chapter thirteen

you make me crazy (call me by my name)

Nothing really changed after they got married a few months ago. And Seungwan means it in a good way.

She will wake up first like usual, finding Joohyun still asleep by either curling on her side for warmth or turning her back and Seungwan is hugging her from behind. She will play with her hair, admiring her visual in silence to not wake her up from her sleep before kissing Joohyun’s forehead and leaving their bed to start the day.

The toilet will be the first place she visits after a good rest. She will wash her face to fully erase sleep from her system and brush her teeth, while admiring her body that is full of red marks and purple patches Joohyun made on her skin. Seungwan will chuckle when she spots a big hickey Joohyun gave her in a visible area. People would cover it in a heartbeat to not inform everyone that they just had a blast last night, but Seungwan will wear it in pride, something Joohyun condemned sometime whenever they were about to have an important meeting.

“It’s not professional,” answered Joohyun whenever she asked her why she insisted on Seungwan covering it.

“Getting laid and having a great personal life is not professional?” snorted Seungwan with a raised eyebrow and Joohyun would respond by rolling her eyes like usual, knowing that she will never win against her in this kind of argument.

After she is done freshening up, Seungwan will go downstairs and go to the private gym she purposefully installed at their home during the renovation. She might have done a lot of exercise with Joohyun at night, but that doesn’t mean she doesn't need to do it in the morning. If she wants to keep her great body that Joohyun secretly loves to feel and stare at, then Seungwan needs to do a lot to keep her shape.

There’s not that much equipment inside her private gym. There’s only a treadmill, a few collections of dumbbells, a pack fly, a leg press, a shoulder press, and a bench press. There will be more things in the future, but it’s not like she wasn’t satisfied with the things she has right now.

Everything she bought is for the purpose of satisfying Joohyun. The leg press is for her legs to stay strong so she can easily make love with Joohyun while standing in the shower. The shoulder press and biceps curl is to keep the shape of her arms because she knows how much Joohyun loves to feel her muscles while Seungwan is carrying her to bed. And the bench press is to keep her abs stay toned and will not disappear in a few days to come.

A lot of investment to make Joohyun happy. Then again, Seungwan is willing to die for her.

She usually does her exercise by listening to her playlist and playing it at a low volume. It wasn’t hard for her to focus with her exercise in an instant. It’s important to focus if she needs to be honest, because Seungwan better not hurt herself in the process of bulking and stay in shape.

Thick bullets of sweat have already formed all over her body as she doesn’t notice how long she has been doing this. She was in the middle of using the pack fly when Seungwan felt someone was staring at her. She opened her eyes to find Joohyun leaning against the doorframe, staring at Seungwan with her signature deadpan. A smile easily formed on her face. “Good morning, babe. Just woke up?”

Joohyun raised her eyebrow, but she did answer her question with a shrug. “How long have you been doing this?”

“I don’t know,” shrugged Seungwan this time before she checked on her own appearance. Her light gray sleeveless tee has turned color into dark gray because of her body that was drenched in sweat. “Long enough to soak this, I guess.”

Seungwan looked up to find Joohyun staring at her, almost without blinking. She raised her eyebrow when she noticed Joohyun wasn’t looking at her face, particularly her eyes. She silently tries to find where her gaze landed, that familiar gaze she often sees when they are already in bed. When she finds out that Joohyun was staring at her body—especially her crotch—Seungwan can’t hold back her smirk to bloom.

“Eyes up here, babe.”

Her wife looked up and rolled her eyes when she saw the -eating grin on her face. “Whatever. I’m going to cook breakfast.”

A laugh erupts from her chest. She didn’t miss the way her ears turned color to red before Joohyun disappeared from her view. Seungwan shook her head as she did her last set of the day before she joined her wife in the kitchen.

Once she was done with her morning exercise, she let her legs lead her to where Joohyun is, who was turning her back on her as she cooked something greasy judging from the smell coming from the stove. Her eyes widened when she found a glass of protein shake on the island. Similar color, similar consistency, Seungwan can’t help but to be impressed.

“Thanks, babe,” grinned Seungwan in gratitude as she drank a gulp of her protein shake before she leaned forward and kissed her cheek, only for Joohyun to evade.

