New Year Sunrise

New Year's Sunrise

"Stop pouting, Donghae." 

Dongahe lay face down in his bed as Hyukjae sat on the edge, nudging him to get up.

"You knew it wasn't going to be possible to see the sunrise together like we normally do. We have to fly home soon." 

Donghae mutters something into the pillow. 

"What was that?"

"I said I know!" Donghae lifts his head, eyes watery and heartbreaking, before dropping his head back down. "It still makes me sad though," he mumbles.

Hyukjae gathers up Donghae, laying Donghae's head in his lap as he rubs soothing circles on Donghae's neck.

"I know, I'm disappointed too. We have to get ready to go soon though." 

Donghae lay quietly, listening to Hyukjae's soft breathing as he tried to filter through his thoughts. 

"... It was important. It's the new decade and all." 

Hyukjae hums, Donghae's head as he listens.

"I'm trying to be calm, okay? I'm not throwing a tantrum, I just..." Donghae turns to look at Hyukjae, the very picture of patience, and huffs as he drops his head, feeling his ears turn pink. "I just need a moment." 

Hyukjae nods solemnly, watching Donghae mutter to himself. 

"You know, it doesn't matter to me if we see this sunrise, or next year's, or the one after that. You're my sun, Hae. Waking up next to you in the morning is already enough. Everything else pales in comparison."

Hyukjae laughs as the pink trails down Donghae's neck, even as he groans.

"The cheese won't stop this year either, will it?" 

"You complain, but I know you love it." 

"More like I love the person attached to the cheese."

Donghae peeks out from between his fingers and smiles at the sight before him. He leans in to kiss Hyukjae's flushed cheek and gets up.

"Okay, I feel better now. Let's go! I wanna be home for New Years." 

Donghae looks back where Hyukjae sits and offers his hand. 

"With you." 

Hyukjae takes his hand and yanks, Donghae tumbling on top of him. 

"Not before a proper kiss." 

Donghae smiles, more than happy to oblige. 

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Chapter 1: This is so sweet, soft and everything nice, I really adore it so much! The cheese talk hehe such a lovely couple, they make me jealous >< thank you for writing this, I enjoyed it lots 💙
1455 streak #2
Chapter 1: Sulky hae. But hyuk reassuring him is the cutest... i think sometime they too wanted to continue their new year's tradition ... well who knows? Maybe they still do. ✨
1577 streak #3
Chapter 1: Even if their longstanding new years sunrise tradition was broken, I like to think they've kept and made others together since. They're both too sentimental and "cheesy" not to. ♡
1489 streak #4
Chapter 1: i really really want what they have. they make me feel so single 🥲
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 1: So cute!