chapter two

you make me crazy (call me by my name)

It’s been a while since the last time Joohyun visited this place.

The orphanage still looks the same as how she remembered it to be. The place is not that big, only several dorms and a field for the kids to play together. Some of them are currently running around the field, playing tag or playing a game a kid can come up with. She feels her heart warm from the sight.

“Can I just wait in the car?” groaned Seungwan, bumping her head on the steering wheel. There was horror in her eyes as she watched the kids running around. “I don’t want to meet those rascals.”

“You are going to get out of the car and play with those kids,” stated Joohyun in finality, taking two boxes of cakes they bought for the residence of the orphanage before leaving the fancy car owned by Seungwan. She ignored the groan coming from the woman who sat beside her, leaving her alone and can’t help but to smile to herself when she heard the sound of the car door being opened.


Joohyun greeted the kids back with a huge smile and warm hug. All of the kids who were playing together on the field quickly swarmed her for seeing a familiar figure in the orphanage finally paying them another visit. They didn’t miss the two boxes of cakes she brought alongside her, as one of the kids quickly took the box from her grasp.

“Enjoy the cake together,” Joohyun said, which they answered collectively with a nod. “Where’s Sister Kwon?”

“She’s inside,” answered one of the kids while pointing to the main dorm of the orphanage. Her eyes then stared at something behind her. “It’s grumpy unnie!”

“Hi, rascals,” snorted Seungwan from the nickname she got on her first day visiting the orphanage with Joohyun months ago. This is the reason why Seungwan called the kids in the orphanage rascals, because they called her grumpy when she had been everything but grumpy on her first meeting with them. “Do you want me to wait here?”

She answered with a simple nod. “Go play with Seungwan-unnie, okay? I’m going to talk with Sister Kwon and give her a cake.”

The kids nodded once again before they swarmed Seungwan like she’s a giant they need to fight against. Joohyun was unable to hold back her chuckle from watching her boss having difficulties in handling those kids. She leaves them alone to meet Sister Kwon, who turns out has waited for her arrival in the living room of the main dorm with a warm hug and a pot of hot tea.

Sister Kwon has been the second parental figure in her life ever since both of her parents passed away from a car accident when she was ten. It was a hard time for child Joohyun back then. The sudden shift in her life turned her into someone who is silent and distant when people try to communicate with her.

But Sister Kwon is the only one who tried to reach out and get close to her. She’s so patient in trying to help her adjust with her new life of living in the orphanage and getting to know the other kids. She’s also the one who stood up for her when the other kids were making fun of her. There’s so many things Sister Kwon has done for the sake of her well-being that Joohyun knows she will never be able to repay it all.

“How are you?” asked Sister Kwon once they settled on the couch and peacefully watched the kids play with Seungwan from the big window.

“Great,” answered Joohyun with a smile as she poured the tea into Sister Kwon’s empty cup. The older woman accepted her gesture and quickly took a sip of her tea, sighing when the warm liquid passed . “How about you, Sister Kwon?”

“Never been better,” replied Sister Kwon with the same smile plastered on her wrinkled face. Age has started to show itself in her physical appearance by now, but Sister Kwon remains beautiful in Joohyun’s eyes. The elder between the two gently placed her tea cup on the small plate beside her, nodding towards the crowd playing on the field. “She looks like she’s great with kids.”

“She tried her best,” Joohyun opted to answer her with a safe word, because from the way she sees it, Seungwan actually needs to be kept away from those kids if they don’t want to be harmed. But the kids do look like they were having fun with her, so she can’t do anything about it.

“When is the wedding?”

“In three months,” answered Joohyun before she took a sip of her warm tea. “Seungwan has made sure that all of the people in the orphanage will be invited.”

“I see,” nodded Sister Kwon. It was a comfortable silence enveloping them afterwards. Joohyun can’t help but to keep watching Seungwan interact with the kids who live here in the orphanage. Seeing her struggle and become annoyed when those kids ask too much out of her. “Are you ready?”

Joohyun finds herself unable to answer the simple question immediately. She the tip of her tea cup with her thumb, following along the circle line as her brain contemplates whether she should say everything she wants to say to Sister Kwon or keep some to herself. But when Sister Kwon gave Joohyun her signature assuring smile, she could feel her walls starting to break down. “Seungwan asked me again to live with her today. I still answer her with no.”

