intermezzo 2

you make me crazy (call me by my name)

At this point, Seungwan has become used to waking up to an empty side of the bed.

She let a yawn left her body as she tried to adjust her eyes to the bright morning sunlight spilling all over her bedroom. She turned her head to the side, finding the empty part of the bed tidy and the sheets already turned cold. She brings her palm to her forehead, to check her body temperature.

Ah, the fever has calmed down.

Seungwan pulls her body to sit on the bed, her eyes keep staring at the empty side of the bed. She can't help but to chuckle as her brain played yesterday's memory. When Joohyun visits her and takes care of her sick self, with a nag as her greeting when Seungwan finally allows her to step inside.

"I told you to stop pulling an all-nighter, Ms Son. Now look at what you did to yourself," that was the first sentence Joohyun said to her that day as she stepped inside her penthouse like it's her own property. Seungwan only rolled her eyes, too sick to even defend herself. "Stop beating yourself up and start asking for help, Ms Son. All the employees in the tower are ready to listen and do your instructions. It's not that hard."

"Are we done? Because if you come here only to tell me I already know, it's better if I just go back to sleep," Seungwan sighed weakly with her hoarse voice. She didn't even wait for Joohyun's reply as she turned around and retreated back to her bedroom.

Sleep was about to overcome her senses when something warm and wet suddenly plastered all over her forehead. It took Seungwan everything to open her eyes. And when she did, Joohyun was already sitting on the edge of the bed, just right beside her. She looked at her with questions in her eyes, and Joohyun easily caught the wonder. 

"To help you lower your fever," Joohyun simply answered, fixing the wet cloth on her forehead. "Have you drunk your medicine?"

Seungwan didn't answer. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking care of my sick boss," sighed Joohyun as she also fixed the thick blanket covering her feverish body. "Who is pretty childish when she is sick."

She snorted as she turned her back on her. "Then leave."

"Don't you need me?"

"You are the one who came here by yourself," said Seungwan sternly. "I don't even ask you to come."

Joohyun doesn't say anything, and Seungwan thinks she will listen to her and leave her alone to rest. There was silence afterwards, and Seungwan turned around to see if Joohyun had already left her alone just like how she wished. But what her secretary did was land her soft lips gently above her own pair. Kissing her slowly like she would break if Joohyun decided to put more force on her touch.

"I will not get sick if you are worried about me, Ms Son," whispered Joohyun once she broke the kiss while she brushed the fringe of her bangs sticking on her forehead because of her sweat.

"You will surely get sick after that kiss earlier," croaked Seungwan, realizing that Joohyun easily saw through her cold facade.

"Then we will get sick together," chuckled Joohyun, kissing the tip of her nose. "Tomorrow is Saturday. We don't need to do any responsibility and can just rest after working hard this week."

Seungwan hums softly before she closes her eyes. It's too late to answer her question now but she doesn't care. "No, I haven't."

"Figured," snickered Joohyun as she somehow already brought along a glass of water together with pills of medicine she needed to drink if she wanted to get healthy. Seungwan let Joohyun help her in sitting up to drink her medicine properly. She didn't forget to say thank you before her body sank back to the bed, desperate for a good sleep. And Joohyun might have caught the signal because she was fixing the blanket covering her. "Go back to sleep and rest, Ms Son. I will wake you up when it's lunch time."

"No, wake me up at eleven," grunted Seungwan as she turned her back on her, and her sick self was still able to feel Joohyun's questioning gaze that was coming from behind. "I have an important meeting I need to attend."

Now she can feel Joohyun judging her with a raised eyebrow. "In this kind of condition?"

"It's a video conference meeting, Joohyun. I will do it from here," sighed Seungwan, although she wasn't sure either if she was capable enough to join the meeting when she was shivering. "It's the monthly board meeting. You know how it is."

"I know how it is, Ms Son. That's why I asked for the meeting to be postponed before I come here," explained Joohyun softly as she fixed the wet cloth on her forehead. "The board is willing to postpone the meeting until you are healthy again. And I also have rescheduled the other meetings you need to do today. You have been cleared from all work assignments scheduled for today, Ms Son. All you need to do right now is to rest and become well again."

