First lunch

Purple Paper Bag



If anyone asked Kang Seulgi what her favorite part of the school day was she’d say it was lunch time. Okay, it was a tie between arts and crafts and lunch. But as a growing eight-year old, lunch sometimes seemed the more superior option. Especially on the days where lunch seemed even further away than usual. Or if she didn’t have time to eat enough at breakfast because she was in a hurry to get to school. Today felt as if it were a combination of the two. Seulgi had been in a hurry to get to school and couldn’t help staring at the clock every now and then.


“Why does it take so long when you’re already hungry…” Seulgi frowned as the clock did seem to be slower than usual. It was even hard to focus on what was going on in class when her stomach kept reminding her she should eat and soon. She missed her classmates Park Sooyoung and Kim Yerim running around the room placing kick me signs on other kids' backs. She nearly missed her seatmate Son Seungwan screaming at the two so they could stop. 


The one thing she didn’t seem to miss was Bae Joohyun tapping her on the shoulder. Perhaps because the tap had been so light and she didn’t know Joohyun was even near her. Bae Joohyun sits way across the room and is one of the quietest kids in class. Joohyun is even more quiet than she is. But she would always notice the other girl no matter what. Seulgi is sure it’s because she reminds her of a small bunny or a doll with her big brown eyes.


“Uh…” Seulgi finds herself feeling shy under Joohyun’s gaze. And that’s not because Joohyun is probably the cutest girl in class to her. But maybe it has something to do with it.


Joohyun didn’t speak. What she did do was carefully pull the kick me sign from Seulgi’s back and crumpled it up to throw in the trash. Seulgi’s first thought was why did Sooyoung and Yerim put a kick me sign on her back? And why didn’t she notice that at all when they sat on her side of the room. The next thing she thought about was how she needed to thank Joohyun. She did just save her from getting kicked.


“I-I…thank you, Joohyun.” She waves to the other child, since Joohyun is already leaving. Seulgi sighs a little after. If there was anyone in class she wished to know better it would be Bae Joohyun. But it’s hard to get to know someone in class when they sit all the way across the room from you. 





Joohyun hadn’t said anything back when Seulgi thanked her. And it wasn’t because she didn’t want to. She really wanted to talk to Seulgi. Probably more than anyone in their class. Joohyun is just shy when it comes to most things, and especially talking to cute little teddy bear-like girls with pretty eyes. That’s why she did the one thing she knew she could do at the moment. She saw Yerim and Sooyoung running around the room with the kick me signs. Joohyun just felt lucky she happened to be on that side of the room when she noticed Yerim place the kick me sign on Seulgi’s back.


From what she’s seen of Sooyoung and Yerim, they are on friendly terms with Seulgi. The two of them are just troublemaking kids when they get bored, and Joohyun didn’t think they were necessarily trying to hurt Seulgi. In their defense they were placing the kick me signs anywhere they could while the teacher was distracted. 


“Why didn’t you just talk to her, Hyun…” She frowns in frustration. It was simple. She was so close to Seulgi too and she didn’t even say anything. Sometimes Joohyun wished she wasn’t as shy as she was. But when she looked back at Seulgi, the other girl was focused on her worksheet. If Seulgi were upset over the fact she didn’t look like it. That didn’t mean Joohyun didn’t feel badly that she couldn’t talk earlier. It’s why she told herself the next chance she had. She would speak to Seulgi.





Meanwhile, Seulgi felt proud of herself for managing to keep her eyes off the clock and onto her work. She didn’t think about the fact that she was hungry. At least, she didn’t think about it too much. Not until Seungwan started mentioning she couldn’t wait to eat the brownies her mom made for her. Or when she heard Sooyoung and Yerim talking loudly about eating chips, and drinking grape soda until they were throwing up purple. (Their words exactly)


So naturally, Seulgi found herself looking at the clock again. It felt as if time hadn’t been moving at all. But it would feel that way when all you can think about is getting out of here. Lunch truly couldn’t come fast enough. 


“Seungwan.” She whispered pathetically to the point it alarmed Seungwan. For as long as she’s been seatmates with Seulgi. She’s known as a calm, quiet, and friendly person. She hasn’t ever seen Seulgi like this before.


“What’s wrong, Seulgi?” She placed a hand onto Seulgi’s shoulder. “You didn’t eat the glue again, did you?”