The old woman hums softly. “Is this because of the house?”

This time, she immediately answered with a nod. “Living with her means I need to leave the house and maybe sell them to someone who is interested. I’m just-” she paused, biting her bottom lip as she forced herself to finish her words. “The house is the last memory I have with my parents. Not to mention how you also look after the house and keep them clean until I’m old enough to leave the orphanage and live there by myself.”

“I’m merely helping you take care of something that is rightfully yours, Joohyun,” chuckled Sister Kwon lightly. “It’s nothing much.”

“But still,” defended Joohyun, to let her know that looking after the house her parents left for her after they passed away is not nothing much. “There's too many memories I have with the house. It’s hard to just let it go.”

Sister Kwon nodded as the elderly woman sighed. Her frail hand suddenly took Joohyun’s, somehow surprising her with the gesture. She looked at the woman beside her, who was still staring towards Seungwan and the kids. “Sometimes, not everything needs to be handled by yourself, Joohyun. And it’s okay.”

She bit her bottom lip hard, turning the red flesh to white in an instant. What Sister Kwon just said to her struck deep inside her heart, shaking the core of her soul like her words were as strong as the lightning. The older woman was right for saying that. Joohyun admits inwardly that she still acts like she needs to handle everything alone, that her business is her own and she does not need to share the burden to someone else. 

When everything has become different, and she does not need to handle this alone.

“I don’t know, it’s just-” Joohyun paused, trying to find the right words. Sister Kwon chuckled in her fumbling search. “Maybe I’m afraid of what her answer is going to be.”

“You will never know if you never ask, Joohyun,” assured Sister Kwon, tightly clenching her hand before she released her hold on her. Joohyun instantly misses the warmth given by the older woman who she has considered as her second mother. “She looks like she doesn’t bite.”

It was Joohyun who chuckled this time. If only Sister Kwon knows how much Seungwan likes to bite her in the middle of their heated session, giving her marks after marks on the expanse of her skin. Joohyun would only just sigh defeatedly whenever she saw the art piece she made on her body the next morning as she was about to take her shower. Trying to come up with a way to cover them from being seen by others, even though it will drive Seungwan motivated to make the marks harder for her to cover on their next .

"It's still a long life for you, Joohyun," continued Sister Kwon as she poured the warm tea into her cup, surprising her with the gesture as she fumbled to hold the cup in a polite manner. "It's okay to take a rest sometimes."

Joohyun stayed mum while silently taking a sip of her tea. The words Sister Kwon just said to her easily makes their way into her mind and soul, permanently staying there for her to always remember. She was right for saying that, because it is exactly what Joohyun needs to hear in times like this. Times when everything moves too fast and she needs to keep up, or else she will be left behind.

"Yah!" The loud scream coming from the field broke her out of her trance. "Stop throwing a ball of dirt on me. These clothes are expensive!"

There's a soft chuckle coming from her side, while Joohyun is back to her signature deadpan thanks to the ridiculous shriek Seungwan just made from playing with the kids. Sometimes, she forgets that her boss is also a child trapped in an adult body. A wonderfully y adult body. "I think we should help your future wife."

"Yeah," deadpanned Joohyun, emotionlessly watching Seungwan being tackled by the kids and mercilessly getting attacked with their tiny fists. She glanced to the side, finding her frail hand just a couple inches away from her. It doesn't take Joohyun much effort to close the gap and hold her hand inside hers. "Thank you for everything, Sister Kwon. For the talks, for everything you have done to me. I'm really grateful."

"You always said that every time you came here," chuckled Sister Kwon, although she tightened her grasp on Joohyun's hand. "Never hesitate to come to me whenever you need to talk, okay? You know where to find me, Joohyun. I will always be here."

"Okay," nodded Joohyun, trying to hold back her tears for the sake of saving Seungwan from the children's attack on her. 

She held hands with Sister Kwon, walking together towards the ruckus on the field. It took Sister Kwon one call of warning for the kids to disperse and run back to their respective dorm. The elder woman beside her chuckled from seeing the current condition on Seungwan, while Joohyun silently judged her for looking like a mess.

"You told me to play with those rascals," grumbled Seungwan, easily noticing her judging stare as she tried to wipe away the dirt sticking on her clothes. "This is inevitable."

Joohyun simply rolled her eyes from her lame self-defense. The soft chuckle coming from her side reminded her about the existence of Sister Kwon near them. "Are you about to go home, Joohyun?"

