and in darkness, there's you [pt. 2 REQ]

seasons and weather
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It seemed like it became Minjeong’s mission to talk to Jimin at every given opportunity. The songwriter would always approach Jimin, and if her walks to the park coincidentally aligned with Jimin’s, it has nothing to do with Minjeong basically stalking the girl. Okay, maybe it was a tad bit creepy of Minjeong - even Giselle and the others said so.


“You’re basically her stalker.” Chaewon chuckled, washing the plate as she glanced at Minjeong who’s currently sitting on top of the counter. Minjeong ignored the comment, she was busy writing on her notepad - the one where she usually writes whenever she thinks of something that has potential.


On the other hand, Yunjin snorted with what Chaewon said. Glancing at Minjeong for a second before shaking her head - whenever they have their breaks, the girl is always on her notepad. She would either be too engrossed in writing, or tapping her pen as she thinks.


“It seems effective though,” Yunjin answered, making Chaewon look at her then nodding her head to Minjeong’s direction.


The two of them smiled at each other while Minjeong was completely oblivious as she was still scribbling on her notepad. It’s almost been two weeks since Minjeong started working there, and although the girl was on a vacation it seems like she’s completely content with just staying in the cafe and walking to the park.


They’ve also noticed that Minjeong started writing ever since she started spending time with Jimin - it was a ridiculous scene to watch. Given that Jimin was a regular in their cafe, they would always see Minjeong talking to the taller girl - even though it was pretty obvious that Jimin was annoyed by her. But the scowl on the older girl’s face never stopped Minjeong - heck, she will always be all smiles whenever she talks to Jimin.


Just then, they heard the kitchen door opening, revealing Aeri- the girl glanced at Yunjin and Chaewon, then to Minjeong. 


“Jimin’s usual.” Aeri said, and Yunjin and Chaewon quickly prepared the order - it was just their house sandwich and fresh strawberry fruit shake.


The words caught Minjeong’s attention, making her look up and completely pocketing her notepad. “She’s here?” she smiles, jumping off from the counter.


Aeri smiled, smiling as she nodded her head at Minjeong’s question. The girl’s eyes could never lie, it will always show excitement whenever she hears Jimin’s name. At the same time, it would show fondness whenever she talks about the girl - with the way her eyes would turn soft, looking into a distance, and her voice slowing down as if she wants people to absorb everything that she’s talking about their regular customer.


Minjeong then walked to Chaewon, waiting for the drink that she’s making while Yunjin was already done with the sandwich. The latter putting the plate on the tray for Minjeong to carry, she and Aeri watched the girl and Chaewon talking - smiles evident on their faces.


“Jimin, huh?” Yunjin voiced out, her tone hinting something that Aeri has an idea about.


“Seems like it,” Aeri answered, glancing at the girl beside her then to Minjeong - a huge grin as she accepted the drink from Chaewon. They could hear the faint conversation of the two making them chuckle.


“I’m not a stalker by the way.”


“No one admits to their crimes in court, Min.” Chaewon deadpanned, earning a soft smack from Minjeong. The latter then proceed to carry the tray along with the sandwich and shake, grinning at Aeri and Yunjin.


“I’ll be serving  this!” Minjeong said even when no one was trying to get the tray from her - it became their silent agreement that Minjeong would always serve Jimin’s order starting last week.


“Usual table!” Aeri answered back, “be careful!” and Minjeong was out of the kitchen leaving the three in silence. The three of them looked at the swinging kitchen door, a soft expression on their faces.


“How long will she be here?” Chaewon asked Aeri, they all know that the girl was there for a vacation but she never said how long she will be there.


The softness in Aeri’s eyes turned into worry with the question, “I don’t know.” and that was the truth. Minjeong told her that she usually stays in a country for 3 weeks but she assured Aeri that this time, it will be much longer since she’s staying with a friend.


For Chaewon to ask that question, she knows that they are all worried for one thing.


“They’ll be okay.” Yunjin said out loud, the way her voice sounded convincing made the other two look at her. “I just know that they’ll be okay.”


Aeri couldn’t help but to smile at Yunjin, that’s one thing that Yunjin is good at - to always see the good thing in everything, while Chaewon is the type to be rational and worry about things. It's a great thing to have, and it’s also amazing how Minjeong managed to fit in like a missing puzzle in their crew.


“I hope so,” Chaewon answered back, a sigh coming from her. “Jimin never showed it yet, but she’s warming up to Minjeong.”


