chapter four

you make me crazy (call me by my name)

there are some changes being added in this chapter. feel free to reread!


Joohyun wakes up from the bright morning sunlight shining through the bedroom thanks to her stupid self for not covering the window with the curtains last night.

The long haired raven let out a yawn before she rose up and sat on the bed, did a lazy stretch and scratching her eyes to erase the sleep off from her system. Seungwan is still deep in her sleep, courtesy of her staying up late last night because she needs to read through the business reports from their affiliates abroad and discuss it with the U.S. branch of the company so they can do something about it on her behalf.

She actually feels bad seeing her working hard alone last night, considering how the phone call she has with the foreign people sounded serious in her ears. After all, Joohyun is still her secretary. It's her task to help Seungwan with her work and business she needs to handle.

Then again, none of this would've happened if Seungwan didn't think about how to get into her every time they were working together.

After she felt like she was awake enough to move around the house, Joohyun decided to leave the bed carefully to not wake Seungwan up, made her way towards the connecting door to go to the bathroom and freshen up before she went to the kitchen. She fixed the blanket on Seungwan first to make sure she was warm in her sleep before leaving her alone inside their shared bedroom.

A quick splash of water on her face and a session of brushing teeth is enough for Joohyun to be fully awake. She went downstairs to brew coffee for Seungwan, make tea for herself and cook breakfast for them both, as she was greeted with the sight of big shopping bags sitting nicely on top of the couch.

Yesterday, Mrs. Son kept her ultimatum by accompanying her to find the perfect bridal gown for her wedding in a few weeks. She went through all the length by giving her lists of the best boutiques they were going to visit in one day, to the point of arranging which stores they need to visit first. Joohyun sent a quick glance towards Seungwan when Mrs. Son was explaining her plan, asking for help.

But that damn ert only mouthed "Fighting," to Joohyun and agreed with her mother to not come along with them in the search of a perfect wedding dress for the bride-to-be, for the sake of surprises in their wedding.

Never in their entire years of spending time together, Joohyun wants to kill Seungwan that bad before until yesterday.

Thankfully, the search wasn't as horrible as Joohyun thought it would be. It was fun even, because Mrs. Son is as talkative as Seungwan and she keeps entertaining her by talking about her fiancee in her childhood days. She even slipped some jokes in between their conversation, which was successful in bringing a laugh out from Joohyun. She also buys her additional clothes that Mrs. Son thought it would be nice for Joohyun to wear it while she's working. But it was still tiring, and both of them almost gave up because they were about to enter the last store, and no bridal gown had successfully captivated Joohyun's eyes.

Yet, of course life decided to be funny. The sentence of 'save the best for the last' wouldn't exist if things turn the way she wanted to.

She found the perfect dress from the last store, and Joohyun would be lying if she said she wasn't captivated by the sight presented on the mirror in front of her from the first glance.

It was breathtaking, the word Joohyun thought would fit for the dress. The design was not all over the place with too many details Joohyun hated the most. No, it was simple and modest, yet it still has a certain class that Joohyun knew would be perfect for the wedding of the sole daughter of the richest family in the country. The gown hugs her curves without any flaws, fits just right on her body.

The raven is never one to think too much about her outfit. But this wedding dress, for the first time in her life, a dress making her look pretty and Joohyun has never felt prettier before. Beautiful, even.

And her soon-to-be mother-in-law seems to agree with her thought. "You look stunning in that dress, Joohyun."

Joohyun flashed her a demure smile, thankful for the kind comment. She checks herself out from the mirror, drinking in her own appearance. Her heartbeat started to pick up when a thought suddenly came into her mind. "Do you think she will think the same?"

"Well," Mrs. Son paused for a while, "what do you think of the dress?"

She bit her bottom lip as she saw her reflection once again. Joohyun ran her fingertips across the smooth material, trying to smoothen the nonexistent crease on the dress that is too perfect to be true. She feels like Cinderella when the fairy mother gives her a magical dress, the story her late mother often tells her before she goes to sleep. "I think I like this dress."

