
Change of Plans
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Yiseul entered Yiyeon's room at five in the morning.

"Hey." She called out softly.

Yiseul opened the door wider to allow the lights from the hallway to illuminate her sister's bedroom instead of turning on the actual lights.


Yiyeon groggily heard her name being called while fluttering her eyes open and slowly turned towards her bedroom door.


Yiseul walked in further while taking a seat at her sister's desk chair.

"So, there's been a change of plans."

Yiyeon now sat up in bed, facing her sister.

"What plans?"

"We're not going on the trip with Dad and Mom."


Yiyeon rubbed her face, tiredly as she ran a hand through her hair.

Yiseul also ran a hand through her hair before replying.

"Remember how I told you that our flight got switched at the last minute last night, right?"


"I went to check-in for it and it got switched to another gate. Then that flight got delayed and now it just got cancelled a while ago."

"Wow, that's so dumb. So, what now?"

"Just waiting for the airlines to refund me."

"Mom and Dad?"

"I messaged them, telling them we're not joining them in Sydney to fly to L-A."

"I see, I see. Oh, well. Too bad we can't meet Hanjun and Rosalie to help plan out their wedding in person."

"True, but we can catch up with them in the summer."

"Oh, yeah, true."

"Anyway, I was gonna book a new one, but it's more pricey and neither of us has the funds to cover it."

"Ugh, lame." Yiyeon groaned as she lay back down.

"At least we can spend our first Christmas and New Year with our boyfriends."

"I would rather still celebrate it by myself this year." Yiyeon declared as Yiseul just shot her sister with a knowing look.

"He won't let you celebrate it without him."

"He'll be fine since he won't know I didn't leave for the trip after all. Besides, they have those year-end awards to attend, prepare for their next comeback, and even prepare for their European tour. So, he's gonna be busy and have no time to bother me."

"Kim Hongjoong would be very sad that his girlfriend doesn't wanna spend time with him."

"He's an idol. ATINY and s can keep him occupied. Anyway, leave me alone and go hang out with Park Seonghwa for Christmas and New Year instead."

The corners of Yiseul's lips quirk up, but she didn't respond to that and said something else.

"Alright, but we're basically off for the next two weeks and have a lot of free time."

"Which I will enjoy without much in person socialization."

"Fine. Anyway, I might do some Christmas shopping later today if you wanna join me."

"I'll think about it after I wake up for sure, but Christmas is like in two days though."

"Yeah, I know, but since we're not going anywhere, might as well."


"Yeah, but good night."

"Good night."

Yiseul left Yiyeon's room, closing the door behind her and returning to bed herself.

"Hmm, what should I get today?" Yiseul asked herself as she glanced at the menu before her.

She just got done shopping for gifts and Christmas decorations just so she could take photos to send to their parents and have some prepared when they returned. Even though today became Christmas itself, Yiseul didn't feel like shopping yesterday or the day before that. However, Yiyeon didn't want to do anything either on both days, too, and so she continued to sleep in as well today. It was already two in the afternoon and Yiseul wondered if her sister had woken up by now.

"Should I get donuts, too, or just drinks? Then again, I can always eat the snacks later."

"Hey, beautiful."

She heard a familiar voice say from behind her. Yiseul glanced over her shoulder to see a tall man, wearing a black and white striped shirt with a beige overcoat, and black pants. He also wore a black face mask and a black bucket hat. At first she blanked out on who this person was until she caught his eyes and recognized her idol boyfriend, standing closely behind her. Her face lit up as she smiled and leaned in for a hug while Seonghwa welcomed the warm interaction.



The two giggled as they shared a hug before Seonghwa asked her a question.

"Weren't you supposed to be in another country by now?"

"I was, but things occurred, plans got changed, and now we're here."


She nudged him playfully.

"I was gonna tell you later."

"But not soon enough as it's now Christmas day."

He cast her with a knowing look as she smiled mischievously at him.

"Yeah something like that, but I would have told you later due to your own busy schedule."


Seonghwa shot her another smile before remembering something.

"Since you mentioned 'we're here', then I'm assuming that Yiyeon didn't go either, right?"

"Mmhmm." Yiseul responded as her focus went onto the menu.

"Now, what should I order?"


A sly-like smile graced his face as he pulled out his phone to notify his friend, Hongjoong, of what he just recently learned.

"By the way, Yiseul, do you have plans for later tonight?"

"Yay! The fake Christmas tree is finally up, holiday decorations are up, now let's get something to eat." Yiyeon said to her sister as she rushed to her room to get ready.

Yiseul didn't say anything as she lingered around the living room and admired the area and display she and her sister had spent an hour putting up before heading to her own room to dress up warmly. Yiyeon came out of her room all covered up for the cold night and stared at her sister, confused, upon seeing her sister dressed a little more than casual.

"Um, we're just gonna go down the street. Nothing fancy."

"Well..." Yiseul trailed off, not sure how to tell her sister about an

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