And everyone knew it was the truth, they’ve known Jimin for a long time - from how she was before and the drastic change she had after what happened. The girl never talked to anyone other than them and Ningning, she never bothered opening up again. And for Minjeong to come out of nowhere, shifting Jimin’s routine - it was a sight to behold.


When Aeri invited Minjeong to come and stay at her place, she didn’t even think of introducing the girl to Jimin. But it seems like fate has its own plan, and hopefully it will turn out into something good. After all, she knows the story of the two people - she hoped that Minjeong would learn something from Jimin and the same goes to the other.


The two people have darkness in them, and yet they’ve handled it too differently than the other.





Just like what Aeri said, Minjeong saw Jimin at her usual table - it was just at the corner of their cafe, almost away from everyone. A single table right beside their window, and Minjeong likes to think that Aeri put it there specifically for Jimin. She smiled as she approached the girl, Ningning was nowhere to be seen - and it’s usually a time like this that the latter would always have something to do.


Spending time with Jimin for two weeks made Minjeong remember her schedule and routine. The girl doesn’t do much, just going to their cafe and then walking to the park. And in those two weeks, Minjeong didn’t know much about the girl. She’s pretty aware that the girl will always scowl with Minjeong’s mere voice, heck, she even thinks that Jimin knows Minjeong’s breathing pattern.


Because the moment she was two steps away from the girl, her serene face turned into a scowl.


“Hey, welcome back Jimin-ah,” Minjeong greeted, putting down the sandwich and fruit shake in front of Jimin. “Here you go, your usual order.”


And as expected, Jimin just nodded. Minjeong could see the girl putting her palms down on the table, this is something that she noticed about Jimin - the way she discreetly looks for things by feeling the surface. There’s nothing wrong about it, it’s just the way Jimin would never bother to ask the person she’s with about what she’s looking for.


Minjeong then quietly slid the utensils until Jimin touched it, smiling to herself when Jimin gently grabbed it. As usual, Minjeong occupied the seat in front of Jimin and the latter was already used to it. For the first few days, the girl would tell Minjeong to go away and would voice out her disdain for her presence - but she realized it was no use with Minjeong, and so she just lets the girl do whatever she wants.


Minjeong thinks it’s progress on her part.


“So, what did you do yesterday?” Minjeong started their conversation - it was always like this, her asking questions only for Jimin not to answer it. And that would leave Minjeong to answer it for herself.

Minjeong thought about her day yesterday, and to be honest nothing much happened to her as well. She glanced at Jimin, the latter was quietly eating as always - and she wondered if Jimin has always been like this. They said that she has been a regular and given that Aeri and the others knew her too well, she was curious if Jimin has always been quiet whenever she visits the cafe.


The continuous chattering surrounding the cafe, and the slow instrumental playing - perfectly having a relaxing ambience for the place, and yet Jimin was just there. Sitting quietly and having her own world.


But Minjeong knew not to ask a question about the girl, which is why she always opted to ask surface questions. And it’s not like Jimin was answering it - how much more if she decided to ask something personal?


“Nothing much happened yesterday, though me and Aeri had a movie night. We’re actually planning to invite the others,” Minjeong smiled, suddenly feeling excited that she didn’t think of her next words. “Maybe you and Ning could joi - “


Minjeong abruptly stopped when she noticed Jimin stopped as well, a sharp intake of breath and Minjeong dropped the subject. She pinched herself for not being too mindful of her own words, watching as Jimin took a sip from her shake. And so, Minjeong just opened whatever topic she thought of.


“Well, I wrote something.” She said, surprising herself as well. Minjeong has never shared anything to Aeri on her progress with her songwriting - but here she is, openly sharing it to Jimin. And Minjeong thinks that Jimin wouldn’t even bother to know about it.


But still, she continued.


“I actually managed to start writing in the last two weeks,” Since I met you. She then continued, “I actually think this is something that is far different from the ones I wrote from the past months.” she admitted. Thinking about the songs she wrote and sent to Taeyeon for the months she went on traveling. Even by Minjeong's standards, it was not up to par - and what else would the management think about it?


And Minjeong thought about the fact that she started writing again when she met Jimin - the way words flowed through her without difficulty. How it was easy for her to create verses, and somehow, Minjeong was never satisfied. It was like not a single word could justify whatever she was thinking of - and it has always something to do with Jimin.


The scowl on her face has always reminded her of a grumpy cat, and yet the small smile that she would see from time to time would always tug her heart. Spending the past two weeks with Jimin made Minjeong aware of the girl’s mannerisms, and she was even surprised at how easy she memorized all of it.


