

It was in this silence that Jimin notices the subtle things that Minjeong would do, the way she scrunch her nose like a hamster as if it was itchy, the faint humming the girl would do - always the same tune, and sometimes Jimin would even have it playing in her head. The way Minjeong would always play with her hand, specifically the hair tie she gave to Jimin - surprisingly still alive and in pristine condition.

"Why are you looking at the sky as if you're reading a book?" Jimin chuckles, reaching up to straighten the familiar furrowed eyebrows on Minjeong's face. "You'll have wrinkles by the time we're 20." she teased.

Minjeong pouted, "Bad joke."

"Then stop doing that, and answer the question."

"I don't know, I just want to see the constellations that you were talking about last time," Minjeong sheepishly said, "I read some books about it and was trying to see if I could connect some."

"And did you?" Jimin laughs, the idea of Minjeong reading some constellation books warmed her entirely, enough to warm her up to protect her from the cold breeze of the night.

Minjeong grinned at her, "Of course not, I'm stupid, right?" she jokes and Jimin cackled again., slapping the girl's arm gently.

"Oh please, Eunchae was the one who said that, not me!"

"And you didn't even defend me?!"

"She's my sister, Min," Jimin said and muttered under her breath, "and you did look stupid that time."

"I heard that," Minjeong glared.

"My pleasure," Jimin retorts with a smile, "and stop looking at the sky like that, just appreciate it!"

"But - "

Jimin mentally rolls her eyes, sure Minjeong is all sunshine and bubbly personality- but there's this side of her to be stubborn. Always wanting to understand things and it might be because of all the books she's been reading, "No buts, just appreciate it. What happened to the girl that said dead leaves are still beautiful?"

"Well, technically and personally speaking, autumn is a beautiful season. It prepares everyone for the holidays, you know like when you're in line at the entrance of an amusement park that you've always wanted to go to, that's what autumn feels like." Minjeong reasons out.

"Okay, Sherlock, now look at the sky and appreciate it." Jimin said.

Jimin heard Minjeong muttering something and yet she followed Jimin's words, and Jim

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Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