Mrs. Son chuckled, with a warm smile of a mother present on her face. "Then Seungwan will love it."

Her smile became wider from the honest answer. She turned around to look at the staff who was accompanying them in finding the right dress, pointing at the one she's currently wearing. "I will take this."

The sound of the kettle whistling breaks Joohyun out of her reverie. She quickly turned off the fire, preparing a pot filled with coffee grounds and a mug filled with a tea bag beside the kettle. Joohyun meticulously poured the hot water inside the pot and the mug, watching the translucent water turn into a darker color of brown.

Joohyun took the mug with her to the living room, while she left the pot on the counter for Seungwan to enjoy later. As she makes her way to the couch and takes the first sip of her hot tea, she can't help but to glance at the working desk on the corner. 

There is an opened laptop with a dark screen, but Joohyun spots a small light that tells her the laptop stayed alive throughout the night. A reading glasses placed just right beside the laptop, alongside an empty mug that Joohyun believes used to have coffee inside. The desk was a mess, and there is this urge inside Joohyun to clean it up.

It kind of reminds her on her first day working as the secretary of her boss. Joohyun remembers she was sitting inside the huge office with such a beautiful view of the city presented from the window, waiting nervously for Seungwan to walk into her room. Her eyes can't help but to look at her desk. There are stacks of files and folders on the corner of the wooden desk, a large computer on the other side, and an empty space in the middle for Seungwan to sign her permission if the company ever needs one.

Her boss walked in when Joohyun was still in the middle of inspecting the way Seungwan organized her things. Joohyun feels like she was caught in the middle of an act, but she was quick enough to gain her composure.

Seungwan dressed like how a CEO would. A crisp white shirt, a dark blue waistcoat and tie, and a dark blue three-piece suit jacket to complement her working attire. She looked expensive, Joohyun knows she needs to save up a lot of her salary just to be able to buy those. 

There was a questioning expression on her face when Seungwan landed her eyes on her. Joohyun kind of expected that, because Seungwan truly isn't involved in the process of hiring her. She completely trusted everything to the HR, which seems to be nerve wracking because they reveal to her that Joohyun would be her fifth secretary in two years of her working as the new CEO. "Who are you?"

"Good morning, Ms Son," greeted Joohyun as she gave her a bow out of deference. She let Seungwan walk past her to be on her desk. "I'm Bae Joohyun, your-"

"My new secretary," Seungwan cut her sentence while taking a folder out from the pile. "Yeah, the HR told me that yesterday."

Joohyun tries to not look bothered over the fact that Seungwan just rudely interrupts her, something that is absolutely unprofessional for someone with a caliber like Son Seungwan. This is only her first day as the new secretary in such a prestigious company for such a competent CEO. Everything will be fine.

"Why are you only standing there like a fool?"

God, this woman is so rude. "I'm waiting for you to tell me the things I need to do, Ms Son."

A frown formed on her forehead, but Joohyun easily spotted the darkness in her eyes. "The HR didn't tell you anything?"

"They said to wait for your instruction to tell me what task I need to do as your personal secretary, Ms Son," answered Joohyun without a tremble in her voice. "That's the only thing the HR told me."

Seungwan let out a sigh as she ran her fingers through her neat short hair. Her eyes land on the folder she grasps in her hand, before suddenly giving it to Joohyun, much to her surprise. "I want you to summarize everything in this folder in one page and immediately give it to me after you are done, fetch a file in the archive about our business with TRV Chemicals, and schedule a meeting with Marionette Cosmetics this week to discuss more about their plan with us."

She blinked her eyes. "Pardon, Ms Son?"

"What? You catch all of that, no?" snorted Seungwan who somehow thought her response earlier was stupid. Joohyun felt offended by her reply, but she chose to stay silent. "Or do you need me to repeat?"

