With Just A Finger

Never Again
It was just a joke. Something that she did because she wanted to entertain people. But in the middle of all it, Jaeseok got affected. He laughed to it, he tried not to showed it, but he was shivering in fear that it might show. He was lucky he was wearing a cap, because he can feel his scalp itching with the perspiration he was having because of it. He is in trouble.
"Hyeong," Jongkook followed Jaeseok in the comfort room while they were having a break time on the set, "Why?"
"Oh, Kookjong-a. What do you mean why?" Jaeseok asked innocently with a smile.
"You can fool others, but not me and Seokjin hyeong. He knew something happened there. What is it?"
"What do you mean?" puzzled Jaeseok looked at the mirror trying to look cool.
"Hyeong," Jongkook pulled Jaeseok to face him, "it's Jihyo, isn't it?"
Jaeseok swallows and takes his glasses off wiping it out of nowhere, "What about Jihyo? Did something happened to Jihyo that I didn't know of?"
"Don't play dumb, hyeong. Seokjin hyeong and I knew very well that you had crush with Jihyo since long time ago. Its always been that way."
"I don't know what you are talking about, Kookjong-a. You and Seokjin hyeong might be seeing something I don't. Don't create unnecessary commotion about this. It was all a game."
"It's a game, until its not. Hyeong, we are friends. We are family. Don't cross that line if you can't protect Jihyo and your family."
"KIM JONGKOOK!" Jaeseok was shaken when he heard his family from Jongkook. "Don't-" he bit his lip in anger, "Don't implicate my family in this. Don't use their names against me."
"Hyeong, I'm just telling you-"
"Stop! I said stop it, Kookjong-a. I can let it pass once or twice, but not this time."
"Then don't do anything that will hurt Song Jihyo in anyway. Hyeong, I won't just sit and watch you shake her and break her at the same time."
"If you are so concern about her, then get her at once, Kim Jongkook. Claim her. Stop being so dramatic and pathetic at the same time."
After the filming, Seokjin secretly talked to Jongkook of what had happened in the comfort room. The eldest had heard the loud voice from Jaeseok when he decided to follow Jongkook, but he didn't intervene and just left.
"I don't know, hyeong." Jongkook said, "He seemed really decided this time. He was biting his tongue as he lies."
Seokjin sighs and lights up a cigarette, "Excuse my smoking. I'm just really worried." he leaks his lips before sighing again, "This is serious, Jongkook-a."
"I know. What should we do. I don't want Jihyo to get hurt."
"It's not only that. Jaeseok have a family. He have 2 beautiful children that looks up to him. He can't just abandone them like this. He has been holding up for so long, why now?"
"Hyeong, what do you mean for so long? Did I miss something?"
"Jaeseok have always been vocal of how much he is admiring Jihyo's beauty. But something he wasn't telling you, he almost abandone Kyungeun before marriage." Jongkook's face showed the surprise that was obviously coming. He let out a single chuckle of madness, "He first saw and met Jihyo in his old variety show. He can't stop talking about her. He ignored Kyungeun before and kept on following Song Jihyo's project. I can understand he can do that that time, but now? I am getting worried. Kyungeun would be really devastated if he chooses to follow Song Jihyo again. Also his children. They will get hurt and broken. Naeun is still small. What will this do to her? This will surely cause them trauma."
"Song Jihyo won't entertain him." Jongkook concluded.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Hyeong! Jihyo can do better than that."
"How long?"
"What do you mean, hyeong?"
"Aren't you listening, Jongkook? Jaeseok already said it, she was calling him after every shoot. Do you think Jaeseok won't say something different even if its about work?"
"I will talk to Song Jihyo."
"Also you." Jongkook looked at Seokjin, "Stop being too stubborn. Strike while you can. Take Song Jihyo before we all regret things that will be coming when Jaeseok lose his sanity."
"Do you think-"
"He is barely hanging there now, Jongkook-a. You have to do something. We have to do something. Jaeseok stopped teasing you, because the 2 of you wanted to stop it, but don't you think it's weird that he was not being nasty and forcing it when he gets a chance?"
"Hyeong, is taking Song Jihyo for myself the only way?"
"Its the only way we can take. She does't like being set up with men. Just like you, she wanted everything naturally. And the only natural thing now is your friendship."
"I'm afraid, hyeong."
"Be brave, Kim Jongkook if you want to protect Song Jihyo."
On the parking lot, Jaeseok used his own car and let his manager go first. He is waiting on his car for Song Jihyo who drove for herself too that day. She received a message from Jaeseok to meet him on the parking lot at the back of the building. He beeped on her when he saw her coming. Few seconds, Jihyo was already inside his car.
"Wae oppa?" Jihyo asked.
Jaeseok is looking at Jihyo's face softly and lovingly while smiling, "Nothing. You just looks so beautiful."
He face flashes in rosy pink and she is surprised with the sudden compliment that she received from Yoo Jaeseok, "Oppa..."