Seungwan hums as she can feel sleep starting to overtake her system. "Joohyun?"


"I told you to call me Seungwan when it's only the two of us," sighed Seungwan, almost close to a whisper. Seungwan doesn't even wonder if she heard it. "Good night, Joohyun."

The last thing she heard before she became unconscious is the soft voice of Joohyun's chuckle along with, "Good night, Seungwan."

True to her words, Joohyun stayed the whole day in her penthouse to take care of her sick self. She made her soup for lunch, prepared her medicines, even helped her change her pajamas, which was soaking wet with her sweat. Safe to say it was a pretty embarrassing moment for an independent woman like her.

"What are you being embarrassed for?" snickered Joohyun as she buttoned her pajama, further embarrassing her. "I have seen your body tons of times."

"It's not about that," whined Seungwan weakly as she can feel her face burning hot because of two reasons that day. Fever, and immense embarrassment. "You are treating me like a child right now."

"You are a child, Seungwan," teased Joohyun before she kissed her sweaty forehead after she was done helping her wearing a new pajama, further embarrassing her. "It's a good sign you were whining just now, though. That means you are getting better from the fever."

She only rolled her eyes as Joohyun tucks her back to sleep. Seungwan actually hates sleeping too much like this, but she was too weak to even fight Joohyun regarding this stupid thing. That's why she just silently follows her instructions—resting instead of working (and having ), sleeping until Joohyun wakes her up again for dinner and drinking another medicine. She made a porridge out of the leftover lunch soup, and with the huge number of calories looming over her head, Seungwan forced herself to finish everything under the stern and scary gaze of Joohyun.

"Again?" protested Seungwan when Joohyun told her to go to sleep again after the clock hits nine. Not even her childhood is this strict. "I have been sleeping the whole day."

"You are sick, Seungwan. Your job of the day is to rest, and rest means sleep," retaliated Joohyun as she forced her to the bathroom to brush her teeth now that she was strong enough to walk around. "Stop whining and start listening to me for once."

"I have been listening to you this whole day," whined Seungwan further, but she does listen to what Joohyun just told her. To brush her teeth. "I just ate a thousand calories of food for dinner. At least give me time to process it properly. Do you know what I need to do to burn all of these fats I got in a day alone?"

"No," deadpanned Joohyun. "Are you done with toothbrushing? Then go to bed."

Seungwan pouted, just like a little kid. She follows Joohyun from behind as she drags her legs to walk towards the bed. For the first time in her life, Seungwan hated her custom bed.

But when she was about to reach the bed, Joohyun abruptly stopped and forced her to stay rooted on her spot. Seungwan silently watched her turn around with an eyebrow raised in question. Joohyun takes a step closer before she tiptoes and kisses her on the lips. She hums from the kiss as she closes her eyes, contemplating whether to take the kiss deeper because Joohyun was her lips, asking for permission. And when her hands slipped underneath her pajama and scratched her skin with her nails, Seungwan couldn't help but to sigh and allow Joohyun to deepen the kiss.

"You are really going to get sick tomorrow," murmured Seungwan when their kiss broke, a bit jaded from the liplocking.

"And I told you we are going to be sick together tomorrow if I do," whispered Joohyun before she closed their gap once more for another deep kiss.

She placed her palm on her cheek, forcing Joohyun to stay there while she kissed her like she needed her lips to breathe. Seungwan can feel blood rushing to her member, slowly becoming hard as they spend more time exchanging saliva. Tongues were involved, desperation starting to claw into her sanity.

When Seungwan was about to escalate it more, Joohyun broke the kiss. There's a smirk carved on her swollen lips, enchanting Seungwan with desire.

"No while you are sick, Seungwan," teased Joohyun as her palm reached the tent forming on her crotch, causing a whine to escape Seungwan's lips. "Let's wait until you are completely well and no longer have a fever."

"Cruel," pouted Seungwan because Joohyun basically just told her to sleep with a raging hard-on. The culprit just laughed as she huffs in defeat, leaving her arms to crawl back to bed. "If only I knew being sick would cost me this much."