Seulgi looked alarmed at Seungwan’s accusation. “That wasn’t me!”


“Oh, yeah…” Seungwan smiles in apology as she recalls another one of their classmates eating glue. “I’m sorry. But what’s wrong, Seulgi?”


“You’re much better at math than me. How much longer until lunch?” The best thing to do here instead of staring hopelessly at the clock, would be to ask Seungwan. She’s much better at math-related things than she is, and Seungwan would also not lie to her.


“It’s about four hours until we can eat!” A loud voice interrupted and Seulgi turned to see Park Sooyoung, one half of the trouble-making duo who was not too long ago placing kick me signs on other kids’ backs. Sooyoung is easily one of the taller kids in their class, and she’s recognizable because to Seulgi she somewhat looks like a baby chicken. Come to think of it, Seungwan reminds her of a cute squirrel with her round cheeks. 


“Sooyoung!” Seungwan frowns in disappointment. “Don’t lie to her.”


“Thank goodness..” Seulgi thought in relief. Of course, Sooyoung had to be messing with her. That didn’t matter because Yerim came from out of nowhere and agreed with Sooyoung. As she would since Sooyoung is her best friend.


“It is so four hours until we eat. That’s why Soo and I are about to break out of here and find some snacks.”


Kim Yerim reminds her of a turtle in a way, a small tiny turtle as she does stand a lot shorter than Sooyoung. Seulgi didn’t really think about these small details before, but she is also trying not to think about how hungry she is. Someone must have some hidden candy or gum somewhere. 


“You two are ridiculous!” Seungwan sighs and throws her hands up in the air. Though she does typically enjoy Sooyoung and Yerim’s humor. They aren’t even really bad kids just acting mostly out of boredom. 


“Fine, you two can sit here and wait for hours if you want. We’re leaving!”


And as they were heading back to their seats to either plan a daring escape or not. Seungwan could only shout after them that they were missing the most important part of it all.


“It’s not even four hours!” She took a breath and turned to Seulgi, who at least looked more alert in the moment. “We have lunch in twenty more minutes, Seulgi.” She smiles in the most comforting way possible. But that wasn’t all. She reached into her book bag and took out two candies, one blueberry and the other a mango flavor.


“It’s not much, Seulgi. But have some candy for now.”


And just like that Seulgi felt saved, thank goodness for having such a nice seatmate. She threw her arms around the other girl and thanked her several times. But made sure to remind Seungwan that they should take one each. Seulgi was always a thoughtful person no matter what.


She was so busy being grateful that Seungwan did have candy. She had no idea that someone else was paying attention to her. Because no matter what she did, Bae Joohyun always found herself looking over to Seulgi, and what the other little girl might be doing. Seulgi just had this magnetic energy about her that made you want to pay attention, whether Seulgi realized it yet or not. Often there were times Joohyun wished she could have been seatmates with Seulgi. Not that she didn’t have a nice seatmate or anything. She just wondered if that would have made things easier in getting to know Seulgi? They would have probably talked to one another at some point if they sat close to one another.


But then she thinks about how incredibly shy she is, and wonders if it would have made much difference. Still, she tells herself no matter what she will speak to Seulgi on the next opportunity. 


It could even be as soon as lunch time.





Twenty-minutes that truly felt like forever to Seulgi. But the moment their teacher told them all it was time to go for lunch. There had been an obvious change in the room, loud chatter of kids talking or trying to find their friends, some hurrying to their cubbies to grab lunch boxes and various bags. As hungry as she was Seulgi waited for the larger crowds of kids to get their things and left. She never liked a busy crowd and preferred more quiet settings, similar to another little girl who was waiting for her chance too. 


Joohyun enjoyed lunch time as much as the next kid. She could do without the loud students rushing to get their food, or talking loudly amongst themselves as they were reunited with friends who sit on opposite sides of the room. Joohyun was just ready to go eat her lunch outside near her favorite shady tree. She didn’t really have friends she sat with and talked to. Mostly because the other students in class thought she was a bit weird for being as quiet as she was.


 There was someone who wouldn’t treat her like she was weird, and she knew it would be that sweet teddy-bear like girl who unfortunately did sit clear across the room from her. Seulgi was always kind and nice to everyone. Joohyun just hoped she would work up enough courage to talk to her.


“Bye, Seulgi! I’ll see you outside.” Seungwan was waving to her as she left the room.


