Nov. 13 - Red Strings of Fate

Kyusung Week 2022 Entries

Almost everyone in the world knows what red strings of fate is. And most of them believes it. 


But not a man named Cho Kyuhyun. 


He thinks that this belief is such a stupid thing and those who believes it is stupid. He does believe in faith but he doesn’t take it too seriously like the others. 


For almost 34 years in his life, he still hasn’t found his lover. Yes, he did have past relationships but all of them weren’t connected by those red strings and so they always end up breaking up with each other. 


One of his past lover was Choi Siwon, famous businessman. 


They met at a restaurant when Kyuhyun was going to take his ex girlfriend for a date yet his date dumped him saying she was pregnant with his best friend. While Siwon was there for of course, a business meeting. 


Both were quickly attracted and in love with each other and decided to be together. 


Until Siwon’s father noticed how his son kept going home from work so giddy and smiley. He asked his son about it and told him that he met a young smart man. 


His father arranged a dinner for him, his son and Kyuhyun. 


And things didn’t quite worked well.. 


Siwon’s father immediately told his son to break up with his boyfriend as soon as he saw his son’s lover. 


His reason? 


Well, they weren’t fated by those red strings. 


And soon after that, they broke up. 


But it was already years ago. He already moved on. He accepted the fact that maybe, he wouldn’t be able to find his fate until he dies. 


As those years passed, Kyuhyun became a successful version of himself. 


Using his hobby, he now owns a famous gaming company. He was now known all around the world for him famous gaming apps.


Since then, he didn’t have time for himself. He wakes up, eat, go to work, then go home, eat dinner and sleep. That was basically his routine for a long time now. Being a busy person he was, he thought about getting a vacation week. Just him relaxing and not doing any work. 


And that’s how he ended up in the airport. 


He got this ticket to Jeju Islands. He waited patiently until he got inside the plane. 


And just as he thought his plane ride was going to be peaceful, a very scared and shaking man was sat next to him. 


‘Jeez, is he scared of heights? If so, he shouldn’t have took the plane then.’ He arrogantly thought to himself. 


He ignored the man, when suddenly the plane shook because of turbulence causing the man to cling the life into him. 


Realizing what he did, the man slowly looked at him while removing his hands muttering a soft ‘sorry’. 


“If you’re too scared to be on a plane, then you shouldn’t have done it.” He said coldly not looking at the man beside him. 


“But I want to. I want to concur my fear of heights. Also because I really need to go to Jeju.” the man replied. 


Both were silent after that. The flight continued with Kyuhyun watching movies from the small tv while the man beside him still continued to fidget and flinch whenever the plane shakes.


Fortunately, the plane landed safely. Both men got their bags from the above compartment. 


Kyuhyun was about to walk away until he heard the man spoke, “I’m sorry for suddenly clinging onto you, I was just afraid of heights..” 


He stared at the man who was fidgeting the strap of his backpack, then left, not even bothering to say ‘goodbye’ or ‘it’s fine’.








Today was the start of Kyuhyun’s vacation. Getting out of his bed, he suddenly thought of going to a nearby cafe to have coffee and breakfast since he was late for the hotel breakfast. 


Yes, he did overslept. 


Just after he arrived at his hotel room, he received a call from one of his company workers that there were some troubles after he left. They tried calling him but he didn’t answer since he just touched his phone now. 


So forgetting what he planned on the evening, he worked on his vacation time and only finishing it late at night.  


He stepped out of the hotel and walked towards the nearby cafe. 


‘Cloud Cafe’ 


The name of the cafe made him interested, so he went it. 


The cafe was neat, in-fact it was very huge and nicely decorated. From lights, chairs, tables, the plants. Everything was pretty. 


He was about to order his food when he saw the familiar cashier. 


“Welcome to Cloud Cafe! What is your order sir?” The man asked. 


Kyuhyun couldn’t speak for a while. 


The ‘man who was afraid of heights’ was a cashier at a cafe? 


“Uhh.. sir?” The man spoke again cutting him out of his thoughts. 


“Ah yes.., i would like one cappuccino and three slices of muffins please.” He ordered awkwardly, still couldn’t get over the fact that the man in the plane is also the same man in front of him. 


Before the man could even turned away, he saw the name tag. 






Baffled, he didn’t realized he said the name out loud. “Sorry, I was just reading your name. Didn’t know I said it to loud.” 


Yesung only nodded before proceeding on making his order. 


He sat down near the window and looked outside while waiting for his food. Looking around, the man caught his attention. 


He wouldn’t lie if he said the man wasn’t attractive. The man skinny yet so much charisma, no wonder every women were also looking at the man. 


Then a question popped in his mind.


‘Did he found his fate already?’ 


Shocked with his own thoughts, he shook his head. 


“Jeez sir, i was about to give you your order.” Yesung said as he chuckled. 


“Well then you could have just placed it on the table.” He answered back. 


“Okay, okay, i’m sorry. You’re such in a bad mood on a nice morning.” Yesung raised his hands.