The long haired woman answered her with a nod. "We decided to stop by here for a while on our way to my home."

It was Sister Kwon who nodded this time. She changed her glance towards Seungwan, who was just done in wiping away the dirt sticking on her shirt as best as she could. "May I talk to you for a while, young woman?"

Seungwan blinked when she realized Sister Kwon was talking to her instead of Joohyun. The latter practically has the same expression. Now that she recalls, Sister Kwon never had a talk with Seungwan when it's only the two of them. There's always her in the middle of their conversation. "Me? You want to talk to me? Are you sure, Sister Kwon? There's Joohyun here."

"I'm sure," nodded Sister Kwon with a smile. "Shall we, Seungwan?"

Her boss scratched her nape for being confused. She passed Joohyun her car key and told her to just wait for her in the car before she followed Sister Kwon to have a private talk with her. Joohyun watches them walk away in silence, she can't help but to feel curious about the things they are talking about.

And from afar, from the slightly tinted window inside Seungwan's car, it looks like they have a pretty serious conversation considering the rigid posture her fiancee currently has right now. Joohyun is no lip reader, but she wishes she was one just for the sake of being able to know what they were talking about. Knowing Seungwan by her nature, there is no way her boss will tell her what she just talked about with Sister Kwon.

Sister Kwon is also not going to tell her anything.

"Shall we go now?" asked Seungwan as soon as she entered her car once she was done talking with Sister Kwon. She fits perfectly on the driver seat after several adjustments. "Do you want to grab dinner along the way?"

"What did you just talk about with Sister Kwon?" asked Joohyun, ignoring all the questions Seungwan just asked her.

"Stuff," shrugged Seungwan lightly as she started to drive the car and leave the front gate of the orphanage. Joohyun can't help but to squint her eyes, watching her in suspicion for being aloof. "Just things."

"What things?"

"You know, girl stuff," responded Seungwan like she thought she just pulled a whole award-winning act in front of Joohyun when she was stuttering to even come up with a fake reason. "Things like that, Hyun."

Joohyun raised her eyebrow. "What? I'm a man now?"

She heard the short haired woman let out a defeated sigh. Joohyun let Seungwan take her hand inside her grasp, watching her thumb brushing her knuckles softly like she was afraid to make a scratch on her skin. "It's nothing, really. No need to think too much about it."

This time, it was Joohyun who let out a defeated sigh. "Fine."

It's a wonder how she can feel Seungwan smiling from that, when she doesn't even look at her and only holds her hands. She raised her hand, kissed her knuckles before placing them back near the gear stick. "Let's buy dinner on our way; my treat. What do you want?"

Her composure breaks to let out a chuckle. Seungwan and her stupid way to make her happy. "Anything is fine."


Maybe the term ‘home sweet home’ does exist. Joohyun doesn’t know why, but whenever she spends a night away, she always feels glad whenever she arrives back at home.

And this is exactly what she felt as soon as Seungwan parked her car in front of the house her parents left for her.

Joohyun didn't say anything, nor did Seungwan ask her as both of them descended from the car at the same time. It somehow has become an unspoken rule for Seungwan to stay in her home for a while whenever she drops her off. Her boss has become familiar with her home, Joohyun basically lets her do anything as she chooses to wander around.

The house her parents left for her is a modest two level house for a family of three to live together. It has a front yard only fit for a small garden and one car to park, but the backyard pays it all as it is twice as wide and green from the healthy grass.

Their home has an open kitchen, the same like Seungwan has in her penthouse but less fancy. 

Back then, whenever her mom was in the middle of making their dinner, her dad would always join and talk with her. Sometimes trying to help, but since he caused more mess rather than actually helping, her mom usually ushered him away and told him to just sit on the dining chair. Child Joohyun would always laugh seeing her dad playfully pout from being kicked out of the kitchen, only for her to get tickled by him because she laughed at his misery.

She can’t believe she just lost everything on that one fateful day in a quick snap of a finger. Never would she imagine being picked up in her school with an aunt she rarely met. 

To come home and find out that tons of people have been swarming the place that offers her protection for strangers. To have police officers trying to explain to a mere child that her parents are gone because of a car accident. To have social workers helping her pack her stuff as she is still underage to live alone in this house, and she needs to start a new life in an orphanage. 

