to love the one that hits you the most

to love the one that hits you the most

It was one of those rare days where Kyuhyun and Jongwoon were not buried in their schedules. 


Neither of them really knew how did they end up there, but here they are, at the kids' corner in the public library near the dorms. 


It was a cute place - the corner was warm and cozy, with little red mushroom houses as sitting areas for the children to read their books. There were even flower and leaf-shaped cushions strewn around the ground for the kids to cuddle with. Since it was a weekend, there were quite a number of kids there running around and quietly reading their books. 


Kyuhyun pulled Jongwoon closer by the arm and leaned towards his ear. "They are so tiny." He whispered conspiratorially. 


"Right? I want to squeeze them." 


"Oh. I was going to say I want to push them over but yeah, that too.” Jongwoon flicked the younger's ear.


"I will push you." 


"Push me into your arms, please." 


"I will push you into a pot of boiling water." Jongwoon slapped Kyuhyun at the back of his neck and poked his waist, before strutting off towards the kids. Kyuhyun scampered to follow after his lover, not before cursing under his breath for dating a violent man, which said violent man unfortunately overheard, leading to another round of mild beating and cursing for Kyuhyun. 


Crouching down to find a book from the shelves, the couple caught the attention of the kids, who looked on at them curiously.


“I can’t believe you actually volunteer here frequently.” Jongwoon whispered. 


"Why? Were you doubting me when I said that kids love me? I am super charismatic, okay? Kids would jump on me all the time just for my dashing good looks and killer personality." Kyuhyun nudged Jongwoon at the side. Jongwoon deadpanned. Kyuhyun hugged the older to hold his arms down as he sensed an incoming smack from Jongwoon.


"Are you sure the target audience you are talking about is kids? Sounds like you were just creating your Tinder profile." 


“Yah Kim Jongwoon, that’s so rude! Why would I need a Tinder account when I have such a handsome, adorable boyfriend with me. Also, I will prove you so wrong. Watch me." 


"How does this thing actually work? So I just grab a book, herd the kids like they are a bunch of sheep and start reading to them?" 


"Pretty much. The librarian here knows me well enough to know that I do that all the time with the kids and that I'm not some ic predator." 


"Why have I never seen you here then?" 


To Jongwoon’s surprise, his boyfriend's ears suddenly turned a light shade of red and his eyes started darting everywhere to avoid Jongwoon’s fixed stare on him. What?


"What are you not telling me, Cho Kyuhyun ?" 


Jongwoon had to refrain himself from cooing out loud when Kyuhyun rubbed his neck bashfully like a shy schoolboy. He looked almost as cute as the kids around them.


Kyuhyun laughed awkwardly, "I thought it was kind of embarrassing to let anyone know that I'm volunteering at the kids' corner of a library... and I thought that this was just something that I would do quietly by myself, instead of telling others to about it. It's not like I need other people's recognition that I'm volunteering. You know.” 


If Jongwoon thought that he was going to melt just now, he was truly devastated now. How was this man even real? Yet, at the same time, should he really be so surprised? This was Kyuhyun, Jongwoon’s sweet and caring boyfriend who would spend hours looking up healthy recipes to cook and convince Jongwoon to eat when he is on one of his dieting stints since he knew it was impossible to dissuade Jongwoon from doing it.


"Do you have any idea how ing cute you actually are, Cho Kyuhyun? Do you? Do you! Because if you don't, I'm getting angry." Jongwoon shook Kyuhyun back and forth, trying to bring his point across. 


“ you! I’m not cute!” Kyuhyun almost pouted, then realised that would make Jongwoon absolutely insufferable, so he opted for an annoyed growl instead. 


"You-! You are too cute for this world! It's making me angry." 


"No, that's you.”


"No, it’s you." 


"No, it's you!”


“Kyuhyun hyung, is this the handsome hyung?" 


The bickering couple halted their argument and turned to look at the little thing who was tugging on Kyuhyun’s shirt with one hand, the other holding onto a picture book about sharks. The boy was wearing a yellow and black striped shirt which made him look like a tiny bumblebee and Jongwoon thought he was going to scream at the cuteness. 


Bumblebee boy had his wide brown eyes looking up at Kyuhyun as if he hung the stars. For a minute, Jongwoon wondered just how often did Kyuhyun come here to spend time with the children for them to be so infatuated by him. 


Jongwoon came back to his senses when Kyuhyun bent down to Bumblebee's level and squished Bumblebee's face between his hands, pushing the little boy’s mouth into a pout. 


“Seojun-yah! Yes, this is handsome hyung, his name is Jongwoon, but you can continue to call him handsome hyung if you want!” The younger had a mischievous smile on his face as he cackled at Jongwoon’s embarrassed but exasperated expression. “Do you want to gather everyone together before we start?”


Bumblebee Seojun nodded his head earnestly and ran off to the playmat where most of the kids were at. Kyuhyun, still on his knees, pulled at Jongwoon's hand to tug him down to the ground too. 


“Handsome hyung?!”


“I told them that I would bringing a very handsome and pretty hyung today with me. Shouldn’t you be glad he didn’t call you ‘pretty hyung’ instead?” Jongwoon landed a smack on Kyuhyun’s arm (again). Seems like that was a recurring trend for the day. 


"Want to read to them?" 


Jongwoon hesitated. ”It’s okay. You do it, they seem to love you." 


