The Reminder

You Are Living In MY World
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She's crying.


She's ing crying after he told her he loves her.


It's not definitely tears of joy, but something else. Something she's conflicted about. Something that hurts her inside.


"Dara," Jiyong called, trying to gather her in his arms but she stopped him.


He hates it when she cries. She's always been vulnerable in his eyes.


Fragile as glass like he's afraid she's going to break. And something tells him her world is crumbling right now. She didn't have to say but he could tell it. He'd been an expert in reading her with the little crumbs she drops aka showing her emotions, expressing her thoughts.


But it's still very frustrating, figuring her out on his own when this woman put up a massive invisible wall. One that says she can do everything on her own, thank you very much.


that, he's gonna tear that wall, no matter how long it takes. He'd been doing it for years, and he's not gonna stop now.


"Dara." He called her again and she cried again, putting her hands on her face, muffling her cries.


. She's in pain, he's in pain.


Is he professing his love to her really that bad?


He knew it was not the right timing, but he needed her to know about this. Where he was coming from, because in the next day or so her life is about to change, their lives changing.


Dara wouldn't stop crying, and worse, she wouldn't let him console her. Her whole body language shows she doesn't want anyone holding her right now. And that pained him so much.


His chest tightened just looking at her — dressed in a white flowing gown soiled by the recent events, yet she still looked stunning to him. Her makeup was long gone, but she had always been a natural beauty, with or without makeup.


She consistently took his breath away.

Her pink, plump lips trembled, and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her senseless, whispering assurances of love that everything would be alright. The tiara pinned in her disheveled, long brown hair, with a few highlights in her crown, made her look like a queen — his queen.


He thought he almost lost her. When she didn't respond to any of his texts and calls today, he knew something was wrong. He asked his spies if they'd seen her today and one mentioned they saw her in a salon downtown Malcom with Kim Jaejoong.


He was angry back then and still is angry now. It took longer than he expected to find out what she was doing there and why with Kim with the latter telling him the specific details much later in the car. By the time he found out the whole party she was attending is in the ing Seoul, it was too late for him to do anything.


She's already there. Once he found out about it, he sent some of his undercover men to that party to look for her but then she was already gone, headed back home, thank God.


But then she won't still answer his calls, he needs to know where she's at to make sure she's safe. Send one or two or maybe ten cars convoying her inconspicuously behind to make sure she's fine.


He was beyond worried and frustrated. How hard it is to tell him she's going to Seoul today? She never mentioned it to him. But then, this is Dara. She never mentions anything to him.


He had to find everything on his own. Damn it, infuriating woman he loves so much.


Might as well call him a masochist.


And then when she finally contacted him, she gotta dropped the bomb that she'd been chased by no other than Big Teddy. Woojae sending his most loyal henchman after Dara is a clear message to him.


Jiyong knew right away that Dara had been targeted. Woojae deemed her very Jiyong, his archenemy in this dangerous gang rivalry. Woojae figured it out right away with that one meeting at Crab Crass Bistro. That G-Dragon finally has a weakness, a woman he loves.


And Daesung confirmed his suspicions, the motherer put Dara on his sadistic red list and Dara's life is in danger...forever.


Until Jiyong finally put Woojae in his place - and that would be six feet underground. The motherer.


"Dara," Jiyong called her for the third time.


This time, she looked up still with that tear-stricken beautiful face of hers.


He showed her a small smile. His anger dissipates. She needs him right now, no matter how she denies it.


"You don't have to tell me anything about it," He gulped. "my confession. I love you and I just want to let you know that." He gave her a pleading look next. "But please...please let me protect you."


She didn't answer him, she still looked conflicted and definitely hiding something else.


Always hiding something else.


She then shook her head. "No. I mean, I don't know." She looked down and when she looked up again to meet his gaze with that alluring brown eyes of hers, she looked more determined...on something. Like she decided something that involved him but won't tell him.


As usual.


"I have to go home." She said, wiping the tears in her eyes.


He wanted her to stay with him here, this weekend — forever, but held his tongue, nodding instead. "I'll drive you home."


She shook her head again. "I'll take a cab." She averted her gaze from him as she added, "I want to be alone."


She didn't want to be with him. She rather has a stranger drive her than him. His chest tightened again as he nodded at her.


"I'll arrange that for you." His voice was small and weak.

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haruhi19 0 points #1
Chapter 42: Hope someone can explain to dara very well the gravity of the situation and it is not as simple as choosing between two circumstances. Dara thinks and reacts impulsively based on this story and she will believe what she thinks is right. Those two need an intervention and obviously someone between them needs to be more understanding, supportive and stick with each-other no matter what for the relationship to work.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 0 points #2
Chapter 42: New update!!
lovethewayyoulie310 #3
Chapter 42: Thank you for this chapter ❤️ I love your fic
bernie20 #4
Chapter 42: Wow...I didn't expect this kind of twist..... looking forward to this😊
Thank you 🙏
braveheart_M-A-Q-17 #5
Chapter 40: Wow! This is soooo.. I don't really know. I mean this chapter is like uhhmm, heart stopping? I mean, I literally hold my breath from the moment that "other car" smashed on the car behind Jiyong's car and then thats it. It spiraled into chaos with flames all over. Yes, I knew something will happen the minute I saw Woojae's name and him waving at Dara enthusiastically and all..?? I have a hunch that man is up to something no good. Well it is not mentioned in here that it was Woojae's car buttt I knew it in my gut he is somehow connected in this. grrrr!!! I'm on edge of my seat right now. Well, somehow I have an idea that this chapter will be riveting(the reason I delay reading it). And guess what? Yes, I am right. This chapter not disappoint me. Whew! Thank you for this exciting chapter authornim. Thank you so much!! Until the next update. Take care.
tokki9 #6
Chapter 40: Oh no that Woojae is so sly. I hate him! Poor Jiyong. But I know Jiyong will be back with revenge!
tokki9 #7
Chapter 39: Kkkk Jiyong is so cute and but I love that he is only obsessed with Dara. Now I'm curious about the race.
UserRiri #8
Chapter 39: i love the way where is my jaejoong hahaha suddenly i miss him.
suedbee #9
Chapter 39: It’s been so long since I’ve dropped a note, RL has been in the way. Sorry, siv, and thank you for the promising start to book two. And we’re off to the races!
bernie20 #10
Chapter 39: OMG I finally read this story. I was so busy that don't have time to read😭 thank u so much for this....loving it so much.
Hope you well always 💗
Thank you ☺️