Alone, without a parents figure to help guide her with the life she wanted to live.

Her fingers gently pressed on the lightswitch as the bright light from the bulb showed her the neat and tidy condition of the master bedroom in this home. The place where her parents used to sleep. The place she never dares to touch.

It just feels wrong to do so even though she has the complete right to use the master bedroom as her own, because right now she is the sole owner of this house. But to change the stuff her parents use to decorate their bedroom and change it with her own never sit right with Joohyun. And it made her feel like she was erasing their existence from her life.

When Joohyun still bids her goodbye before she leaves to go to work, as if her parents are still alive and well.

“Seungwan?” Joohyun calls out as she leaves the master bedroom just like how it was when she arrived. Dark, empty, neat and tidy. “Where are you?”

“Here!” yelled Seungwan coming from the direction of the back part of the house, where the open kitchen and the backyard were located. Joohyun didn’t waste her time to join her, only to find her fiancee currently lying down on the back porch. She simply raised her eyebrow as she took a seat on her side to ask Seungwan what she was doing. “It’s okay if I lay down here, right? The afternoon breeze is too nice for me to miss.”

Joohyun snorted as she pulled her legs until her knees touched her chin. Her eyes looked up to the sky, a painting of purple and orange base. A view she grew familiar with from the CEO office. Feels so peaceful, an emotion she rarely comes across.

“Do you know why I keep refusing the idea of living together with you before our wedding?”

Seungwan didn’t answer, Joohyun knows it's not because she doesn’t know the correct answer. It’s because Seungwan knows she doesn’t expect her to answer the question at all.

“This house—I have a lot of memories made in this place I called home. Both good and bad,” started Joohyun with a light chuckle, her brain starting to play memories of her childhood and her adulthood as she grew inside this house. “And I feel like—it’s too much of a memory for me to leave this place just like that.”

Her fiancee still responded to her with silence. 

“I just—I found it hard to leave this house,” muttered Joohyun, her voice growing tinier as she said the next one. “The memory of my late parents, Sister Kwon’s hardwork in taking care of this house until I’m old enough to live here alone. It’s too much.”

There’s another round of silence enveloping them. It’s not awkward, it’s not even comfortable. It’s just the right ambience for them to be wrapped in this situation. 

“Well,” Seungwan finally broke her silence, fixing her position beside her as she sat herself up on the back porch. None of them looking at each other, only the sky that has started to grow darker as the seconds ticks away. “Will it be fine if I’m the one who moved here?”

That question made Joohyun turn her head the fastest she ever did in her whole life. “What?”

“I mean, you said it yourself. This place means a lot to you,” shrugged Seungwan lightly, like her decision to be the one who moved in here instead of the other way around is nothing. It’s not like Joohyun has agreed with this decision either. “My penthouse is simply the place where I can rest, nothing more. There’s no reason for me to keep that.”

“Yeah, but you buy it yourself,” reasoned Joohyun because the decision Seungwan currently made right now sounded a bit ridiculous for her. “Surely it means more.”

“Meh, I can sell it to one of my friends for a high price. I know someone who has been eyeing my penthouse for a while,” replied Seungwan with a smile, looking at her to tell Joohyun that she is dead serious with this decision. It is not just something she comes up with in a minute.

“This home is farther in distance to your workplace instead of your penthouse.”

“You survive,” Seungwan looked at her to prove her point, Joohyun can only snort from being the living proof. “If you can survive commuting that far, then surely I can.”

“You’re ridiculous,” chuckled Joohyun as she shook her head. “Are you even sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. Nothing is much more important for me than living together with you, no matter where the place is. Because all I want is to wake up and the first thing I saw in the morning is you,” answered Seungwan firmly, like nothing can change her mind from this decision she just made. "And look at this house. Don’t you think it is a perfect place for us to live together? We can do some renovation if you want to make your home better,” Seungwan started to sell her point towards Joohyun, the sole owner of the house. “This place has a front yard, a big and spacious living room. A big backyard for our kids to run around and play once they can walk.”

Joohyun raised her eyebrow from the last sentence. “Brave of you assuming I want to have kids.”

“What? You don’t want to have kids?” asked Seungwan in her straight voice and her deadpan expression. Joohyun has such a good knowledge about her fiancee to know that she was actually being playful instead of serious.

“We haven’t talked about kids yet,” warned Joohyun before Seungwan started to think about it further, while the latter only laughed at her warning. 