"I brought you here for a reason. I want them to love you too." 


"I'm not sure if I'll be good at it. I'll just watch you first, okay?”


At the same time, Bumblebee Seojun came running and tumbling towards Jongwoon and Kyuhyun. He crashed into Kyuhyun's arms and settled comfortably in his embrace, as if he did this often — which he probably did. 


Bumblebee looked up at Kyuhyun with fascination in his eyes and held out the book about sharks once again. "Read this, hyung?" 


Kyuhyun took the book gladly and began reading it out. Other kids gathered around him and listened on as he made exaggerated gestures to narrate the story. Warmth and pride filled Jongwoon as he looked on at his lover. He just looked so natural, so at ease and happy with kids that his joy was almost tangible. The kids loved him too, obviously. Jongwoon could easily imagine the impression that the kids had of Kyuhyun in their minds. It was not everyday that a tall and handsome-looking man would come waltzing into the kids' corner of the library with his warm smile and calming aura that just screamed care and security. Jongwoon had to admit to himself (not to Kyuhyun, the man’s ego was already big enough) begrudgingly that it was not surprising even children would fall for his deadly charms. It made him want to squeeze and pinch the younger since he was so lovable.


Jongwoon figured he must have spaced out while he was busy admiring his boyfriend as he only came back to his senses when he heard Kyuhyun's voice calling out for him. 


"What?" The kids' sitting obediently in front of Jongwoon were looking at him expectantly. Even Bumblebee who was still comfortably ensconced in Kyuhyun's lap had his attention on him. Jongwoon could not believe he was starting to heat up from all the unexpected attention suddenly. 


"Your turn." Kyuhyun chuckled, amused. 


"My turn to what?”


"Read. Read to them. They are waiting for you.”


Hesitantly, Jongwoon grabbed a random book about turtles from the ground and swallowed nervously. In his peripheral vision, he saw Kyuhyun’s eyes sparkled with amusement at his choice of book. Kyuhyun is so dead after they get home. 


Jongwoon knew he was not bad with kids per se, he was good with them even. But that was always on a one on one setting, where he could focus on spending time and playing with just one kid so that he could get on their good side. And there was the added pressure of him being too boring for the kids since he saw how the children adored Kyuhyun’s animated storytelling. 


A peek towards his side and Jongwoon saw Kyuhyun smiling at him encouragingly and cutely as if he was one of the kids who was excitedly waiting for him to start the story. As Jongwoon flipped the book open, he did a little mental prayer — please, I don't want to be booed by a bunch of kids, let them love me please. 




"They liked you." 




The couple was on their way home after spending the whole afternoon at the library with the children. The evening breeze made the weather perfect for a slow stroll in the park, so they decided to take the long way back to the dorms. The air smelled like grass, which was probably the result of the rain that they were lucky enough to be sheltered from in the library. 


Kyuhyun had his arm around Jongwoon’s waist as they sauntered through the park. Jongwoon was too busy looking at the tiny ducks paddling across the pond to pay much attention to anything else. 


"The kids. They liked you." 


This finally got the older to stop fawning over the ducks and turn his attention to Kyuhyun instead. 




"Wasn't it obvious? They were all over you for the whole afternoon. I was a little jealous, okay." 


"I thought they just wanted me to play with them cause they were bored." Jongwoon countered, smartly ignoring the last part of the statement just so he could tease the younger. 


"...which meant that they liked you? They would have to like you to want to play with you." 




At Jongwoon’s dumb reply, Kyuhyun poked his sides and pouted. “And I said that I was jealous.”


"Yeah. I heard you." 


“Yah! Are you not going to comfort me! Or give me some attention now?!”


"You are the only one here with me. I'm giving you all my attention." 


"Insane. Can't believe I'm dating a heartbreaker. Life is horrible. My crops are dying. Birds are—” 


This made Kyuhyun receive a blow to his chest (how many times did he get hit today already?), before Jongwoon stood on his toes to deliver a kiss to Kyuhyun’s cheek. 


"You're very annoying." 


"Do you think our kids will be annoying then?" 


"Imagining mini versions of you running around sends shivers down my spine, Kyuhyun." 


“Hyung, I will murder you when we get home.” 


“Aww, here I was thinking that I would smother you with kisses and cuddles when we get back.” 


“Okay, that’s fine too."

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Lunayaa #1
Chapter 1: Cuteee
Chapter 1: Awww what a fluffy domestic fic <3 Their banter sounded natural and gave me (happy) second-handed embarrassment what with them arguing about who was cuter xD
390 streak #3
Chapter 1: Oh, I thought you were updating, false alarm(?)
Elf_cloud24 #4
Chapter 1: This is so cute I'm dying ^^ my kyusung always cute together <3
Lunayaa #5
Chapter 1: Aaa cuteee
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 1: Cute and fluffy story
Rinirin07 #7
Chapter 1: so fluffy and cute 😍😍
I like this kind of story especially about children.
And yes, they both good with children
The bickering is so funny too. They like best friend first then a lover. So cutee 👍😊
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, this is so adorable! I had to suppress my squeals and giggles everytime I found something cute, which was throughout the enterity of the fic. I really love the way they go back and forth with their words, being completely whipped for each other but refusing to let it show (even if they fail miserably)
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 1: How adorable! Love the bickering with the underlying care, very on brand for these two :D
Liza-Nan #10
Chapter 1: Cute sweet and fluffy..💖