Her expression changed into something more serious before Joohyun took a deep breath. "Make a summary of this folder in one page and immediately give it to you after it is done, fetch a file in the archive about the business with TRV Chemicals, and schedule a meeting with Marionette Cosmetics this week to discuss more about their plan with us."

"Precisely. Now what are you waiting for?" asked Seungwan as she took a seat on her chair, no longer looking at Joohyun as she eyed the pile of folders and files on her desk. "Start working."

Joohyun pressed her lips together in annoyance. "Yes, Ms Son," bid Joohyun deferencely, before she left her alone to go to her desk just right outside the CEO office door and cursing Seungwan's name over and over again inside her brain.

Now she understands why she is the fifth secretary for Son Seungwan in under two years of her reign as the CEO of Son Enterprises.

She shook her head, trying to stop herself from reminiscing about the memory five years ago as she decided to check the email she shared with her boss for work purposes from her laptop that was just right in front of Seungwan's own. Seeing how late her fiancee was working last night, there is supposed to be a new email in the inbox right now.

Much to her prediction, there are several new emails in the inbox. Somehow, Joohyun doesn't feel good about this.

The cursor clicked on one of the new emails. Her English might not be as good as Seungwan, but Joohyun knows she's good enough to understand that the taller woman will need to continue her work again on this fine Sunday based on the email alone.

let out a sigh after thoroughly reading the content of the email and making a mental summary for her to tell Seungwan later when she wakes up and checks the email herself. She decided to clean their shared working desk and go to the kitchen to start cooking for their breakfast. Just a simple pancake will do.

To be honest, seeing Seungwan working overtime like this reminds her of her first year working together with her soon-to-be wife. She might be professional and an absolute annoyance thanks to her rudeness and audacity at work, but her nightlife is also a mess Joohyun needs to clear occasionally. The secretary still remembers how there are days when she needs to visit a hotel first before coming to work because Seungwan had with someone last night.

And of course, her boss doesn't bring anything with her apart from her body and the nasty smell of alcohol mixed with tobacco. So Joohyun needed to stop by her penthouse first, packing her suit for Seungwan to wear at work for the day, before leaving for the hotel where her boss stayed for the night.

At times, she does feel like she was her personal assistant instead of a mere secretary.

"I'm not your personal assistant, Ms Son," Joohyun finally speaks up on the day she feels like she has enough with this reckless behavior and lifestyle.

"Yeah?" responded Seungwan half-heartedly while lighting up a new stick of cigarette inside the hotel room. Joohyun grimaced from the sight of a gray puff of smoke Seungwan exhaled. This might be the hotel she bought with her money, but that doesn't mean she can do anything she likes just because she's the owner. "No one asks you to do this either."

"Indeed," Joohyun nodded, agreeing with her counter. "But you have several important schedules for today and I need to make sure you are able to attend all of them. Surely having a hangover is not enough of a reason to be accepted by your business affiliates."

"ing hell, Joohyun, you spoke too much," cursed Seungwan as she slipped out from the bed, still in her fully state. The woman who she slept with is still deep in her dreamland on the other side of the bed. Joohyun sighed from the view, because that meant she needed to wake up the girl and force her to leave while Seungwan was in the middle of showering. "I'm going to take a shower. Do not disturb me."

"Yes, Ms Son," answered Joohyun, while her eyes remained on the sleeping woman who she believed was as equally as Seungwan under the blanket. She let out a sigh, before making her way to the bed to wake up the woman and told her to leave.

But things started to change in their relationship when Joohyun was tasked to pick up Seungwan who was currently drinking in an exclusive private bar. She is not completely wasted yet when Joohyun arrives, but the blush on her face is enough to tell her that her boss has drunk quite a lot to make her in this state.

An unwelcome gaze greeted Joohyun when she filled the emptiness on Seungwan's side. "Of course they sent you here."

"It's time to go home, Ms Son," Joohyun decided to ignore her words, although if she can choose, she would prefer not to be in here either. "You still have work tomorrow."