“Go away, Seungwan. You stink,” scowled Joohyun as she shooed her away with her spatula, obviously refusing to touch her. 

“Am I now?” asked Seungwan in fascination, along with a raised eyebrow. She took another gulp of her protein shake before she continued. “I thought you were eyeing me earlier?”

“I am not eyeing you,” groaned Joohyun with a roll of her eyes. Seungwan didn’t bother to reply as she opted to finish her protein shake while staring at her wife who refused to look away. She then noticed her eyes ogling at her arm, and Seungwan couldn't help but to smirk after she caught her red-handed. Joohyun rolled her eyes in exasperation after noticing her expression that was covered with her glass of protein shake. “Whatever. Just go take a shower before you have your breakfast.”

“Mind to join me, love?” asked Seungwan as she took a step closer, and smirked when Joohyun didn't even try to shoo her away this time. “Breakfast tastes better when we enjoy it together.”

Joohyun let out a snort. “And what? We ended up eating a cold breakfast because we spent a lot of time in the shower?”

“I wasn’t implying on any of that, though?” answered Seungwan with a wide smirk on her face because she just caught Joohyun inside her trap. 

Her wife groaned loudly, although there is a blush on her cheek right now. Seungwan will count that as her win while trying to hold back her laughter by taking another gulp of her protein shake. “Just take a shower and leave me alone.”

“Ouch, that hurt,” reacted Seungwan dramatically by touching her chest on where her heart is located. Joohyun ignored her drama like usual, and Seungwan snickered before she left her alone in the kitchen to go to the bathroom and start taking a shower. Just like what her wife wants her to do.

Seungwan just started to drench her body underneath the spray of water when she heard the sound of the bathroom door being opened. She turned around to see Joohyun on the doorstep and nonchalantly walked inside. Seungwan smirks as she watches her strip until Joohyun is equally as as her. She made a big enough space for Joohyun to join her, and a tease is already resting at the tip of her tongue.

“I thought you wanted to be alone?”

“You talked too much,” hissed Joohyun before she pulled her in for a demanding kiss. And Seungwan accepted the contact wholeheartedly as they showered together until the hot water ran out, and the breakfast grew cold.


The news of her marriage spread quickly around the company, the perks of people easily spotted her wedding ring that Seungwan never fails to wear ever since they exchanged their vow on their wedding day. The directors congratulate her during their annual meeting, although none of them dares to ask who is the lucky person that Seungwan chose to be her lifetime partner.

She comes to work with a hope to eavesdrop on people who are talking about her and her secret marriage. Seungwan hears one or two conversations about her, and it never fails to bring a huge cocky smile to her face. But after a few days, her smile quickly got exchanged with a scowl.

Turns out, the news of Bae Joohyun getting married without telling anyone in the company is a much more shocking news compared to their CEO.

Whenever they are walking together to reach her office or leaving for a meeting outside of the company, someone will always stop Joohyun and congratulate her for the wedding. Seungwan listened to every conversation they had—about how lucky Joohyun’s partner is to have her as their wife and kept asking her about the details of her relationship that people never knew existed.

Seungwan even heard some people openly expressing their sadness for not being the person whom Joohyun chose as her partner. Her secretary will only laugh from their statement before she said thank you for their kind words.

Maybe she is not one to feel jealous. But Seungwan oddly feels competitive regarding this matter. And she really hates losing.

“Erase that scowl on your face, Ms Son,” deadpanned Joohyun after Seungwan pulled another tantrum for overhearing her conversation with a team she never met before. “You have a meeting in one hour.”

“Why did people talk about you more than they talked about me?” wailed Seungwan as she planted her face on her desk afterwards. She can feel Joohyun rolling her eyes from the act, but she doesn’t care in the slightest. “I thought I’m mysterious enough! Why are people not wondering who my partner is?”

“Are you done, Ms Son?” asked Joohyun as she ignored all her dramatic words. “You still need to prepare for your next meeting. Please stop acting like a child and start being responsible with your job.”

There is a knock on her door. Seungwan doesn’t know who comes into her office because it was Joohyun who gave the permission for them to walk inside. But based on how she doesn’t tell Seungwan to fix her posture, she has a feeling on who her visitor might be. “How long has she been like this?”

