Code Red

On Me
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The emergency hall was in chaos with people moving so fast around the hall and the sounds made by machines and the voices. It's normal for them but not for him. His head and chest are getting more in pain after he was brought there and not getting better with the chaos that happened. His eyes were getting blurry so does his breath is getting slower. 


"Faster! We have a code red patient here!" 


Someone yelled and he knows it was mean to him. Code Red. He was in a critical case. The bed where he lay down was moving again. Its moves so fast and stop in one place. He was grateful finally. The noise is stopping and he going to get to rest. However, the peace that he thought he will have ruined afterward. He almost groans due to the fact some lights are hitting straight to his eyes and an oxygen mask was been put on him. His breath was not stable since the first hit he got from the accident. 


"How is he?" 


"No good. His chest was bleeding so bad and the oxygen level didn't rise."


"His eyes are still open.." 


A person said. Damn, they are switching on the touch light on his right eye. Sehun swear he would punch the person if he even have energy left. The amount of light is too much on him. Is he gonna die? it seems so.


"Yes, and he is still conscious." 


"We got a strong patient here." 



He would agree for that as he is indeed strong since he manage to crawl out of his burned car. Thank god he managed to stop a few cars with his bleeding-like zombie figure. He also wonders what kind of blessing is the god granted to him so that he can still stay conscious as the people around him now is putting cotton swab on his body part as they trying to wipe his blood while ripping his white shirt. His new suit was also nowhere to be seen. That's going to be hell for him since he likes that suit and he just wears it today. The doctor is putting the stethoscope on his chest which was a ty pain for him. Dang, did his chest injured that badly? 


"His breath is going too fast but his oxygen is low." 


"Put some anesthesia. He's still awake that's why. The lung is pushing the air even more." 


"Sir... you are going to sleep now. You will be safe and fine." 


That one soft voice approach him. It was soft, warm, and comforting. Call Sehun dramatic but that's what he needs for that time. His body was tired so does his mind. Unconsciously he was hanging on her words. His eyes were still blurry but he did see the blue clothes which was signature for the medic team that the person was wearing and her eyes were looking at him worried. He was taking his breath for the last time as his hand gripped her hand as if he is a child who was scared for his dear life yet in this situation he is a grown man but he does scared of the operation. He secretly hope he did survive. Slowly Sehun eyes were meeting the dark as he went into a deep slumber. 




'He is so stunning!'

'I know right? I never saw a bleeding person so gorgeous like that.'

'Did you see how the black tuxedo is still on his body perfectly like a walking sculpture?'

'I wonder who is the lucky staff that will stay with him during the rehab?'

'As long not the loner. It should be fine." 

'Shush... The loner is coming.'


Nara who was peaceful

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10’06 - 80++ subbies. I didn’t expect how did people find this story as I didn’t put it in the list of the stories I wrote neither promote it. However thank you ! <3


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Chapter 1: Sehun is very lucky that he survived the accident. It could had ended much worse.

He is one beautiful patient. Of course all nurses wanted to take care of him. But Nara got him. This is the perfect revenge to other nurses for badmouthing and treating her badly.

Now that Sehun is awake, what will happen, I wonder.

I am excited about this story but if you don’t feel like writing it then don’t force yourself. Everything is okay ^^