"I'm not done yet," snorted Seungwan while asking for another shot of whiskey inside her empty glass. Joohyun spotted an empty bottle beside her wasted self. This needs to stop. "Just go home."

"I will not leave this bar without you, Ms Son," responded Joohyun, somehow it sounded like an ultimatum. "Like it or not."

"Really?" Seungwan smirked, downing her last shot of whiskey and standing before Joohyun. She reeks of tobacco and alcohol, the mix of smell Joohyun loathes the most and she doesn't cover her distaste. Somehow, the expression of Joohyun grimacing made the smirk on Seungwan's face become wider. "I would like to see how you are going to do that."

Joohyun is absolutely not up for this kind of bull, especially after such a tiring day at work. She took Seungwan's wrist in her tight grasp and turned around. "Let's just go, Ms-"

She was unable to finish her sentence, not when Seungwan pulled her arm and forced her to turn around. Joohyun is not even able to react because her lips are pressed against her own as Seungwan kisses her with such fierceness. Her tongue is feverish, already deep inside and the only thing Joohyun can do is to let her boss kiss her like her life depends on her.

Seungwan was the one who broke the kiss, there's a string of saliva connecting their lips. Her dark brown eyes staring deep into her own, Joohyun somehow unable to look away. She can feel her palm cupping her cheek, her thumb softly the popped bone.

"You are coming home with me," whispered Seungwan, like an instruction Joohyun needs to obey. "And I don't accept no."

Her head simply nodded. "Okay, Ms Son."

That was the start of their arrangement, also the start of Seungwan having a change in behavior and attitude towards her secretary. She is more laidback, trying to interact with her like a normal person, and extremely . Joohyun actually thinks that Seungwan is actually a hyperual person, considering how she always asks for whenever it's only the two of them inside her office. 

But Seungwan's usual response is just, "You are y as hell. What do you want me to do about it?"

She broke out from her reverie when a pair of arms suddenly circled around her waist, along with a kiss on her neck and additional heavy weight on her back because someone decided to slump their whole body on Joohyun. "Morning, babe."

Joohyun turned her head to make it easier for Seungwan to kiss her lips for their usual morning kiss. It was a simple peck, but it was enough for Seungwan to start her day with a smile. "The U.S. branch already sent new emails and I already checked one of them. It's about their financial report for last year's fourth quarter."

"Thanks," Seungwan simply answered her while pouring herself a mug of coffee Joohyun had brewed for her. "How many emails do they send?"

"Six," responded Joohyun, followed by a nod from Seungwan. "How much do you want your pancakes?"

"Three," replied Seungwan as she rummaged through the contents of the wooden rack above her, trying to find something. "We still have maple syrup, right?"

Her spatula pointed towards where Joohyun stored the bottle of maple syrup Seungwan bought exclusively from Canada. She heard her fiancee muttering a soft 'thanks' while Joohyun checked on the pile of pancakes she had cooked so far. There's already four on the plates, along with the one that is currently being cooked on the pan. This will be the last pancake for this morning. Three for Seungwan, two for her. "When did you sleep last night?"

"I don't know," shrugged Seungwan, taking the bottle of maple syrup with her. "Twelve, one, two—I didn't check the time."

She nodded and gave a plate with three stacks of pancakes and a slice of butter to Seungwan. But when Seungwan was about to leave and eat her breakfast, Joohyun stopped her. "Eat on the dining table, Seungwan. Not on the working desk."

Seungwan only rolled her eyes, but she did listen to her words and took a seat on one of the chairs in the dining room. Joohyun later joins her with her own plate of pancakes, drizzling some maple syrup on top of the hot cakes before she starts eating her breakfast together with Seungwan.

"How was it yesterday?" asked Seungwan before she took a bite of her pancake. "Have you found your wedding dress?"

Joohyun nods her head. "It's perfect," answered Joohyun after cutting her pancake into bite size pieces. She was just about to take a bite when she remembered that Seungwan is not supposed to know about her wedding dress until the day comes. But she answered her with 'perfect'. Surely Seungwan expected her to show the wedding dress to her, no?