“Days,” answered Joohyun with a groan as she started to walk away and leave her alone with her uninvited guest. “I give up on handling this. Good luck with her, Ms Shin.”

She heard Ryujin snorting before the door closed. Seungwan still refuses to raise her head even when Ryujin already takes a seat in front of her. “You can’t even greet your cousin properly anymore?”

“What do you want?” sneered Seungwan as she forced herself to finally look at the said cousin.

“Talking about the meeting,” answered Ryujin lightly as her eyes pointed towards the folder on her table that Seungwan had been ignoring because she was pulling a tantrum. She forgot that Ryujin will also be in the meeting together with her and Joohyun because this concerns one of their major business deals of the year. “I can’t believe a stupid work gossip got you worked up like this.”

“Because they're supposed to talk about me instead of Joohyun!” whined Seungwan, the same thing she has been saying to her wife over and over again. This time, Ryujin is her victim. “I’m their boss! Aren't they supposed to be more interested in who my partner is?”

“Exactly,” responded Ryujin after she took a small whisk out from the pocket of her suit and poured a glass for her and herself. Seungwan squinted her eyes from the blatant breach of rules, but a glass of whiskey is probably not bad considering her miserable state. “You are their boss. Who in their right mind has enough balls to talk about the private life of the most important person in this company?”

Seungwan raised her eyebrow while taking a sip of her whiskey. “You have.”

“Nepotism,” replied Ryujin with a shrug as she swiveled her glass before taking a sip of her liquor. “I got a job here because I’m family, remember?”

The older woman can’t help but to snort from her answer, although Ryujin was right. “But why are they so interested in Joohyun?”

“Because she’s kind and she’s well-known in this company. She always talks to people in a good-mannered and soft-spoken way, of course she easily wins people’s hearts just from that alone. At least, that’s what the people in my department said about her,” retorted Ryujin before she brought her glass closer to her lips. Seungwan did not miss the smirk behind it. “You can say that she’s the most famous employee in this company.”

“ off,” glared Seungwan in annoyance while Ryujin simply chuckle from her harsh reply. “I thought you came here to talk about the meeting.”

“Sore loser,” teased Ryujin and Seungwan could only reply to her with a roll of her eyes before they started to talk about work.

When it’s time for them to go home, Seungwan suddenly got struck with a brilliant idea. Joohyun has been eyeing her weirdly because she can’t stop smiling every time she thinks about her plan. Thankfully, Joohyun doesn’t ask during their private time together at the elevator. Things are just going on so perfectly for Seungwan to stop this once and for all.

The ground floor is filled with a bunch of employees who are dying to go home the moment they arrive. Some of them dares enough to greet her, some of them walk away as fast as they can to avoid being noticed by her. 

They are at the center of the floor when Seungwan calls for Joohyun to have her attention.

“Yes, Ms Son?” asked Joohyun once she turned around to look at her.

Seungwan flashed her a smile that grew wider when she noticed the pure confusion on Joohyun’s face. “I just want to say thank you for your hard work today, Ms Bae.”

“Of course, Ms Son,” nodded Joohyun awkwardly as she tried to read Seungwan in what she was going to do. Her eyes widened when Seungwan took a step closer, and it’s just so damn fun to see her lose her composure. “What are you doing?”

“Showing you my gratitude,” grinned Seungwan as she prevented Joohyun from walking away by grasping her wrist.

Everything just dawned on Joohyun the moment their faces were merely several inches apart. Seungwan couldn't really hold back her huge smile at that time. “Seungwan, no-”

She stopped Joohyun from saying more by pressing her lips against her, and everything around them changed in an instant. Seungwan can listen to the sound of gasp and whisper, with a hint of surprise underneath their reaction. She can feel all of their eyes on her, watching the two most important people in the company currently sharing a romantic kiss in the middle of a crowded lobby.

But more importantly, Joohyun kissed her back. Even when she was pissed as hell.

Both of them are breathless when Seungwan pulls back from the kiss with a goofy smile on her face. Joohyun is having her stunned expression as her mask, with her eyes looking at her like she is still processing what just happened earlier. Seungwan thought she was cute, that’s why she didn’t hold back the urge to kiss the tip of her nose to bring her back to reality.

“Shall we go back home, my love?” smirked Seungwan when she noticed that the tip of her ears turned color into such a deep red.