Joohyun simply chuckles as she fixes the blanket covering her body. Seungwan closes her eyes, trying to think of the worst experience she still remembers in trying to calm her hard member. She was about to be successful when she felt the other side of the bed slightly dip as Joohyun joined her. 

"Stop torturing me, Hyun," sighed Seungwan exasperatedly when Joohyun slipped her body underneath the blanket.

"I'm not."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Joining you to sleep," answered Joohyun as she turned around, shifting closer as she practically latched on her side. Seungwan groaned when she threw her leg above her thigh and linked their slender limbs, her knee painfully close to her semi hard-on. "They said body heat helps to lower down fever."

"You are such a vixen," grumbled Seungwan as she turned her head to look at Joohyun. "Where did you even get that information?"

"Someone told me," Joohyun shrugged as she sank deeper into her body once Seungwan properly turned around to lay by her side, throwing her arms around her lithe body. "Why do you even look this troubled? I thought you like it when I'm being like this? Do you want me to leave?"

"No!" exclaimed Seungwan when Joohyun was about to leave her embrace and leave her alone in bed. She tightly clenches on her shirt, refusing to let her go. When Joohyun slowly came back into her arms, Seungwan didn't realize she let out a relieved sigh. But when she heard a soft giggle coming from the woman in front of her, she squinted her eyes. Joohyun really did this on purpose. "Once I'm healthy, we are going to take a week off."

"Really?" grinned Joohyun. "And what are we going to do for the whole week, Ms Son?"

"Doing things I can't do right now," stated Seungwan as her jaw clenched in annoyance, before she let out a defeated sigh. She can feel her member has calmed down because of the playful banter she just had with Joohyun. Now she can properly fall asleep. "Let's just go to sleep."

Joohyun chuckled before she kissed her lips. Just a small peck, but it was enough for Seungwan to be unable to hold back her smile. It was a good sleep she just had, and she stayed in her dream until she woke up with an empty bed side in the morning. There's scattered dirty work outfits on the floor, the sign that she was still in her penthouse.

Seungwan leaves her bed after she feels like she was awake enough. Her legs strut towards the door, gently pushing down the handle to leave her bedroom silently and not noticing the person who is outside and has been awake longer before her.

There is Joohyun, currently cooking breakfast in her kitchen. The work attire she wore yesterday has completely changed into an oversize t-shirt with the hem hanging just right on her milky thighs, something she stole out of Seungwan's wardrobe. She did her long hair in a messy bun, showcasing her slender neck that was usually filled with scatters of red, an artwork Seungwan often did during a moment of desire.

She looked super y this morning, if Seungwan needed to say it. Seungwan knew Joohyun was only wearing her underwear underneath the stupid oversized t-shirt covering her body. The collar was too big, it caused them to slip off from her shoulder, showcasing more of her excellence. She can feel blood rushing to her crotch, a reminder that she still doesn't have her pleasure yet.

Joohyun still didn't realize Seungwan is already awake, and it's a perfect chance for her to sneak in from behind.

Her small body jumps slightly when Seungwan slither her arms around her waist. But the familiar touch calmed down Joohyun quickly as she sank into her embrace. Letting Seungwan latch on her back while she focuses on making breakfast for both of them.

"Good morning," greeted Seungwan, along with a kiss on the exposed skin of her shoulder.

"Morning," replied Joohyun curtly, too focused on mixing the pancake premix flour to even properly greet her back. Seungwan didn't mind though. But it looks like she realized the reason behind why she was sleeping in her penthouse last night as she abruptly stopped. Joohyun turned around, looking at her rather oddly before she placed her palm on her forehead. "I see you have recovered, Ms Son. You are no longer burning anymore."

"I would still say I'm smoking hot, though," smirked Seungwan as Joohyun rolled her eyes because she understood what she just meant before going back to her pancake mixture, just ignoring her statement. Seungwan chuckled as she nestled her chin on her shoulder. "What are you cooking?"

"Pancake," said Joohyun, still kind enough to answer the already answered question. "Do you want another breakfast, Ms Son?"