“Alright, bye, Seungwan!” Seulgi waved back and ran over to finally grab her lunch bag. She could taste the sandwich, chocolate cake, and juice her mom packed for her. Any moment now she’d be biting into her mom’s famous homemade sandwich, cut just the way she liked in a diagonal way, and that delicious chocolate cake she helped her mom make the other day.


Oh, yes, any moment now…


Seulgi nearly knocked down her coat and everything else in her cubby. She was so excited. Only to realize there was one important thing missing.


“Oh, no, oh no…” She mumbled to herself. She had everything important, her coat, her book bag, everything except for her orange lunchbox. It was her most favorite lunch box at the moment because it had these mini pineapples all over the front and back. Besides, it was a gift from her father and that automatically made it a favorite too. The only thing that made sense was in her rush to get to school. She must have forgotten to grab her lunch bag. This had to be the worst thing possible. Having no lunch when she’s as hungry as she is. Seulgi didn’t know what to do, and so she left the classroom in a sulking way.


If she had looked up for even a moment she would have seen another girl trying to speak and call her name. But Seulgi was already gone and Joohyun felt terrible. This was the perfect time to go and speak to her. Seulgi didn’t have a lunch bag in her hand like all their other classmates. That meant she must have forgotten and she looked so sad too. Joohyun gripped her fist in determination, went to grab her purple lunch bag and knew there was only one thing to do. She would find Seulgi as the other girl couldn’t have gotten all that far.


“Okay, Hyun.” She gave herself a mini peptalk. “You can do this.”





For someone who couldn’t have gotten far. Seulgi did make it out of the door that leads to the playground where everyone goes for lunch. Especially these days when the weather is good for eating outside and running around on the ground, swinging on swings, or going down the best slide in the whole world (or at least it’s the best slide in the world for a bunch of kids)


Seulgi thought for a moment she could go and find Seungwan. But then there was the embarrassment of having forgotten her lunch and she didn’t want to explain that to anyone. All she wanted to do now was find somewhere quiet to sit and wait until lunch was over. Most of her classmates were either eating or playing around outside. No one would notice if she just sat off to the side. She hoped no one would notice anyways as she looked around for an ideal place to sit. At first it didn’t seem like she’d find any good place since everywhere seemed to be crowded or full of other kids. Until she looked up and noticed some trees. A place that was quiet with a lot of shade sounded perfect. Seulgi could even take a nap if she wanted to. 


Yes that sounded like a great idea to Seulgi. The moment she sat down under one of the larger trees. Seulgi could see the appeal, there was something immediately relaxing about sitting here. It was far enough to not be surrounded by everyone and yet she did have a good view of her surroundings too. She saw the entire playground, the door that led back into school, and there was the beautiful blue sky and fluffy clouds to stare at and get lost in. 


Maybe she didn’t need that nap after all.


Seulgi was too busy looking at the clouds and trying to determine if some looked like marshmallows or giant hands to notice she wasn’t alone. Joohyun had tried looking for Seulgi earlier only to find the girl herself sitting under her favorite tree. This was it. This was her chance to finally talk to Seulgi. But as she stood holding onto her lunch bag and trying to find her voice. Seulgi had finally looked away from the clouds to notice Bae Joohyun standing a few feet away from her. 


Had Joohyun been there the whole time? She knows the other little girl is very quiet, even more so than herself, but that quiet she didn’t even hear her footsteps. Then she noticed that Joohyun looked like she wanted to say something, but seemed at a loss for words. Well, that was okay. Seulgi knew the best way to approach this was to say hi first.


“Hi, Joohyun.” She smiled and her adorable smile really lit up her entire face. Joohyun felt her cheeks heat up slightly and held on even tighter to her purple lunch bag. She shouldn’t be this nervous, right? Seulgi is so nice and kind. She is even saying hello to her, all she needs to do is say hi back. 


“Are you alright, Joohyun?” Seulgi asked with a cute tilt of her head. Joohyun knew if she didn’t stop thinking about how cute Seulgi looked. The entire lunch time would be over and she still wouldn’t say anything. But what ended up happening was Joohyun practically shoving the purple bag toward Seulgi. And Seulgi took notice that Joohyun’s lunch bag was actually a purple paper bag, tote shaped, with white handles. It was also pretty cute with tiny hand drawn bunnies on the front. Seulgi didn’t think she’d ever seen such a unique bag before.