“Fine,” Seungwan rolled her eyes, although there’s a smile on her face. Both of them keep staring at each other, but this time, the mood has become better. Especially now that Joohyun knows Seungwan actually didn’t play around. “So what do you think?”

“It’s a good idea,” shrugged Joohyun, before she flashed her a smirk. “Can’t wait to beat your once you move here.”

“Wow,” snorted Seungwan in disbelief as Joohyun laughed and threw her head to the back. “Good to know I will get guaranteed domestic abuse once I move into your home.”

“Our home,” corrected Joohyun, making Seungwan stare at her. “Now that you will live here, it’s our home now.”

Seungwan keeps looking at her in silence, before she breaks into a chuckle and leans her body forward to capture her lips in a sweet kiss. Joohyun accepted her gesture wholeheartedly; she had been waiting for this ever since Seungwan said she wants to live with her in this home her parents left for her. 

She doesn’t know when they stood up and left the back porch. Joohyun doesn’t know how she got cornered by the counter in the middle of their kiss. All she remembers is Seungwan picks her up to help her sit on the counter as they continue to deepen the kiss they currently share. oxygen, her lungs that keeps begging for air. The only thing that is important right now is Seungwan’s lips on hers, her tongue slipping inside as they fight for dominance.

“Stay here tonight,” whispered Joohyun right above her swollen lips, her fingers clenching tight on the collar of her shirt. Seungwan didn’t answer her, but her kiss told Joohyun that she will not go back to her penthouse.

“What about dinner?” asked Seungwan as her breath started to quicken, their faces were just a mere inch apart. Her fingers—with the help of Joohyun—quickly her shirt and just throw it somewhere on the floor before they kissed again. None of them give a where it landed.

“Dinner can wait,” answered Joohyun lightly, and Seungwan easily accepted as her arm circled around her waist and picked her up in her hold.

Her slender legs naturally circled around her waist, with Joohyun trusting her ability to remember the direction towards where the bedroom is. She can’t help but to smirk in the middle of their kiss when Seungwan chose the right path. Joohyun deepened her kiss, the scent coming from Seungwan’s favorite perfume starting to intoxicate her senses. All she can think about right now is Seungwan, Seungwan, Seungwan echoing inside her brain.

That’s why she applauded herself inwardly when she stopped her from entering her bedroom. Seungwan broke their kiss with a raised eyebrow. “Isn’t this your room?”

“It is, but we are going to live together,” answered Joohyun as she circled back her arms around her neck. Her head pointing towards the door near the end of the aisle, where the master bedroom is. “And it’s our right to sleep in the master bedroom, since it’s our home.”

Seungwan stared deep into her eyes, yet Joohyun couldn't help but to notice the way her eyes darkened from her sentence. She flashed her a smirk that looked so damn y in her orbs before she closed their distance again. The kiss this time is much softer, much calmer than earlier Joohyun can’t help but to smile in the middle of the kiss.

It’s always calm before the storm, after all.


To wake up with fluttering kisses all over your body, might be one of the best ways to start your day.

“Morning, babe,” whispered Seungwan right above her skin when she noticed her body stirred awake thanks to her kisses. Joohyun only hums before she turned around, gently cup Seungwan’s face with her palm and pulls her in for a proper morning kiss.

"What time is it?" asked Joohyun, still heavy with sleep. Her eyes are still not yet opened perfectly as she scoot closer towards Seungwan, seeking for her warmth.

"Nine," answered Seungwan shortly while fixing her position so Joohyun could bury herself inside her embrace much better. She smells like her soap, and it turns out Seungwan already had her shower while she was still fast asleep. "We stayed up late last night."

The memories of last night started to fill Joohyun's brain as they decided to recall what they were doing a few hours ago. The decision of christening her parents' bedroom (God, it feels weird to say this now that they actually did it) resulted in them having round after round of , to the point they almost forgot to eat dinner. Even after taking a break, they still continue like a rabbit in heat (more like Seungwan in her rut, as usual). 

Now the bedroom smells like . The bedroom smells like theirs.

"When will you move your things here?" asked Joohyun, muttering against the soft skin underneath her chin. She still closed her eyes, too comfortable to be inside Seungwan's embrace. She was sure she could go back to sleep just from this alone.