Seungwan shook her head, kissing the smooth slope on her neck and just inhaling her familiar floral scent that is so addictive for her to enjoy. Overpowering her senses in such a good way Seungwan doesn't think she will ever get enough of it. "Are you okay?"

"Nothing has been happening so far, so yeah, I'm okay. Thank you for asking, Ms Son," answered Joohyun in a quick answer, still mixing the premix to reach the consistency like they said in the box. But Seungwan's attention is on her lips. Those plump, pink flesh of goodness that looks mesmerizing. Simply asking for Seungwan to kiss her. "Can you please wait at the dining table, Ms Son? It's quite hard for me to cook our breakfast like this and-"

She can't help it. The urge to kiss her is too big for Seungwan to hold back, and Joohyun's rambling doesn't help because it makes her brain keep chanting 'do it!' like a broken record. That's why Seungwan hooked her finger around her chin, turned and tilted her head before her lips landed perfectly above hers.

It was a sweet kiss they just shared. Something proper out of what feels like ages. A shared intimacy that once lost because a tired body demands for her attention. Seungwan confidently asks for Joohyun's permission to enter , her bottom lip as the signal. Joohyun gave her a green light, and Seungwan didn't waste even a second to deepen the kiss. The clutch she got on her waist tightened as her system demands more of her touch. A physical touch that gives fireworks blasting off her skin.

Kissing her feels magical now that Seungwan has recovered from a stupid sickness.

"Seungwan," whispered Seungwan right above her plump lips, already swollen from such an intense kiss. "Please call me Seungwan when it's only the two of us, Joohyun."

Joohyun didn't answer, but her gaze landed on her pair of lips. She her lip, and Seungwan witnessed every inch of the movement without wasting a beat. Her eyes looked up as they landed on her. Seungwan can't read anything that was written inside her gaze. But from how tight she was clenching against her pajama right now, Seungwan knew she was as winded as her.

"Seungwan," said Joohyun, like she was tasting her name rolling against her tongue. Seungwan loves it, and likes the way she calls her name. "It's hard to cook pancakes with you latching on my back."

"I will not be a nuisance," assured Seungwan before she kissed her again. Another intense kiss that makes her brain hazy and her legs turned to jelly. A wrestle of tongue coming from the both of them, who want nothing but to lose in their first battle of liplock of the day. "I promise."

Her secretary let out a sigh, but she let Seungwan stay on her back. The rascal grin in victory as she closed the invisible gap between their bodies, as if they weren't touching each other right now. Her face is buried back to her favorite spot, and can't help but keep kissing her collarbone that is just so beautiful for Seungwan to appreciate.


"Hm?" responded Seungwan lazily as she refused to raise her head. And it looks like Joohyun didn't mind because the real problem is not on her shoulder.

"Stop grinding your morning wood against my ."

Seungwan rolled her eyes. "I'm healthy."

"No, you are still recovering," rejected Joohyun, in which Seungwan reacted with a childish whine. "Stop being for once, Seungwan. It's not like you will die if you don't have ."

"But it does feel like it," murmured Seungwan softly, meant for Joohyun to not listen. But she does, and it results in Seungwan getting a sharp pinch on her waist that is painful enough for her raging hard-on to calm down once again.

It was a nice breakfast they have as both of them enjoy it together on the dining table. After Seungwan was done with her breakfast, Joohyun did not forget to give her tablets of medicine she still needed to drink. "You are still in recovery. End of discussion," that's what Joohyun said when Seungwan asked her why she still needed to drink medicine again. Seungwan can only grumble as she was forced to drink the tablets under the scrutiny of her sharp gaze.

But after all the drama, Joohyun rewarded her with permission to put her head on top of her lap. She knows how much Seungwan likes it whenever she plays with her hair. Having her fingers running through her strands, comforting her as she did it ever so gently.

Seungwan let her eyes close, enjoying the movement of Joohyun's fingers brushing her hair at a slow pace. The sound coming from the TV is slightly muted for her ears, allowing her to focus more on Joohyun.