“You didn’t bring your lunch.” Joohyun speaks, surprised and proud of herself for finally being able to talk to Seulgi. “I…I thought we could share mine.”


Seulgi’s mouth drops. This is the very first time she’s hearing Joohyun’s voice, it’s soft in nature and fits her too. Because Joohyun is easily the cutest girl in their class and almost seemed princess-like in a way to Seulgi. But then it hits her that Joohyun is also offering to share part of her lunch with her, and Seulgi is touched. They don’t really know each other well enough and yet Joohyun is being this kind. She doesn’t know what to say.


“Seulgi?” Joohyun calls her name and hopes she didn’t somehow offend the other girl. She doesn’t think Seulgi is upset, if anything she just looks surprised.


“I forgot my lunch today.” She speaks in an embarrassed way and runs her fingers through brown locks. “That’s really nice of you, Joohyun. Are you sure you don’t mind?”


Joohyun smiled softly. She appreciated that Seulgi was concerned about her and was being polite. However, Joohyun knew she would not be okay knowing Seulgi left her own lunch at home when she had enough to share. Sometimes her dad packs too much food and doesn’t know if Joohyun needs or wants everything he packs. But Joohyun is always grateful to her dad because he gets up faithfully every morning to pack her lunch before getting her ready to go school and then work after. 


“I don’t mind. My daddy always ends up packing a lot of food. We can share.”


This had to be both Seulgi’s unlucky and lucky day combined. She first thought she was doomed when she left her own lunch at home. Only for things to turn around because Joohyun offered to share her own. That and it’s the first time she’s actually talking to Joohyun. 


“T-Thank you, Joohyun.” Seulgi hopes her voice doesn’t come out too weird because she is overcome with emotions. Instead of crying, she touches the ground beside her and invites Joohyun to sit down. 


“I always like sitting here.” Joohyun admits when she sits down next to Seulgi. 


Seulgi thinks now it makes sense why she doesn’t remember seeing Joohyun around the playground at lunch time. Joohyun must be sitting here and having her lunch alone. The thought of Joohyun sitting alone for her lunch time does make Seulgi feel bad. 


“You always sit here alone?”


Joohyun is already reaching into her lunch bag and taking out one of the box juices for Seulgi to have as well as a sandwich they can split, and notices that there are both brownies and cookies. Her dad really did pack a lot of food and in this case it worked out. She could share with Seulgi and she wouldn't go hungry for the rest of the day.


“I like the quiet.” 


Seulgi can see the appeal of sitting in this shady spot under the trees. It’s quiet and really a perfect place to have lunch.


 “Well, if it’s okay. You don’t have to sit alone out here anymore.” 


Joohyun looked up as she passed Seulgi half of her sandwich and offered her a juice box. Seulgi was asking if she could join her for lunch out here. Seulgi was truly a nice and kind person. Joohyun had been used to being out here on her own. She wouldn’t even have minded to continue eating lunch by herself. But to have that option of Seulgi sitting out here with her is appealing. It would be nice to not be alone all the time. 


“I’d like that, Seulgi.”


“Me too, Joohyun.”


This wasn’t an expected lunch. Seulgi did think she’d be outside with the other kids, possibly running around on the playground, and making lunch trades for certain snacks. At the same time she couldn’t regret how it all turned out. Because talking to Joohyun has always been something Seulgi wanted. She just didn’t think it would ever be possible. And now here she was sitting besides Joohyun and sharing lunch together.


Lunch that might have started off quite a bit awkward, only for the two girls to break the awkwardness when Seulgi said something that sounded hilarious to Joohyun. She found herself feeling comfortable enough to not only laugh but talk to Seulgi too. She learned more about Seulgi as they ate the shared lunch. She learned that Seulgi’s favorite color was orange, and she loved Pringle’s chips more than any other chip, and that she was learning to play the guitar. She also was able to tell Seulgi that she liked purple more than any other color, and that while she didn’t really have a favorite chip. She was interested in dance and began taking after school lessons on some days.


It was so easy to talk to Seulgi and she almost didn’t want lunch time to end. Joohyun was having such a good time. She couldn’t believe it took her this long to finally open and talk to Seulgi. Of course all good things come to an end as they often do. The bell rang notifying everyone on the playground that they needed to head back inside.


“Aw…” Seulgi frowned, expressing how Joohyun felt exactly. She didn’t want lunch time to be over either. 