Jaeseok pull down the blinds of the car from the inside to make it look there is no people inside.
"Oppa, why are putting the blinds on?"
"Nothing." He then leaned his back on his seat and looked ahead out of nowhere. Jihyo did the same. Slowly, Jaeseok reaches for her hand which made Jihyo nervous but she just sit on her seat leaning her back too trying to relax. "Ahh." Jaeseok sighed as he was relieved out of nowhere.
"Is there something wrong, oppa? You seemed troubled."
"Lets just stay this way for a while, Jihyo."
"Okay. If that will make you feel better."
"I feel much better now."
He chuckles, "You being here with me makes me feel better."
"You have so much work that you are getting too stressed and tired. You should go home and have a proper rest."
Jaeseok holds Jihyo's hand tigher with their fingers intertwined. She did the same and smiled to herself, "Lets not talk about my house right now. Lets not talk about anything about me or my family."
"Something's bothering you, oppa?" Jaeseok remained silent and so Jihyo just exhaled, "Okay. Lets just stay like this."
"Jihyo-a. Song Jihyo."
"Ye, oppa?"
"Why aren't getting in a relationship? Or are you in a relationship right now?"
"I won't be here if I am."
"How about Kim Jongkook?"
"Ay, oppa. Will you stop it? You are making things awkward. Me and him are nothing but friends. Like a family."
"You knew, right?"
"He likes you more than what you are thinking."
"You said you don't like your co-workers to date. What are you up now?"
"Jihyo-a, Song Jihyo..."
"Ne, oppa?"
"I don't know. I just like calling your name."
Jihyo chuckles, "Don't be so used on calling my name. You might even call me when you are with your wife." She joked innocently.
"Can I do that?"
Jihyo was surprised hearing that from Yoo Jaeseok. She looked at him intently, about to pull her hand from him, but Jaeseok didn't let go. Her heart is banging her chest.
"I can't do it anymore, Jihyo."
"Wh-what do you mean, oppa? What are you saying now?"
"I can't keep it to myself. I can't hide it anymore."
"Tell me what is it that you are talking about, oppa. I can't understand you" 
"Do you know that I almost break up with Kyungeun before our wedding?"
"Ne? Wae?"
"Because I like someone else. No, its not even just like. I fell in love with that woman."
"Why are you telling me this now?"
"Because I get it. I still couldn't forget that woman no matter how many years have passed.  That woman is living rent free in my mind and heart. It had been hidden to my mind, but now, its clear. I am not really putting attention to it and I thought I had forgot about her. But the truth is not. Today, it had dawned on me that I am still in love with that woman."
Jaeseok holds Jihyo's hand tightly and pulled it closer to his chest without looking at the woman beside him, "It is you, Song Jihyo. Its always been you."
"Oppa... what are you-" she tried to take her hand but Jaeseok's grip was strong.
"The very first time I saw you on Come to Play, my heart sunk. I want to have you. I want you, but I can't do that. You are too precious and I don't want to hurt you then. I am too in love with you that I am decided that I must tell and get you, but I am too afraid."
"And you are scaring me, oppa. Why are you telling me this now? You are married. You have your children who you love the most. You have a perfect family. Why are telling me all of these now?"
Jaeseok sits up and look at Song Jihyo in the eyes. Those soft stares makes Jihyo's tears fall down restlessly. He then wipes it off by his thumb while touching her face gently. Like being pull by gravity, Jaeseok slowly moves his face closer to her and kisses her wet cheek, "Don't cry. I'm sorry if I am telling you this now. I just can't, I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. Everytime we are talking over the phone. Everytime I see you in the set, everything just keeps me alive yet afraid." Jihyo cried more. Yoo Jaeseok then gently pull her closer to embrace her and comfort her for crying. "I'm sorry. I know I am despicable. I am sorry, Jihyo-a. But I won't take back what I said. I will still say it and will do it over again. I love you, Song Jihyo."
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Zanqueen90 #1
Chapter 17: Nyesel baca nya.ku kira spartace.rupanya bukan 🙃🙃
Gak bakalan baca hal ginian lagi.ANEH
yoo_mong23 #2
I want more chapters, still waiting for the update😍🫶🏻
nshaslvdr #3
Chapter 17: Still waiting for your updates 🙁
Hello everyone! Sorry for very long no-update , Just too busy with real-life work. Will do it once my schedule allows.
yoo_mong23 #5
Chapter 17: I hope they end up together it's just a fanfic though..still waiting for the updatesss jeball😭🫶
nshaslvdr #6
Update pls 🙁 im still wait for your story untill end 👌
nshaslvdr #7
Chapter 15: update pls 🥺 i love your story 👍
kristina2233 #8
Chapter 15: спасибо за главу
kristina2233 #9
Chapter 14: вау, спасибо за продолжение
kristina2233 #10
Chapter 13: ура новая глава
спасибо автор