"Next weekend," answered Seungwan, like she had made a plan for this. Her fingers gently tuck a lock of her hair behind her left ear. "Because next week we are going to be super busy, according to the schedule you made."

The long haired woman simply hums, remembering tons of meetings and arrangements they need to do for a week alone. Not to mention business lunch and dinner that she knew Seungwan hated the most, because people took that opportunity to try to win her good side. "Don't forget to start reading the business report and folders you need to read for next week that I already sent to your email, Ms Son."

Seungwan replied to her work reminder with a mere chuckle and a light kiss on her lips. "I made you breakfast in bed. Do you want to eat now?"

"What a romantic," snorted Joohyun in a playful spite, while Seungwan simply laughed from her answer. She let her go from her embrace, to allow Joohyun to sit on the bed and lean her back against the headrest. Joohyun reached out her hand, asking for a fresh t-shirt for her to wear and cover her body. Seungwan rolled her eyes from the silent asking, passing her a plain white t-shirt she already took from her wardrobe. "See? It's a nice idea to have some of your clothes in my wardrobe."

Joohyun pointed her eyes towards the longsleeve plain white t-shirt Seungwan wears that fits so perfectly on her body. It was the shirt Seungwan bought out of a rush on her first time staying in her place years ago because it turns out Joohyun has no outfit that will fit her body, except her dad's clothes that screams a decade too old for someone as young as Seungwan to wear.

"Whatever," Seungwan replied with a deadpan as she placed a small table filled with a plate of fresh strawberry pancakes and a glass of orange juice for Joohyun to enjoy. "Enjoy."

"You made this with the premix flour, right?" asked Joohyun as she cut through the pancake with the help of a small knife. Seungwan only answered her with a roll of her eyes while she took her first bite of her breakfast. "Not bad."

"I can cook, Joohyun. Thanks for your concern," snorted Seungwan, feeling offended because usually it was Joohyun who cooked breakfast for them both. Joohyun only smirked from her childish act before she cut another piece of pancake and gave it to Seungwan. "That's for you."

"I know you haven't had your breakfast yet, Ms Son. We have worked together for years," deadpanned Joohyun, knowing if Seungwan is focused on something, eating would be the last thing present in her mind. Seungwan simply pouted like a child that she is, before taking a bite of the pancake she made for Joohyun albeit reluctantly. "Not bad, right?"

"Excuse me? This is good," emphasize Seungwan to make a point that she is actually good at cooking. "Don't make me feel offended this early."

Joohyun simply chuckled from her self-defense as she continued enjoying her pancake alongside feeding Seungwan some portion of her breakfast. She was just done taking the last bite of her pancake when Seungwan suddenly kissed her lips, much to her surprise. Her eyes slowly glanced towards Seungwan, who has such a wide smile carved on her face right now.

"There's maple syrup on your lips," explained Seungwan with a lame excuse.

"And the best way to erase the maple syrup on my lips is with a kiss?" Joohyun asked back before taking a sip of her juice, obviously unimpressed with her stupid reason.

"Yeah," shrugged Seungwan lightly, patiently waiting for her to finish her orange juice first before putting the small table consisting of dirty dishes on the floor beside the bed. "And more kisses, actually."

Before Joohyun could react, Seungwan already kissed her lips and pushed her back to bed. It doesn't take long for Joohyun to surrender into her kisses, circling her arms around her neck and burying her fingers deep inside her slightly damp hair. She feels Seungwan kicked aside the blanket that was covering her lower half, exchanging it with the heat coming from her body.

"We shall have a talk about kids right now."

Seungwan was just about to start painting her art on her neck when her words stopped her from doing so. The taller woman let out a childish groan. "Do you really want to do this right now?"

"If we want to have kids, then we will start when I'm ready to have kids," started Joohyun as she basically ignored her whining. 

“Fine, whatever,” grumbled Seungwan as she buried her face inside her collarbone, wanting to continue what she was doing. But Joohyun doesn’t take her half baked reply as a legit answer, so she fists her whole hair and gives it a strong tug to let Seungwan know this is serious. “Yes, Joohyun, that is my real answer.”

“Great,” nodded Joohyun, satisfied. She let go of her tight hold she had on her hair and let the ert, who is also her boss, continue what she was doing. “How many kids do you want?”

“How many do you want?” Seungwan asked back, silently pointing out the fact that the one who will be pregnant in this whole fiasco is her. Joohyun inwardly agrees with her. After all, she will be the one who carries their child and brings them to the world.