"Calm down," snickered Seungwan, somehow sensing her panic. "It's okay if you don't want to show me, I can wait until our wedding. I'm a woman of patience, after all."

"Right," snorted Joohyun in disbelief over her answer. "Like our in your office is proof of it."

Her fiancee laughed loudly from her answer before she continued to eat her breakfast. "Mom told me that Dad has agreed to be the one who will walk you down the aisle for our wedding."

"Yeah, Mrs. Son had told me that yesterday," nodded Joohyun before she let out a sigh. "I hope Chairman Son wasn't being forced by Mrs. Son to do that."

"Nonsense. He absolutely loves it because he can't do it with me. Dad wasn't being forced by Mom to do that. He even already considered you as his daughter," assured Seungwan before taking her last bite of her breakfast. After she was done, Seungwan didn't waste her time to bring the dirty dishes to the sink and wash them clean. She even managed to give a kiss on top of her head before she made her way back towards the kitchen, and continued her work last night thanks to the emails that were waiting to be opened by her.

She can only sigh as she watches Seungwan wearing her reading glasses and turning on the screen of her laptop once again. It seems like there is a lot of work for Seungwan to do today, on a damn Sunday. And what kind of secretary lets her boss work alone on her day off?

That's why Joohyun quickly finished her pancakes and cleaned the rest of the dirty dishes before she joined Seungwan in their shared working desk. Her soon-to-be wife is completely focused on the graphs presented on her screen when Joohyun stands behind her to see what kind of things she will work on today. 

"Go watch a movie or something," Seungwan suddenly says after staying completely silent for a few minutes, her eyes still looking on the bright screen of her laptop. "It's Sunday, Joohyun. No need to work."

"The same thing applies to you too, Ms Son. As your secretary, it is completely normal for me to help you with your work," responded Joohyun, which brought a chuckle out of Seungwan. She took a seat on the working chair right in front of Seungwan as Joohyun opened her own laptop to start helping her boss in lessening her workload. "Now, tell me what to do."

Seungwan flashed her a grateful smile before she gave her the list Joohyun needed to do. She nodded throughout the lecture before they fell into another round of silence as both of them focused on their work. There's only the sound of typing and clicking filling the emptiness.

She just finished half of the work she needed to do when Joohyun looked up and was greeted with the serious expression of Seungwan. Joohyun doesn't know why she keeps getting reminded of her early days working with Seungwan today, but she does miss this side of her boss. The determined and resolute side of the CEO of the biggest multinational company in the country.

It's been so long since the last time Seungwan fully entered this mode. Ever since their arrangement, this side started to falter away and Joohyun thought it was erased completely. 

But seeing Seungwan in her reading glasses, her lips pressed together with her sharp eyes completely focused with the screen in front of her, does make Joohyun reminded of their early days working together. Unknown to her, she actually misses this side of Seungwan.

"I know I'm good looking, Joohyun, but that doesn't mean you can keep staring at my face blatantly like that."

Joohyun snorted in annoyance. Of course Seungwan will ruin the moment in her signature way. By being such an annoying . "Whatever."

Seungwan snickered from her sharp reply as she focused back on the work in front of her. It's another round of silence as the clock ticks away. Joohyun doesn't even realize it was already twelve when Seungwan breaks the silence by making small noises and stretching her body. "Shall we take a break?" asked Seungwan after she was done with her business while taking her glasses off.

She answered her with a nod. "I'm going to order a takeout."

They decided to kill time waiting for their food delivery by taking a shower together. It honestly surprised Joohyun to see Seungwan not even try to have a quick shower with her. But when she catches the taller woman yawning, she realizes Seungwan is actually beaten up from this work.

The delivery wasn't taking such a long time either. Thank God they were already done with changing their outfit when the bell rings. It was a simple Chinese takeout lunch. Black bean noodles with sweet and sour pork is enough for them to enjoy. 