“It’s okay.” Joohyun spoke. “There’s always tomorrow, right?” She hoped she didn’t sound too hopeful. She didn’t want to unintentionally scare Seulgi away or anything. Though Seulgi did seem to be having just as nice a time as she did, and if she didn’t want to sit with her, she probably wouldn’t have.


“Of course there’s always tomorrow!” The other girl agreed wholeheartedly. She couldn’t think of a better way to spend her lunch time than right here right Joohyun. And to show she meant it. She hugged Joohyun suddenly. A hug that surprised her but was by no means unwelcome. Joohyun slowly but surely returned the hug. Since Seulgi really did have this inviting and warm energy about her. She gave such a warm hug and Joohyun really didn’t want their hug to end. 


“Let’s walk back to class, Joohyun. What do you say?”


She agreed wholeheartedly and walked side by side with Seulgi. It allowed for them to talk some more as they made their way back to class. 


“You know, I’m kind of glad I forgot my lunch today.”


“Really, why?” 


“Because I was able to sit down and talk to you.”


Joohyun felt grateful Seulgi was looking ahead and not at her. That way the other girl wouldn’t have noticed her cheeks turning a healthy shade of red. If that’s why Seulgi felt glad she forgot her lunch then she is also glad for it too. Because she was able to sit down and talk to Seulgi today. And best of all this wasn’t going to be the first and last time. They had plans to have lunch again tomorrow and Joohyun couldn’t wait. They were approaching the school doors now and though they were about to soon part ways and head back to their separate desks. Seulgi did have one more thing she wanted to say.


“Hey, Joohyun?”

“Yes, Seulgi?”


Seulgi had the warmest smile on her face just before she spoke some of the most thoughtful words Joohyun could have heard. 


“Lunch is on me, tomorrow.”


A/N: I honestly thought to make this a small mini series, and show different times in their life when they are sharing lunches together. Very short, maybe a three part, like as it shows various points in their relationship. But that doesn’t have to happen, I’ll think about it! In the meantime, I’ll just say it’s done for now? If this was enjoyed though thank you very much! 


Sponsor Mentions: Sincere Thank you to everyone :) tay_84, YANGx_, AliyaViktoria, Taeyang729, DTHDHR, Pinkbubl, zombiejuhyun, User_name1200, pinkpinkypin, Androsssss, Mmm2392, sleepyhead, Informedpuppy, LOCOppl, dmac20, j33200, Supergirl03, Redpaint, ainijt, jjlevi93, bbongdrr, Zesev7, Xoxosonegg, okay54321, seulseulseul, Mustafina, Rated_pg, dianafeng, Jiminiepabo707, macegraco, Taitai84, km3bty,  itheartisti, baetokki9, Ginestroza2000, born10966, raej02, km62201n, KasierKawaii, mari102002, ultchae, omadiver, jinja_ninja, conysilvaa, ir3nes, 2ce985f2b6709de35b9, zeyzul, SuperLin, MsVSR69, seulich,somebbboy, wittyadie95, jasonds, falsuki, Fantasiii, Eris78, captainsnsd, theRequiem78, royalshipper2122, iamforeverlame, aya_aha98, s1786343, noob101, Lpoppp, Maria2308, ErisKeeyan, Icantstandtofly, 


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shinchan222 #1
Chapter 1: Ugh I might get dibeties with so much sweetness happening here.
Thank you for writing 💗
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: I really love it, mini seulrene 😭💖💖💖💖
Chapter 1: That was cute ❤. Bonus points that we get to have a mini-Joohyun and mini Seulgi resembling what would've been their personality as adults. I actually saw mini Joohyun's shy hesitation as what could be an episode of adult Joohyun gay panicking and crushing over an adult Seulgi 😆. Sounds like them if cast in adult version and not as kids hahaha
Yoonchoding07 #4
Chapter 1: this was just so cute!
71 streak #5
Chapter 1: This is so cute😭❤
925 streak #6
Chapter 1: Ahw this is so cute 🥺🥺
justanothervictim #7
Chapter 1: what a lovely story, the plot is simple yet very effective, one of your most enjoyable recent fics for sure!
2076 streak #8
Thank you for this story!
Taitai84 1233 streak #9
Chapter 1: Cute!

‘Lunch is on me’ is such an adult expression, lol
71 streak #10
Seated! See u guys next week