Minjeong noticed how Jimin would always rub her thumb and draw circles on the handle of her cane, and that would mean the girl was nervous or anxious. Jimin would touch her sunglasses whenever she’s overwhelmed with her surroundings, walking away to a much quieter place. She also noticed the way Jimin would always trace random shapes using her right foot whenever she’s standing in one place - like a child waiting for her mother.


Just like that, Jimin was already done with her lunch. And as expected, she waited for a few minutes before she stood up and proceeded to leave the cafe. Minjeong quickly looked at the counter and connected eyes with Sakura, the latter nodding her head and quickly approached the table.


“Go on, I’ll clean this up.” The girl said and Minjeong smiled, standing up from her seat.


“Thanks, I owe you one.” She answered and quickly gave the girl a soft squeeze on her shoulder before leaving the cafe as well. Walking right beside Jimin, right where the other people are coming from a different direction. Just so no one would bump into the older girl.


Despite being in a neighborhood, of course there would still be a difference outside. Yeah it is much quieter than the city, but there were still people walking around and some vehicles outside. The noise and, weirdly enough, the rush of the street was too much even for Minjeong. She glanced at Jimin and she could see the latter frowning slightly, rubbing her thumb on her cane handle.


Somehow, Jimin would always have a scowl on her face whenever Minjeong’s with her, and yet the songwriter noticed one thing. Knowing and being conscious of not invading the taller girl’s personal space, Minjeong knows one thing that would help Jimin to be at ease whenever she feels anxious, she took a step closer to Jimin - letting their shoulders touch and their pinkies brush whenever their hands swing.


But never directly touching each other - just a breath of touch, enough to feel each other’s warmth. To know that someone’s there beside them - a feather-like wisp and would be unnoticeable if not hyper aware of their surroundings. And knowing Jimin, Minjeong smiled to herself when she saw the girl’s shoulders relaxing.


They didn’t talk on their way to the park, just complete silence.


And somehow, it was enough.


Reaching the park, Jimin was still quiet and Minjeong stepped away from the girl, given that it is much more calm in the park now. Minjeong then started talking, just like always - she talked about how much she loved the weather, she also mentioned the guy before that bumped Jimin were hitting on Minjeong, making her block the number once she bought him the earphones.


She then talked about the cafe, mentioning Aeri’s plan on introducing a new drink - well, it may still be confidential but she knows that Jimin wouldn’t even say it to anyone - save it for Ningning.


“Oh, right. Speaking of Ning,” yes they are already on nickname basis.


“I always thought she was just a student but then Aeri told me that she just dresses like that, and I was like stop pranking me, and she was like ‘no, seriously’ then I asked Ning about it and she laughed right in front of my face.” Minjeong said, chuckling at how she remembered Ningning’s cackle during that time.


Just as she was about to continue, she heard a deep sigh coming from Jimin - making her stop in her tracks and story.


“Aren’t you tired?” Jimin asked, her voice still cold and defeated - as if she was exhausted from something.


“Tired? From the walk?” Minjeong chuckled, shaking her head. “No, we usually walk the same distance. What are you - “


“With this,” Jimin cuts her off, her jaw clenching and her grip tightening on her cane. “You’ve been talking to me like this for two weeks, and I don’t even share the same energy as you, and yet you’re still here.”




Minjeong blinked, surprised with the sudden confrontation. “I, it’s not really tiring. What are you saying?”


And this is another thing that Minjeong noticed - the walls that Jimin obviously built for herself. To protect her from anyone that would cause her harm, Minjeong couldn’t even blame the girl. Not when she’s almost the same - she laughed to herself, ironic how she would think they’re almost the same, when she could clearly see they’re the same.


“Just, god. Stop talking to me,” Jimin exasperatedly said, clicking her tongue in annoyance. “I don’t want your pity - “


“I don’t pity you.” Minjeong said, her tone steady and strong.


“Then I don’t want you,” Jimin answered back, her words cutting Minjeong - and the latter didn’t care. “You don’t know me, and I couldn’t even be bothered to know you.”


“That’s why I want to know you,” Minjeong answered softly, smiling despite knowing that the taller girl could never see her. “I stand by what I said, and I would really like to know you, Jimin-ah.”


“And I don’t, so live with it.” And just like that, Jimin started walking again, brushing past Minjeong - the latter standing in the same place for a few seconds before walking again as well. But right now, she’s walking a few steps behind Jimin - it seems like today is different.


The way Jimin was so adamant with forcing

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Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