"Shall we watch something?" asked Seungwan after they were done with their lunch, confusing Joohyun who thought they would continue with their work right after they ate. "Most of the work is already done, Joohyun. Calm down."

Joohyun rolled her eyes because it seems like Seungwan just read her mind earlier. She followed Seungwan as they made their way towards the couch right in front of the TV, taking the empty seat beside her. "What do you want to watch?"

"Finding Nemo," answered Seungwan, in which Joohyun responded with a raise of her eyebrow because she wanted to watch a kid movie. But everything becomes suspicious when Seungwan turns her head to look at her, and there's a fishy smile on her face. Joohyun doesn't like where this is going. "Let's kiss everytime there's a fish in this movie."

This goddamn ert. "This is literally a movie about fish."

"Exactly! Oh, there's a fish right there!" exclaimed Seungwan as she leaned forward to kiss her lips. "There's another fish! And that's also a fish!"

The constant kisses from Seungwan successfully made Joohyun lay back on the couch, with her fiancee hovering on top of her. There's a goofy smile on Seungwan's face, somehow feeling victorious over such a stupid challenge.

"For a CEO, you are quite silly," sneered Joohyun while her arms circled around her neck, pulling her closer.

"You like it," grinned Seungwan full in cockiness before she kissed her again. This time longer and deeper, with tongues involved. Her palm has also started to explore her body as Seungwan sneakily slips her hand underneath her t-shirt. "And we also haven't had since Friday."

Forget whatever Joohyun said about Seungwan not having ual desire in her beaten up condition thanks to work. Because clearly, three rounds of doesn't reflect that.


She woke up from her post- afternoon nap thanks to the loud sound of ringing from Seungwan's phone. 

Joohyun sleepily turned around after her fiancee let go of her hold around her lithe waist to watch Seungwan fetch for her phone and answer the call while she was still in her stark condition. The marks Joohyun left on her neck has started to turn color into purple, but she can't focus on any of that yet when the conversation Seungwan shared with someone from the other line sounded serious.

"Okay, thank you for the information," muttered Seungwan in her perfect English before she ended the call and let out a heavy sigh. Her body slumped forward, Joohyun knew something had happened.

"Seungwan?" asked Joohyun with a voice that is still heavy with sleep. "Something's wrong?"

Seungwan didn't answer her immediately. But when she finally broke the silence, it made a frown bloom on her forehead. "Pack your bags, Hyun."


"Because," Seungwan turned around, there was a tired smile on her face, "we are going to America in the morning."


i can't believe i can finish all of this in such a quick time when i still in my pcd. a lot of wenrene happened in jakarta and wendy came to my section too much for me to move on from the concert in such a quick time. thank you red velvet!

anyway, since i feel like i only reveal the side of seungwan, i thought it would be nice if i reveal her working and serious side too in this series. that's why for several chapters, i will highlight her more and the chapters will probably shorter than usual because the change of p.o.v.

hopefully you will all like it alongside this chapter (and i apologize once again if this chapter looks messy dknskndks)! that's all from me, thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter!

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hopefully you like it!


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Jamelhynne12 #1
Chapter 15: Not Sister Kwon after they got married 😞
Seungwanniepuppy #2
Chapter 15: Bjh is so generous for forgiving ssw that fast.hoping there will be a payback time.
Chapter 15: Oh nooo Sister Kwon 🤧
1703 streak #4
Chapter 15: Oh no! Just when Joohyun got married, this have to happening....
Chapter 15: Noooooo, not the angst! I wasn't prepared for this and still not ready! The way Joohyun is already breaking down... I can't... 😭😭😭

So glad Seungwan is staying strong to hold her. 😢
Chapter 15: "please be prepared for the upcoming ones too" oh boy now I'm scared 🤧
len_rinto #7
Chapter 15: Oh noo 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 15: i missed this story but oh sister kwon 🥺
Taitai84 1236 streak #9
Chapter 15: Oh no if joohyun loses sister Kwon just months after her wedding, she will be devastated