“Let’s decide to have one first and see how it goes.”

“Agree,” nodded Seungwan as she released her on her skin with a loud pop. Her expression is everything right now. Deadpan, lust, desire, desperate, begging. “Now can we stop talking and just have our morning ? I didn’t get any yesterday, there’s no way I won’t have any today either.”

The smaller woman raised her eyebrow. “We had our morning yesterday.”

“It was shower ; that we had yesterday. That doesn’t count as morning ,” answered Seungwan in such a degree of seriousness. If only she pulled this side of her often in front of Joohyun instead of her loser persona that made her lose her respect towards one of the most influential people in the business world this year, surely she doesn’t need to look at her like she’s some sort of stupid. “Morning needs to be done in bed.”

“Right,” deadpanned Joohyun, giving her a stare that would insult everyone if they looked at it.

Seungwan simply chuckled from seeing her signature expression before she leaned down and kissed her lips softly. Joohyun accepted the contact, placing her palm on her cheek as she kept close to her.

“Do you know what Sister Kwon said to me yesterday?”

She let out a simple hum as she tilted her head to the side to allow Seungwan to kiss her neck better. “What did Sister Kwon say?”

“For me to always be there for you. For me to always be the place for you to lean on,” whispered Seungwan, staring back into her eyes and somehow Joohyun didn’t find it in her to look away. “For me to always help you whenever you need one and for me to take my time in getting to know you better by layer and layer because I want to learn and know everything about you, Joohyun.”

went dry from the words Seungwan just said to her.

“I want to know what’s in here,” Seungwan continued as she touched her forehead, “and what’s in here,” this time on her chest, where her heart beats. “Best believe that’s the only thing I will do for you, Joohyun. Because you are my everything, and please consider me as one too.”

“I am,” whispered Joohyun, giving her lips a gentle peck because she thinks she can’t give more than that without breaking apart. 

The taller woman above her let out a chuckle as she sneaked her hand underneath her t-shirt and started touching her . Such a signature way of her to break such a lovely mood. “And, I don’t think we christened this bed enough,” smirked Seungwan as she crawled forward, lining her face right above Joohyun. She can feel her hard member poking against her thigh, the flutter of her fingertips moving painfully near to her crotch. “Am I right, babe?”

Joohyun stared deep into her eyes that were filled with lust before she let out a chuckle and pulled Seungwan in for a kiss. Their morning wasn’t as wild as last night, since they only need one round to be satisfied ually. But it was enough to make Seungwan fall back to sleep, with Joohyun joining her inside her embrace.

To start something new in their life. Living together.


fun fact: joohyun and seungwan actually shares the same trait. they can't sleep well in a new place. that's why in the previous chapter joohyun is the one who wake up first, while in this chapter it was seungwan. they have their fair share sleeping in each other's place of course, but not on a daily basis (until today).

anyway, thanks to some people who actually mentioned this, i decided to open a ko-fi account and feel free to give me a support! i'm going to continue write for free for you all. this ( and ) journey will not stop guys, especially when i still have a lot of prompt i need to write!

lastly, thank you for a lot of support you give to this fic! to loser ceo seungwan and serious secretary joohyun! i might upload this chapter very quick, but i dont know when will i upload the next one so i'm not going to promise you that the next chapter will be a quick update

once again, thank you for reading, and see you in the next chapter!

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hopefully you like it!


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Jamelhynne12 #1
Chapter 15: Not Sister Kwon after they got married 😞
Seungwanniepuppy #2
Chapter 15: Bjh is so generous for forgiving ssw that fast.hoping there will be a payback time.
Chapter 15: Oh nooo Sister Kwon 🤧
1692 streak #4
Chapter 15: Oh no! Just when Joohyun got married, this have to happening....
Chapter 15: Noooooo, not the angst! I wasn't prepared for this and still not ready! The way Joohyun is already breaking down... I can't... 😭😭😭

So glad Seungwan is staying strong to hold her. 😢
Chapter 15: "please be prepared for the upcoming ones too" oh boy now I'm scared 🤧
len_rinto #7
Chapter 15: Oh noo 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 15: i missed this story but oh sister kwon 🥺
Taitai84 1225 streak #9
Chapter 15: Oh no if joohyun loses sister Kwon just months after her wedding, she will be devastated
Skye1234 #10
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update.