
A gift for you

Yesung was sitting in the couch with phone in hand. He was jumping from social media to social media, searching fans' post about Super Junior and him, when something caught his attention. At first glance it seemed something very ordinary, someone talking about idol merch, but there was a detail he couldn't let go. The merch the post was talking about was SUPER JUNIOR LUVU <3 LIMITED EDITION SET. It consisted in a necklace and a bracelet of cute design and a written message from the members. He remembered writing something like that, but he forgot what would it be for as sometimes he had to write multiple messages at the same time for different products. It was difficult to make sure he didn't repeat his words when he sometimes didn't remember if he had already used a phrase or not.

But going back to the post, he saw there was an attached image picturing a necklace and bracelet with the initials KH carved, so he supposed it was Kyuhyun's edition. But then, in the upper corner of the image, YESUNG was written.

Now he was confused.

He at first thought the fan got confused and edited the image wrongly, so he went to the store page and searched for the set. When he found it, he went to the image detailing the product and went directly to his version. He got really surprised when, in fact, his version had the initials ‘kh’. Since the images followed the usual age order, he could easily watch Shindong's version, which had ‘dh’ carved in it. Yesung got more confused. Did the page really mix up the images? He swiped down to see if Donghae and Kyuhyun's had the correct pics when he suddenly stopped. He stared at his phone, that was showing Eunhyuk's version. The carving clearly was ‘hj’. He went to the first image and saw the ‘js’ carved on Leeteuk's version. Yesung felt dumb.

The KH was from Kanghoon.

Yesung still forgot at times about his name change, so it didn't register at all the possibility of the products using their real names. He thought it was possible after looking at Shindong's version, but since Donghae was DH as well, his mix up theory still made sense.

Feeling embarrassed, he didn't notice the steps of the man entering the room nor how said person stood behind the couch he was sitting in. It wasn't until Yesung felt a pair of arms enveloping his shoulders that he noticed Kyuhyun's presence. The younger man snuggled in his neck before talking.

"What are you doing?"

"I was just surfing through the internet." Yesung caressed Kyuhyun's cheek with his hand as he told him to come and sit with him.

Once Kyuhyun was sitting besides him, Yesung made him cuddle with him, gaining some eye rolling and disgruntled faces from Kyuhyun. Despite that, Yesung could clearly see the slight blush coloring Kyuhyun's ears and cheeks and the eagerness he used to hug Yesung.

"You know?, I just noticed we have the same initials when writing our names in Latin alphabet. Kyuhyun, Kanghoon." Yesung pointed at his lover and then at himself while saying that, thinking it was funny how they ended up matching like that without planning it.

Kyuhyun frowned while mentally writing their names before opening his eyes widely at the realization. "Oh, you're right." He looked at Yesung with a smile in his face as he intertwined his hand with Yesung's. "We match."

Yesung mirrored his expression as he squeezed his hold on Kyuhyun. "We do." He laughed a little before looking at Kyuhyun again. "It'll be problematic if we have some rings made with our initials carved. We may end up getting confused."

Kyuhyun shook his head from side to side while holding back a smirk. "That's not possible, the size difference would be obvious. Your hands are just too tiny." He ended up chuckling while seeing Yesung furrowing his brows and pouting.

"My hands aren't tiny. And we could still get confused, there's not that much difference in our ring size."

"Suuuuuure. Then, what would you suggest to not mix them up?"

Yesung ignored Kyuhyun's indulgent tone and said his answer. "We could just add our family name initials."

It was Kyuhyun's turn to pout. "We could have the same family name had you already agreed to marry me." He was whining as he turned his head to look at Yesung's opposite direction. He would have crossed his arm if he weren't holding Yesung's hand.

"Come on, Kyu. It's not legal in our country, there wouldn't be any changes in our registration."

"We can go to another country. It may not be recognized in South Korea, but we would be married."

"Let's say we do that. Would you agree to become a Kim?"

"What would be of all of my nicknames if I changed my family name? There's only one Drunkard Cho, but Drunkard Kim could be any neighborhood ahjussi."

"See? I don't want to change my name either, we need to think more about it before taking any decision regarding legal marriage, okay?"

"Fine." Kyuhyun begrudgingly accepted. They stayed silent for a few moments before Kyuhyun talked again. "There are countries in where you don't have to change your name after marrying someone."


"I was just saying. But you know, talking about marriage in Valentines should be romantic."

"It's not the 14th yet."

"It is at the other side of the world. Remember we are time travelers."

"It's just the time difference. Though is crazy when you think about it. We flew for hours to arrive at the same time we left."

"Age will hit us again when he go back. We will lose the 15 hours of youth we gained when we came."

"If anything, the flight is what's going to hit us."

"We still have a date with ELF tomorrow and the day after, so let's worry about the flight and finding ways to not lose suitcases later." Yesung remembered the two cases of lost luggage with Kyuhyun's words. Just something had to happen in every travel they had, didn't it?

"Oh, right." Yesung searched in his pockets for a little box and handed it to Kyuhyun. "We won't have time tomorrow so here."

Kyuhyun opened the box and saw a pair of rings. "Couple rings after this many years of relationship?"

"Well, they're not exactly couple rings... I was just thinking, we can have a symbolic ceremony." Yesung shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you asking me to marry you? Right after you rejected me?"

"I didn't reject you. I wanted you to think more throughly before taking any risky legal action in another country."

"Uh huh." Kyuhyun looked at him doubtingly. "You just wanted to be the one proposing, didn't you?"

"Love, that's not it—"

"Oh yes, of course. And poor me had to hear the rejection three times for no reason."

"...Then you don't want to?"

"Who said that? Now you're also putting words in my mouth." Kyuhyun shook his face while glaring at Yesung. "Now you're going to be wrong if you ever think you can take back this words."

"Wasn't this supposed to be romantic? Why do I feel threatened?"

"Everything would have worked better if you weren't so stubborn. I mean, it's not like I realized three romantic proposals, right?"


"What I'm going to do with the rings I brought? They were expensive."

"That won't leave you poor. Why do you want to be way richer, anyways? You earn a lot."

"I need more money if I want to buy the government to change the laws and let us marry."


"I was joking. I just like working, okay? I don't like spending money uselessly. Stop looking at me like that!"

"Ah, really. Sometimes I don't know if you're serious or not."

"Stop talking and give me your hand so I can put this on you." Kyuhyun said with ring in hand. Yesung chuckled as he felt Kyuhyun putting the ring on his finger to then have the box handed back to him. He held Kyuhyun's hand and put the other ring in it.

"These don't have our initials, but have our full names."

Kyuhyun took his ring of to look at the carving inside the accessory. "You're really cheesy. ‘My beloved, Kim Jongwoon’. Not even I would have done that."

"Really? What did the rings you prepared say?"


"I thought so." Yesung laughed as he leaned to Kyuhyun to hug him. He pulled back just enough to kiss him. "Happy Valentine's day."

"Happy Valentine's."


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Now this is done, I'll go search today's concert fancams 👍


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So Cute omg I love it *-*
Chapter 1: This is sooooo cute! KH couple having couple merch prepared by SM sounds like fiction hahaha
_MyName_ #3
Chapter 1: They are so precious <3 I love their slight bickering :D
Lunayaa #4
Chapter 1: Cutee
390 streak #5
Chapter 1: Woooooooa~ That's so damn cute! I need moreeeeee~! >_______< Suju-ver always has the best place in my heart~
Chapter 1: awe this is so sweet 🥺💙