Joohyun cleared as she refused to look her in the eyes. All she can do is to stare at the floor underneath because they still have people’s eyes on them due to the shenanigans Seungwan just pulled earlier. “Yeah, sure. Of course.”

The culprit loves to be the reason behind her stutter. She lightly slither her arm around her waist and practically pulled Joohyun to start walking together with her towards their waiting car at the lobby.


If only Seungwan knew Joohyun would be super mad because of that, she would never kiss her in public.

“Baby, please,” begged Seungwan on her knees while Joohyun still ignored her like she wasn’t in their home physically with her. “Please forgive me. I was so stupid!”

“Ugh, I can’t believe I got married to a grown child,” grumbled Joohyun to herself, but it was loud enough for Seungwan to listen. A huge pout technically was carved permanently on her face the way it has stayed for more than hours ever since Joohyun started her silent treatment against her. “Over a dumb reason too.”

“I know!” whined Seungwan as she would do anything for Joohyun to acknowledge her once again. “I’m so sorry, I really do!”

Her wife started massaging her forehead because Seungwan didn't stop with her loud cry of asking for her forgiveness. She turned around and she was greeted with a burning fire of annoyance in her eyes. Joohyun is genuinely pissed. “You know I don’t mind if people know that we are married to each other, Seungwan. But I don’t like the way you announce it to everyone in the company.”

She gives Joohyun her best puppy eyes to let her know how sorry she is over her selfish behavior earlier. And it looks like it works because Joohyun was shaking her head in defeat.

“Whatever,” sighed Joohyun as she walked away from her towards their shared bedroom. “Let’s just go to sleep.”

If Seungwan is a dog, she knows both of her ears will stand and her tail will be wagging in happiness as soon as she says that. She doesn’t waste her time in following her to the bedroom and immediately tackling her to bed in an excited hug. 

“Thank you, baby!” exclaimed Seungwan as she showered wet kisses all over her beautiful face. “I love you!”

“Alright, love, I get it. I love you too,” chuckled Joohyun while she was trying to make Seungwan stop kissing her. She flashed her a grin once she decided it was enough of a kiss for Joohyun. When her wife smiled back at her, Seungwan couldn't help but to widen her grin. “Let’s go to sleep.”

Seungwan nodded before she kissed her lips. She can feel Joohyun wrapping her arms around her neck as she pulls her closer, and Seungwan didn’t waste her chance to deepen the kiss and slip her tongue inside . Her hands started to roam on her body. When her palm rested on her , Joohyun moaned against her lips and Seungwan gladly swallowed it.

“Seungwan,” gasped Joohyun as her lips landed on the crook of her neck. Seungwan started to do what she was best at. “It’s late.”

“Come on, baby,” whispered Seungwan with her fingers becoming busy as they played with her that started to harden underneath her mercy. Joohyun never fails to sound so beautiful when she moans. “We just had a fight. The best thing to do after that is for us to have make up .”

“You are just ,” grumbled Joohyun in annoyance. Although her body acted differently compared to what she said when she arched her back to make it easier for Seungwan to pull up her pajama and expose the sight of her .

“And I’m sorry,” replied Seungwan, purposefully saying so for it to rhyme. “Let me make your night better, sweetheart.”

They shared another kiss, and Joohyun doesn’t fight back anymore at this point. She lets herself melt inside Seungwan’s touch, and the latter doesn’t waste her time in making her wife feel good. Her hands don't stop in feeling her body and causing her moan to slip out from her swollen lips in the middle of their kiss. She can feel her twitch inside her shorts, begging to be freed.

But when Seungwan is about to on her , their moment gets interrupted with a loud ring coming from their phone.

“Seungwan, stop.”

The called one ignored her plea as she kissed the soft flesh of her and didn’t hold back in having her swollen pink inside . Joohyun loudly moans from the contact, but somehow she already has her palms resting on her shoulders. 

“I swear, Seungwan, you better stop right now,” hissed Joohyun in frustration as the phone kept ringing. “Someone is calling me!”

“Fine!” grumbled Seungwan in annoyance as she slips away from Joohyun and her delicious body. She ignored the sharp glare from her wife as she stared on her phone with so much hatred in her eyes for ing her. “Who the dare to call you in such an ungodly hour?”