“Yes, cause I just missed my breakfast because of some business that my workers couldn’t even do right.” He told the man before sipping his drink. 


“Well, that’s understandable. I mean, not everyone can work the way you can. It happens to me all the time.” Yesung spoke. He did understand his point. 


“Can I sit here for a while? It hurts standing all the time.” He asked.


“Alright, but wouldn’t your boss get mad at you if he sees you sitting dow and chatting with a costumer?” He asked confused. Since he’s the boss at his work, he would really get man if he sees one of his workers sitting down instead of doing their work. 


“Oh I know he wouldn’t. Instead I think he’ll get upset if some attractive man won’t let him sit while they talk.” He chuckled. 


Realizing what he meant, he gulped down his coffee so fast that he almost coughed. 


“So you’re the boss? Then why are you working as the cashier then?” He asked, mainly shocked and confused.


“Well, like I told you on the plane, I came here for important matters. My father was sent to the hospital and my brother went there to take care of him. My own mother couldn’t since she’s also sick. So coming from Seoul, I decided to stop what I was doing there so I can stay here and help with the cafe until my father gets better.” He explained while looking out on the window. 


He didn’t answer him after that. Instead, he stared again at the man. His eyes, lips, nose, the way he smile when he interact with other costumers. 


Is he starting to fall in love with someone he literally just met? 


Call him crazy, but yes. 


“Is there something on my face?” Yesung asked him worriedly. 


“Have you ever been on a relationship?” He suddenly asked, causing him and the man in front shocked by his boldness. 


Coughing, he answered. “I did. But it didn’t worked out well. We’re both at high school that time when I asked him out. I’ve been liking him since we weren’t elementary.”


Surprised by the man saying ‘him’ instead of ‘her’ he asked, “So you dated a man?” 


“I did. Why you got any problem with it? Well, you can actually, I’ve been called out a lot because of it. It’s one of the reasons why I never tell anyone I was once in a relationship with a man.” He said raising his eyebrow. 


“No, I was just shocked. Didn’t imagine you dating a man. Besides, we’re on the same page, I also dated someone with the same gender as me.” He explained, taking a bit of his food.


Nodding, he continued his story, “Just like I was saying, I asked him out and he said yes. Of course I was very delighted by that but it didn’t last long. My father found out I was dating someone and told me if our strings were connected. I was basically confused cause I never heard anything about being in a relationship with strings connected to them. Then my father told me about how red strings of fate works. As he was telling me those, I remembered on how my boyfriend didn’t look happy when we go on dates at all. I ignored what my dad said and still continued dating my boyfriend. But I was shattered when I saw him holding hands and kissing with someone else. It made me realize that my father was right all along. We weren’t connected by the strings of fate.” 


Listening to his story, Kyuhyun somehow felt connected with each other. 


They went through the same page except it was Siwon’s dad who told them to cut it off. Maybe the red strings of fate was really true? 


I mean, it also happened to Yesung.. 


“Do you believe in those strings of fate though?” 


“I do. My mother and father were brought together by the strings of fate. They told me on how they met unexpectedly, on how my Dad has a girlfriend when he met mom yet felt connections with her instead of his girlfriend.”


He thought for a while. 


What if his fate was the man it front of him? 


Well, just like he said that his parents were fated unexpectedly by the strings, and so does his parents.. 


“What if were fated to each other?” He suddenly blurted out, again shocking the both of them.


“Woah dude! I know you’re attractive and all but suddenly telling me if were fated for each other is a little too weird. We don’t even know each other yet. And what’s worse is that what if we aren’t?” a panicking Yesung spoke. 


“That’s why we should start now. I only have a week here. If we really are fated for each other, then we can continue dating when we get back to Seoul.” He suggested.


“I guess it wouldn’t hurt if we try.” 


“Good. I’ll start! Hello, my name is Kyuhyun, Cho Kyuhyun.” He introduced himself while listing his hand for a handshake. 


Giggling, “Well nice meeting you too Kyuhyun. I’m Yesung, but my real name is Kim Kanghoon.”He said as they handshake. 


‘Maybe starting to believe in fate wouldn’t hurt after all’ Kyuhyun thought. 


Rather than stopping himself from closing himself to people, maybe opening his mind and heart to Yesung can give him the love he deserved after all those years and maybe.. 


the red strings of fate, was true all along.

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400 streak #1
Chapter 1: wooaaa, that's fast! Met just twice and suddenly boom XD~ Eniwei, waiting for your other stories~ There's any, right? >____<
400 streak #2
hei beib! welcome to asianfanfics! <33
_MyName_ #3
Chapter 1: Really cute, I like it very much ^^
Liza-Nan #4
Chapter 1: Interesting story, if it's Kyusung I like it😍
Rinirin07 #5
Chapter 1: Ow...the story so sweet 😍😍
Elf_cloud24 #6
Chapter 1: Another kyusung??? My kyusung heart is full <3