She opened her eyes, finding Joohyun currently having her whole focus on the LED TV screen in front of her. Her hand moves absentmindedly, tangling the fingers against the short strands of her hair. She doesn't notice that Seungwan is currently watching her, nor changing the comfortable pace of her hand.

No matter what angle, Joohyun always looks beautiful in Seungwan's eyes. Something about the gentle features of her face, the slope of her nose. Her eyes that are wide and adorable, eyebrows that form a perfect line to show off more of her beauty. Her pink lips are delicate, plump, and soft for Seungwan to kiss. An addictive pair of flesh she never wants to stop kissing.

Something about Joohyun entices her, but Seungwan can't really put it into words. She knows it wasn't because of her looks—there's another reason behind her charm.

Maybe it was her kindness, something that she shows often whenever she sees someone is having difficulties with their work. Maybe it was her tenacity, focusing solely on her responsibility and always being able to finish them before the deadline. Maybe it was her patience, for being able to handle Seungwan needs and everything she wants that is not related to their job, including taking care of her when she was sick.

She doesn't understand, but Joohyun has become familiar with her. A person she knows she can come to whenever she needs her. Someone who has made her presence permanent in her private space, as some of the stuff lingered around the corners of her penthouse always got something that screams Joohyun.

Seungwan used to spend time with Joohyun, and she likes every second of it. She can't help but to wonder if this will last for long. Maybe forever as they grow into something more, as they live together in a place with a vast field where small legs could run as fast as they can.

Wait, what?


"Huh?" Seungwan blinked, taken back to reality because of Joohyun. 

"You just said 'what?' earlier," frowned Joohyun as she leans closer, there's a clear worry in her eyes. "Is something wrong?"

Her eyes awkwardly blink again as everything starts to settle down on her. Oh God, did she just react to her own thoughts out loud to the point Joohyun heard it? Seungwan cleared to catch back her composure as she turned her head, unable to look at Joohyun straight into her eyes. She can feel her face starting to burn, Seungwan wishes whoever is up there to make Joohyun not notice anything. "Nothing."

"Are you sure?" Joohyun asked again as she placed her palm on her forehead this time. "Your face is red. Are you having a fever again? I thought you were recovering?"

"I am recovering," grumbled Seungwan as she pushed away her hand that was still on top of her forehead. She ignored the snort coming from Joohyun as she still looked away, too embarrassed to even leave her spot on her lap. “Just watch your beloved romcom.”

After all, how is Seungwan going to explain to Joohyun that she just wished for them to have a beautiful future?



anyway, i'm sorry if the story is messy and doesnt make any sense but this is intermezzo. they never make any sense.

by the way, i know most of you are wondering so yeah, this is the moment when seungwan realized she's actually in love with joohyun. so this is pre-engagement.

i'm planning two intermezzo, the joohyun pov and the back story of jinlia BUT like always lets not hope for me to write anything wahaha this even caught me by surprise...

anywho, please leave a comment and let me know what you think about this story so i can use it as my motivation to start writing for the next one! if you want to interact with me, you can find me on twitter (just follow, i will accept)! feel free to also buy me a coffee!

i think that's all from me. thank you for reading, i hope you enjoy and like this, and see you in the next chapter!

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hopefully you like it!


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Jamelhynne12 #1
Chapter 15: Not Sister Kwon after they got married 😞
Seungwanniepuppy #2
Chapter 15: Bjh is so generous for forgiving ssw that fast.hoping there will be a payback time.
Chapter 15: Oh nooo Sister Kwon 🤧
1692 streak #4
Chapter 15: Oh no! Just when Joohyun got married, this have to happening....
Chapter 15: Noooooo, not the angst! I wasn't prepared for this and still not ready! The way Joohyun is already breaking down... I can't... 😭😭😭

So glad Seungwan is staying strong to hold her. 😢
Chapter 15: "please be prepared for the upcoming ones too" oh boy now I'm scared 🤧
len_rinto #7
Chapter 15: Oh noo 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 15: i missed this story but oh sister kwon 🥺
Taitai84 1226 streak #9
Chapter 15: Oh no if joohyun loses sister Kwon just months after her wedding, she will be devastated
Skye1234 #10
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update.