“That’s why I’m going to find out,” sighed Joohyun tiredly before she sent her a warning gaze to behave while she answered the call. “Hello?”

Seungwan cursed underneath her breath as she refused to eavesdrop on their conversation because she still doesn’t accept how she just got interrupted from a simple call. She is no longer in the mood to have and it’s a trouble because her is hard as right now. Her mind is trying to come up with the image of Joohyun that she secretly imprinted inside her brain in case something like this happened to keep her in the mood.

But when Joohyun suddenly holds her hand tight, Seungwan knows something is wrong.

“Where?” asked Joohyun with a little bit of tremble inside her voice. Seungwan started to get concerned when she noticed such an obvious fear on her face as her skin grew pale and her eyes were shaking like she didn't know where to look right now. “I’m on my way.”

They got encased in an intense silence the moment Joohyun ended the call. She still doesn’t look at her, but her hand that was holding her own is starting to shake. Seungwan tried to make it stop by putting her other hand on top of her and she tried to breach the topic carefully. “Love? What’s the matter?”

Joohyun visibly swallowed before she answered her question. Seungwan knows this doesn’t mean good. “It was Sister Kim who just called.”

Sister Kim is one of the caregivers in the orphanage where Joohyun grows up. If Seungwan is not mistaken, she is the second most senior caregiver in the orphanage. Something about that information doesn’t sit well with her because of this phone call. “Did she say something?”

Her wife finally turned around to look at her and Seungwan could feel her heart break from the sight. Her eyes are filled with fear and glazed with tears as anyone who came across Joohyun would know how scared she is right now. 

“She said Sister Kwon suddenly fainted on her way to her bedroom,” Joohyun paused when her voice cracked and a tear slipped past through the corner of her eye. Seungwan doesn’t like where this is going. “Turns out, she got a heart attack. And they said her condition is far from good.”

Now she understands why it looks like her world just fell apart. “Go get ready. I will get the car after this and then we will go to the hospital together, okay?”

Joohyun stays silent and unmoving when she jumps out from the bed to dress up properly as fast as she can. But after she zipped up her jacket, Joohyun is still not doing anything. Her body is shaking, her tears free flowing out from her eyes. It was a sight Seungwan never wanted to see.

“Baby, look at me,” pleaded Seungwan as she kneeled before her and patiently waited until Joohyun landed her eyes on her. She looks so lost and fragile, the only thing Seungwan wants to do is to hug her. “Everything will be alright. Sister Kwon is one of the strongest people I know. I believe she can get through this. Right now, I need you to be strong too so we can visit her.”

“How do you know?”


She bit her bottom lip to stop it from trembling. “How do you know everything will be alright?”

Seungwan can only muster up a smile because they both know a white promise is as useless as it can get in this kind of situation. She took her shaking palm and kissed her wedding ring before she looked at her eyes again. “Come on. Let’s meet her.”

Deep inside, Seungwan knows everything will not be alright.


sorry for such a long time in waiting for the next chapter and for such a short chapter too. please be prepared for the upcoming ones too, thats all i can say

please leave a comment and let me know what you think about this story so i can use it as my motivation to start writing for the next one! if you want to interact with me, you can find me on twitter (just follow, i will accept)! feel free to also support me by buying me a coffee!

that's all from me. thank you for reading, i hope you enjoy and like this, and see you in the next chapter!

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Jamelhynne12 #1
Chapter 15: Not Sister Kwon after they got married 😞
Seungwanniepuppy #2
Chapter 15: Bjh is so generous for forgiving ssw that fast.hoping there will be a payback time.
Chapter 15: Oh nooo Sister Kwon 🤧
1703 streak #4
Chapter 15: Oh no! Just when Joohyun got married, this have to happening....
Chapter 15: Noooooo, not the angst! I wasn't prepared for this and still not ready! The way Joohyun is already breaking down... I can't... 😭😭😭

So glad Seungwan is staying strong to hold her. 😢
Chapter 15: "please be prepared for the upcoming ones too" oh boy now I'm scared 🤧
len_rinto #7
Chapter 15: Oh noo 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 15: i missed this story but oh sister kwon 🥺
Taitai84 1236 streak #9
Chapter 15: Oh no if joohyun loses sister Kwon just months after her wedding, she will be devastated